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    A simple patch for /team follow1 infinite loop.
    The following commands will become unavailable with this patch:
    - team follow1
    - team follow2
    - team scoreboard
    - team score
    * jampgamex86.dll *
    Offset Original Patched
    0005AFB1 68 E9
    0005AFB2 C4 7F
    0005AFB3 C5 00
    0005AFB4 11 00
    0005AFB5 20 00
    * jampgamei386.so *
    Offset Original Patched
    0019F403 68 E9
    0019F404 E0 B0
    0019F405 0D 00
    0019F406 1E 00
    0019F90C F3 A8
    0019F90D FA FB
    Note: This is a patch for JA+ 2.4 Build 7. Mac not supported. If you have JASS installed then you may not have a need for this.
    Installation: Copy jampgamei386.so & jampgamex86.pk3 to your japlus folder


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  2. Domination Mod for Windows

    The life of a jedi is more than just senseless killing. This mod provides several methods for you and your friends to test your might and skill.
    Introduced features
    /da_exec config/bespinsport
    Players in two teams try to kick the ball to the opponents' goal. The ball does not roll or bounce.
    You can aim with your mouse when kicking.
    - don't harm other players
    - there is no 'out'
    - the team who scored the last point waits for the opponent to make the first kick
    - no players are allowed on the opponent's side before the first kick
    - first team to reach 10 points (reaches 0 again in the scoring board) wins.
    Suggested players: 2v2, (3v3)
    Bot support: none
    Hangar (Mercenary) Ctf
    /da_exec config/hangarctf
    The domination mod comes with a wastly increased weapon efficency (both projectile speed and damage)
    and a reload feature (no more ammo packs). These are also customizable. This map is a showcase how to use
    this feature. Flags are semi-transparent to allow thirdperson shooting while carrying them.
    Suggested players: 2v2, 3v3, (4v4)
    Bot support: not in this map, but if you have a ctf map with bot routes, bots are incredibly dangerous with
    ranged weapons. Try to duel them first
    /pazaak challenge
    Players can challenge each other to play Pazaak.
    Rules are not included, please read find them on the internet or one of the KOTOR series.
    Clients must have the mod in order to see the cards (using cvarhack, mystat or similar will disable it too)
    Suggested players: 1v1 (in ffa)
    Bot support: you can challenge them, but they can get hang up
    Crystal hunting
    /da_exec config/cr_mpffa5 or /da_exec config/cr_mpffa_noblue on mp/ffa5
    /da_exec config/cr_t3hevil.cfg on t3_hevil
    Spawn a number of crystals on the map that can be collected for points (green is easy, red is hard, blue is hidden)
    Once all crystals are collected tha player with the most points wins. Use /crystals to see what crystals are left
    Suggested players: any
    Bot support: none
    Advanced bots
    Should they use single lightsabers, staffs or ranged weapons, the domination bots are superior to their original
    counterparts. They should be able to challenge a mid-level player in a saber-fight with neverending endurance or
    fight in TFFA's without losing to much points to friendly fire. They're even more dangerous with ranged weapons
    with their almost perfect aim and ability to predict your movement.
    You can also set their behavior to set up challenges for yourself and your friends.
    Explorer mode and infinite wall-jump height
    /da_set explorer 1 (0 by default)
    /dom_infWallJump 1 (enabled by default)
    Ever wondered why large portions of the default maps are closed off with invisible walls? Did you ever want to go there?
    Now with explorer mode you can! Explorer mode disables most invisible walls. You can go whereever you please. Forgive me
    for stairs.
    Another big question in the series why do you hit a magical ceiling whenever you go up with wall-jumps. I can't answer this
    question, but I did disable the ceiling. Now, only your force power and the environment decides where you can and can't go.
    /da_set checkpoints "1" (on by default)
    /invite [playername]
    Jumping maps are cool. Restarting them 10 times before you reach the half of it is not cool. With this feature you can place
    your own checkpoints and teleport to them if you die/fall down. Also useful if you want somebody to come to you for a duel or
    just to show them something.
    Big kicks/melee
    /da_set nokickdamage -2
    /da_set nomeleedamage -1
    Send your opponents flying with a kick or a punch. As saber throw is not used, you can kick with single saber too.
    Permanent laser mode
    /da_set permanentLaserMod 1
    /da_set tripMineMax 99
    Placed trip mines does not blow up when you go through the laser, they cut you instead. Ideal for setting up challenges.
    Hitting the mine will blow it up.
    Domination Tower V2
    /da_map dom2
    Are you looking for a friendly game of Pazaak? A game of soccer? A dueling arena? Some climbing challenges?
    This massive tower has it all! This includes the endurance trial in the turret room, a chess room (you may want to use grip here),
    enough place to race around the tower, the very first soccer room (not so enjoyable compared to the standard ones, but hey, history!)
    and several secret rooms to find. You can find the Unlabeled Tomb of JK, The VIP room, the Hell Gate and the
    Corridor-That-Too-Small-And-Meaningless-To-Have-A-Name. We also have a place for the council here,
    but you must first climb the tower from the outside.
    Suggested players: any
    Bot support: none
    The "Lava"
    This very hard (but unfinished) co-operative map shows you that there is more to JK jumping than strafe and climbing. Co-operative jumps,
    good timings, wall-jumps and several other techniques required to reach the end of this challenge. Only for players with good nerves.
    Suggested players: 2
    Bot support: none
    Please read the readme.txt for the full list of client&admin commands.
    This is the place I'd like to thank all ideas, testing, patience and support to all of the Domination team
    that made this mod possible. Names in alphabetic order:
    Bexen, Flash, Freeder, Keldaron, Veng, Waco


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  3. Jedi Academy Empire

    Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
    This mod was created initially for the Jedi Academy. The JAE Mod is a server-side only modification designed administrate a server with ease. It is loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Server Options and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans and admins expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal game play of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
    A full HTML read-me is included. Please view for full details.


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  4. ModWooty

    The author of this mod is a man named Bubba (by himself, as far as I know). It ran for several years on a server called Jawascript, almost always in Power Duel, on a particular map. The server has since vanished, along with the mod's website and the author himself. If anyone can contact him, please let me know, as I'm very curious about this mod's history! Anyway, at some point I downloaded the mod's files from the website, so I decided not to let them become publicly unavailable (after waiting the 30 days required by JKHub).
    Mod Description
    I would describe ModWooty as a fighting game fever dream.
    The combat is radically different from normal JKA. You'll be completely perplexed at first: strange messages appear, your character will do weird animations and sounds, attacks don't do what you expect and your lightsaber won't stop you from getting insta-killed by someone using only their fists.
    Then you'll open the console and actually use the help commands to get an idea of what's going on. Your username is like a permanent account. There are stats like money, experience, karma, dexterity and endurance, which affect your speed, size, hp, weapons, force powers, etc.
    You bind hadoken and crane and debugthrow and start using them, along with the JK2-style kick. You discover that using hadoken mid-air restores your Force, so you can recover from falling into the pit. You discover that LEFT+DOWN+CROUCH+ATTACK does a hand-stand attack that knocks down your opponents. Then you start team-killing your allies and innoncent jawas because you want to bring down your karma so you can use some force power or whatever.
    Well, at least that's what MY experience was like, more or less. ModWooty is a very deep and very fun fighting game and the most fun thing about it is discovering all of its secrets. But it's also unforgiving: new players get utterly destroyed. And spectators can possess you, or buy guns for your opponent. Probably worst of all, you can actually BUY sub-admin powers with gold (not real money, of course) and then do things like mute other players. Like I said, it's lots of fun and allows you to improve through practice and by observing better players, all while discovering more mechanics. I still don't know what the red and blue bars (originally used for the jetpack and the cloak) mean in ModWooty.
    The original server also had two bots that talked to you: McWooty (Admin) and Bride of Ms. Wooty. They are dearly missed!
    Note on the files: not all the files have the same version number, so there might be small differences between them. I might not have downloaded all the files at the same time, so that may be the cause. It shouldn't cause any problems, just be aware of that if you're actually crazy enough to dive into the source code.
    Oh yeah, that's right! The source code is available!

    Time to turn and burn!


       (4 reviews)



  5. ELib

    Plugin for ja++ that add: accounts system, admin system, simply economic, ban system and statistics.
    /lua_register (login) (pass) (pass) - Registering a new account, also you can create a new accounts by a lua function: Accounts.AddUser('user', 'pass', 'login message')
    /lua_login (login) (pass)
    /lua_stats -- Statistics
    ----Admin Commands...
    To assign player as admin, you should use lua function: SetAdmin('login', 'privileges'). If you want to change account's privileges, you should use lua function: UpdatePrivs('login', privs)
    /lua_god (id)
    /lua_armor (value for selfhealing/ id for healing somebody) (value)
    /lua_health -- same as lua_armor
    /lua_kill (id)
    /lua_ban (id)
    /lua_addip (ip)
    /lua_cmds -- List of available cmds
    -----Admin cmds bitvalues:
    GOD = 0x0001
    NOTARGET = 0x0002
    HEALTH = 0x0004
    ARMOR = 0x0008
    KILL = 0x0010
    SETFLAG = 0x0020
    SETFLAG2 = 0x0040
    BAN = 0x0080
    Unpack archieve into /lua/sv/ directory


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  6. ForceModIII v1.01 Ingame Chat Vulnerability Fix

    Removes the vulnerability to the say/tell "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


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  7. Asteroids Mod (Siege_Destroyer2)

    Originall released: 02/19/2003
    Asteroid Field (version 1 and 2) by MCG (gameplay, sounds), Mike Majernik (map), Manquesa (vehicles) & 7IM (vehicles)
    thanks to Andy867 & Kurgan of jediknight.net for their server, testing and suggestions!
    thanks also to Amidala for the use of the linux server (and for writing an awesome manual!) and to Jim Drews for compiling the mod for linux!
    Found and uploaded by @keta 
    Title: Asteroids
    Authors: ChangKhan, Zer0-L0gic, Manquesa, 7IM
    File Name: asteroids.zip
    File Size: 14.10 MB
    Date Released: 2/19/03
    Description: This is the Asteroids map that has the new vehicles, new maps and new hyperspace effect.
    OS: Windows and Linux
    Included in Asteroids Mappack:
    - Imperial TIE Interceptor
    - Imperial Prototype TIE Advanced (Vader's TIE)
    - Rebel A-Wing
    - Rebel Y-Wing
    - YT-1300 (Millenium Falcon)
    - .Map files for Mappers to see the structure of Asteroids
    Method 1(WINZIP):
    Just unzip into your gamedata directory with the option Use Folder Names enabled. 
    It will create a directory asteroids which is the directory of the MOD.
    Method 2:
    Create a folder in your gamedata folder called asteroids and unzip the contents into that folder.
    Either way, the .pk3 and .cfg files should end up in GameData/asteroids and the .bat files should end up in GameData.
    Running the mod:
    Start up your JKA server with +set fs_game asteroids in the startup line.
    Use the Asteroids.bat that is enclosed with will essentially do the same thing, but more convenient and is located in the gamedata folder. 

    ****FOR WINDOWS : Use the supplied asteroids.bat file that will be extracted to your gamedata folder to start up JA with the Asteroids Mod
    .\jampded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game asteroids +exec "server.cfg file"

    ****FOR LINUX : Create a file asteroids in your gamedata directory then write in this file
    ./linuxjampded +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game asteroids +exec server.cfg
    For linux don't forget to give execution right to all ==> chmod +x start_asteroids
    Two simple TEAM FFA asteroid-field vehicle combat maps.
    asteroids - Has 2 spawn hangars that hyperspace into the asteroid belt.  There are small asteroids (which you can shoot) and one big asteroid (which you can't shoot, but can fly through).
    asteroids2 - Has small asteroids but no large asteroid in the middle (for those who just want to dogfight without a bunch of asteroids getting in the way).
    Included is a asteroids.bat file that will start MP with the asteroids mod loaded.
    Max of 16 players at one time (only 8 ships for each team).  Ships will respawn when one is destroyed.
    As a bonus, a re-tweaked version of Siege Destroyer (with 5 new ships!) is included.  It is "Siege Destroyer 2.0".
    NOTE: if you are not running a professional server, read the rate_readme to see how many players your server's upload bandwidth can support!
    NOTE: space vehicle combat is pretty CPU-intensive (lots of long, large ghoul2 traces, heh...) so running it on a commercial server that is running 7 other servers is not going to be pretty.  You'll notice that the game isn't eating up lots of bandwidth but people are still getting laggy performance.  This is because the server has no more CPU cycles available to it and it's running at *less* that 20 frames a second, which is very bad.  A dedicated machine or a very robust machine is recommended for hosting more than a few players.
    NOTE: even though the map appears as a playable FFA map, it is *not* playable in normal FFA, only *Team* FFA.  I had to make it available in FFA for it to show up in the Team FFA map list... 😞
    Also included are the A-Wing, Y-Wing, and TIE Advanced (Vader's TIE) vehicles made by Gregory (Manquesa) Birmingham and the TIE Interceptor vehicle made by Tim (7IM) Oliver.
    I tweaked the stats on these ships, though, to balance it with the other ships and to make them more like other games have described them (the A-Wing, for example, is super fast and maneuverable, but very fragile).  
    To keep things clear, I left the awing and other vehicle files in seperates pk3 files from the asteroids maps.
    Finally, I included the working YT-1300 vehicle in a pk3 file, but it's not placed in the map as it's a bit crazy and very unbalancing... 🙂  But you can spawn one if cheats are on by typing "\npc spawn vehicle yt-1300".
    Have fun!
    First, know your HUD:
    In the top-right of your display.  You are in the center, allied ships are green and enemy ships are red.  The larger they are, the more likely it is that they're above you.  The smaller they are, the more likely it is that they're below you.  Sometimes you will see an asteroid on the radar and you'll hear a collision alarm sound.  That means you're very close to an asteroid.  Also, enemy tracking missiles show up on the radar as a red star or dot.  The closer the missile gets, the faster the missile alarm will beep.
    If you don't see a radar, bring down the console and make sure cg_drawRadar is set to 1.
    In the bottom center of your display is the vehicle HUD.  This displays the armor, shields (if you have any) and ammo of your ship.
    All Rebel ships have shields.  Only Rebel ships with Astromech droids (X-Wing and Y-Wing) can recharge their shields (the shields will slowly regenerate unless they're completely gone).
    The only Imperial ship that has shields is the TIE Advanced (Vader's prototype TIE Fighter).
    All Rebel ships have a secondary missile weapon of some sort.  Only the Z-95 cannot lock its missiles onto a target (straight-fire only).
    The only Imperial ship that has a secondary weapon is the TIE Bomber.  It, too, can lock it's missiles onto a target.
    On the bottom left of your view is a diagram of your ship.  The green ring around the ship is your shields (if you have any).  It will flash red when hit and fade to white as they are depleted.  Your ship, itself, it divided into 4 quadrants: front, back, left and right.  As a part of your ship takes damage, the color will change from green (undamaged) to yellow (lightly damaged) to red (heavily damaged) to black (completely blown away).
    Move Forward - accelerates
    Move Backward - slows down
    Strafe Left - moves left
    Strafe Right - moves right
    Jump - Turbo boosts.  The small red vertical bar on the bottom left of the HUD (see the vHUD.jpg for a diagram) indicates green if the turbo is ready to use, red if it's recharging.  Turbo lasts different lengths on different ships and has a different top speed for different ships.
    Crouch - Brakes (if you need to stop very quickly, you can use this in addition to Move Backwards)
    Use Item - Toggles the weapons into synchronous firing mode.  What this means is: if your ship has more than one muzzle for a weapon (like the X-Wing, it has 4 muzzles for the laser cannons), they will all fire at once instead of one at a time.  But they will fire at a slower rate than normal.  Good if you know you have a good shot - more shots will hit and you'll do a lot of damage.
    Use Object - Gets in/out of a vehicle
    Attack - Fires the primary weapon
    Alt-Attack - Fires the secondary weapon (if there is one).  If the weapon can lock onto a target, hold down the button with the crosshair over the target and you'll see a sectional red disc appear over the target.  When the circle is complete, let go and the missile will track.  Some missiles track better than others, so a good pilot may be able to lose the missile.  Firing a locked-on missile at someone moving directly towards you has a good chance of being evaded.
    Note that, once you take a good amount of damage on part of your ship, the controls may be less responsive or you may lose speed or even wobble as you fly.
    Enemy ships are bracketed in red and there is a lead indicator on them.  A dotted line will connect to a red circle.  If you line your crosshair up with that circle and fire, your shot has a good chance of hitting the enemy ship.
    Enemy ships, if they pass under your crosshair, will also display a damage indicator, on the bottom left of your display.
    * Different ships are better/worse for different kinds of missions.  Fast, rapid-fire ships are the best interceptors & dogfighters.  The A-Wing and TIE Interceptors are about equivalent in this respect.  But for objective-based missions where you have to take out a target, bombers are better (the TIE Bomber and the Y-Wing are tough and have a lot of firepower, but are very slow).  The remainder of the ships fall somewhere in-between (The Z-95 and TIE Fighter are generally more interceptor-style fighters, the X-Wing and TIE-Advanced can inflict damage but have decent value in a pure dogfight as well).  So you may find that the A-Wing and TIE Interceptor are the best for the asteroids dogfight, but the Y-Wing and TIE Bomber are more valuable on a map like the Siege Star Destroyer map... 🙂
    * Mix it up and take a wingman.  A good tactic may be to take a Y-Wing for heavy firepower and damag absorption and have an A-Wing escort it.  Often, the enemies will hone in on the Y-Wing because it's a nice, big, slow target and leave themselves open for an A-Wing to sweep in and wipe them out.  Working together is a definite advantage.  If everyone gets into one-on-one dogfights, you'll all just end up in a bunch of two-man endless circular fights.
    * The A-Wing is a super-fast, super-maneuverable rapid-fire ship (with tracking torpedoes).  It may, at first, seem unfair, but remember that it is a very, very fragile ship.  One good hit can take it out.  The TIE Advanced is kind of the "A-Wing killer" due to it's higher-power, center-mounted blaster cannons.  The TIE Interceptor also is a good balance for the A-Wing since it is to maneuverable and fast.
    * When going head-to-head with someone, you'll find you're both spraying blaster fire all around each other.  One of you may be trying to get a missile lock.  Generally, it isn't worth it to wait for the lock because, if the missile slightly misses and passes behind the enemy, it will probably lose the lock.  Don't be afraid to fire off a dumb-fire missile in a head-on confrontation, it could really surprise the enemy when he doesn't see it until it's in his face... 🙂
    * Remember to use the synchronous firing mode (the key you bound to "Use Item") when it suits your needs.  If you have a good shot on your target, it's better to fire all of your cannons at once than one at a time.  But if your target's moving a lot, you're better off firing them sequentially and hoping one of them hits as you track them.  Note that your synchronous firing setting also applies to your missiles!
    * Don't be afraid to use the asteroids to shake a pursuer.  If you get good at navigating, you can cause the enemy to smash themselves to bits trying to pursue you (or, you may be able to lure them into a trap - get just out of sight, spin around and wait for them to show up and blast them!).
    Most of all, have fun!


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