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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. z3filus

    Climbit 1

    " This map is compatible with jk2 and jk2! " Ooops, might want to fix that. The map looks good .
  2. Thanks Futuza, much appreciated
  3. No. Actually I just tried making painting them right on the textures, with a new shader, but it looks so cartoonish. So I'd really need help. Having a few transparent blood spatter textures would be easier to work with, naturally, cuz then I could add them where ever I want to.
  4. Hi Can someone help me with blood textures? I'm not satisfied with my own textures. I was wondering if anyone knew some good blood textures I could use in my map, or if possibly someone could make me a few different textures. I'm looking for some blood splatter textures I could use on walls and floors. Blood trails & splatters. Thanks in advance.
  5. Found a cool desktop background! Original image http://pds27.egloos.com/pds/201607/18/97/c0056197_578cab040a5cc.jpg
  6. Your comment makes no sense, if we should say, think of Jan as asian only based on the fact that DF is an official star wars game, then shouldn't you have nothing to complain about, as Rogue One is going to be an official movie, that presents her as caucasian? And I thought that Dark Forces is not canon anymore.
  7. Look like a Casino to me. One rumor mentioned a casino scene in the upcoming film. Something like the classic cantina scene, but on a new level.
  8. Jan is not asian, the actor is. If we get to see a new Jan, even briefly, it's not written anywhere she must be asian. Kinda like what's happening to Lara Croft, it's not written anywhere that she has to be in her 30's with D cups and a soft skin. These characters involved in the RogueOne story remind us of Kyle and Jan, even if they aren't exactly them, I'm still satisfied they atleast look the part. Even the Jan model in Jedi Knight doesn't look like asian, and those cutscenes have only nostalgic value. Everybody knows they just grabbed a handful of C class, no.. F class actors to act a few scenes with poor CGi even measured on that time period.
  9. z3filus


    isn't this the old one? we need a proper model with HD skin work I love this!
  10. Oh yeah, being part of the {JoF} is truly an amazing experience. Currently a member there, but they've been on my 'Fav. Server List' for a time that feels like forever to me, no other clan has given me this much in Jedi Academy, Outcast or in any other games that I've played. Events are always fun as h*ll and we've got capable mappers (check the temple map here on jkhub) and the artist team can create awesome signatures, desktop backgrounds, signatures, skins etc. The most active clan that I've seen, and more imporantly, the most supportive clan that I've seen. I mean it, whatever it is that you need, this clan can offer it to you. Not a day has been spent just standing around in the server, there's always something happening.
  11. check if these are real or not, ep8 concept art ; http://www.starwarspost.com/dubrovnik-exotic-city/
  12. I know, right. Atleast I'm expecting him to be announced as an Admiral officially, but sure i could be wrong. I'm also hoping to see some connections between Rogue One and Rebels. They're side by side in the StarWars timeline. Like what if we hear Hera's name mentioned or some talk about a surviving Jedi (Kanan) because if you compare Rebels and NewHope, it's clear that Rogue One is set in the world of Rebels where the Jedi are long gone and nobody knows about Obi-Wan or Luke (who's probably playing with miniature xwings) y'know somekind of connection between the movie and the animated serie would be cool.
  13. yea but which one do you think sounds better in script? Fleet Admiral or Grand Admiral ?
  14. Ooo i remember this map!
  15. z3filus

    Luckxzs's Rancors

    O_O holy s*** !!! Downloading.
  16. After the Rogue One trailer, I watched some NewHope scenes and noticed this guy. And honest, I've never noticed him before, but ofcourse now I find him interesting because Rogue One is set before the events of NewHope and that imperial admiral dressed in white is a total mystery to me. Maybe this is the same character? That would be a really cool way to connect these movies
  17. that would make him even more awesome than he already is andyes, that looks like him
  18. Wow, amazing work. How about Rey vs. Kylo ? nvm. saw your art page and you've already done that request. How about Tavion vs. Kyle Katarn?
  19. Oh yeah we need Yoda. Much like R2D2 is part of each trilogy, I think Yoda must also be part of each trilogy. Every Jedi who found the way to become a force ghost could appear in the disney trilogy (Canon: Yoda, Obi-wan & Qui-Gon) But having liam neeson as a ghost sounds too far fetched... I'd prefer Yoda or sir Alec. And even if Frank Oz was seen on the set of episode eight, that wouldn't still mean he's there to voice Yoda, he could also have an "easter egg" appearance, dressed as a citizen. Every option is on the table.
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