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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. @Mizore you can't argue about opinions. Newer isn't always better, some people still prefer CS 1.6 over CS:GO
  2. That looks sweet @Rooxon! My favorite sabers are Katarn & Defender.
  3. THEM; <long speech about how great JK series is, and how important Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors are to the rebellion> THEM; Name one good reason why Rogue One would be better? ME; Bor Gullet
  4. Well... if you replace the lightsaber with a sword, a katana that has a futuristic design to it, change the side rolling (a,w,s,d all directions) with a doge-leap similar to some modern games, and that alone would impress many. Manual blocking would be awesome too, but I'm not sure a bout the special attacks. Those have divided players since Jedi Academy came out, so maybe include only a couple of those, if at all. Force powers can easily be re-invented, like for example, in Witcher 3 there is Aard (which is basically force push) and Axii (which is a form of Force Mindtrick) and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. So I'm saying that as long as you can make new, smoother animations and effects for some of the force powers, you just need to think of another explanation for the powers, and give these abilities new weird names. Now that you've read a few lines of text, I can wrap this into one sentence; Make it like Witcher 3, combat wise, choosing the powers, movement. Perfect. https://youtu.be/ekShmx0fe7Q?t=44s
  5. Oh yes, thank you so very much! #pleased #fuckyeah
  6. Just quoting what Daisy Ridley had to say about the upcoming episode; We've already talked about Luke here, specifically how powerful he will be in the Disney trilogy and how important he will be. And just reading the last sentence
  7. So the rumors were true. It was said that he'll be using a cape similar to that of Vader's. I think it looks nice
  8. I only need the hooded version and the burnt up version, because I think HS_Anakin is the best. There's only so much that one can do with photo-shop, ep2 anakin needs a whole new face modelled.
  9. Did anyone else notice that this is the same scene, from different angles? left;ep8 & right;ep7 The unidentified burning building has been guessed to be the Academy where Luke started training a new generation of Jedi. Interesting fact about this scene is that at least parts of it was filmed for The Force Awakens, it can only be seen in Rey's vision when she finds Luke's lightsaber, and because the vision seemed to be a mixture of her memories and the memories of Luke Skywalker, it's hard to say whether this part of the vision belongs to him or her. Naturally we think of Luke Skywalker when we see R2D2 & hooded figure with a robotic hand, but doesn't the hooded figure look a bit too small & thin when compared to the droid? Almost as if it was a female figure? My theory is, that during her training with Luke Skywalker, Rey begins to see into the future, same as Luke did when he was training with Yoda. This specific shot of the hooded figure could actually be an important scene for the final episode in this new trilogy, with Rey sees herself, staring at a burning building that she might recognize, (a building we will most likely see in the upcoming episode) all alone with the droid. I'm guessing she'll be having the same vision a few times, each time snapping out of it as we see her doing right at the beginning of the new trailer, each time she sees a little more of that vision. Try not to focus on the robotic hand too much, in the image, because remember, people loose hands in the StarWars universe. So I'm guessing this will eventually turn out to be a scene for episode 9, where Rey & R2D2 have survived some horrible chain of events, Luke has died, and maybe even Finn. Perhaps killed by Kylo Ren? And what happens after this scene, is the final battle between Rey & Kylo. (?????????) Who knows
  10. "2006 " :| jesus christ has it been that long already?
  11. @Langerd, I really like what you've done already. Any chance of getting a download link for that flashlight?
  12. I'm not sure what you're trying pull with that comment, we're not faking anything here; our community is peaceful, there's no bad blood within the clan, and we're mature enough not to go seek any trouble outside the clan. Our instructors at the Academy are tasked with carefully evaluating every new player, in order to find active well-mannered/ behaved members who are fun to play with, but who can also act mature and serious when needed, basically; people who would fit in with the rest of us. Unfortunately there are those who put on an act, and smooth talk themselves into the clan only to expose the d*ckhead underneath the friendly face. And you can't really blame any clan for players like that, because we all face this same problem with processing new members, so, rather blame the people who apply to {JoF} pretending to be something that they're not. Most of the trolls you see at our server are outsiders, who likely have been banned at least once for their behavior. You should know that.
  13. Yea that 1.0 looks really nice, the only problem (for me at least) is that the arm+animations, or lack of proper animations, makes it look like you have a prosthetic arm. TrueView requires new, realistic animations, for starters, make the hand look like it actually holds the gun in a tight grip, lol. But that's just me being nitpicky. This is really nice ^^
  14. The {JoF} Ladder was a nice addition to our annual events, since we do have a few members who are surprisingly competitive when duelling against others. And because our main focus is not in training one another to become a pro player, it's best to have a private ladder just within the clan, and there were some interesting duels from what I saw.
  15. Both {{S} and {JoF} offer a great RP experience without being a full RP clan. You get to participate in complex trials and interesting missions, and {JoF} has new mission maps planned as well as some maps designed for events. Feel free to drop by at our server.
  16. Battlefront was, and still is one of the best FPS games, and one of the best StarWars games that I've ever played. After Super Star Wars & the Jedi Knight series of course. As long as the new one isn't going to be so heavy on the DLC's, I'm going to pre-order it as soon as possible. It seems to have everything that I've been dreaming that the first one should've had. Prequel material, OT material AND also stuff from the newest films.
  17. Kinda obvious that we're talking about a new character. Has anyone got any info on this?
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