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    Texture Artist
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  1. http://www.nab622.com/tutorials/modeling_in_radiant.html good tutorial, nice of you to share it here
  2. Damn that's a lot of large images for one download link. LL{JoF}
  3. It's been a while since we heard from you, I'm curious - are you still working on these models? They are amazing.
  4. I suppose porting this outfit from Hitman would be impossible.

    Maybe a kitbash, but which models to use? 🤔



    1. AshuraDX


      Why should it be impossible?

    2. z3filus


      Good question. I've never ported a model, so from my pov I assume this would be difficult. This particular outfit would be ideal for one of my projects. Generally speaking, this HITMAN game has lots of interesting outfits that could work just fine in a Star Wars game. 🙂

    3. AshuraDX


      That depends entirely on what you are willing to do to make this model work ingame.

      You can always retopologize a model, like I did here (left) for Willemoes Jester Model (right).
      I rebuilt the torso using retopology tools to get better edgeflow for rigging. This method can also be used to reduce the geometric detail of a model significantly while keeping clean topology and more or less the same shape as the original.

      This takes some effort but generally gives much better results than decimation.
      In this case I also reprojected the textures from the original model onto a completely new UV set to make working with the textures a lot easier for anyone aiming to reskin this.

  5. We need more tutorials in general. In text format. This website is the number one go-to page for files and information about Outcast and/or Academy. As such we should have as much information available as possible. That's the only thing that troubles my mind year after year; talented people show off their skills but never really care to share their knowledge. How do area portals work? How to use the 'hint texture'? How to make a fountain or a waterfall that actually looks nice? How do I create a new HUD? I would run out of space here if I wrote down all the questions. My point is that if all we do is brag with our projects, then this website is pretty much a private fanclub for a handful of people. So perhaps we could have more interviews? From the authors of the latest HOT files for example. How long it took to make the map/model. What programs did you use, What inspired to create this file. So on and so fourth. Just a few juicy lemons here and there to squeeze out that golden knowledge so others might also contribute once they've learned some new tricks.
  6. It's nice to see vanhakoira like you suddenly release a map. Great job!
    Amazing quality, I would recommend you all to download this file and give a test in-game before writing a review. These two screenshots provided by the author are dangerously misleading, compared to the other Mando entry - I would say this version by RepJunkieJr looks way better in-game.
  7. You keep doing these amazing things man, damn. Thank you for sharing!
    Worthy of the title "3rd Jedi's Home map" and runs surprisingly well too, a few places where FPS drops but you hardly even notice it.
  8. Closing down the Jedi Home III -topic makes no sense at all.

  9. In Star Wars we have this thing called the Force that gives people, oh I don't know - certain abilities, some considered to be unnatural. Superheroes and their abilities generally speaking, are not that different. Levitation, mind control, acrobatic fighting etc.
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