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Everything posted by ZanderNao

  1. Maybe you have an asset in a separate file that we don't? Maybe you can upload your copy to a separate dropbox/mega/alternative to see if something got corrupted in the publicly shared one?
  2. Yeah, I use OpenJK. I'm glad I'm not the only one though, lol. Oh, I do have one thing to check though...
  3. How did I miss this?! I had to do a whole machinima special with visual effects to make it look like it was in game, haha! EDIT: Awwww, it dropped the game, it said it had an invalid GLA...
  4. Just for the sake of clarity... Where does the mandalorian part come in? Are you replacing the mission where Boba is present with Watto with a flame thrower? Do you want him in armor? I'm interested by the many possibilities, but knowing what you're going for could be useful.
  5. Ohhh! That's a neat idea! No rigging on mouth needed, lol.
  6. Welcome back Chalkyne! It's so good to see you! There was a nexu, but if you started on one don't let that stop you. There can be different breeds! The monkey lizard is a good option, as is a gundark. The lothwolves and lothcats from Rebels are new prolific creatures worthy of coming into realization. And there's also the Mortis creatures... Gargoyle, bird, etc. (of all these, lothwolf is my main request I guess!) Also, what happened to that Proxy you were working on? How far did he get?
  7. So I was thinking back on this... How many hangar bays are there going to be? There was the poll about what ship to put in, and then you started building the Rhino, and having enough room in one to spawn different vehicles to show them off would be useful, but probably wasn't in your original plans... Also, is that something that might be different in the full map versus the smaller independent map sections?
  8. It's FAR from perfect, the file's a bit bloated because it has the unused PNGs, but here's a copy that gets one into game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1h9vjhr4i2zcky/Zygerrian.pk3?dl=0
  9. Your guide was spot on, but the problem wasn't the structure. It was the PNGs.
  10. That was it! I changed them to jpg and got a working model. It's kind of dark, but I can play around with it now.
  11. I still didn't get it to work, it's just invisible in game when I click on the icon.
  12. Isn't there normally a players folder between models and zygerrian?
  13. I tried to build my own PK3 out of this by nesting it in the proper folders but I did something wrong. What assembly is still required?
  14. So ambitious, such refinement. I can't wait to go through this map...
  15. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1772-sith-j-culls-stargate-sgc/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1791-stargate-atlantis/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1785-sg4realja/ https://jkhub.org/files/file/1784-sgegyptja/
  16. The more you know! There are pros and cons to such an immersive system. In the show, the portals didn't show anything until you got right up on them, and having them all be active could be a big drain on the computer and would require a lot of content to be designed for each portal. It'd expand the workload a lot from the idea of this being a simple duel map. On the other hand, that's the kind of ambitious, exciting idea that helps keep Jedi Academy alive... and I guess not all the portals would have to be working, just one or two.
  17. There's a map trigger that can teleport the player when they set foot on a certain position to another part of the map. It was used extensively in Stargate themed maps to move the player to seemingly another world.
  18. I wish! I use the JK2 predator model in my films as a background species and there hasn't been anything new in ages... It sure would be nice!
  19. Ahhh, I suppose that's true. I've seen so many people disappear while in the midst of great mods. I think the two hardest for me to take were Sith J Cull during Kamino version 2, and Chalkyne with his TFU Tie Facility and all the associated mods.
  20. Sometimes using a synthesis of programs can bring the best result. You've already made it further than anyone on Dagobah, keep up the good work! You have our support.
  21. That wouldn't be a bad duel map, and there are a lot of model assets in the base game that would lend themselves to the junk feel. I do hope someone takes up this map!
  22. The official soundtracks to season 3 and 4 have not been released, and the episode featuring the World Between Worlds is only a few weeks old... But here is a video showing where all the whispers were from across all the movies, Clone Wars, and Rebels:
  23. If we get more than one map, it might be useful to show how big the world between worlds is!
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