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Everything posted by z3filus

  1. If only the actor would be this handsome, I saw him take of the mask and thought to myself; put it back on.
  2. I hope to see deleted scenes that further explain some of these oddballs, or then I could just say that Disney ran out of ideas creating 2 characters that are so much alike. The next movie will hopefully show Poe in much brighter light, and I'd like to see the character of Fin do something brave again, he seems to have that "knight in shining armor" persona. Maybe he dies next. I still wanna say that Boyega was the most convincing actor of the young&new people. Despite having these theories, the character of Fin was intresting to watch and you know I was really thrown into his scenes, he was criticised by some but I'm totally expecting to see him in ep. eight
  3. I'd like some more screenshots before I rate this because I don't have the game installed now, plus I think it's always good to include as many screenshots as possible. I'm just looking at this nice photoshopped image and I have no idea how the face texture blends with the head, it could look like an old hag ingame, so... please? more screenshots?
  4. Ofcourse you do, and I'm not trying to provoke you, but obviously each character needs to be explained to the audience in one way or the other. I'm just backing up my theory about Poe being able to save his own ass, and thus meeting with Rey and doing all the stuff that Finn does in the film. Fin is seen as the new Han Solo because the whole film crew and the producers tell us that's the only way to look at it, but Poe could and in my opinon, should have been that character, because he's got the same grin on his face that Han did in the OT. He's got all the aspects of a hero, and he could've also been able to gather some vital information about the Starkillerbase while he's held a prisoner and especially when he would have scaped. (concidering that Fin would not exist) But ofcourse Fin makes sense to you, as it did to me at first, but the reality is that this story, this film, is a mixture of Lucas' own script, Luca's ideas and Disney's ideas, JJ Abrams' ideas, it's a soup of a little bit of everything. So I'm convinced that Fin is Poe, in a way
  5. I'm not saying this from a racist point of view, <-- hopefully this will be enough to kill that thought in your heads. But seriously, think about it for a second; Poe Dameron's parents were high ranking officers of the Rebel Alliance, the same group that fought against the Empire. Poe grew up hearing about their battles, and eventually joined the Resistance only to become the best starpilot in the galaxy. Ring any bells? I'll continue; He was a natural leader, and a cunning soldier, he ended up becoming one of General Leia Organa's most trusted operatives and he was sent on the most important mission, to find Lor San Tekka, and the missing part of a map to find Luke Skywalker. Now.. this is where it gets interesting; Kylo comes and captures him, interrogates and tortures him. Every prisoner that escapes only needs but one perfect moment to flee, Poe could have been escorted to somewhere within the ship, just by 2 stormtroopers, and he could have put up a fight, someone could have shot towards him, hitting the handcuffs and thus freeing his hands, so now he would be able to pick up a blaster and run to the nearest hangar, sneak into a ship and escapes, but he gets shot down and he crashes on Jakku where he meets Rey who's in some sort of a trouble, but he has some luck because with her, is BB-8 !! They escape from Jakku with the Millennium Falcon, and Poe tells Rey the specific coordinates of the Rebel Base and once they land, Han Solo comes running towards them demanding an explanation to why the hell are they flying around with his ship. Han might have told Leia that his ship was stolen, but laters reveals that he actually lost it in a bet (again). After a small talk, Han solo tells Poe and Rey about the stories of the Jedi and the darkside. They head out to meet with Maz Kanata where Rey starts to hear things, and goes wandering like Harry Potter, Poe decides to follow her because she didn't look ok. He could be there just in time before Rey passes out from the vision she was having, and Maz comes by with her " the force is calling to her" mumbo jumbo when they're suddenly attacked. In the midst of the battle, Rey wakes up and wanders off to the forrest and gets captured. Poe decides to rescue her with Han and Chewie. And Poe is the one who eventually tries to defend himself with Luke's old saber. Now here comes Disney!!! They decide to have yet another character, but hmm.. this is a pickle.. they're not sure if they want to create a useless character like JarJar.. so they decide to look at the character of Poe Dameron and give some of his lines and work to create this run away stormtrooper who Rey would bond with, but oh no! They would need to introduce such an important character early in the film. Hmm.. why not introduce him when Poe is captured? Oh yes, and now Fin becomes the main male hero of the film. Leaving the character of Poe Dameron just a good pilot (who retrieved critical information) as just a side character, or atleast a more minor character, who although would eventually come and blast the Starkillerbase to oblivion ( just like Luke) Does anyone else see this? Maybe Fin is one of the changes made to the script by Lucas. I really don't see why Fin is in the movie. One hint would be the sense of humor; Poe jokes about Kylo's mask the same way that Fin later would act funny and... really? No one else sees this? It's obvious that Poe and Fin were first one single character who would do all kinds of stuff, but Disney decided to split the character into 2 for some reasons.
  6. I'm glad Peter was still in the movie with all the other old actors, but Joonas Suotamo was mostly seen in the Chewie costume. http://fansided.com/2015/12/20/star-wars-chewbacca-force-awakens/ As the article (link) says, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Suotamo become the regular actor for Chewbacca as the films progress. I think he still needs to avenge his friend. I was disappointed at how they did NOT show the primal anger and brutality of that fuzzball, that many would expect to see after Han died. I know it's probably more more fitting for a video game but if you've seen all the movies so far of this saga, then you'd expect Chewie to rip the arms of the stormtroopers, pull their heads with the spine still intact like a mothaf*** Predator in them films. Especially when you KNOW that Chewie isn't old like Han, so you can't say he wen't sad because he's old. I'm also curious about who Rey is, and the theory of her being Luke's daughter is tempting. That would be awesome to find out in the cinema. Even if Kylo was badly wounded, his mind clouded by anger and sorrow and what not, Rey still needs to be of a powerful force family to pull the stuff that she did, there's no doubt about it. I've discussed this film with my friends and no one seems to like the new saber so far, because there's no reason why it has the side blades. I belive Fin was included only because they wanted a black guy in the heroes side; everything Fin does, Poe could have done. Poe could have escaped on his own and meet Rey on Jakku, become her friend and bond a close relationship with her and he could have gone with Han and Chewie while the rest of the Rebels attack the base. There is simply no need for Fin. He's there for the drama, 'bald&beautiful' moments.
  7. I don't remember the place looking like that, but atleast we have something, right? Don't get me wrong, I like the map, but I think the SW TFA maps will improve in quality once we have something like books and the DVD releases to use as preferences. Damn it though the trees look sexy. Good Job !!
  8. z3filus

    R2-KT Skin

    Looks like a Pimp Droid. Maybe that's why I like it and will download it.
  9. LMAO that totally looks like Harrison Ford. Great job!
  10. I was impressed with how powerful Kylo had become, Vader had grown in the Jedi temple and therefore had more respect for the Force; he only needed to point at someone to make him choke, to interrogate. Kylo had no self control - he was a loose cannon - he took control of their bodies, which I think is the ultimate way of scaring a person. Kylo is scary..
  11. Oh I don't know.. they broke ice with this movie so it'll be easier to make 8 & 9. They just need to keep an eye on criticts and the hundreds of youtube videoreviews to ensure that people actually want too see the movies. And you'd think they know better, NOT to copy the OT too much. Sounds simple but we'll see...
  12. I watched the film yesterday, and I must say that I really needed the time to sleep, just to let it all sink in. The most important thing that I belive I need to say, is that; it wasn't a typical Disney film, it was 100% STARWARS. Sure I can point out details or scenes that didnt please me, but what mostly bothered me was...
  13. oooooOohh 1 week left, better not spoil too much!!!
  14. I don't know how to react to this, can we assume that Dooku found something interesting enough from the Jedi Archives or from a stranger, to ready his ship and follow up the leads to this "treasure", and either wrote about it or spoke of it afterwards, insipiring a treasure hunt.. a part of me thinks this is just like a Chip'n'Dale RescueRangers episode, but, part of me thinks this could be interesting to read. Is this a novel or a comic ??
  15. See how cunning they are, even with "Leaked on Set Photos"?? You can't tell who's behind Artoo..
  16. Mapping takes time, and the level of quality in games has been raised higher and higher since the release of xbox360 and ps3, quake game engine simply isn't enough to satisfy old jedi knight gamers, and working on anything bigger than a duel map is a risk, because there's no guarantee your work will ever become even close to being popular, or HOT like it used to be at jk3files.com. Our community is so small nowdays, that only the few same faces bother to comment on the files submitted. So no thanks.
  17. Tarkin was seen in the end of Episode 3. It's a brief moment but you can totally tell that that's Tarkin. https://youtu.be/K8J2l0XQG0g?t=1m14s
  18. by the way, a few pages ago, here, someone mentioned that Hayden was rumoured to make a comeback as Vader in the new trilogy. supposedly as a flashback from the past or something, well I was just watching episode 4 with my friends and we talked about the stand alone films; could Hayden maybe play the role of Vader in these films, like e.g. RogueOne? unless he is simply training for another movie altogether
  19. That would mean that Han never got his Falcon back from Lando after the Battle of Endor
  20. What is home? han says "chewie.. we're home." So what is home for these two smugglers?
  21. wow... that's it then, Disney has ruined StarWars. Finn says; "Hell no" which is a stereotypical black actors comment. Not fit for StarWars. Did MaceWindu ever say " ..you mothafucka! "
  22. because he made it quickly to steal his (@Psyk0Sith's) thunder the head looks amazing, Keep us posted Psyko, I've not been this hyped about a jka model since hapslash's releases after EP3
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