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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. What is home? han says "chewie.. we're home." So what is home for these two smugglers?
  2. wow... that's it then, Disney has ruined StarWars. Finn says; "Hell no" which is a stereotypical black actors comment. Not fit for StarWars. Did MaceWindu ever say " ..you mothafucka! "
  3. because he made it quickly to steal his (@Psyk0Sith's) thunder the head looks amazing, Keep us posted Psyko, I've not been this hyped about a jka model since hapslash's releases after EP3
  4. Snoke hasnt yet been shown anywhere. We only have Serkis' description; He's a tall humanoid-like creature probaly part cybernetic because he suffered a tragedy most likely before the events of episode one (?) because he lived trough both wars.. and he uses a staff as a weapon.. hmm Sounds a lot like Darth Plaqueis to me.
  5. Oh yea the ads are everywhere. StarWars Rebels started on FOX here, dubbed in our language so our kid can watch it too. He's five and he loves StarWars and im getting him legos and actionfigures. I dont feel so grown up anymore
  6. Huh... that reminds me of something that Ralph painted for the original trilogy
  7. daayum another TV spot??? #6 already @@DrXann - me too, this movie or, well, Disney can fail on so many levels; lightsaber duels being one of them. No one has mentioned if Nick Gillard will be the lightsaber fight coordinator, I think that alone could save this vessel from sinking. No fancy footwork like in the preguels though, as the characters there were trained Jedi, the real thing, they had to be more faster and all out better swordsmen than Luke was in his early Jedi years. Although Kylo Ren looked like he could be rather skilled...
  8. Poe has a custom x-wing painted black because black means badasss
  9. So the story goes, but you forget that Darth Plaqueis was one the strongest sith to ever have lived, and he was obsessed with becoming immortal & creating life. Why some fans expect him to return, is because there should be no sith lords or Vaders secret apprentices after episode six, and the EU is no longer canon, so who's the man behind the curtain now?? If Plaquies was as powerful as told, then is he dead just because Palpatine belives he had killed him in his sleep? So there are many IF's to this theory.. but Disney bought the franchise because they knew Lucas had something in his hands that would sell. But in my mind, the rule of two is now guestionable. Since the Jedi were so blind to see the return of the sith, could there be more of them hiding around the galaxy? This is where Supreme Leader Snoke steps in. He's someone who has an agenda and according to Serkis he is vulnerable. Whether he's an injured sithlord or not we'll have to find that out later, maybe even during the next film unless he's killed off in episode seven. Obviously there is a new, young Skywalker who needs to rise against the threat and become a Jedi like his grandfather Anakin. Whether this is the offspring of Luke or Leia, we don't know. But the threat must be equal to Sidious.
  10. Why would you say that it's now a 100% fact that Plaqueis wont be in episode7 if you already was sure about it months ago? *(so i recall) I thought you said that JJ himself denied Plaqueis being part of the movie.
  11. So.. for the first time (i think) we get to see that creature from the trailer who hands over the saber to Leia, I gotta say that he/she looks like that species from GuildWars. Also, I still dont like Finn.. he just doesnt fit among the others. Atleast the actor should have been someone else if he has to be black. I dont understand why black people are used in movies just because "you gotta have a black guy" and thats clearly the case with Disney. Finn should be an alien. A real badass alien who would replace han & chewie.
  12. an explanation would be in order; is that fan made or official? it does seem to have very little characters in it, Han Solo, Chewbacca and Leia are missing, not to mention R2-D2 and C-3PO but... I guess they aren't the key characters anymore
  13. Counting days now. I'm looking foreward to the scene when when the kids realize just who's saber they have with them, this comes down to the same fact @NumberWan brought up ;no one should know about these duels or how they ended, not even about the one that took place on Bespin, where Luke lost his hand. I can accept a weird creature finding, and selling/offering the saber to Rey and Finn, but they should have no idea of who that saber once belonged to. I'd imagine Han Solo to recognize his friends weapon, hence; telling the kids about the past, " it's true, all of it - the darkside, the jedi - they're real " MAJOR SPOILER POSSIBLY
  14. I just watched episodes one &two. I can totally agree with some of the older posts, that episode one has the OT spirit, spiced with gungans tho. I wanted to puke once I saw just how mellow episode two is, it's like the bald&beautiful meets starwars. Next up is episodes three & four, and definetly looking foreward to that, just seeing the transformation from Ewan to Alec is amazing. Ewan was the best actor possible for the role of Obee huan.
  15. Huh.. this is another confusing factor; how much IS George Lucas involved?? I keep hearing so many theories, Disney owns the brand/ frenchfries but you'd think they would want to honor Lucas by continuing the story as planned. I'm still hyped about it, but confused. I like JarJar. He was like a backup plan for Lucas, after such a long break from StarWars. It would have been great without him but i dont honestly want him erased.
  16. Maybe the expanding of the StarWars universe was a mistake. The original trilogy had such an impact worldwide, that comic books etc. were sure to follow. Isn't this new trilogy made according to Lucas' visions of what would/should happen? I'd expect true StarWars fans to support this "meant to be" storyline even if it is labeled Disney. I mean, really, it shouldn'tbe this conplicated to point out which is canon and which isnt and based on what facts. Im sure if FANS had their way we would have a version of episode 1 without JarJar and THAT would be called "canon".
  17. z3filus

    Donation Time!

    Leaving so soon....
  18. I quoted Obi-Wan from Ep3. Wasnt a firestarter. It's natural to be excited about something, and without a doubt, dissappointment can follow. So I'd say its people like you who ruin the fun. I'm already well past the skeptic phase (Disney ). Being disappointed by one detail or two shouldnt yet make you walk out tthe premiere, have a religion for EU if you're so down about it.
  19. Yoda huh.. but then i'd expect to see Alec too, after all they were "just there" training Luke, and it wouldn't make sense that their ghosts stopped appearing after the war, force ghosts alone doesnt make much sense to all fans.
  20. Yea i just hate this cloud of mystery. Anakin is the red line of starwars. Everything happens around him, so what else is on Lucas' mind?? Anakin died. "There were stories about what happened" I hope some of them will be heard on screen because a starwars film that doesnt even mention Vader/ Anakin, is not canon in my books..
  21. Ok sure, then there are the Yuuzhan Vong. Which is EU stuff I guess, so it shouldn't mean anything to us anymore, but; The highest status among the Yuuzhan Vong was SUPREME OVERLORD, sounds alot like SupremeLeader (Snoke). J.J Abrams is creating a new story though, but who's to say he can't apply some of the EU story to this new Disney version? Search for; Palpatine or Darth Maul http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong
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