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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. It would certainly be interesting to see an older version of him. Kyle never seemed to like the traditional jedi order robes, but he could have grabbed a robe from Luke! (because weather..) and if he still keeps a shoulderpad as part of his look, he would have probably found a replacement during his adventures. Maybe he let his hair grow longer? Dunno. But he's definitely a Han Solo type of a person. And he was still pretty much the same old scruffy looking nerf herder..
  2. I've got GTX1060 with 16GB RAMM and 8-core processor, and most of the time I have a steady 90-110+ FPS This map had it different. The FPS kept jumping between 40-50 and only at certain angles, it would rise up to 90 ish even, but anytime I would look at the direction of center of the map, it would instantly drop down to 28-31 FPS. Have a look at the screenshots. I can't say how accurate the map is, compared to what was seen in the show, since I'm not a Stargate fan, but.. this looks nice.. ^^
  3. Are you kidding me? What part of this doesn't say "I hate sand, it gets everywhere.."
  4. I wont even bother hiding the image, because I don't think anyone reading this thread would complain about spoilers.. but here's a reference image of a Supreme Leader Snoke figure. Oh and this bad boy looks like a perfect dashboard ornament! - I will definitely get me one of these
  5. I don't know, the_raven, it came with a skinpack of some 20+ skins. I found it while taking the screenshots! Sorry.
  6. Thanks for the feedback Darth Malgas! If you want pointier saber tips; https://jkhub.org/files/file/1839-episode-3-blades/ But I used several scenes from the prequels that show lightsaber, as a source material for this modification - and the baldes just aren't that pointy.
  7. Version 1.0


    I've been working on lightsaber blades & saber_trails that look like in the prequel movies, as much as possible. To be honest, this was my first try at making lightsaber blades, taking that into consideration; this turned out pretty good. Not that there aren't enough lightsaber blade mods already, infact; there are some pretty good looking files uploaded here, but I just felt like trying something different since I feel more comfortable mapping.. Next update will include new sounds as well. I haven't tested this on OpenJk yet, but it should work just fine. Readme file included. Special thanks to Mrozy, Kody 55, Iskk & Maugrim for the screenshot.
  8. Impressive! This topic is worth following, keep up the good work!
  9. Coruscant Heights 2 Alzoc 3 Capital (Corellia??) Jabba's Palace Naboo Hills Battle Over Coruscant D-Legion Monolith 2.0 Helm's Deep v2 Hexes Ghetto 2
  10. Kyle Katarn is like the Chuck Norris of StarWars; overpraised character who assumably survives everything. Luke Skywalker is his Bruce Lee; he would rip Kyle's chesthair and kill him, cover his corpse with a jacket and walk away.
  11. "...did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?" man this looks awesome ^^
  12. These would be sick as playable models in JKA/JO. Can it be done? https://www.models-resource.com/psp/crisiscorefinalfantasy7/model/1357/ https://www.models-resource.com/wii/narutoclashofninjarevolution/model/1825/
  13. One of my favorite characters in the prequels, looks great in game. Well done. But what's going on with his face? I haven't seen a grinn like that since Max Payne.
  14. z3filus

    Dragon Reborn

    For sure, the_raven, given the fact that reborn is probably the most edited model in the history of JO & JA, for making personal skins. It's still a pretty cool skin though, but a bit too dark for my taste, maybe if it had more color options (green,yellow,pink)(???)
  15. z3filus

    Atlas's Skin

    I'm not a fan of having writing on the skins either, but nice work Atlas, nice work.
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