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Everything posted by Boothand

  1. Are you hoping to use this normal map on a modded renderer (rend2 or WarZone), or in vanilla JKA? In the last case, you can't use it as a normal map. You might make the diffuse look more the way you want by overlaying some of the normal map channels over the diffuse texture and tweaking it around though.
  2. That was really well done! Loved it, the music didn't fit too well, but otherwise very impressive.
  3. Join the discord in the last post of that thread gandowlf posted if you want to keep up. The thread is mostly abandoned in favour of communication on the discord.
  4. I think JK2 1.02 CTF would be excellent cyber sports material. It's truly unique, as there's no other game with this pace where you use only melee (and mines) to kill each other instead of ranged weapons. Watching these captain's matches could be really entertaining with the right presentation. The gameplay has everything - incredibly high speed and fast reaction chases, cool saber combat, set roles within each team with plenty of interesting tactics, you have stuff like team boosts (you can slash your teammate to make them go really fast and soar through the air), "DBS dooms" (making someone die from fall damage due to the impact of the special move) and community banter. Example of a cpts match, though not the best presentation/commentary/stream/stuff: https://youtu.be/r0C-HTX3kas?t=675
  5. I could make the case that we then should make 4 different versions of the game. One with the mechanics the developers want, one with JKA mechanics, one with JK2 1.04 mechanics and one with JK2 1.02 mechanics. They are all vastly different and each have their own player bases who remain separate largely because they don't prefer the gameplay of the others. All the Jedi Knight communities have been split for 15 years, maybe we shouldn't let that happen again when we try to revive it. With a remake such as this, we're targeting new players as well. The majority of old players may be in JKA, but it's not such a significant difference that making an alternate version to not disappoint that group should be necessary. We're not talking about completely overhauling the mechanics. Old players would have a significant advantage if the game became popular, just like how the longtime players of Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars went on to become the elite in Rocket League. A lot of the behaviour was changed, but they adapted.
  6. Why make two separate versions of the game? Rather make one game with confidence and make frequent showcases and get feedback from the community. Making two games, or two versions, will scatter our efforts and scatter (and confuse) a potential player base. I'm not sure it would be required to map the Q3 pmove functions so directly to UE4. If we wanted to make a 1:1 copy of the gameplay, I could understand, but simulating/appoximating how velocity is built, sliding, collision and ground checks etc should be quite doable from an intuitive approach And if not, then yeah we always have the JKA source code for reference.
  7. Yeah, it would essentially be chambering just that the physical position/orientation of the sabers would decide if it works. In M&B you do it by attacking to the correct side right before the hit lands, and it doesn't stop your attack, so it's like a really fast counter.
  8. I agree, I think movement is an essential part of Jedi Knight combat and it already works well in the JK series. And I'm saying this as one of the people who have done manual blocking mods and stuff. Manual blocking and cancelling out your attacks are cool and realistic things, but they do change the balance of a combat system that is already balanced and make for quite new combat strategies. I'm not strongly for or against either, but for now I have a preference towards avoiding attacks with movement as a base. I do however shudder at the thought of a combat system with swords where you cannot block attacks at all. I agree that blocking is something that should be done skillfully, and here's an idea: You know how in JK2 and JKA (I think?) you can block attacks with your saber when swinging it, even at the start of the wind up? If we made the animations so that they would 'cover' a side in the start of the attack, it could be used for blocking. It's risky because you commit yourself to an attack if you miss the block aim/timing. For example, swinging from left to right: Move right, attack - saber goes left to wind up the attack and is oriented in such a way that it would smash away any attack from waist-to-shoulder before reaching the leftmost point where the strike begins. Here's a completely other approach with automatic blocking as a base: You block by facing the attack when not attacking, like in JK2, but for every block your defense gets diminished and skillful combos can break through it. This is where I'd suggest taking JK2 1.02's red combos which I adore. Example of red comboing vs someone blocking. This could work with some careful balancing, and could also be made to look very Star Warsy by letting the characters do smooth blocking animations, using additional IK to properly overlap the attacks. With all that said, I do also believe that there are functional ways to implement manual blocking with a JA-style movement system but in my experience it becomes too hard vs the fast attacks and too easy vs the slow attacks. Anyway, these are just.. three, of several options!
  9. What kind of work could you see yourself doing if it was based on the JKA engine? I'm sure you could learn working with UE4. I can't promise how much time I can dedicate to it, but I'd be willing to try to set up a starting point given some basic UE4 compatible animations, and start building the saber combat system.
  10. More like JAWS' scale: With mysterious glow thing: PSD file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/litpmamd3bf8yy8/yavinthing.psd?dl=0
  11. Uhh. I don't know. I don't know Star Wars... Not sure what size, or if realistic enough. I'm sure this is freaking huge compared to what it should be. Tried to make it sort of obscured by atmosphere, and clouds.
  12. Hmm, if it's supposed to be entirely open source, might be tricky to include something bought.
  13. I just mean like.. doing the very easiest things in the start is nice because it feels good to get them done. But if you decide to make a game that has JK-like sabering as a core feature, you should really start at once, don't leave this to the end. This is when you'll find out what it takes, if you or your team can do it and you will get your game built to support that feature completely instead of ending up with a robust system for a shooter, only to find you need to change a lot for the sabering to make sense (or that you cannot do it after all). I do agree that using a shooter template like linked above would be reasonable for a community project though. My suggestion right would be to see if someone could transfer JK's movement, jump and sabering animations (yellow only) onto a new skeleton, and export FBX files, retarget them onto the template mesh and just replace the template's animations, then prototype with a placeholder stick.
  14. If you intend to make a game like Jedi Knight that has sabering, I'd say do that from the start. Get the prototype up with the important features immediately. I think projects easily come to a halt if you say "we'll add that later when this part is good", if it's actually part of the core, even if a MP shooter is easier. But I guess it's more about what the community wants in such a game. Personally I'd focus on saber combat, as this is the unique part that warrants a remake, since there is no other combat system like it outside of JK series.
  15. So something where you can jump high and have this movement based directional attack system with a sword with various slow/fast styles? How would blocking/staggering work? Stuff like wall-jumps/climbs? Strafe jumps? What about various bugs and stuff people use from JKA like backflip delayed swings and stuff that is important to JKA duels? Some time ago I did some live streams where I put Kyle and his anims in Unity and started playing around with the movement and combat system. Unreal would probably be better suited. I wanted to change up the combat a bit, but I'd rather try out my ideas some more before I try pitching it to someone. I think an ideal combat system for something with the Jedi Knight-series movement style would be some hybrid between JKA and JK2 1.04 and 1.02. No matter the implementation, I have some ideas on how to make stuff like blocking look good and got a ton of experience in Unity and some experience with Unreal. If your/the community's ideas get developed enough, I'm sure I could help coding/blueprinting.
  16. I think the most important thing to discuss is what kind of game you want to end up with? If it's not star wars, what weapons, what context is it placed in? What elements from the combat do you want to keep and change?
  17. Hmm, for me I had to look at this picture a while before I could see that it was a reflection, and not a room where the floor was shaped like the ceiling and a floating surface in the middle. Maybe it could be toned down or somehow made to seem a bit more rough, less like a pure mirror. Perhaps it will feel different in game though, of course, than on a 2D picture
  18. It's possible I never got the JA SDK then Always got EffectsEd through JK2 Editing Tools 2.0
  19. cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp [0.0 - 1.0] controls the damping of the camera movement. Setting it to 1 should make it completely rigid. 0.3 is default.
  20. I have always been spammed that those images are missing (they are used for some built-in textures in EffectsEd I think), they don't seem to be included anywhere until I make them myself.
  21. I've imported plenty of JK2 models, that should be fine.
  22. Holy hand grenade! You're so good that I want to take a backflip through a wall and grow potatoes though the hole. On a less serious note, I would really love to know more about your workflow. Do you sculpt it in one piece, or every part separately, then glue it together? Sculpt -> Retopo -> More sculpt, or Modeling -> Sculpt, orrr?
  23. I'm guessing we'd need some kind of physics joint/constraint system to do that properly? Attaching rigidbodies and colliders to the bodyparts would probably result in some hilariously stretched models if they started sliding too far
  24. Again, superbly excellently goodly good! Hope we get to see even more recreated weapons from you
  25. Does caulk nonsolid generate VIS data the same way solid caulk brushes do? At least it doesn't have to generate unnecessary collision then. Map looks amazing!
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