Mixed Gametypes
140 files
Corellian Platform Encounter
By JKHub
Submitted by Ceres
Title: Corellian Platform Encounter
Author: wedge2211
E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
-- General Information --
File Name: corplat.pk3
File Size: 1.4 MB
Date Released: 11 April 2004
There is a disturbance in the Force. A Jedi Master (and his apprentice) have been sent to Corellia to investigate reports of a dark presence. Their destination is an outlying landing platform outside the Corellian Space Port...
Gametypes: Duel, Power Duel
-- Map Information --
Brushes: 6691
Entities: 315
Custom elements: A few textures (one from the JA Bonus Pack by Raven), shaders, scripts, and a bot route
Build time: About three weeks
-- Notes --
This map was produced for the LevelSource Duel II contest. Incidentally, it's my first JA map (gotta work on releasing some of my WIPs).
Special thanks goes to lassev for scripting help, rgoer and ydnar for helping with a compile bug, rgoer for some shader help, and all the guys at Map-Review.com
Gulf of Souls
By JKHub
Submitted by Ceres
Title: Gulf of Souls
Author: wedge2211
E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
-- General Information --
File Name: gulfOfSouls.pk3
File Size: 5.8 MB
Date Released: 13 April 2004
The strange spirit chasms on Velan Core are places of eerie mysteries and enigmas. An installation was built in the Gulf of Souls, a particularly potent spirit chasm. Three weeks after basic construction was completed...all contact with the expedition was lost. Nobody knows what became of the base inhabitants...
Gametypes: FFA, Duel (though a bit large), Power Duel
-- Map Information --
Brushes: 2222
Entities: 640
Custom elements: Some shaders, effects, and music from Total Annihilation
Build time: Many moons
-- Notes --
I've had this guy sitting around for a while, now. It's a small FFA map, mainly an experiment. Looks really wierd, but I like it. It's a good ethereal setting for a slugmatch.
Bloodmine Shaft
By JKHub
Uploaded by Ceres
Title: Bloodmine shaft
Author: wedge2211
E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
Webs: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
-- General Information --
File Name: bloodmine.pk3
File Size: 26.4 MB
Date Released: 13 Feb 2005
Imperial troops have established a mining base to extract volatile Blood Ore, a substance used in high-grade explosives. The mining operation is centered around a large vertically drilled shaft, which was expanded on as the Imperial need for Blood Ore increased. The mine stretches from subterrainean depths where drilling machines bore into the rock to the surface of the planet where cargo ships wait to carry the precious ore off-planet. The New Republic, seeking to cut off the Imperial supply of Blood Ore, has staged a massive assault on the mine complex...
Gametypes: CTF, Team FFA, FFA
-- Map Information --
Brushes: 17,451 (I kid you not. And I even turned the caves into models)
Entities: 1894
Custom elements: New textures, shaders, and models
Music from Unreal Tournament 2004
'Majestic' textures courtesy of www.shaderlab.com
Other textures courtesy of NRG or public domain sources
A very tiny number of textures created/edited by me
Build time: Since Jedi Outcast was in it's heyday. No, really. My first Bloodmine WIP thread dates from 18 December 2003.
-- Notes --
This has taken me far too long. You'd all better enjoy it.
The map is asymmetric: the red and blue sides have the same basic "number of rooms" butt hey are connected in slightly different ways. Plus there's the inherent asymmetry of the vertical layout: you can jump down the shaft from the blue to red side, or climb up from red to blue. Of course, jumping down means you'll probably end up pretty close to dead... Weapons are also placed asymmetrically. I tried to give each side weapons that made sense for firing down or up the shaft (ie, the blue team can chuck detonators down the shaft but the red team can fire missiles up).
Bot routing is slightly problematic due to the number of elevators--bots just don't like the 'f' flagged waypoints. Bots will behave mostly okay, but tend to get stuck in elevators, and so I think this map would be much better for large human-versus-human matches. Bots can navigate well enough, though, and if they get stuck on an elevator you can always blast 'em.
Special thanks to the crew at www.Map-Review.com - check out the forums, we're friendly and helpful.
Thanks to my beta testers: BabySpinach, Shadow_stone, Rashzagal, and Mergatroid
Note on shaderlab textures ('Majestic'):
All content copyright © 2000-2003 Randy Reddig.
Usage and redistribution policy: Textures may be freely downloaded, modified, and used in free maps, mods or total conversions provided this copyright notice is left intact and a link to Shaderlab is provided in the credits or read-me file. Other non-commercial applications are considered on a case-by-case basis via e-mail. All other usage requires written permission.
Bulk redistribution or archival of the textures in any medium, digital or otherwise (except mapping packages for mods) is prohibited.
Nirenne Station: High Orbit
By JKHub
Originally submitted by Ceres
Title: Nirenne Station: High Orbit
Author: wedge2211
E-Mail: 06jps@williams.edu
Web: http://wso.williams.edu/~jshoer
-- General Information --
File Name: nirenne.pk3
File Size: some MB
Date Released: 2 Sep 2005
In the far future, a space station is constructed in high orbit over the gas giant Nirenne. This station serves as a research hub, maintenance dock, and loading/offloading facility, with many modules constructed for widely varying needs. This map covers an upper level of habitation modules and connector hubs as well as a lower level with a small maintenance facility and manipulator arm.
Gametypes: FFA, Duel, PowerDuel
-- Map Information --
Brushes: 6000+
Entities: several
Custom elements: New textures, shaders, and models
Music is Samual Barber's Adagio for Strings
'Majestic' textures courtesy of www.shaderlab.com
Other textures courtesy of NRG or public domain sources
A very tiny number of textures created/edited by me
Build time: Three weeks.
-- Notes --
You can ascend and descend the vertical shafts just by walking into them. On the bottom level, you don't need to jump or Force-jump; you'll be propelled upwards if you walk straight into the shaft entrance. I'm sorry to say that only the large "rear" shaft seems to work flawlessly for me...you might only be able to drop down the two smaller "side" shafts.
Gravity is a bit low on Nirenne Station. Enjoy the longer range on the repeater secondary fire!
This map is my entry to Map-Review's Mapping Challenge #3: JA Geometry Competition. Maps were limited to 1024x1024x2048 mapping space and 10 non-system, non-skybox textures, these were:
Note on shaderlab textures ('Majestic'):
All content copyright © 2000-2003 Randy Reddig.
Usage and redistribution policy: Textures may be freely downloaded, modified, and used in free maps, mods or total conversions provided this copyright notice is left intact and a link to Shaderlab is provided in the credits or read-me file. Other non-commercial applications are considered on a case-by-case basis via e-mail. All other usage requires written permission.
Bulk redistribution or archival of the textures in any medium, digital or otherwise (except mapping packages for mods) is prohibited.
Home of the Order of the Grey Wolves
By AradorasXeon
These 3 maps are mainly the same the only differences are in the weather (thus textures and lighting).
The maps are supporting role play activities for JA+ commands by this I mean there is a control room (teleport coordinates: 4672 -3472 2384) which from you can make most of the models solid/unsolid (solid by default), you can start tie-attack run, or X-wing "show", there is a firework (not that good). You can play at night or in the day light (you only have to push a button..). You can make a shuttle to land outside. You can add some NPCs, with a push of a button (also adds R2D2 in the hangar). You can order a sith attack (NPCs). You can put the map into security lock down mod, you can discover dark forces(in front of the guests room there is a place on the floor what you can destroy with saber) on the map, or go(erm swim) to the shrine (only with force speed or teleport). You can have a swoop race in the garage.
This files contains:
ogw_home.bsp - sunny weather (has FFA; DUEL; POWER DUEL; and TDM support)
ogw_home_strom.bsp - rainy weather (has FFA and CTF support)
ogw_home_winter.bsp - snowy weather, with matching textures and some christmas decoration
Some textures that I or Ronii made
I hope you will like roleplaying or simply just playing on this map. If you want to check it out immediately, come to our server:
- Xeon -
- Clanmap
- Roleplaying
- (and 2 more)
The Forest House for Jedi Academy
By lil_binger
Forest house was a very popular map during it's time in Jedi Outcast. Back by popular demand,
8 years after it's original release, Forest House is now re-released for Jedi Academy thanks to JKHub.org!
Forest House was so popular, =LM= had our own JK2 server dedicated to the map back in the day.
I also noticed it received 12,287 downloads on JK2files to this day on JK2files. Crazy!!!
I have re-evaluated a few things in the map a little bit to help framerate and just a little
tidying up a few things here and there. Reworking this map brings back a lot of memories of all the
fun times we had with the Forest House.
Stargate Atlantis
By JKHub
Original Author: LORd_RiVE
The whole map really gives a nice feel of Stargate Atlantis and the TV Show. There isn't really much to say as the map pretty much speaks for itself.
Size: 25.17 MB
Release Date: 11-16-2005
Email: lordrive1@gmail.com
Bot Support: Nope
New Textures: Yep
New Sounds: Yep
New Music: Nope
Author Permission can be found here.
Uploaded by:
Original author may contact the staff
here if they wish this file to be removed.
Titas Observatory
By AngelModder
A simple duel/small ffa map based in an underwater observatory. Featuring a nice reflective floor and some new underwater effects. This is version one later I will add onto this visually and game play wise for a version 2. It is not necessarily based on an movies or games, just a bit of fun. This took about 2 days of spare time so its not exactly pushing my limits of skill. Any ways People liked it so here it is. Titas Observatory.
BlueIce Nightfall
By Szico VII
BlueIce Nightfall
Probably the map I am most proud of - it's been a long time coming, I just wish Id finished it several years ago when the community was
still more active, but better late than never! Think of this as a sequel to BlueIce Twilight, its set in the same world after all but
this is a more dense settlement, yet cozy and warm, away from the harsh weather of the world.
Bot Support: Yes
New Textures: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
MSN: szicovii@gmail.com
E-Mail: szicovii@gmail.com
AIM: Szico VII
BlueIce Nightfall (v1.1)
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Scripts: Yes
Bot Routing: Yes
Gametypes: FFA, TFFA, Duel, Power Duel, CTF (All FULLY Supported)
Brush Count (inc. ASE models and patches): 23,278 (~60,000)
Entity Count: 2021
Active Build Time (vs. Total): 4months (3 years)
Compile Time: 30mins
Map Installation : Unzip the contents of the zip (BlueIce Nightfall.pk3)into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go! REMOVE any previous versions of this map before you play.
Source Files: Unzip the contents of BlueIce Nightfall Source v1.1.zip into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base folder and add 'blueice_nightfall' to your shaderlist.txt
// Features: //
-Interactive Scripting.
-External Lightmaps.
-Q3map2 Bumpmapping.
-Wardrobes to Narnia .
-Interactive Environment.
-Cogwheel Lifts.
-Full support for FFA/TFFA/CTF/Duel/Powerduel.
RoboPhred - Scripting, constant testing and general advice.
Silverwest - Original JK2 Firefly effect
The developers of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - For creating a great inspirational work (Verschneit) to base this map on.
JKHub - For development support and file hosting!
Filefront Forums - For development support.
Harry Gregson-Williams for the audio track ("Lucy meets Mr. Tumnus" - The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe OST)
(All efforts have been made to trace holders of original material, but if anyone has been omitted, I apologise.)
Known Bugs:
- Bots will very occasionally get stuck (they will however sort themselves out within 10seconds.)
- Bots occasionally get crushed by the cogwheel lifts or doors.
Probably the map I am most proud of - it's been a long time coming, I just wish Id finished it several years ago when the community was
still more active, but better late than never! Think of this as a sequel to BlueIce Twilight, its set in the same world after all but
this is a more dense settlement, yet cozy and warm, away from the harsh weather of the world.
I included source files in this map, because I basically thought,'What the hell, why not!' However I would appreciate, seeing as I've released the source
materials out of good will - that people respect the guidelines below:
This includes:
- Textures
- Model textures/shaders
- The Map itself
(You can however use them for learning purposes, or get my permission if you want to publish edited files
I have nothing against you editing these files for your own progress.
If you want to use any of these, ask me first!
You can however, use freely, and without my permission:
- Original models, but not the new skins/textures.
- Shaders
- Scripts
- snowy
- botroute support
- (and 1 more)
The Death Egg
By CaptainChar
The stronghold of Dr Eggman Robotnik, and the Final stage of several "Sonic the Hedgehog" games, set in orbit around Earth, this map features a Dreamcast like atmosphere, this is the initial release and so only a quarter of the map is available.
even if you don't like sonic, its a unique space themed map, Like most my maps, there is easter eggs to be found, and a lot of references in this map alone, and nods to future projects
The Boss battle with Dr Eggman isn't yet complete, and will likely be added in a later version of the map
- Space
- Roleplaying
- (and 1 more)
By DarthNormaN
Buildtime : ~NO Comment~
Compiletime : ~1h
Brushes : 4014
Entities : 419
Botsupport : Yes
Secret : Yes
New textures : Yes
New effects : Yes
New models : No
New music : No (kor_lite/korrib_lite_explore)
Facts about Arevass
nspired by Nightelf Missons form WarCraft3(+Addon) (name and location) (WarCraft3: Reign of Caos & The Frozen Throne © Blizzard Entertainment)
realism through environment mapped water, rainbow effects and reliable outdoor lightning...
special shader effects (e.g. rainbow, crystals, shoreline etc.)
multilayer-terrain with phongshading
put the .pk3 file into your 'JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base' folder
I hope you will enjoy it!
» Darth NormaN
...and btw: turn glow effect on ('r_dynamicGlow 1'), it looks so pretty
We (my testers and me) tested this map on a clear version of JKA (v1.0.1, without bonus mappack). So if there are still some unexpected bugs then you have broken shaders/assets in your base folder. If you are sure that this is not the case contact me personally or in the forums i mentioned above.But i hope that won't be necessary ;P
The archive 'arevass.pk3' includes the following files:
map in .bsp AND .map format
terrain in .pcx format
new textures
new shaders
new effects
arena file/levelshot/botroute
...and the folders that belong to them.
To map with my shaders enter "arevass" into your shaderlist.txt!
BlueIce Nightfall - Christmas Special
By Szico VII
A christmas special addon pack for BlueIce Nightfall v1.1 which changes the mood to a festive daybreak Christmas morning!
Nightfall Christmas Add-On
by Szico VII
December 17th 2012
MSN: szicovii@gmail.com
E-Mail: szicovii@gmail.com
AIM: Szico VII
Nightfall Christmas Add-On (v1.0)
This is NOT compatible with BlueIce Nightfall v1.0! (Check the readme to see which version you have)
Map Installation : Unzip the contents of the zip (Nightfall Christmas Addon.pk3)into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and do the same with the BlueIce Nightfall.pk3 (see above) if you don't already have it - then you're all set to go!
Source Files: Unzip the contents of Nightfall Christmas Add-On Source v1.0.zip into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base folder and add 'nightfall_xmas' to your shaderlist.txt. You must also do the same with the BlueIce Nightfall v1.1 source files.
// Features:
-Interactive Scripting.
-External Lightmaps.
-Q3map2 Bumpmapping.
-Wardrobes to Narnia .
-Interactive Environment.
-Cogwheel Lifts.
-Full support for FFA/TFFA/CTF/Duel/Powerduel.
RoboPhred - Scripting, constant testing and general advice.
Silverwest - Original JK2 Firefly effect
The developers of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - For creating a great inspirational work (Verschneit) to base this map on.
JKHub - For development support and file hosting!
Filefront Forums - For development support.
http://www.humus.name - For the skybox
YouTube - For the music track.
(All efforts have been made to trace holders of original material, but if anyone has been omitted, I apologise.)
Known Bugs:
- Bots will very occasionally get stuck (they will however sort themselves out within 10seconds.)
- Bots occasionally get crushed by the cogwheel lifts or doors.
This includes:
- Textures
- Model textures/shaders
- The Map itself
(You can however use them for learning purposes, or get my permission if you want to publish edited files
I have nothing against you editing these files for your own progress.
If you want to use any of these, ask me first!
You can however, use freely, and without my permission:
- Original models, but not the new skins/textures.
- Shaders
- Scripts
~Szico VII~
- jkhub exclusive
- forest
- (and 5 more)
GoldenEye Bunker
By CaptainChar
"Bots are a bit trigger happy when it comes to doors", some will get stuck in some areas but will eventually get out of them too.
The Bunker map from the Original Goldeneye game for Nintendo 64, in Single player, known as Bunker 2, in Multiplayer just the bunker, its been as faithfully recreated as possible by Kahn, it was passed onto me, and I tweaked and completed the map, as well as restored it to the original N64 version. The map is made with gunplay in mind, its a close quarters map, so saber fighting might get difficult with the confined spaces
As with all my GoldenEye maps, there is a hidden VHS/DVD of GoldenEye in the map, try to find them all in all the maps!
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip the ge_bunker.pk3 file into your base folder.
Optional: Unzip the ge_assets_v2.pk3 into your base folder
Khan: For Providing the original unfinished Bunker Map
BongoBob- For making the temple level which is what got me started on project GoldenEye
Szico VII- without your source files, I would have never learned as much as I did
Darth Zion- Helped me with scripting, fixing sounds, and various beta testing
Last Wish- Helped in my beta testing extensively, and gave me texturing tips.
RichDiesal - For your mapping tutorials
Graeme Norgate- without your music, GoldenEye wouldnt have been the same
BUGS: Multiplayer intro video sometimes loses sound.
Tatooine Streets
This is a simple map I made to showcase the custom Search and Destroy gametype I am working on. Figured I would release it as an FFA/Duel/PowerDuel/TFFA map too as it is a pretty decent map all round now that it is finished. Consider it a teaser of the SD version.
The map is set at night and has all the standard guns, pickups and ammo dotted about.
The music is "Under The Rotting Pizza" by Nobuo Uematsu, from Final Fantasy VII
The sole custom texture is an edit of a base one, made by me. Feel free to re-use it.
Made exclusively for JKHub
By Szico VII
NeoTokyo, site of Timesplitters 2, was the subject of this map. Up front, I wish to note that I've never played that particular game, and thus my comments have no bearing on its accuracy to the game's rendering. Only on what I see... and man, what I see looks nice.
With maps like these coming out, why we MR types don't follow up on our Forum announced releases is beyond me. Must be too lazy, I guess. Anyhow...
Solid. Solid. Solid.
Oh, and it's solid, too. Some may argue that it's blocky as well, but I don't agree to that at all. I may not be a master of the Patch Mesh like some, but I am known to love them to death... and I also know when they dont really belong. This is one of the maps they don't belong in - at least not in large numbers.
The setting is urban... where, traditionally, architecture tends toward the blocky and squared off, with the odd curve here and there for contrast. This map does exactly that. Details are there to be seen, and curves are there to accentuate, but they aren't overbearing in any fashion. As it should be.
Numerous different mapping techniques can be seen in this map. From the old-style func_train (an over-head monorail car that zooms back and forth) to func_usables on timers (working traffic lights and Walk/Don't Walk signs), Szico shows a great grasp of JA entities.
Especially for a 3 and a half week build, this map will quickly grab your attention... and it'll definately show you a trick or two.
What little I did find off was more from the aesthetic stance. And one problem I *suspect* but couldn't really confirm.
My first note is on scale - this can make or break some maps. Some items, when constructed, simply have to be in scale to the player. For the most part, Szico has this firmly in hand. However, there are two things that grabbed my attention.
The screens in some of the window displays on the main road (a nice touch, BTW) are either computer screens or TVs. Either way, theres a scale problem. If they are screens, they are far too large (unless 24" Computer Screens are now the vogue in NeoTokyo). If they are TVs, they are far too small (unless Retro-Sized TVs are in vogue).
Second is the stairways. The steepness I don't mind... some cultures (The Dutch come to mind) build them that way to take up less space. However, the actual SIZE of the upstep is a bit of an issue. They just look too large.
And the part I can't confirm? My pet peeve - clip brushes on stairs. These are so steep that I can't really tell if they are there or not. I suspect not, since when going slow I get the feeling I'm stepping on each one individually, but I can't really confirm it due to the angles involved... so Szico - you get the benefit of the doubt. No points off for you.
Score : 9 of 10
Texture & Lighting
Here, this map really shines - no pun intended.
The texture work is simply amazing. Custom textures and shader work are all over the place, priniciply in two forms: The large number of custom signs (some of which even change color) and the textures used for ground cover, which have a wet sheen and env-maps to simulate the semi-reflection you would get off such streets.
It's all great, and adds a TON of atmosphere.
The remainder of the texturing is spot on, with no overstretching or inappropriately placed textures at all. While some appear to be stock, it's really hard to tell which ones are (to my eye, anyhow) as they all seem to fit the scene perfectly.
Lighting only serves to accentuate the texturing and the architecture - exactly as it's supposed to. It's simply superb... and that's all I have to say about that.
Score : 9 of 10
Level Flow
This map is designed for all of the major gameplay types: FFA, TFFA, Duel, Power Duel, and CTF. That's a tall order for most maps, as they all have different flow reliances. FFA and TFFA require that there be plenty of room and a circular nature of some kind. Duel and Power Duel require that you be able to find and attack your foe(s) in relatively quick order. And CTF... well, I'm no CTF expert, but I know it takes multiple routes to and from the flags on multiple elevations if possible.
Yet somehow, this map seems to have gotten all of this into one map. Impressive... just as the rest of the map has been.
I only found one seeming dead end, in the sewer area near a force-field enclosed area. I am pretty sure it ISN'T a dead end... I just couldn't figure out how to open it with that saber wielding maniac behind me (you KNOW I had to work him in there somehow...). Something a bit more obvious to indicate how it opens may help here. Or maybe, I'm just blind.
Score : 8 of 10
Fun Factor
The eye candy and attention to detail alone make this map fun and impressive - most servers should probably have this on the rotation. For those keeping score, that's a first recommendation for that from me. I loved this - and I just don't normally say that about a map that isn't mine. (OK, I'm biased - sue me.)
Score : 9.5 of 10
The music is the stand-apart extra in this map - I have no idea what it is, where it came from, or anything else about it, but it fits. In some ways, it reminds me of one of the themes in Fifth Element (though obviosuly, this isn't from that movie.) It's quiet enough to remain in the background for the most part, but loud enough to provide even more atmosphere.
Amazing. Simply amazing for a 3 and a half week build. Most mappers won't be able to map at this quality level in that kind of time. Szico, you're setting a high bar - and that can't help but be good. Superb job - PLEASE keep it up.
Score: 9/10
Reviewed by Shadriss
Szico VII
New Textures: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Models: Yes
New Scripts: No
Bot Routing: Yes
Gametypes: FFA, TFFA, Duel, Power Duel, CTF (All FULLY Supported)
Brush Count: 4174
Entity Count: 655
Build Time: 3 ½ Weeks
Compile Time: 8 Minutes.
Map Installation : Extract the contents of the .zip (NeoTokyo.pk3) into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base directory, and you're all set to go!
Source Files: Unzip the contents of NeoTokyo Source.zip into your Jedi Academy/GameData/Base folder and add �neotokyo� to your shaderlist.txt
General Helpers:
- Folks at Map-Review.com
- Folks at GamingForums.com
- Folks at Map-Craft.com
- Mace for producing a few Japanese sign textures
- Zod for his image of a city, used to create skybox.
- Also check out the JK2 version!
- Oxyonagon for the rain splatter shader.
- Lassev and RAILBACK for decal shader help.
(<:MJC: >OwnerMace^F) - Galaxar Mace
Larry MCBruce
Darth Tyranus1
By CaptainChar
Version 3 of my Cathedral map, The set up was more inspired from Tenchi Muyo with the OVA series main villian Kagato's ship. the sheet music on the organ is still the actual sheet music for that organ peice, the track playing is the Church theme from Baiten Kaitos, personally the song fits very nicely, the map, is smaller then its V2 counterpart, mosty due to complaints of its former size, the ceiling is still tall and far away. the map was the first use of candle type lights for me.
The Matrix Unleashed - SubMetro
By Szico VII
Szico VII
Originally created for the Matrix Unleashed mod, but was unreleased until now. Original map and design based on 'SubMetro' by SmokE. Expanded and updated with permission. This map is released 'as-is'due to the mod itself being deemed permanently on hold.
The Silent Command
By TwinHits
A small duel map based off the description found in Chronicles of an Avatar: The Silent Command. A copy of the story is included in the .zip.
Valley of the Jedi Tower
By Inyri
Back in the heyday of the JK series, things were better. Nicer. Prettier. Well, this map may not be prettier, but it's a tribute to Dark Forces 2, the granddaddy of Jedi Academy. This map features the multiplayer version of the Valley of the Jedi Tower, where Kyle Katarn faces and destroys Maw during the JK1 SP campaign.
This map was completely for the Jan-Feb '07 JKFiles Mapping Contest, for the intermediate skill level.
Arth's Tribal Castle
By JKHub
Author: Darth Arth
ffa/duel map for saber-only/bowcaster fighting. This map will be released like "is as is", there will be no patches or future-versions.
Endor Assault
By Yzmo
This map was created for the Movie Battles 2
CMP map pack, then converted to basejka.
If you want to try the original MB2 version,
its in the CMP:REDUX map pack which can be
found here:
Gameypes: CTF, FFA, TFFA
Botroutes: Yes
New Sounds: Yes
New Textures: Yes
New Shaders: Yes
Some lighting errors
Green efx coming thru grid.
Space FFA
By JKHub
Author: smc762
Gametypes: Free For All / Duel
Bot Routing: Yes
New Textures: No
New Sounds: No
New Music: No
A platform floating in space. There are three levels and jump-pads you can use to quickly get around the map. I started working on this map a long time ago, but I never finished it. I thought I lost it when my computer died, but I found a backup. It's not perfect, but I thought it would be better to fix it up and release it instead of just letting it sit on my hard drive.
Sniper Map
By d_andras
There are 3 Maps included and based on the same level: sniper.bsp , sniperv2.bsp and sniperv3.bsp
A medium size map with 2 High towers where you can jump up using force jump step by step, includes walls for hiding places that also includes the 2 towers.
The map has only 2 or just 1 type of weapons spawned depending on the version you run:
Version 1: Disruptor and Repeater
Version 2: Disruptor, Thermal Detonator, Trip Mine and E11 Blaster Rifle
Version 3: Only Disruptor, Wall texutres changed added a few more thing for better usage replaced weapons possition
The sniperv3.bsp Has TFFA and CTF support, you have to run up the tower to steal the enemy flag and run back to your tower to score.
Castle NRN
By d_andras
This map is originally intended to play an NRN gametype that we made up that is similar to siege but with manual objectives, you can read about it in the 2nd readme file.
The map has a courtyard that includes a hideout and a large castle that has dueling and weapon rooms for battles and items.
Has breakable object such as windows and pilars and includes secret placed to find and use in the gametype.
It has TFFA and CTF support however it is not realy intended for the traditional CTF gametype as even the blue flag exists but it is hidden in a secret place, i would recommen using it as TFFA or jsut FFA but
if you want to have hard fun use the CTF it is not so hard to get to that secret place after all
Includes guns items that you can use to have weapon battles, hiding places sniping action sabering action all you have in mind.
Also the map has 3 Kyles and 2 Swamptroopers auto spawned the reason behind this is the NRN gametype ignore them or just kill them.
God Of War Chain of Olympus Map
By d_andras
A small try i made to recreate the final level from the PSP game God of War Chain of Olympus.
The map is a perfect all purpose map that includes: FFA, DUEL, CTF, TFFA, each gametype will spawn you in a different location, and you wont have to walk in a duel gametype you wil be spawned in the middle circle.TFFA and CTF spawn you in one of the corners of the map. while TFFA is as simple as go and meet in the middle and fight, CTF has been slightly altered.In the CTF gametype you will have to work as a team to take and open the flag just as before but here, you actualy need a member to go and open the door for you, when you return to capture the flag you will have to do the same.
If one of the members is not paying attention you might risk losing your flag, you need to protect both the entrance flag keeper and the lever for opening the doors.
Each team capturing the falg will also take hold of Ysalimari that will redude your force, by this reducing the ability to just run all the time, and jsut make it more difficult.