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Mixed Gametypes

135 files

  1. Blackcastle

    Author: ZaP
    This map has been designed for a mapping-contest on www.LuZa-leveldesign.dl.am. There is also a contest-version, but it will not be published. You might be able to download it on LuZa leveldesign. Maybe you have watched the movie "Shrek". He has to fight against a dragon in a castle. I found this idea interesting and created a map like the one in the movie.


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  2. Star Forge Observation Deck

    Author: Shadriss
    Set on board the Star Forge, a spacestation/factory built millenia ago by the Rakatan Infinite Empire. This location is the scene for the final duel between Darth Malak and the one-time Darth Revan, which signaled the end of the Sith War.


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  3. Talon Karrde's Lair

    Author: Monsoontide
    Talon Karrde's Lair is modelled after the one depicted in the Heir To The Empire comic book... although much of the interior has been added by me.
    The map features several distinct areas, such as the beach, main building, lookout, storage and landing zone.
    Hidden around the map are several of the force resistant Ysalamiri - picking one up in FFA will net you 10 extra points.
    Elevators are used by pressing the 'use' key - either while standing on one at the bottom of the shaft or while next to the elevator door/switch at the top.
    The map supports FFA and CTF


       (5 reviews)



  4. Abregado Casino

    Author: Monsoontide
    This casino is modelled after the one in the Heir To The Empire comic book... although much of the interior save for lthe entrance and lower (red light) gambling area has been added by me.
    The map features several distinct areas, such as the main casino, bar & restaurant, dance club, pit fights, theater, hotel, hanger amongst others.
    You CAN score extra points during a FFA match by gambling at the pazak tables, sabbac tables & slot machines (press the 'use' key while standing next to one) - but BE WARNED... you are just as likely to loose points as gain them. Playing at the tables in the 'high-roller' area carries greater stakes than in the lower (red-light) casino.
    Points can also be scored in the 'shooting gallery'.
    ALL elevators are used by pressing the 'use' key - either while standing on one at the bottom of the shaft or while next to the elevator door/switch at the top.
    The monsters in the pit will only attack if you attack them!
    The map supports FFA and CTF


       (2 reviews)



  5. Smuggler's Hideout

    I started this as my final masterpiece in JK3 mapping... But as I was looking into optimization and playing with entities, the reason I still played JK3 disappeared, and with that so did the will to continue the project. This has been sitting on my harddrive for months, and I may as well release it. Hell, if there's enough interest... By now I'm convinced the Asteroids Mod is dead and buried, but if there's enough interest I -might- finish a baseJKA version, or something.
    Anyways. Description. Asteroid base deep in space. I used to have an in-character backstory but I lost it. Four hangars, two of them stocked with various ships (rebel and imperial make), one with a lambda-class shuttle, and one with an old yt-1300. Hangar doors can be open and shut, imperial ships are hang-docked (hold down turbo boost when undocking in one unless you like smashing into the floor) and the turrets outside will open fire on you if you damage them.
    Due to not being finished it's missing some things like a lockdown mechanism on the falcon to keep people from abusing it, a complete cantina/sleeping quarters, polished lighting, outside features, bunch of extra things I was going to throw in, and VIS optimization. Nevertheless it's (kinda) playable, and an example of where spaceship maps should, imho, have gone.


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  6. Taspir Power Complex

    A remap/addon of FFA5. There are many extra goodies in here! For instance, you now have access to all floors in all buildings. There is a lava power plant (hence the name, Taspir Power Complex) in the lowest level of the building with the red lights on it. There is a secret teleporter hub, from which you can go to almost any major place in the map in just a few seconds. There are some ship spawners on the tops of the buildings as well as several strategically placed turrets to promote air-to-air, ground-to-air and air-to-ground gameplay as well!
    Most of all, this map is CLAN CAPABLE! There are several bedrooms in the bottom of the blue building. The pictures on the wall are made to be easily CUSTOMISED to have images of your choice. Best of all, since most clans like to have their logos in maps, this map can have YOUR CLAN'S LOGO put into it! There are simple instructions on how to do it on my site. There's also a lockable council room, for those clans that like in-game meetings. There's a TON more, but I think I've more than exceeded a decent description space.
    Yes, that's right! You can change and customize the way this map operates! You can also add your own clan's logo, and it will appear in the map!
    First off, let's cover the logos. Your clan can put it's own logo in the map! This will be done through a private download to make TPC look and operate the way they want. Doing the logos is as easy as making a JPG image of your clan's logo, and then putting it with any script mods you make/download into a PK3 (I have made easy step-by-step instructions on my site). You can also change the pictures in the bedroom area to any pictures you like. To learn more, go to http://www.nab622.com/tpcv3/mods.html and you can do it all yourself. Very neato, huh?
    I mentioned above that you can change the way TPC operates. I'll try and explain it simply.
    All maps run from a compiled BSP file, which cannot be modified. However, TPC implements 56 scripts to perform different things. These scripts can be changed without having to recompile the map, so you can modify them however you want and make the map do different things. On my site, there are different scripts available that I have pre-programmed with different functions. If you want, you can see the code for most of the scripts (the super secret scripts will remain super secret).
    If you didn't understand any of that, just go to the site - there are step-by-step instructions with lots of pictures to guide you through.
    Download source files


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  7. Ladies of the Sith - Cruise Liner

    This is the official FlagShip map of the Ladies of the Sith, version 2. You are on a medium class luxury liner. There are x-wings, ties and z-95s to have a good time in, and a smooth, fast paced cruiser to watch the action or duel around in. This map is already popular on the LOTS server, and is sure to spread fast. Get it ASAP and join the action!
    You can leave the main ship via the drop down bays or the main hangar, and re-board via the main hangar. This map supports FFA, Team FFa and CTF gametypes. Guns are supported.


       (2 reviews)



  8. Phantom

    From StarWars Episode 1 we have the hanger in which Obi and Qui face Darth Maul. This rendition is movie-accurate largely but not entirly, due to the movies lack of continuity from scene angles. The map is scaled to be extremely close to movie scale. This map has a little bit more than other episode 1 renditions, as it has the other passage scene in the movie. Performance is kept extremely tight for the amount of content in it. The map features a portal sky to present greater depth as well. If you follow the camera positions from the movie none of the additional addons I have made are noticeable and thus, it doesnt stray from the movies perspective.
    Also included in this PK3 is the map 'Hyper' which is a small FFA/TFFA/CTF arena map with bushes in the the middle so you can stealth atack one-another. In it you can leap from Orb to Orb or try to hit the raised Exploder Orb to trigger an onslaught berrage of meteor storms from above to damage all in its radius..


       (8 reviews)



  9. Gully of the Mist

    This is a large size map, wanted to try out terrain, but also wanted to see how big of an open area i could make, while maintaining a decent frame rate. I think i suceeded. distance culling and farplanedist were assets.
    Map is for JKA, though it also works in JK2! so Yay!
    and for mappers out there, this pk3 also contains the gotem.map source file and assets. (use gtkradiant 1.5 though)
    all original boddo textures: yes 100%
    default textures: 0%
    cust shaders: yes
    custom models: yes
    custom music: yes
    support: ffa - tffa - CTF
    bot support: no, though I may release a
    seperate pk3 that adds bot support down
    the road.


       (4 reviews)



  10. Grand Jedi Skills: *Flaw Stories

    Board the *flaw station and battle in all enviroments imaginable
    or embark on the quest to figure out why door in the main lobby is locked... ?
    Overcome the challenges to take back the streets
    Night and day in one map. - change over an elapsed time
    Dynamic race track - ?? you say? yeah, once you start it, you are locked into a track and locked out of the upper downtown streets.
    custom music composed by Schwink
    area lit ambience audio sounds - caves, rain, wind etc...
    challenge based reward system - first to complete a challenge receives points, finish one to unlock the next
    Rail slide system - been working on this since my first map, its not as constrictive or as controlling, but I think it can be fun this time around ;-P
    cel shading
    this map wrang the neck of the compiler


       (2 reviews)



  11. The CyberPunk Cafe

    The CyberPunk Cafe. Map plays on both Jk2 and JkA
    Explore tha galaxy in pursuit of eliteness. Did you know there is a cyberpunk cafe at bespin? according to my map it apears so!
    For the best of the best compete in the cube arena for the pinacle position. Watch out for the red cubes! they do 25 damage points! - warning - recomended for skilled jedis only. Have a grind session in the grind dome - or goto the top of the dome and sit on a bench to spectate the participants. Enjoy flight above Yavin whilst brandishing a rocket launcher. Life or die - find the die - pick the right hall.
    Aswell dont forget to visit the cafe, or step outdoors to lounge about.


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  12. Taris Landing

    The map consists of a total of 2 small and 2 big platforms. An empty landing platform and another one with a CCT Spaceship on top of it. And a smaller platform and a sensor node. All platforms are surrounded by the city of Taris, including tall buildings with glowing lights and ships, where you can hop on/off, flying through them. The map can be played in FFA aswell as in duel. Bot routing is included but only on the main platform.


       (6 reviews)



  13. The Council of Light

    This is a small tribute to a clan I used to be in. Unfortunately, this clan is now dead because of inactivity. The map itself is a small shrine located on a large floating rock, which is the center of more and smaller floating rocks. I made a large skybox on purpose, so you can also use this map for some spaceship combat. Just make sure you spawn your ship in the air (i.e. with noclip on) as there are no flat surfaces where you can spawn your ship on the ground.


       (4 reviews)



  14. AT-ST Duel

    - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel
    - 4 respawnable AT-ST
    - 8 respawnable turret
    - bot support
    Bots may act stupid, bots do not use AT-ST/turret.


       (1 review)



  15. Karmageddon

    - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel
    - 4 respawnable AT-ST
    - bot support
    Bots may act stupid, bots do not use AT-ST.


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  16. Beware the Rancor Duel

    - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel
    - 1 respawnable rancor
    - bot support


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  17. Multiple Duel Pad

    - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel
    - bot support


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  18. Swoop Fun

    - gametype: FFA, Team, CTF, Duel, Power Duel
    - Racetrack theme map
    - 16 respawnable swoop
    - 10 respawnable turret
    - bot support
    This map need those fine vehicle in your BASE folder
    to work properly:
    - sithspeeder_mst by Monsoontide, Duncan_10158
    - speeder_bike_dun03 by Duncan_10158
    Bots may act stupid, get stuck or not use swoop/turret.
    Also they are not good at CTF and Team FFA: Please, do
    not complain about that. This map is made to be played
    by human.


       (1 review)



  19. NFOR Club

    This is a NFOR Clan Map!!!
    My gift for the first birthday of the clan!!!
    - gametype: FFA, Team, Duel, Power Duel
    - 18 spawnpoint
    - 6 respawnable taun-taun
    - ''2 positions'' dance floor
    - Usable ''cheers!!'' cake
    - Water/electrical trap with remode control
    - Usable tune player (Cantina, Baby!)
    - 2 hidden weapon
    - 1 secret passage
    - Custom ''tete-port device''
    - A few custom textures
    - A few custom sound
    - bot support
    known bug:
    ''Using'' the cake stop the tune


       (0 reviews)



  20. Fight-Arena

    Requirement: JA Bonus Maps from Raven (bonus.pk3)
    - gameplay type: team duel powerduel ffa
    - 8 ffa spawnpoints
    - 4x2 team-spawnpoint
    - Crusher trapp on the lower level
    - Bots support
    gameplay note:
    - To activate the crusher: shot at it!
    - Bot support is not so good...
    Construction note:
    - This map is a conversion of a map I made for
    'StarTrek: Voyager Elite Force'named: Forge-Arena


       (1 review)



  21. ldj_mappack

    There are two maps in this pack: CTF Outpost and FFA The Lost Temple:
    CTF Outpost:
    An imperial water processing plant. nuff said
    FFA: The Lost Temple:
    Set in an old temple discovered by the Empire in the aftermath of the clone wars..
    What struck the Imperial scientists as odd was that most of the temple complex was added after the temple had gone into ruin and was not on record, neither was the planet in question ?
    After much research it was soon discovered why. The temple had been the home to a group of Sith Lords 4000 years before the Clone wars.. There was even a dueling room for Sith students to prove themselves superior.. as well as the sith masters seat of power.
    As for the system of pipes.. it appears as if the sith found a way to litterally suck the force out of the planet and strengthen their own people. This has left the planet itself completely barren leaving the temple area as the only place left with any kind of plant life.


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  22. Oceans of Crime

    Buildtime : 5 days
    Compiletime : 1h 20min
    Brushes : 3623
    Entities : 299 (225 lights)
    Botsupport : Yes but not very(!) good
    New textures : Yes
    New music : No (hoth2/hoth2_action)
    New models : No
    My third map ever; first for JK3. Detailed reproduction of the DeathBall map Sediment from Unreal Tournament 2003! Original Textures and nearly the same lightning thanks to q3map2. ;D It's a small but long room under water. Ideal for duel/powerduel but ffa and tffa are also possible. Enjoy and good playing on it!
    Put the .pk3-file into ...JediKnight3/GameData/base !


       (3 reviews)



  23. FFA Desert & Hoth

    Brush count : 3721
    Entity count : 772
    Botsupport : Yes (maybe buggy)
    New textures : Yes
    New music : No (music/hoth2/hoth2_explore.mp3)
    New models : No
    The map FFA Hoth is part of the Illusions Tec Mappack. This map also has a long development but i had fun with it, too. It consists of three main parts:
    The outdoor area
    The indoor area
    The underground chamber

    All three parts are conected with each other and have a quite nice atmosphere. I added a fx_snow to give you a better Hoth feeling. (brrr, cold up here ) I really hope you guys will have as much fun with it as i had when building it. And yes, there is a secret, too. (consoles can be used by pressing use-button) I hope you bring up a good video card because sometimes the fps rate is a bit low. (but still over 25 without glow effect)
    put the .pk3 file into ...JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base !
    Buildtime : about 6 month
    Compiletime : ~1 h
    Brush count : 3473
    Entity count : 915
    Botsupport : Yes (maybe buggy)
    New textures : No
    New music : No (no music is used)
    New models : No
    The map FFA Desert is part of the Illusions Tec Mappack. After a long development this Desert map is now done. (finaly i have to say because this map was getting on my nerves at the end) It consists of three main parts:
    The courtyard
    The cantina
    The hangar

    All three parts are conected with each other and have a quite nice atmosphere. There are also some destroyable parts - some do even change the gameplay... Javas and droids are located here and there to give you a better Tatooine feeling.
    I really hope you guys will have as much fun with it as i had when building it. And yes, there is a secret (consoles can be used by pressing use-button)
    I hope you bring up a good video card because sometimes the fps rate is a bit low. (but still over 25 without glow effect)
    put the .pk3 file into ...JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base !


       (4 reviews)



  24. Facility

    Buildtime : about 1 month
    Compiletime : 55 min
    Brushes : ~4900
    Entities : ~370
    Botsupport : Yes but not good
    New textures : Yes
    New music : No (mp/MP_action4)
    New models : No
    Facts about Facility
    Updated version of Facility
    My fourth map ever,second for JK3
    Map for the contest sponsored by www.seb-crea.de
    duel powerduel ffa tffa for 16 players supported


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  25. Dark Streets

    Szico VII
    This map is my first MP map. It is also part of my sp map, Dark Forces, and I decided to alter it for JKA, so here it is. There are swoops, and a few hidden locations, sniper points, e.t.c. So have fun!


       (4 reviews)



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