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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. WTF y u not z these details ??? have a closer look.
  2. It's a new model, a mix of 2 models made by DT85 as the description says. It's not a customizable model. You just download the model and add the .pk3 file into your GameData>Base folder and start up MultiPlayer where u can then use it
  3. The model is looking great, but all that cloth they put on Mark Hamil makes his diet and weightloss unnoticeable I hate u if you're wrong
  4. i dont seem to have that option in gtk
  5. having a hard time figuring out how to add the wind effect from the train map, from SP, think Hoth maps had it too.
  6. well, lets say this is true, that Hayden makes a comeback in epsiode 8, it still doesn't mean they're gonna resurrect Vader, a surveillance video showing Anakin inside the JediTemple with Clonetroopers is more possible. But this is really salty indeed he is the main character after all, I mean, yeah sure Luke was the original StarWars hero but if you look at this all as a saga, anakin is the one who helped the emperor rise to power, he was palaptines most powerful weapon so to speak, and eventually, he decided to save his son by throwing the emperor to his doom, he was the center character at the massacre at JediTemple, the characters in this new trilogy they all are dealing with, living in the aftermath of his evil doings with the emperor, and we even have a bad guy who's wearing a helmet that ressembles Vaders helmet, so not mentioning Anakin would be weirdd
  7. holy sith, I mean what I said but I couldn't avoid seeing something on youtube, related to StarWars7
  8. I'm liking the 100% transparency with the " home, forum, wiki, etc.". but I dont think you should add transparency anywhere else, I mean, I personally dont want to see the background image. making it more visible may lead to people asking about changing it perhaps. I think reading the threads here is easier if the layout is not too transparent. If someone is bothered by the amount of white on their screen, then one might try to get some more light in their rooms so their PC screens dont appear so bright. Hell.. I dont see anything here that needs changing. If possible, why not make the forum so that a member can tweak it to their liking on their own acc. like you can change the appearance of your desktop.
  9. I'm thinking.. maybe I should stop poking around for rumours and leaked photos, cuz the movie will hit the theaters already in December. I'm tired from trying to know everything about the film before its premiere. It's already starting to ruin the upcoming movie theater experience.
  10. Rey Solo? nice, she looks like Natalie Portman, so she defintly passes for a Skywalker. Eventhough her lastname may not be 'Skywalker'. All I wanted was on that interview, because from the moment I first saw her in the trailer -- I went " That girl is somehow related to Padmé !" I though Kylo was somehow related to Han Solo, but... I doubt they'll go with the good sister/ bad brother plot. That's just too cheesy, even for Disney.
  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again; that staff Rey is carrying around totally looks like a lightsaber / scepter-lightsaber. She's a scavenger and the trailer clearly shows her and Finn running away from Tie fighters, so im thinking, could Kylo Ren be after her? after the scepter ? I mean, so far, she's only been carrying it around in the trailers and not using it as a rifle or something, so that's almost definetly not any kind of a blaster weapon, so why is she so keen on it? If she's not holding it in her hands, she has is strapped to her back. Clearly it's important to her and she holds on to it even against Tie's.
  12. http://jkhub.org/files/file/50-medieval-map-objects/
  13. so if Kylo is as bad as J.J. describes him to be, and if Finn is as vulnerable and weak as seen in the trailer, then why - would he be facing Kylo? Isn't that like.. a death sentence ??
  14. here's something interesting to read for StarWars:Rebels, fans http://www.starwars.com/news/offscreen-but-not-forgotten-mini-rigs-body-rigs-and-other-kenner-vehicles or well, it's not a spoiler of any kind, just some nerd knowledge, but this was my "well whadda ya know" moment for today.
  15. z3filus

    R2-D2 1980 Skin

    exactly what Lancelot said. you should rename this, because now this file is misleading, there was never a black'n'white R2D2 I like alternative versions of this droid but.. yeah.. renaming would be nice
  16. Im also interested in the sequels, but I'll first need to see this 1st part before trying to figure out the rest of the story.
  17. Oh wow, I thought this model was lost for eternity! I always liked this Dash Rendar model, but god in heavens we need a new better one
  18. but.... why does the correct size of the ship matter, if this thread is about first person viewed Ravenclaw ??
  19. This grassy forest covered planet may or may not be Yavin, but I sure hope it is because that would go well with the EU storyline
  20. Lenght (20 meters) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Raven's_Claw
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