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Status Updates posted by lang_french

  1. I would like to give a JKA personal lightsaber for a friend to his birtday. How much time does it take when you are a noob with modeling?

    1. Lancelot


      It also depends on what modeling software you use, the details and the effort you want to put into it. I suggest you read one of the tutorials here. And if you need help, just ask Rooxon or AshuraDX.

    2. Circa


      To make it look good? Probably a couple weeks to learn how to do it. After you know how, it takes about a day or two, depending on the complexity.

    3. Noodle


      Whatever you learn will stick with you forever, so go for itl

  2. All models on my map have disappear, but seem to be still counted. Anyone knows anything about that?

    1. Ramikad


      Make sure you didn't filter them (Shift + M).

    2. Noodle


      Do they dissappear when you're ingame? I've had that glitch when the game is using too much memory to render the final product.

    3. lang_french


      Oh yes, I filtered them. Sorry, made Ctrl + M than Shift...

  3. This is crazy to see all the hate against BF2 2017 just because the main character is a woman. Seriously, who cares about that if there is a great story?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Noodle


      I think there might be some bias when people judge the look of characters in certain media. For example, people criticize the classic costume of female comic superheroes, but are oblivious to the fact that the male characters are also designed to have a lot of sex appeal (most of them use skin tight clothes to show their muscles, ie: spider-man and superman). I personally believe people don't get upset at that because most men don't get uncomfortable when they see someone more fit or...

    3. TheWhitePhoenix


      One last addon I forgot: What about the STRAIGHT WOMEN who like seeing the typical Male designs? See, people always think there's only one audience (straight men) when there's straight women, gay men, lesbians, and even bisexual men and women who play video games and watch/read/play Star Wars. At the end of the day, even if males are the majority, while the majority of them are straight, chances are there are also gay and bisexual men in the mix too.

    4. Noodle


      attractive. Also, in defense of JKA customization, you can make the Twi'lek Jaden almost naked because the customization skins allow you to use clothes with skirts. I like the fact that people get the choice to customize their character in whatever way they feel, it'd be annoying if it was like an MMORPG, were the stupidest looking armor is also the best one.

  4. Radiant, please. Stop to erase entire parts of work every time I open you. This is not funny.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lang_french


      I am on 1.6, I can't have the textures with 1.4. What do you mean by "poorly made"? I'm green in this kind of stuff, so I go forward slowly.

    3. Noodle


      I had some issues with cloning some brushes that became corrupted. Can't really remember the problem on itself, but I probably should have used func_group more.

    4. McGroose


      Scumbag Radiant: Hears you complain about losing your map, says your map was too shitty to keep.

  5. Is that normal that I am loosing parts of maps every time I open my file while I saved properly?

    1. Ramikad


      It depends. At least in Radiant 1.5, if you go beyond +32000 or -32000 units in any direction those brushes and entities will be deleted. Other times it can happen due to simply strangely shaped brushes that the program doesn't seem to like.

    2. Circa


      Happens to me sometimes. Closing and opening it again usually works.

  6. Didn't expect that mapping could give so much fun! Here am I like a kid with a new toy

  7. Please, does anyone have an idea about why I have no textures in GTK? (pressing T but nothing in the window)

    1. Ramikad


      It seems to be quite common. I'm not sure what the solution is, however: I suggest you search around the forums, as other users have reported and solved that problem in the past.

    2. DT.


      I usually don't see my custom textures unless I add the folders to the shaderlist.txt

    3. lang_french


      I finally found the solution with 1.6 installation. But now, I lost some buttons, for instance select just a surface and not the whole block.

  8. Let's go to another try with mapping... Not sure it will be fabulous.

  9. To French members: L'un d'entre vous aurait-il encore BF1 (2004) au format CD svp ?

  10. 2016 is sponsorized by George R. R. Martin.

  11. Spoiler: the Rebels steal the Death Star's plans at the end.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barricade24


      Oh no! Spoilers!

    3. DrXann


      Well its obvious isn't it?


    4. Cerez



  12. At last, you're back, Rookie One. Glad to play your adventures again.

    1. Ramikad


      I'd SO wish that vehicle mechanics in JA allowed for a proper transposition of Rookie One's adventure in terms of space combat.

      For the record... there's a Dreighton base floating around. Corellia Star included. And probably the only reason that I'm telling it is that I'm completely drunk :P

  13. Just want to drop the table as a "GTFO" Ragecomic character. 3D software are definitely not for me. It makes me cry.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Archangel35757
    3. Xycaleth



      You can change the language in Blender

    4. Mandalorian


      a lot of the blender tutorials show you what button is being pressed in blender. Stick to it and you get to know the tool well. Watch lots of videos and stay strong


  14. It seems that "strong language and adult content" in Lady Jedi shocked community. So, what do you think about (very) mature content in mods?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. lang_french


      Maybe could I make a thread in the forum if it is a debate...

    3. Ping


      I only asked a few questions because I was curious.

    4. Numfast


      Oh... I forgot about that. OK. Time to change description.)

  15. Change scripted appearing text. Where? How? Damn, all I tried just bugged the game...

  16. Would it be possible to put specific music on cutscenes in JKA?

    1. Numfast


      Through scripts maybe.

    2. Ramikad


      Or through target_play_music.

  17. how do you turn this on

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      I think he still has it set to "M" for Mini.

    3. lang_french


      I'm decieved by your lack of references! People who played true games get it, you probably did ;)

    4. Ping


      True Games

  18. Making maps from TPM video games in JKA? Could be a nice idea... for anyone who can mapping!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DT.


      What TPM games? Never played any prequel movie games but EP III

    3. Ramikad


      This one:

      Also, I see your 85 is back :P

    4. lang_french


      Theed gardens and Mos Espa(part 1 and 2) are my favorite maps, Coruscant is nice too.

  19. Need medical stuff? A painting on the Infirmary's door? Galalctic Red Cross is here for you http://www.heberger-image.fr/images/35578_redcross_red.png.html

    1. Bek
    2. lang_french


      Everyone can download and use this picture as they want, btw.

  20. Hum... Many days I sent an updae for the little mod replacing JKA SP main menu music, and nothing now although other mods have been released. A forgetting?

    1. Bek


      I think the mods are still working with the file.

    2. lang_french


      It is new available, thanks! :)

  21. Where are the lines of this shockwave effectin scepter, dammit?!

  22. Does anyone remember the installation of BFX mod for BF2 please? It was no readme and steps were written in filefront...

  23. If probe droid, grenades, bombs and trip mines made shrapnels when exploding, it would be so better.

  24. I can find what, but there's something in the AT-ST which is not really like in the movies...

    1. Ramikad


      Perhaps that's its stance, too vertical and making it stand too tall in comparison to the vehicle in the movie.

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