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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. That would be too much to ask, lol. If it's a dual map size, I was thinking a simple ring with a cross, and maybe some slopes down in the middle to simulate the appearance of the upside down paths, but really, anything along this vein would be amazing! By "Anyone bothering with making portals" do you mean tiny side maps that the portals lead to? Jumping from one side of the map to another through the portals?
  2. Ohhhh, yeah! That's going to be so amazingly helpful for film making! Then there's the option of reducing the load for intense scenes in the smaller maps, or using the full map for transitions and establishing shots. I haven't been as excited for a map release since Chalkyne's force unleashed tie factory, and that one never got released... This is going to be one of the best maps ever and I can't wait!
  3. I wonder if the streamlined design of the force nexus in Rebels called "A World Between Worlds" would make it easier than some maps to map. Or maybe a ring with portals on it, a path across the middle, and then the illusion of the other curves in the skybox? Still, the streamlined nature might maker it harder to. What does everyone think?
  4. Here are some different layout aspects:
  5. That thread made me a bit wary because it was a grocery list of specific things, where as this thread is more about any part of Dagobah. I feel like if we can get any part of Dagobah, it'll be a win for everyone. And there's no map to post anywhere yet, lol
  6. I ended up having to use a vietnam map for Jedi Academy when I had to film an episode set on Dagobah... I mean, it had trees and water and ambiance but... it wasn't the best match. I hope one day to have at least a duel map set on Dagobah, if not a bit bigger.
  7. Does anyone know if anyone that worked on clan mod is still active, and if so, how much of a challenge it would be to add a few more sitting animations? Or even one more?
  8. And so it does! There are a lot of models in that mod. 8 Gigs, I may be up late, lol
  9. Oh, K2 is great but he is floating a bit off the ground!
  10. I can see an object being usable to project a hologram above it, but making something specifically on the player screen would need a bit of coding.
  11. Would that work for the customizable single player models that are three pieces?
  12. You escaped the fate that befalls all great mappers, losing your progress due to computer failure. Knowing that it is backed up is a great relief.
  13. Such a nice change of pace! Fantastic architecture, lighting, everything!
  14. Or is there a chance you could release your map since it turned out so perfect? I mean you really managed to capture the hyperspace bubble perfectly!
  15. Ohhh! Raddus had a different body type. I've seen a lot of Mon calamari all over the years, but they all had the same body type. Raddus or a young thin Moncal like Lee-Char would be great! http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lee-Char
  16. Yay! That's what I like to see. Constructive cooperation between two greats!
  17. That city map... wouldn't take a lot of work to turn into Canto Bight, lol. It was an elegant european style with some futuristic archways added on! haha, but don't compromise your map for a passing reference. You do you!
  18. I'm still so excited about this map, it's the most ambitious project for JA in quite some time.
  19. That was so fast! I was shocked, and delighted, to get my hands on this map! The quality level is really high! Utterly fantastic.
  20. THAT IS FANTASTIC! Oh, it's been years waiting for a good lambda interior! There's sort of one in an old SJC map, but the ramp is locked down, so you can't really use part of it, and the front was so cramped... This is far more accurate. I really hope it does make it in game!
  21. The changes to the patreon page should be fair enough for the users. JKhub is the only patron account I fund at the moment so the fees aren't that big of an impact, but there's a lot of hubbub on twitter right now with people losing lots of patrons.
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