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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. Oh wow, what a fantastic skybox! This is amazing. I wish more people had put it to good use.
  2. Two circles with hexagons/octagons around the enclosed outer ring? Your senate pods had sharp angles, right?
  3. That is super creative! I can understand why you took the Jedi Outcast symbol and little xwing symbol down off the pylons above the sections, though I did find them charming. Nice to see some more beautiful pictures of the progress! Excellent work!
  4. Oh! Wow, that's great that you're finding it though! So many people miss those little quirks, but you're getting it nice and polished for the release. I like the idea of a courtroom! That's great! That raises even more opportunities.
  5. I am just thankful to see the creativity pouring out from you in whatever capacity you want to share it. I'm glad that you were able to direct those energies somewhere, and I am grateful to see how far this has come. I've been inspired from the first time I saw that courtyard, and I cannot wait. [Actually, I can wait patiently, but I'm eager never the less.]
  6. That secret santa space port is amazing! And I like that there's no ship in it because I can spawn various ships in it, whatever ships I like! That makes it even better! I love the art style, the contrast colors and the flow. Very nice and unique. Are there release plans?
  7. The admin room is a really good idea, especially about the music. That's going to make things a lot easier to manage, literally and figuratively. The force fields could be quite handy too! I really like all of the details you've thought up for this.
  8. Now that is a statue! I love the different atmospheres and moods and themes the map has across its entirety. It'll give it a lot of replay value, and roleplay value, and just be a general dream to look at.
  9. What inspirational photos... Brings me right back to what captivated me about this project; unique aesthetics pushing the edges of what the game is capable of and inspiring all sorts of ideas of the stories I could tell. Fantastic, utterly fantastic.
  10. Ohhhh! A saber forgery full of crystals? Yaaaaaaay! Last two rooms! You're so close! You can do it! I am so happy you have teh saber forge, that's not something that a lot of maps include!
  11. Congratulations! That's fantastic, back on your feet! What's the new job?
  12. Just like in writing, sometimes the most powerful tool can be in the editing. Ohhh, final bug checks! I know it seems boring, but it's so exciting to me!
  13. Creativity can be salve for the soul in hard times. I'm glad you're making headway. Good luck with everything, our thoughts continue to be with you!
  14. The only time wasted would be not seeing the project completed... and it's so fantastic to hear that you're on the right track, and to hear from you in general. I hope you're doing well, and we're so relieved to hear from you!
  15. Ah, those are some great resource images. They gave great view of his new android feet, and his crimson dawn pendant. Also, thanks for the forum merging!
  16. Hahaha, that's pretty cool. https://www.trollandtoad.com/p253318.html That one also looks right out of Jedi Academy!
  17. There are so many good things in here! Thank you so much for doing this!!!
  18. There are so few bridge maps, it's delightful to get one! Thank you so much!
  19. The kicking animation is for double bladed lightsabers. If you are using a double blade, you can't saber throw. Is that what's going on? Also, force powers generally only go up to 4 anyhow so setting them to 9 might be causing strange things.
  20. YAAAAY! I'm so glad! I saw those come out and thought it was so cool. Yay to the archivists!
  21. Be safe... Be careful. I don't know how good the Goodwills are around your area since every region is different, but they usually have a Job Connection service that works with different employers in the area so maybe that's one possible option. But you're probably gone at this point... I just hope things go okay for you! We'll be thinking of you.
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