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Capture The Flag

62 files

  1. ctf_yavinValley

    a yavin themed ctf map

    .bsp name:


       (2 reviews)



  2. Manaan Kolto Plant

    Website : http://www.beyondsuppression.com/tri/
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Manaan Kolto Plant
    Brush Count : 1979
    Entity Count : 562
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_manaan.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (1 review)



  3. Kharzet Landing Site

    Website : http://tritoch.drupalcafe.com
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Kharzet Landing Site
    Brush Count : 2089
    Entity Count : 565
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_kharzet.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (1 review)



  4. Dark Forces II CTF Map Pack

    This mod contains two maps that originally come from LucasArt's "Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight" game from 1997.
    I was checking out the multiplayer maps (haven't played any MP in DF2 though) and I was pretty new to mapping, and I decided to try to remake these maps for the newer Jedi Academy for fun.
    The maps in this pk3:
    1) The Duel
    2) The Arena of Dark and Light
    The console commands are:
    /devmap df2_theduel
    /devmap df2_aodl
    FFA and TFFA are also supported.


       (5 reviews)



  5. Talravin Desert Cache

    Website : http://www.beyondsuppression.com/tri/
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Talravin Desert Cache
    Brush Count : 1686
    Entity Count : 257
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_talravin.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  6. Carratos Catwalks

    Website : http://tritoch.drupalcafe.com
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Carratos Catwalks
    Brush Count : 2664
    Entity Count : 750
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_carratos.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (1 review)



  7. The Platforms CTF

    The Platforms CTF. Firstly i wanted to make this as a part of my Tardis map as the space outside the Tardis but later i decided that it can be a nice map
    itself. The whole concept is based on Star Wars Battlefront 1 map Bespin Platforms, but i was not trying to make a clone of this map, took just an idea.
    So i've made a medium map. Then I added ships. Then I've found out that this map is completely symmetrical. So i decided that it can be a nice ctf map.
    Have fun.


       (6 reviews)



  8. Combination 1

    This map is a unique and exciting variation on the Capture the Flag gametype. Just like normal, each team tries to capture the other's flag--but the flags are secured behind forcefields, controlled by "combination locks." You have to hack the enemy's combination lock to disable their forcefield and get their flag. Anyone can set the combination, and anyone can hack it. Check out the short YouTube video below to see how this works.
    The layout is simple and symmetrical, consisting of two bases and one central combat area. Each base has a weapon loadout area, two emplaced guns to repel invaders, and a console for setting the combination lock. You can leave through your forcefield while it's up, but you can't go back in until it's off. Don't even think about touching the enemy forcefield. Get too close to it, and you'll fry instantly.
    The central combat area has plenty of cover to hide behind, so you can stay safe while you're shooting rockets through the enemy's disabled forcefield. There are also two walkways high up on the walls on either side, for snipers. Anyone can beam up to them and down from them using the red and blue teleporter beams.
    I'm really excited about releasing this. As far as I know, no one has ever made a customizable, reusable combination lock system in JKA before. With any luck, it will make for some really intense CTF gameplay!
    YouTube Demo:

    NOTE: No botroutes are included. The bots in this game are simply not smart enough to avoid the deadly forcefields (much less operate them), so playing with them would be kind of pointless.


       (15 reviews)



  9. CTF Empires II

    Original Author: Zod
    JKA ctf map
    Notes: This is the sequal to ctf_empires. This time its Revenge of the Darkside, a map intended for darkside users.
    Bot support: No
    Put the PK3 in your base folder, run the game!


       (1 review)



  10. CTF Outcast

    Original Author: Zod
    Ctf map. put pk3 in base folder, enjoy.
    This is dedicated to the players.
    This map is made by Zod.
    I hold no legal whatever to whomever.


       (1 review)



  11. JK3 Liberty

    Here I present a map set in the modern era with a small touch of SW .. The city would be divided into 4 districts in which you can find among other things: bus (moves!: D), Metro (also), bars , restaurants, runs, sewers, theaters, auditoriums, shops and even a few weapons skateboards where duelar power over them.
    The map also can be played in ctf and is designed to fence the maximum performance in any area, in other words you can enjoy the maximum fps at any point on the map to be able duelar with your peers.
    Also, the roads were designed to handle smoothly the swoop that you can buy in panels scattered around the map.
    I hope you enjoy both Using It User creandolo like me .


       (1 review)



  12. JK3 Dust

    Adaptation of the famous map Dust of CS now for the JKA. Recommended for team playing in FFA or CTF.


       (1 review)



  13. Battlefront Yavin

    Ok I get it - you wanted it as a CTF map, so I did it for you lol, anyway I added a few little extra areas, removed the vehicles (i will release this map again with the vehicles soon) and changed the transporters to flag basses, where I also made a few changes. Other than that its the same old map ;>
    Have Fun
    I used Torchy's efx file for the mist on the water and I have had permission from him to do so, so thank you to Dave, giving credit where its due and so on...


       (6 reviews)



  14. Imperial Fighter Bays CTF

    JKA has vehicles. Vehicles rock. Flying vehicles rock a lot. Non-stop flying gets a bit boring, so mixing it with some ground combat is good too. This is a simple CTF map consisting of two bays filled with fighters, on the opposite sides of a Star Destroyer hangar. It should fulfill both the need for ship to ship and saber/gun combat.


       (2 reviews)



  15. Ilum CTF

    Based On the planet where the Jedi get their famed crystals for their lightsabers.. seen in episode 15 or 16 of Clone wars. This is based on that planet in a Clone Outpost...


       (4 reviews)



  16. CTF Maze Arena

    A relatively small map for me Set in an arena with bases on each side and a maze in the centre


       (1 review)



  17. CTF Empires

    Original Author: Zod
    This map was designed for gameplay, by someone who has played real CTF games for
    over 3 years. I decided on an Imperial type setting, with bridges and
    Imperial hallways, somthing with a real Star Wars feel. I incorporated the
    audio from one of the defaults, but spent alot of time choosing the right
    one that fits the map best, the stormtrooper type music fits well along with
    the theme. New to this map that I've never tried before are sound effect, steam
    effects and detailed shaders. I wanted a map that didn't rely on buggy
    elevators, narrow choke points or lack of weaponry. The design was taken
    from point of view of both the offense and defense, looking at the flag
    carriers' position to the idle offense and what would best fit in as far as
    weapons placement, ammo and spawns. I am really happy with the excellent
    frame rates, the details and texturing, the layout for professional capture
    the flag and the speed bonuses of the routes.
    Look to encounter extremly fast jedi on this map, a compliment of ammo and
    well placed weapons for offense and defense, unique well thought out
    wallruns and wallwalks and variations of speed routes that crisscross all
    over the place giving it a real fun edge. On top of that your fps will soar
    and delight in well thought out texturing and detailing, giving it that
    Imperialistic look that only Star Wars can give.
    * Special thanks to : *
    Amidala, chopshopservers for tremendous contributions to the jka community,
    the best capture the flag public server and her encouragement. Full credit
    to her for bot routing, and giving me incentives to do ffa/tffa modes, her
    server is a haven for jedi who play guns/force ctf hardcore!
    Also thanks to Cannoli and especially acdcfanbill, for their endless hours
    reviewing every detail of the map.
    Thanks also to testers: jax, bluestar, hydra, red5 and many others


       (5 reviews)

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  18. Antalus Rift

    Ok hello again everyone, firstly thanks for all the support and e-mails from people, I am glad you are enjoying my work.
    This map is something a bit different and its inspired by many themes and ideas, the main insparation for this map was UT 2003 and one particular map called Antalus << thats why I chose to call this map by the same name (I know how un-original am I?) still I thought that map was awsome anyway back to my map...
    I know a lot of poeple are going to say that this should have been a seige map, and my anser to this is; maybe it should but one think about siege I dont like is that once you have completed the objectives the game ends and thats it, my idea however was to have the players go though a siege like setup up of objectives which require both sides to lower the deffencses of the other before gaining access to the flags, once these objectives have been completed a normal game of CTF can continue.
    I hope it goes down ok and I hope the whole thing wasnt a waste of my time oh well...
    The objectives of both sides are the same as the map is mirrored.
    Objective 1 The use of the AT-ST by a team member is essential to complete the first objective on the opposing team side of the map you will find 3 main doors once you have traveled under the defense bridge the doors are numbered; you must take the AT-ST through door number 1 and then locate the first generator and destroy it, using all force necessary, once this has been destroyed you will hear an announcement explaining that the door generator has been disabled (my voice :>)
    objective 2 The second objective once the force filed has been disabled on the enemy flag base, is to have a team member run through the newly unlocked door (without the AT-ST as it wont fit through now anyway). Once inside and assuming that you have picked up enough trip mines explosives, you must carry out an attack on the second generator this one will unlock the second door that is located at the other side of the flag base (you will see a number above a bunker) once this door has been unlocked, you may proceed with the last objective
    objective 3 now that both generators have been destroyed and you have gained access to the little bunker you will notice a control panel inside, this panel has a times access button (you must hold the use key for a period of time) once triggered you will see the force field that is protecting the flag; lower and you are now free to take the flag.
    NOTES As the flag is well protected I have made sure that team members can still access the flag base in the event of your team having the enemies flag before they have disabled your defenses; there are team sensitive door/transporters that allow you to transport in and out of the flagfield allowing you to score.
    I hope that you understood that Good luck


       (4 reviews)



  19. Sith-J's Mygeeto CTF

    A very simple map based on Mygeeto as seen in the Episode III and the xbox game of the same title. The map can be played as FFA but has been designed for CTF using the mirrored layout.
    I have not released a new map since xmas, which has to be a first for me.
    I think this is the longest pause in mapping I have taken in the three/four years i have been releasing maps for the JKA community, so um.... well.. sorry for not doing more LOL!
    I wanted to do so much more with this map, but time constraints this year have made working on anything JKA related very hard, so I made this little CTF/FFA map based on mygeeto blah thats it! hope you like it.
    This year I am concentrating on fineshing off my older maps instead of starting any new ones so expect to see Kamino II and my Stargate Maps fineshed over the summer.
    Works on FFA too


       (3 reviews)

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  20. Boonta Flag Hunt

    I have always loved the locations in the star wars movies and was impressed with the mos espa race track I wanted to try and capture the mood of the track by making it as large as I could without putting too much onto the engine, It may play a bit choppy on some systems. I hope you enjoy the rancor trap!


       (2 reviews)



  21. Wolves of the Sea

    Something experimental again!
    This is a naval battle map designed for CTF games. Each team has their own ship, ships will meet in the middle of the map with some time for fighting, then continue towards the enemy base.
    To make scoring possible at all, reaching the enemy flag is enough to get a point.
    As this map had to feature long distances for the concept to work, the ships move stupidly fast at times (so you wouldn't have to wait forever). I recommend not jumping around while the ships are moving that fast, as this doesn't work well with JKA physics and you will fall off the ship.
    While this map is designed for CTF games, it is also possible to play it in (Team)FFA and even Duel mode.


       (2 reviews)



  22. Pirates CTF

    This map is designed to capture the items on the flag and everything in the game with the team who crossed the waters to enter the enemy base aboard a boat that you can move forward or back by the rudder or control panel.
    This idea comes from another map made in the jk2 but with another movement of ships. Now the interiors are not decorated as nothing the nose acceptance that will map at jk3 and publish it wanted first to try it.


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  23. Aeten Mining Colony

    Map Name : Aeten Mining Colony [ctf_aeten]
    Website : http://tritoch.drupalcafe.com
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Aeten Mining Colony
    Brush Count : 1629
    Entity Count : 350
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_aeten.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (1 review)



  24. Vjun Hideout

    Website : http://www.beyondsuppression.com/tri/
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Vjun Hideout
    Brush Count : 576
    Entity Count : 195
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_vjun.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (1 review)



  25. Dathomir Stronghold

    Website : http://www.beyondsuppression.com/tri/
    Info : The main focus of this map is CTF, but
    there are also spawnpoints for FFA and TFFA.
    Bot support has been left out because this
    map is meant for online play.
    Thanks to : Beyond Suppression
    All beta testers
    * Play Information *
    New Sounds : NO
    New Skins : NO
    New Objects : NO
    * Construction *
    Map Name : Dathomir Stronghold
    Brush Count : 1416
    Entity Count : 392
    Base info : from scratch
    Software used : gtkradiant
    Known Bugs : -
    Build Time : -
    * How to use this map *
    Copy ctf_dathomir.pk3 to your \gamedata\base folder


       (2 reviews)



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