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Status Updates posted by Boothand

  1. The faster I go, the smaller I become, yet all the more branches I grow. What am I?

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Ping


      And this is why I hate riddles.

    3. Boothand


      That's right! Indeed I had to use figurative speech to make those things true, and interesting observation about the properties :D. I don't know if it would qualify for a true riddlebook, although I'm sure some people might guess it now and then.

    4. z3filus
  2. Anyone who's used the Dragon software? I can't get the console to open.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. katanamaru


      I've seen new animations in JO anyway.

    3. Boothand


      Yeah I've seen new animations too. There's a tiny difference between the skeletons, including a tag weighted to the left hand bone (which I think might renamed, if I remember correctly). It just seems like the JA skeleton included in Dragon is the only one compatible with the software though, in the way the bones are parented to one another. The JO skeleton breaks at each limb, and glm files from base don't have a prepared bone hierarchy that can be used either.


      In the...

    4. Boothand


      In the meanwhile I'll look into whether I can use 3ds Max 2010/2011 to import animations from JK2.

  3. Decided to try MBII. On Steam, all animations are broken and wrong. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. ensiform


      Ya the +set is critical, or else it won't set the fs_game at all/early enough.

    3. Onysfx


      If I see you ingame, I can help teach you the saber system. I'm not a pro myself, but I can certainly help :).

    4. Boothand
  4. Just tried Dark Forces for the first time. Temporarily stuck, wondering which pixel to navigate towards!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Barricade24


      Totally agree, DT.

    3. Boothand


      On the first level, but I'll figure it out next time I play. The sunshine was a factor last time, making it hard to see in those caves. Or holes in the walls, to be accurate!

    4. NumberWan


      My favourite is the ruined city. I played through it several times.

  5. Quite amazing (free) painting software:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Circa


      Haters gonna hate.

    3. Circa


      And yeah, not sure where you got iPad from.

    4. z3filus
  6. Hello status world. Is it possible to disable the mouse1 + mouse 2 special moves in JKA?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. katanamaru


      And what are it's details? Feel free to do a new status or a thread.

    3. Dusty


      Oh it's an SP command I didn't know you were talking about MP...

    4. Omicron


      Ah, I thought you were talking about MP :P, Nvm then, but thanks anyway.

  7. Any modelers know what could be wrong in my IK chain here? Don't wanna re-weight atm!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      An up vector constraint can help but it isn't necessary.

    3. ChalklYne


      Ahhh I see.. so I was on the right path, just completely wrong XD

    4. Boothand


      Thanks both!

      Minilogo, that really did the trick! Thank you. The more I bent the leg before IK chaining it, the better the results. :)

  8. Streaming: making a tiled texture from photograph

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Boothand


      Force myself to do stuff

    3. Ping


      by having others watch me do stuff. god has died, but its ok because we can replace him with the help of technology. spinoza was right then: homo homini deus est, but in a perversely voyeristic sense

    4. Boothand


      People should make bad textures.

  9. JK2 CTF match on stream: http://www.twitch.tv/gaterraider

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grab


      I mean these "bugged" sabers.

    3. Boothand


      Different game, different mechanics.

    4. Grab
  10. Just bought the Quixel suite.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AshuraDX


      you should check out allegorithmics Substance Suite, got the indie suite for amazing 114€ during the steam summer slae :D

    3. Boothand


      It seems impressive, but afraid it's a bit too early in my relationship with Substance to buy it :P The price tag is a bit scary. But I'll make sure to try it!

    4. AshuraDX


      these tools are worth every cent

      and the Indie Bundle is quite affordable aswell

  11. Yay! My next 3 years will, in one month, be spent studying Game technology and simulation!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek
    3. Lamented


      That sounds amazing. It's something I've always wanted to look into. Good luck!

    4. Onysfx


      Sounds enjoyable :)...perhaps this is something I should do as well...

  12. Gonna stream the Jedi Outcast SP in a few moments on http://www.hitbox.tv/boothand

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3filus


      keeel dem!


    3. IrocJeff


      I saw were you died @ the laser thing..then you talked a bit about downgrading and stopped playing so i left. lol


    4. Boothand


      Huh? :D

      We didn't talk about downgrading the difficulty, we were talking to a viewer about the different versions of JK2 in multiplayer. Then we had a 15 minutes well deserved break though.

      Doing this is probably the toughest singleplayer experience I've had... just died far out in the prisoner saving level, and it has no checkpoints....!

  13. Boothand turns on the oven and goes back to his room. 15 minutes later he takes his food to the kitchen to check if it's hot enough. Oh, he says, someone has been here and turned on the oven. I should wait some hours until they are done. Back in his room, he realizes his superior logic.

    1. Onysfx
    2. DT.


      And that's why I'm not a duck. :D

    3. katanamaru
    1. Dai



    2. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      The hooks are ok(my hatstand is like that). Nice work

    3. Boothand


      It's a tiny bit strange so many hatstands are designed like that. Mine is no different :D

  14. Which subdivison level should I go with for a JKA npc/vehicle? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ze9syltzs57i0ff/Screenshot 2014-07-03 21.21.40.png

    1. Boothand


      You might have to manually copy/paste that link.

    2. DT.


      A blend between the both. There's some areas that could use more poly's and some that don't.

  15. What's generally most expensive for the engine? Drawing more texture surface where it can't be seen, or drawing some extra triangles by segmenting and caulking the area that can't be seen? Example: Rooms with furniture/staircases/various caps/layers of geometry.

    1. eezstreet


      Drawing more triangles has probably a bigger hit on FPS, but that extra texturing will hit the VRAM I think too.

    2. Boothand


      Alright, thanks!

  16. You know you've been 3D modeling a lot lately when it makes sense to only shampoo the left side of your hair, or shave the left side of your face only.

    1. DT.


      Symmetry :D

  17. World's on a crazy roll! Unreal Engine 4 got free, Unity 5 released, Sketchfab got PBR, JK2MV released..

    1. Boothand


      Free as a pig

  18. Streaming IrocJeff's Ice Station Wampa in a few!

  19. Is this still a thing? Does it have servers/players? https://jkhub.org/files/file/1453-opensaber/

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