33 files
Jedi Academy Empire
By JKHub
Original Author: cHoSeN oNe
This mod was created initially for the Jedi Academy. The JAE Mod is a server-side only modification designed administrate a server with ease. It is loaded with Admin Commands, Client Commands, Server Options and cVars; Extremely modified to meet any clans and admins expectations. This is truly the only mod you will ever need to get that doesn't alter the normal game play of Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
A full HTML read-me is included. Please view for full details.
ForceModIII v1.01 Ingame Chat Vulnerability Fix
By MyKell
Removes the vulnerability to the say/tell "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
JA+ Server Side
By JKHub
Author: Slider
JA+ or JAPLus is a server side Mod for Windows, Linux, and Mac which has the possibility to get a Client side plugin with pk3 files.
Download Client-Side JA+ JAPlus here
JA+ is the official name for the Mod Project.
This server side Mod for Windows/Linux/Mac is designed to add cool features and enable admin commands
to help ensure your rules are respected and to make your server more configurable. This mod will not drastically change
the general feel of the game, it will simply add fun features or enhance features in order to satisfy Jedi Academy
clans. When all the new options are turned OFF, the gameplay becomes unchanged.
The main goal of this mod is to add or enhance a lot of features in a total configurable ''Plus'' JediAcademy version (that is why i called it JA+).
This is the full distribution pack. It includes the clientside JA+ Plugin as well as some helpful tools to aid server administrators.
For full documentation of the plugin itself, please download the plugin and its readme separately.
Example of features ==>
--Compatibility with all OS Windows, Linux and Mac
--Support for the New JA+ GLA animations(yes i know it adds 8Mo to the mod)
--High speed URL AutoDownload Redirect for needed Pk3 when connecting a server.
--Multiple duels at once
--Full force Duels
--Duel Isolation (Non interference)
--No Rules Alternate Dimension
--Flipkicks without altering wall run
--Admin commands + Admin Abuse Detection
--Speak mod (admin, clan and team)
--Clan Tag Protection
--Team gametypes auto-balance (teams with the same number of players)
--MultiTaunt Sound, and multiCustom player sounds.
--AutoReplier integrated working with all foreign versions of the game.
--Easy saber change without respawning
--Tons of new emotes
--Fake player name detection system based on IP detection
--All SP attacks added + completely new attacks and new DFA + SP force moves with new extended effects
--Extended Melee attacks
--New items (melee, jetpack, flameThrower,grapple hook )
--Model size scaling system
--Configurable saber Damages
--New Vote system management + AntiVoteSpam
--Capability of activating a real JK2 gameplay with moves and damages
--Profanity Filter
--Chat GOD (attack immunity while in console or chat mode) + Inactivity AutoProtect
--Highlander ffa gametype modification
--JediVsMerc mod enhancement
--Client Side Plugin for players
--RGB clothes and sabers + various saber core/line/trails styles effects.
--Extensive Anti cheat system ( Macro scan , models exploit, yawspeed....etc...)
--Client scripts that bind keys to improve accessibility and more...
--gender support for missing skins (replaced by a default male or a female model)
--JA+ BitValue calculator to compute all bit value CVars.
--BaseJKA vehicle limit of 16 modified to allow a maximum of 32 distinct vehicles to be spawned in a map.
--Maximum size of .veh & .vwp files increased to allow the loading of a lot more pk3 vehicle files (more than 50).
--JA+ server tracker for website (server info in real time, who's playing, rcon cmds, server configs....viewable in a web page)
-- JA+ sabers Support : a great saber pack included, new hilts...etc.. with extended sabers features like holstering animations and holsters model.
--Many lot of corrected basejka Bugs
JA+ is a server-side Mod which is made even better by a client-side plugin containing separate .pk3 files..
This plugin is designed to give UI, animation and feature enhancement to your client side game.
You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JA+ server.
This Mod contains a number of powerful admin commands that must be executed by a real human player as well as
automatic admin systems executed by the server. However, in order to be sure not to punish the wrong person or
to decrease a player's personal liberties, the automatic admin system is "light" coded. (For example the fake name detection
system will just warn players). The automatic admin system will not make the decision to kick, or ban players.
With this mod, i preferred to give full admin power and let the server owner detect admin abuse/autoBan abusers
with the admin abuse detection system. These commands are not abusive, people are.
Now if you want to abuse with those admin features, think about the fact that all players will tend to play on better servers.
There are enough servers for that....
Quick Install
- just delete all pk3 files in your gamedata/japlus folder.
- then unzip this zip file into your gamedata folder. It should place all needed pk3 files into your gamedata folder. It will also create or update your japlus and base (only for the animation pk3) folder.
- then load the mod using the load mod menu of your game, or directly execute the script play_japlus.bat inside gamedata folder.
PS : the japlus_gla_anims.pk3 must be installed in BASE folder and not in japlus folder on both server and clients in order to use them.
for detailed info, go in japlus\japlus_doc
For detailed notes about the plugin, read the Plugin_readme.rtf
PS: For MAC users, all the dll are now integrated in the PK3 of the mod. You need the MAC Patch1.01E to make it working.
you can get this patch from http://www.macgamefi...hp?item=17967��
You will find a detailed MAC install howTo made by DarthZappa in japlus/japlus_doc/
DOCUMENTATION and Tools And Distrib
You will find :
*** all the server distrib for windows and linux and Mac of the japlus Mod in the japlus folder.
( *.pk3 files, .so file, server.cfg and all client side scripts like admin.cfg, chat.cfg, saber.cfg)
*** all the client side JA+ plugin clientPlugin_vX.X.pk3 for windows and Mac. This PK3 can be obtained on its own, separate from this main pack. Please keep up to date on your plugins.
- in this case you will have to delete this old pk3 and replace it with the newer one.
For detailed notes about the plugin, read the Plugin_readme.rtf
*** a saber pack japlus_saber.pk3 that contains some nice sabers hilts with JA+ extensions to show what you can do with JA+ and saber moding.
Remember that both player and server have to install this pk3 if you want to use it.
but you are not obligated to install it.
** japlus_gla_anims.pk3 in base folder : a new JA+ GLA animations pack. It must be installed in base folder and not japlus folder on both server and clients in order to use them.
If a player does not have this file, he will not be able to use the new animations
if the server does not have this file the new animations will be automatically turned OFF.
*** all the documenation in several files in japlus\japlus_doc\ folder
** a FAQ faq.txt
** a model list with their URL so that u can find good model or skin which are configured in the model scale system like for example Yoda
*** Tools in JAplus_Tools folder:
** the BitRate Calculator japlus_bitValueCalculator.html :It will calculate the admin command disable, poll disable, lock team, force power disable,
and weapon disable, and all bit value cvars in the mod japlus.
*** JA+ server tracker monitoring for website (server info in real time, who's playing, rcon cmds, server configs....viewable in a web page)
It does not require any plugin or php. You just need a Website with HTML.
You can find it and use it by going on the JA+ Website (see the URL in top of the readme.rtf file) or use the japlus_tracker.html
*** Startup server file that you must move to your gamedata folder .
One of these .bat files is a secure startup that will autorestart the server if it crashes. (open it with notepad to learn how to install it)
this secure startup script is available for both windows and linux dedicated servers.
(they requiere the raven dedicated server pack that u need to dowload on the official website like���� http://www.lucasfile...=category&id=62
or http://www.jk3files....t=2537&ref=2536)
*** an UnOfficial patch for the windows and linux raven dedicated server pack which fix the UDP server overflow Vulnerability(which crashes the servers)
see the dedicated PATCH_ded_server1.011_readme.rtf
Note about the client plugin
-Client Side Plugin for client playing on JA+ server:
this plugins is included in the Main server side ZIP mod but can also be available as a separate file for all players.
this plugins enable players to take benefit from the UI, animation, and feature enhancement provided by the main server side JA+ Mod.
You are not obligated to install the plugins with the JA+ server side part to run a JA+ server.
For example, the grappling hook is much better if you have installed the pk3 plugin in your client game JAplus folder.
You will find all informations on this plugin in a dedicated readme provided with it.
How it works?
** in server config sv_pure 1 : you will be able to use this pk3 plugin only if the server has this file installed.
if it is the case every player will have to install the pk3 client side in their client gamedata/japlus folder in order to play on this server.
And so the server is not server side any more.
** in server config sv_pure 0 : the server remains server side. every players will be able to join your server (if they have the plugin or Nor have it)
and you are not obligated to install the pk3 plugin on the server.
the players who have the pk3 plugin will take advantage of the UI, animations, feature enhancement.
the other players won't see the difference.
the server will recognize the players who have the plugins and will make them take advantage of it to have better animation, Ui and features.
PS: in sv_pure 0, all pk3 at client side can be used by the client: SO if the client has to many pk3, he may have problem with missing textures or joining the server.
ForceMod III - Return of the Sith (Manual Patch)
By JKHub
Author: Azymn
Fixes for version 1.01:
- Added support for Macintosh computers (Requires Mac JKA v1.01c or greater, courtesy of Brad Oliver)
- All .ini files updated (courtesy of Kyle Kellasheskee)
- Duel and PowerDuel Gametypes now supported
- Maximum vehicles allowed in base folder increased
- Level 1 Saber Offense and Defense now free for all Jedi/Sith saberists
- Merc jump boosting now only in vertical direction
- Force Protect now properly only drains force when hit
- UI now properly displays all player models if f_forceClassModels is turned off on server
- Saber forms are now color coded in menus to indicate respective saber stance
- Kick removed as alt-attack from single sabers - accessible through melee
- Weapons can no longer be pulled away from classes who can't pick them up
- Bots now use katas occasionally
- Disabled 5 second "/kill" delay for CTF games
- Saber-Resistant trait re-balanced
- Commando class no longer has flamethrower
- Non-lightsaber blade weapons no longer reflect projectiles back at attackers
- Non-lightsaber blade weapons no longer collide with walls
- Scoreboard now displays number of deaths
- Thermal Vision now properly sees through Mind Trick
- Saberstaff wielders can now throw saber with one blade off again
- Various item spawnpoints disabled on maps to prevent class imbalances
- TCK RGB colors are now saved properly after exiting RGB Setup menu
- Lightning sound no longer accompanies Flamethrower and Coomb Spores
- Saber users no longer kick when trying to throw saber without enough Force
- "banip.txt" now holds a list of banned ips (courtesy of Asteroids mod source)
- Clients IP address logged during connection (courtesy of Asteroids mod source)
- Orange single stance now throws saber with altAttack
- Droideka no longer crashes server when falling to death
- Charged Absorb prevents knockdown from charged Lightning
- Charged Seeing necessary to counter charged Mindtrick
- ForceSage Push/Pull damage fixed
- No saber sound plays when sage meditates
- Extra Heavy characters can now be affected by Push/Pull (50% reduction in velocity)
- Super Battle Droids now have a 1 second cooldown after firing a rocket
- Vong speed reduced to 1/2 normal while firing Coomb Spores
- Level 4 Absorb immune to Push/Pull
- Saber stances rebalanced
- Fixed crash caused when loading Griffinclaw's JediCouncilGCX map
- Fixed bug which reset f_defaultclass to Bounty Hunter on server
- Fixed bug which rapidly cycled through splash screens during connect
- Fixed bug which allowed some Mercs (other than HotShots) to dodge like Jedi
- Fixed bug which gave Super Battle Droid more than 3 missiles at spawn time
- Fixed bug which sometimes caused loss of Force Powers in menus at apply time
- Fixed bug which falsely showed illegal saber menus after changing RGB settings
- Fixed bug which sometimes prevented Jedi/Sith from entering game with all force points used
- Fixed bug which allowed non-rechargeable weapons to be selected
- Fixed bug which allowed unavailable classes to be selected
- Fixed bug which allowed illegal blade types to draw null shaders
- Various classes rebalanced
- Updated readme follows
- Choose from 29 unique classes in 6 different Factions:
JEDI: Warden, Aurorian, Sentinel, Ancient One
SITH: Cardinal, Zealot, Crypt Guardian, Dark Sage
MERC: Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, HotShot, Commando
MILITARY: Stormtrooper, Spacetrooper, Clonetrooper, Royal Guard, Scout, ARC Trooper
SPECIES: Wookiee, Tusken Raider, Noghri Warrior, Yuuzhan Vong, Gungan
DROID: Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Assassin, Darktrooper
- Level 4 Force powers, combine Light & Dark sides, Charged powers, 5 new force ranks
- Merc gadgets: Jetpack, Cloaking, Dual Pistols, Flame Gauntlet, Radar, Camouflage, and more...
- Model Scaling, Class-based Model System, Bot Class support
- Includes Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers
"Warden" - Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Aurorian" - All Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Sentinal" - Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Ancient One" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Cardinal" - Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Zealot" - All Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Crypt Guardian"- Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Dark Sage" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Mandalorian" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 70%
- Dual Westar Pistols
- E-11 Blaster
- Jetpack-mounted rocket
- Flamethrower
- Jetpack
- Thermal Vision
- Shield Regenerator
- Ammunition Generator
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Bounty Hunter" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Thermal Detonators
- Cloaking Module
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Grappling Hook
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Scope Tracking
- Combat Roll ready
"HotShot" - Health: 150
- Pistol
- Blaster
- DetPacks
- Tripmines
- Ammunition Generator
- Big Medpac
- Lucky: Automagically dodges
- Lucky: Chance to do critical strikes
- Highly resistant to explosives
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Commando" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Speed: 85%
- Pistol
- Flechette Gun
- Thermal Detonators
- Portable E-Web Turret
- Deployable Sentry Gun
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Camouflage Ability
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"StormTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Blaster
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Portable Energy Shield
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"SpaceTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 60%
- Pistol
- Repeater
- Improved Jetpack
- Shield Regenerator
- Ammunition Generator
- Medpac
- Radar-Equipped
"CloneTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Repeater Rifle
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Royal Guard" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Force Pike
- E-11 Blaster
- Gun-resistant robes
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Battle Dash
- Martial Arts Training
"ScoutTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 140% Normal
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Cloaking Module
- Seeker
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Scope Tracking
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"ARC Trooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Dual Westar Pistols
- Rocket Launcher
- Grappling Hook
- Medpac
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Combat Roll ready
- Martial Arts Training
"Wookiee" - Health: 500
- Speed: 80%
- Bowcaster
- Detpacks
- Big MedPac
- Ammunition Generator
- Heavy Melee Combatant
- Berserker Rage
- Triggerhappy
- Wallclinging
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Martial Arts Training
- Resistant to Melee attacks
"Tusken Raider" - Health: 300
- Speed: 110%
- Gaderffii
- Sniper Rifle
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Big Medpac
- LifeLeech (Healed by damaging others)
- Savage Fury
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Noghri Warrior"
- Health: 200
- Speed: 130%
- Twin Daggers
- Medpac
- Natural Camouflage
- Battle Senses
- Thermal Vision
- Wallclinging
- Natural Leaping Ability
- Martial Arts Training
"Yuuzhan Vong" - Health: 300
- Speed: 120%
Weapon: - Amphistaff
- Organic Armor (Lightsaber Resistant)
- Total Force Immunity
- Regeneration (Heals over time)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Gungan" - Health/Shields: (200/100)
Weapon: - DEMP 2
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Heightened jumping ability
- Cartilaginous Skeleton (Resistant to explosives)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Battle Droid" - Health/Shields: (75/150)
- Blaster
- Rocket Launcher
- Unlimited Ammo
- Internal Radar
- Shield Regenerator
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"Super Battle Droid"
- Health/Shields: (75/300)
- Speed: 60%
- Laser Cannon Gauntlet
- Rocket Pack
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Triggercrazy
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to own blasters
- Immune to Fire
"Droideka" - Health/Shields: (150/500)
- Twin Blasters
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to fall damage
- Immune to Fire
- Immune to own blasters
"Assassin Droid" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 90%
- Pistol
- Disruptor
- Repeater
- Internal Radar
- Cloaking device
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
- Wrist-mounted Flamethrower
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"DarkTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/350)
- Speed: 50%
- Pistol
- Concussion Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammunition
- Shield Regenerator
- Cortosis Armor (Lightsaber/Explosives Resistant)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
- Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat:
(originally developed by David West Reynolds)
Form I: (Yellow Stance)
- Level 2 Saber Offense Required
Form II: (White Stance)
- Dual Lightsaber wielder primary stance
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
ForceMod III - Return of the Sith (Manual Install)
By JKHub
Author: Azymn
- Choose from 29 unique classes in 6 different Factions:
JEDI: Warden, Aurorian, Sentinel, Ancient One
SITH: Cardinal, Zealot, Crypt Guardian, Dark Sage
MERC: Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, HotShot, Commando
MILITARY: Stormtrooper, Spacetrooper, Clonetrooper, Royal Guard, Scout, ARC Trooper
SPECIES: Wookiee, Tusken Raider, Noghri Warrior, Yuuzhan Vong, Gungan
DROID: Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Assassin, Darktrooper
- Level 4 Force powers, combine Light & Dark sides, Charged powers, 5 new force ranks
- Merc gadgets: Jetpack, Cloaking, Dual Pistols, Flame Gauntlet, Radar, Camouflage, and more...
- Model Scaling, Class-based Model System, Bot Class support
- Includes Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers
"Warden" - Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Aurorian" - All Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Sentinal" - Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Ancient One" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Cardinal" - Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Zealot" - All Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Crypt Guardian"- Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Dark Sage" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Mandalorian" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 70%
- Dual Westar Pistols
- E-11 Blaster
- Jetpack-mounted rocket
- Flamethrower
- Jetpack
- Thermal Vision
- Shield Regenerator
- Double Ammo Capacity
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Bounty Hunter" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Thermal Detonators
- Cloaking Module
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Grappling Hook
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Scope Tracking
- Combat Roll ready
"HotShot" - Health: 200
- Pistol
- Blaster
- DetPacks
- Tripmines
- Ammunition Generator
- Big Medpac
- Lucky: Automagically dodges
- Lucky: Chance to do critical strikes
- Highly resistant to explosives
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Commando" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Speed: 85%
- Pistol
- Flechette Gun
- Thermal Detonators
- Wrist-mounted Flamethrower
- Portable E-Web Turret
- Deployable Sentry Gun
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Camouflage Ability
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"StormTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Blaster
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Portable Energy Shield
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"SpaceTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 60%
- Pistol
- Repeater
- Improved Jetpack
- Shield Regenerator
- Double Ammo Capacity
- Medpac
- Radar-Equipped
"CloneTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Repeater Rifle
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Royal Guard" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Force Pike
- E-11 Blaster
- Gun-resistant robes
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Battle Dash
- Martial Arts Training
"ScoutTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 140% Normal
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Cloaking Module
- Seeker
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Scope Tracking
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"ARC Trooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Dual Westar Pistols
- Rocket Launcher
- Grappling Hook
- Medpac
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Combat Roll ready
- Martial Arts Training
"Wookiee" - Health: 500
- Speed: 80%
- Bowcaster
- Detpacks
- Big MedPac
- Ammunition Generator
- Heavy Melee Combatant
- Berserker Rage
- Triggerhappy
- Wallclinging
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Martial Arts Training
- Resistant to Melee attacks
"Tusken Raider" - Health: 300
- Speed: 110%
- Gaderffii
- Sniper Rifle
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Big Medpac
- LifeLeech (Healed by damaging others)
- Savage Fury
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Noghri Warrior"
- Health: 200
- Speed: 130%
- Twin Daggers
- Medpac
- Natural Camouflage
- Battle Senses
- Thermal Vision
- Wallclinging
- Natural Leaping Ability
- Martial Arts Training
"Yuuzhan Vong" - Health: 300
- Speed: 120%
Weapon: - Amphistaff
- Organic Armor (Lightsaber Resistant)
- Total Force Immunity
- Regeneration (Heals over time)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Gungan" - Health/Shields: (200/100)
Weapon: - DEMP 2
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Heightened jumping ability
- Cartilaginous Skeleton (Resistant to explosives)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Battle Droid" - Health/Shields: (75/150)
- Blaster
- Rocket Launcher
- Unlimited Ammo
- Internal Radar
- Shield Regenerator
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"Super Battle Droid"
- Health/Shields: (75/300)
- Speed: 70%
- Laser Cannon Gauntlet
- Rocket Pack
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Triggercrazy
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to own blasters
- Immune to Fire
"Droideka" - Health/Shields: (150/500)
- Twin Blasters
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to fall damage
- Immune to Fire
- Immune to own blasters
"Assassin Droid" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 90%
- Pistol
- Disruptor
- Repeater
- Internal Radar
- Cloaking device
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"DarkTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/350)
- Speed: 50%
- Pistol
- Concussion Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammunition
- Shield Regenerator
- Cortosis Armor (Lightsaber/Explosives Resistant)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
- Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat:
(originally developed by David West Reynolds)
Form I: (Yellow Stance)
- Level 2 Saber Offense Required
Form II: (White Stance)
- Dual Lightsaber wielder primary stance
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
Form III: (Blue Stance)
- Level 1 Saber Offense Required
Form IV: (Green Stance)
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
Form V: (Red Stance)
- Level 3 Saber Offense Required
Form VI: (Purple Stance)
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
Form VII: (Gold Stance)
- Saberstaff wielder primary stance
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
- Powered by Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers (toggleable)
- Dualblade lightsabers can be split in half or destroyed
- Dual lightsaber wielder's 2nd saber may be destroyed
- Lightsabers damage now lethal
- Recharge force at twice the normal rate with saber holstered
- Jedi will now try to block sniper shots with their saber before trying to dodge
- 16 different lightsaber blade types available
- Certain special moves can now be performed on cue:
- Backstabs/Backsweeps: crouch + back + attack
- Force Impale/Slash: pull followed by attack
Dual Lightsabers:
- Dual Side Attack: crouch + left + attack
- Dual Front/Read Attack: crouch + right + attack
Red or Staff Stance (kicks):
- Split kick: crouch + right + alt attack
- Spinning roundhouse kick: crouch + back + alt attack
- Hilt Bash: crouch + forward + alt attack
Cloaking: (Same key as Mindtrick, or select as item and press "Use" to toggle)
- Allows one to become invisible for a short period of time
- Cannot be seen with Force Seeing
- Missiles lose lock on cloaked mercs
- Invisible to sentry guns
- Can attack while cloaked
Camouflage: (Stand still for 3 seconds to disappear)
- Unlimited duration
- Moving while crouched maintains camouflage
- Remain hidden unless moving quickly or attacking
Optic Radar: (Same key as ForceSense, use like force power)
- Goggles send and receive radar waves
- Can see moving, non-cloaked entities, even through walls
- Can see mindtricking Jedi/Sith
Thermal Vision: (Same key as ForceSense, use like force power)
- Goggles attuned to pick up body heat
- Can see mindtricking Jedi/Sith
- Can see cloakers
Flame Gauntlet: (Same key as ForceLightning, use like force power)
- Flamethrower mounted on the Merc's left forearm
- Does constant damage to all engulfed targets
ForceMod III - Return of the Sith (Windows Installer)
By JKHub
Author: Azymn
- Choose from 29 unique classes in 6 different Factions:
JEDI: Warden, Aurorian, Sentinel, Ancient One
SITH: Cardinal, Zealot, Crypt Guardian, Dark Sage
MERC: Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, HotShot, Commando
MILITARY: Stormtrooper, Spacetrooper, Clonetrooper, Royal Guard, Scout, ARC Trooper
SPECIES: Wookiee, Tusken Raider, Noghri Warrior, Yuuzhan Vong, Gungan
DROID: Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Assassin, Darktrooper
- Level 4 Force powers, combine Light & Dark sides, Charged powers, 5 new force ranks
- Merc gadgets: Jetpack, Cloaking, Dual Pistols, Flame Gauntlet, Radar, Camouflage, and more...
- Model Scaling, Class-based Model System, Bot Class support
- Includes Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers
"Warden" - Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Aurorian" - All Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Sentinal" - Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Ancient One" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Cardinal" - Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Zealot" - All Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Crypt Guardian"- Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Dark Sage" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Mandalorian" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 70%
- Dual Westar Pistols
- E-11 Blaster
- Jetpack-mounted rocket
- Flamethrower
- Jetpack
- Thermal Vision
- Shield Regenerator
- Double Ammo Capacity
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Bounty Hunter" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Thermal Detonators
- Cloaking Module
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Grappling Hook
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Scope Tracking
- Combat Roll ready
"HotShot" - Health: 200
- Pistol
- Blaster
- DetPacks
- Tripmines
- Ammunition Generator
- Big Medpac
- Lucky: Automagically dodges
- Lucky: Chance to do critical strikes
- Highly resistant to explosives
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Commando" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Speed: 85%
- Pistol
- Flechette Gun
- Thermal Detonators
- Wrist-mounted Flamethrower
- Portable E-Web Turret
- Deployable Sentry Gun
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Camouflage Ability
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"StormTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Blaster
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Portable Energy Shield
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"SpaceTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 60%
- Pistol
- Repeater
- Improved Jetpack
- Shield Regenerator
- Double Ammo Capacity
- Medpac
- Radar-Equipped
"CloneTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Repeater Rifle
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Royal Guard" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Force Pike
- E-11 Blaster
- Gun-resistant robes
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Battle Dash
- Martial Arts Training
"ScoutTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 140% Normal
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Cloaking Module
- Seeker
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Scope Tracking
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"ARC Trooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Dual Westar Pistols
- Rocket Launcher
- Grappling Hook
- Medpac
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Combat Roll ready
- Martial Arts Training
"Wookiee" - Health: 500
- Speed: 80%
- Bowcaster
- Detpacks
- Big MedPac
- Ammunition Generator
- Heavy Melee Combatant
- Berserker Rage
- Triggerhappy
- Wallclinging
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Martial Arts Training
- Resistant to Melee attacks
"Tusken Raider" - Health: 300
- Speed: 110%
- Gaderffii
- Sniper Rifle
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Big Medpac
- LifeLeech (Healed by damaging others)
- Savage Fury
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Noghri Warrior"
- Health: 200
- Speed: 130%
- Twin Daggers
- Medpac
- Natural Camouflage
- Battle Senses
- Thermal Vision
- Wallclinging
- Natural Leaping Ability
- Martial Arts Training
"Yuuzhan Vong" - Health: 300
- Speed: 120%
Weapon: - Amphistaff
- Organic Armor (Lightsaber Resistant)
- Total Force Immunity
- Regeneration (Heals over time)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Gungan" - Health/Shields: (200/100)
Weapon: - DEMP 2
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Heightened jumping ability
- Cartilaginous Skeleton (Resistant to explosives)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Battle Droid" - Health/Shields: (75/150)
- Blaster
- Rocket Launcher
- Unlimited Ammo
- Internal Radar
- Shield Regenerator
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"Super Battle Droid"
- Health/Shields: (75/300)
- Speed: 70%
- Laser Cannon Gauntlet
- Rocket Pack
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Triggercrazy
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to own blasters
- Immune to Fire
"Droideka" - Health/Shields: (150/500)
- Twin Blasters
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to fall damage
- Immune to Fire
- Immune to own blasters
"Assassin Droid" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 90%
- Pistol
- Disruptor
- Repeater
- Internal Radar
- Cloaking device
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"DarkTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/350)
- Speed: 50%
- Pistol
- Concussion Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammunition
- Shield Regenerator
- Cortosis Armor (Lightsaber/Explosives Resistant)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
- Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat:
(originally developed by David West Reynolds)
Form I: (Yellow Stance)
- Level 2 Saber Offense Required
Form II: (White Stance)
- Dual Lightsaber wielder primary stance
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
Form III: (Blue Stance)
- Level 1 Saber Offense Required
Form IV: (Green Stance)
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
Form V: (Red Stance)
- Level 3 Saber Offense Required
Form VI: (Purple Stance)
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
Form VII: (Gold Stance)
- Saberstaff wielder primary stance
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
- Powered by Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers (toggleable)
- Dualblade lightsabers can be split in half or destroyed
- Dual lightsaber wielder's 2nd saber may be destroyed
- Lightsabers damage now lethal
- Recharge force at twice the normal rate with saber holstered
- Jedi will now try to block sniper shots with their saber before trying to dodge
- 16 different lightsaber blade types available
- Certain special moves can now be performed on cue:
- Backstabs/Backsweeps: crouch + back + attack
- Force Impale/Slash: pull followed by attack
Dual Lightsabers:
- Dual Side Attack: crouch + left + attack
- Dual Front/Read Attack: crouch + right + attack
Red or Staff Stance (kicks):
- Split kick: crouch + right + alt attack
- Spinning roundhouse kick: crouch + back + alt attack
- Hilt Bash: crouch + forward + alt attack
Cloaking: (Same key as Mindtrick, or select as item and press "Use" to toggle)
- Allows one to become invisible for a short period of time
- Cannot be seen with Force Seeing
- Missiles lose lock on cloaked mercs
- Invisible to sentry guns
- Can attack while cloaked
Camouflage: (Stand still for 3 seconds to disappear)
- Unlimited duration
- Moving while crouched maintains camouflage
- Remain hidden unless moving quickly or attacking
Optic Radar: (Same key as ForceSense, use like force power)
- Goggles send and receive radar waves
- Can see moving, non-cloaked entities, even through walls
- Can see mindtricking Jedi/Sith
Thermal Vision: (Same key as ForceSense, use like force power)
- Goggles attuned to pick up body heat
- Can see mindtricking Jedi/Sith
- Can see cloakers
Flame Gauntlet: (Same key as ForceLightning, use like force power)
- Flamethrower mounted on the Merc's left forearm
- Does constant damage to all engulfed targets
ForceMod III - Return of the Sith (Windows Patch)
By JKHub
Author: Azymn
Fixes for version 1.01:
- Added support for Macintosh computers (Requires Mac JKA v1.01c or greater, courtesy of Brad Oliver)
- All .ini files updated (courtesy of Kyle Kellasheskee)
- Duel and PowerDuel Gametypes now supported
- Maximum vehicles allowed in base folder increased
- Level 1 Saber Offense and Defense now free for all Jedi/Sith saberists
- Merc jump boosting now only in vertical direction
- Force Protect now properly only drains force when hit
- UI now properly displays all player models if f_forceClassModels is turned off on server
- Saber forms are now color coded in menus to indicate respective saber stance
- Kick removed as alt-attack from single sabers - accessible through melee
- Weapons can no longer be pulled away from classes who can't pick them up
- Bots now use katas occasionally
- Disabled 5 second "/kill" delay for CTF games
- Saber-Resistant trait re-balanced
- Commando class no longer has flamethrower
- Non-lightsaber blade weapons no longer reflect projectiles back at attackers
- Non-lightsaber blade weapons no longer collide with walls
- Scoreboard now displays number of deaths
- Thermal Vision now properly sees through Mind Trick
- Saberstaff wielders can now throw saber with one blade off again
- Various item spawnpoints disabled on maps to prevent class imbalances
- TCK RGB colors are now saved properly after exiting RGB Setup menu
- Lightning sound no longer accompanies Flamethrower and Coomb Spores
- Saber users no longer kick when trying to throw saber without enough Force
- "banip.txt" now holds a list of banned ips (courtesy of Asteroids mod source)
- Clients IP address logged during connection (courtesy of Asteroids mod source)
- Orange single stance now throws saber with altAttack
- Droideka no longer crashes server when falling to death
- Charged Absorb prevents knockdown from charged Lightning
- Charged Seeing necessary to counter charged Mindtrick
- ForceSage Push/Pull damage fixed
- No saber sound plays when sage meditates
- Extra Heavy characters can now be affected by Push/Pull (50% reduction in velocity)
- Super Battle Droids now have a 1 second cooldown after firing a rocket
- Vong speed reduced to 1/2 normal while firing Coomb Spores
- Level 4 Absorb immune to Push/Pull
- Saber stances rebalanced
- Fixed crash caused when loading Griffinclaw's JediCouncilGCX map
- Fixed bug which reset f_defaultclass to Bounty Hunter on server
- Fixed bug which rapidly cycled through splash screens during connect
- Fixed bug which allowed some Mercs (other than HotShots) to dodge like Jedi
- Fixed bug which gave Super Battle Droid more than 3 missiles at spawn time
- Fixed bug which sometimes caused loss of Force Powers in menus at apply time
- Fixed bug which falsely showed illegal saber menus after changing RGB settings
- Fixed bug which sometimes prevented Jedi/Sith from entering game with all force points used
- Fixed bug which allowed non-rechargeable weapons to be selected
- Fixed bug which allowed unavailable classes to be selected
- Fixed bug which allowed illegal blade types to draw null shaders
- Various classes rebalanced
- Updated readme follows
- Choose from 29 unique classes in 6 different Factions:
JEDI: Warden, Aurorian, Sentinel, Ancient One
SITH: Cardinal, Zealot, Crypt Guardian, Dark Sage
MERC: Mandalorian, Bounty Hunter, HotShot, Commando
MILITARY: Stormtrooper, Spacetrooper, Clonetrooper, Royal Guard, Scout, ARC Trooper
SPECIES: Wookiee, Tusken Raider, Noghri Warrior, Yuuzhan Vong, Gungan
DROID: Battle Droid, Super Battle Droid, Droideka, Assassin, Darktrooper
- Level 4 Force powers, combine Light & Dark sides, Charged powers, 5 new force ranks
- Merc gadgets: Jetpack, Cloaking, Dual Pistols, Flame Gauntlet, Radar, Camouflage, and more...
- Model Scaling, Class-based Model System, Bot Class support
- Includes Tchouky's Advanced RGB Sabers
"Warden" - Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Aurorian" - All Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Sentinal" - Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Ancient One" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Cardinal" - Level 3 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 3 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 2 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 3 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
- Bryar Pistol
"Zealot" - All Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 4 Saber Attack & Defense Maximum
- Single, Dual Sabers, or Saberstaff
"Crypt Guardian"- Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
- Level 2 Lightside Powers Available
- Level 3 Saber Attack Maximum
- Level 4 Saber Defense Maximum
- Single bladed Lightsaber
"Dark Sage" - All Level 4 Force Powers
- Enhanced Force Regen Rate
- Armed only with fists and the Force
"Mandalorian" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 70%
- Dual Westar Pistols
- E-11 Blaster
- Jetpack-mounted rocket
- Flamethrower
- Jetpack
- Thermal Vision
- Shield Regenerator
- Ammunition Generator
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Bounty Hunter" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Thermal Detonators
- Cloaking Module
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Grappling Hook
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Martial Arts Training
- Scope Tracking
- Combat Roll ready
"HotShot" - Health: 150
- Pistol
- Blaster
- DetPacks
- Tripmines
- Ammunition Generator
- Big Medpac
- Lucky: Automagically dodges
- Lucky: Chance to do critical strikes
- Highly resistant to explosives
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Combat Roll ready
"Commando" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Speed: 85%
- Pistol
- Flechette Gun
- Thermal Detonators
- Portable E-Web Turret
- Deployable Sentry Gun
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Camouflage Ability
- Martial Arts Training
- Combat Roll ready
"StormTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Blaster
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Portable Energy Shield
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"SpaceTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Speed: 60%
- Pistol
- Repeater
- Improved Jetpack
- Shield Regenerator
- Ammunition Generator
- Medpac
- Radar-Equipped
"CloneTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Pistol
- Repeater Rifle
- Binoculars
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Royal Guard" - Health/Shields: (150/200)
- Force Pike
- E-11 Blaster
- Gun-resistant robes
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Battle Dash
- Martial Arts Training
"ScoutTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 140% Normal
- Pistol
- Tenloss Disruptor
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Cloaking Module
- Seeker
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Scope Tracking
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"ARC Trooper" - Health/Shields: (100/150)
- Dual Westar Pistols
- Rocket Launcher
- Grappling Hook
- Medpac
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Combat Roll ready
- Martial Arts Training
"Wookiee" - Health: 500
- Speed: 80%
- Bowcaster
- Detpacks
- Big MedPac
- Ammunition Generator
- Heavy Melee Combatant
- Berserker Rage
- Triggerhappy
- Wallclinging
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Martial Arts Training
- Resistant to Melee attacks
"Tusken Raider" - Health: 300
- Speed: 110%
- Gaderffii
- Sniper Rifle
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Big Medpac
- LifeLeech (Healed by damaging others)
- Savage Fury
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Noghri Warrior"
- Health: 200
- Speed: 130%
- Twin Daggers
- Medpac
- Natural Camouflage
- Battle Senses
- Thermal Vision
- Wallclinging
- Natural Leaping Ability
- Martial Arts Training
"Yuuzhan Vong" - Health: 300
- Speed: 120%
Weapon: - Amphistaff
- Organic Armor (Lightsaber Resistant)
- Total Force Immunity
- Regeneration (Heals over time)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
"Gungan" - Health/Shields: (200/100)
Weapon: - DEMP 2
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Medpac
- Heightened jumping ability
- Cartilaginous Skeleton (Resistant to explosives)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
"Battle Droid" - Health/Shields: (75/150)
- Blaster
- Rocket Launcher
- Unlimited Ammo
- Internal Radar
- Shield Regenerator
- Troop Leader (Squad of Three)
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"Super Battle Droid"
- Health/Shields: (75/300)
- Speed: 60%
- Laser Cannon Gauntlet
- Rocket Pack
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Ammunition Generator
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Triggercrazy
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to fall damage
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to own blasters
- Immune to Fire
"Droideka" - Health/Shields: (150/500)
- Twin Blasters
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to fall damage
- Immune to Fire
- Immune to own blasters
"Assassin Droid" - Health/Shields: (100/100)
- Speed: 90%
- Pistol
- Disruptor
- Repeater
- Internal Radar
- Cloaking device
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shield Regenerator
- Force-Immune
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Martial Arts Training
- Wrist-mounted Flamethrower
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
"DarkTrooper" - Health/Shields: (100/350)
- Speed: 50%
- Pistol
- Concussion Rifle
- Rocket Launcher
- Internal Radar
- Unlimited Ammunition
- Shield Regenerator
- Cortosis Armor (Lightsaber/Explosives Resistant)
- Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat Training
- Extra Heavy (Resists Push/Pull)
- Resistant to Melee attacks
- Resistant to fall damage
- Automated Nano-Repair
- Immune to Fire
- Seven Forms of Lightsaber Combat:
(originally developed by David West Reynolds)
Form I: (Yellow Stance)
- Level 2 Saber Offense Required
Form II: (White Stance)
- Dual Lightsaber wielder primary stance
- Level 4 Saber Offense Required
ForceMod II - The Mercs Strike Back (JK2)
By JKHub
Author: Azymn
- Level 4 Force powers available, along with 5 new force ranks
- New Jedi VS Merc mode: Choose to play as True Jedi, Shadow Jedi, Dark Sith, Noble Sith, Scout, Bounty Hunter, Heavy Soldier, HotShot, or Trooper
- Enhanced lightsaber combat with dualblades and twin sabers and customizable blade types
- New Merc gadgets including jetpack, cloaking, dual pistols, and flame gauntlet, among others
- Includes Tchouky Model Scaling and customizable config files for bot classes
- Admin commands provided courtesy of cHoSeN-oNe and Mars
- See for more details.
New Class System:
"True Jedi" - All Level 4 Lightside Powers Available
"Shadow Jedi" - Max Level 3 Lightside Powers
- Max Level 2 DarkSide Powers
"Dark Sith" - All Level 4 Darkside Powers Available
"Noble Sith" - Max Level 3 Darkside Powers
- Max Level 2 Lightside Powers
- Pistol
- Disruptor
- Thermal Detonators
- Cloaking Module
- Optic Radar
- Bacta Tank
- Shield Regenerator
- Regenerate Powercell Ammo
- Max Soft Shields: 120
- Runs 10% faster
- Move w/ sniper rifle
- Resistance to other sniper fire
- Chance to hit Jedi with ForceSeeing on
"Bounty Hunter"
- Dual Pistols
- Flamethrower
- Jetpack
- Shield Regenerator
- Regenerate Blaster/Pistol Ammo
- Max Soft Shields: 150
- Runs 15% slower
"Heavy Soldier"
- Pistol
- Rocket Launcher
- Heavy Repeater
- Jetpack
- Optic Radar
- Shield Regenerator
- Regenerate Metallic Bolt Ammo
- Max Soft Shields: 180
- Multiple Sentry capable
"Hot Shot"
- Pistol
- Blaster
- Shield Regenerator
- Regenerate Blaster Ammo
- Max Soft Shields: 120
- Runs 10% faster
- Chance to avoid damage on any non-saber attack
- Chance to do critical strike (double damage) with energy weapons
- Pistol
- Blasters
- Shield Regenerator
- Unlimited Ammo for Energy Weapons
- Max Soft Shields: 140
- Jedi/Sith can wield dualbladed sabers without cheats
- Jedi/Sith can wield two lightsabers simultaneously
- Unique lightsaber hilt models can be selected through menus
- Singleblade users can choose to use two additional one-handed stances (Green and Purple)
- Can lock lightsaber types throughout match (i.e. If dualblade chosen, must use dualblade til respawn)
- Backstabs and BackSlashes can be performed on cue: crouch + back + attack
- Dualblade lightsabers can be split in half or destroyed
- Dual lightsaber carrier's 2nd saber may be destroyed
- Capable of destroying handheld weapons
- Can specialize in certain type of lightsaber (Pure Lightsaber User)
- Pure Lightsaber Users (No guns) can now:
- Block all incoming projectiles if attacker is in crosshairs
- Block Lightning and Drain attacks if attacker is in crosshairs
- Does 50% more damage with lightsaber
- 25% reduction from explosive splash damage
- Runs 10% faster with saber holstered
- Jedi will now try to block sniper shots with their saber before trying to dodge
- Multiple lightsaber blade types available
- Saber styles now selectable based on saber attack level.
- Eliminated blocking from behind
Cloaking: - Allows Merc to become invisible for a short period of time
- Cannot be seen with Force Seeing
- Missiles lose lock on cloaked mercs
- Invisible to sentry guns
- Can attack while cloaked
Optic Radar: - Goggles send and receive radar waves
- Can see moving entities, even through walls
- Can see mindtricking Jedi in motion
Flame Gauntlet: - Flamethrower mounted on the Merc's left forearm
- Does constant damage to all engulfed targets
- Intense heat bypasses shields and damages tissue directly
Shield Charging:- Regenerate shields by drawing power from the battery fuel cells
AmmoCell Regen: - Replenishes weapon ammunition via the battery fuel cells
Jetpack: - Must hold jump while airborne to activate jetpack thrust
- Jetpack can be destroyed
- Jetpack sound may be turned off clientside
- Single, Dual, and Triple Exhaust types available
- Powered by battery fuel cells
- Restrictions on use (Fetts, Mercs, Non-Saber wielders, Everyone...)
- Toggle fuel usage
- Toggle whether flag carrier can use jetpack
Mobile Battery: - Serves as a power source for:
- Cloaking Module
- Optic Radar Goggles
- Flame Gauntlet
- Ammo Recharger
- Shield Regenerator
- Jetpack
- Charges over time
- Resistant to Drain attacks
- Utilizes Tercero's grapple model
- Now bindable to a button
- More realistic physics
- Retract grapple by holding jump, lengthen grapple by pressing duck
- Grapple line FX improved
- Disruptor fire can dismember target
- Tazer now deactivates ForcePowers, reduces shields by %50
- Rolling and Wall-Flipping extended to gun wielders
- Falling damage increased for Mercs
- Merc Blaster Ammo maximum increased to 500
- Rockets do not lose lock from a Push or Pull
- Respawned weapons may be picked up as ammo
Force Powers:
- Players can combine Light and Dark Force powers.
- Five new force ranks:
Sith Apprentice: 150 Force Points
Sith Lord: 200 Force Points
Jedi Lord: 250 Force Points
Ancient Master: 350 Force Points
One with the Force: 500 Force Points
Heal: - Heals over time now, instead of instantly.
Level 1:- Heals 10 points of damage.
Level 2:- Heals 20 points of damage.
Level 3:- Heals 35 points of damage.
Level 4:- Heals 45 points of damage.
- Regenerates 1 hitpoint every 2 seconds.
Jump: Level 3:- Jump 8x normal height.
- Reduced force cost
- Falling damage reduced to 1/2.
Level 4:- Jump 16x normal height.
- Reduced force cost
- Falling damage reduced to 1/4.
Speed: - Short, powerful burst of speed for 2 seconds
- ForceSpeed costs reduced from 50 to 30
Level 1:- Sprint at 1.5x normal speed
Level 2:- Sprint at 2.5x normal speed
Level 3:- Sprint at 5x normal speed
Level 4:- Sprint at 10x normal speed
- Normal running speed is increased 10%.
Level 4:- Increased push strength over level 3.
- Knockdown range increased by 50%.
- Greater push resistance.
- Chance to break saberlock increased.
Level 4:- Increased pull strength over level 3.
- Pulldown range increased by 50%.
- Greater pull resistance.
MindTrick: - Now Force Seeing will only reveal invisible jedi of equal or lesser rank.
(i.e. If a Jedi has cast level 2 mindtrick, it requires at least level 2 Force Seeing to reveal him) [Artifex]
Level 3:- Can attack while cloaked - each attack costs force points.
Level 4:- Can attack while cloaked - attacking cost reduced
- Duration increased to 40 seconds.
Grip: - Can turn off red grip hand extension
Level 4:- Can move around at 80% normal speed while gripping. (Normally %40)
- Grip range increased to 2x normal.
- Damage per second doubled.
Level 4:- Lightning mastery - other lightning attacks are absorbed by force power.
- Range increased by 10%.
- Fresh corpses now shockable on Level 4.
Dark Rage: - Run speed is 150% of normal speed.
- Increased lightsaber damage done by 25%.
Level 4:- Increased lightsaber damage done by 50%.
- Run speed further increased to 200% normal speed.
- Duration of 40 seconds.
Protect:Level 4:- Consumes force only when hit.
- Regenerates shields at a rate of 1 point every 4 seconds.
Absorb: - Force maintenance costs are like v1.02 levels [Artifex]
Level 4:- Absorbs 25% more force than level 3.
- Absorbs and converts 25% of weapon damage into force.
Level 4:- Heal 1, 2, or 3 teammates for 65, 45, or 33 hitpoints.
- Regenerate 1 health every 3 seconds.
Level 4:- Restore 1, 2, or 3 teammates with 65, 45, or 33 force points.
- Regenerate 3 additional force points per second.
Drain: - Drainer takes damage from a missed attack
Level 4:- Drains ~20% more than level 3 drain.
- Drains ammo from any energy weapons in use.
Level 4:- Cost 50% less to activate.
- Duration increased 40 seconds.
- Automatically dodge sniper shots without ForceSeeing on
(even while jumping or using force powers)
Level 4:- Damage increased by 15% for all stances
- All stances available for dualblade or dualsaber users if f_skillMode is on
Level 4:- Blocking ratios increased by 50% for all stances.
- Increased chance of blocking lightning/drain attacks if pure saber user
- Quicker projectile blocking rate.
Level 4:- Saber throw distance increased 25%.
- Saber throw speed nearly doubled.
- Saber can spend more time airborne.
- Saber will never fall to the ground when blocked.
Other Features:
Tchouky Model Scaling:
- Scale speed of models based on size (bigger == faster OR vice versa)
- Scale damage reduction based on size: