Free For All
359 files
By Kahn
Well, this is a few building from the show The Simpsons. First is Moe's tavern! This map has everything, the bar, pool table, booths to eat at, the "love" Machine, and lots more. There even the Flaming Moe! I also added Moe's office in this version of Moe's Tavern. Second is the Kwik-E-Mart. I have added shelfs full of different products you have seen in the episodes, the main counter, arcade games, and can't forget about the squishy machine! Third building is Krusty Burger. There are benches to eat around the edge of the building, and has a place to order your food. in the area to make the food, there is a grill and fry fryer. I also added a camera so u can see when someone pulls up to the drive threw. Forth building is the church. I have benches all in to sit and pray, the main altar, but I also added the room for Sunday school and Rev. Lovejoy's office. The last building is the NoiceLand Arcade. This place is packed full of arcade games seen in many episodes, pool table, air hockey and popcorn! I have also added a huge park where Jebediah Springfield's statue is located for duels and FFA's. I have also put about 7 songs together for the background music. All the music has been in an episode and I think you should know them all (maybe not the last one, its the newest).
After releasing Moe's Tavern, I saw many people wanted more of Springfield, so, here it is. I have made all textures from extracting colours from pictures of Springfield. So all textures are mine. There are no error's that I know of and one of the best FPS I have one any of my maps. Hope you all like it.
Sith Council v3
By Kahn
his is the Final Version of my Sith Council Map. This map is loosely based on the Jedi Council GC map form JK2. In the main area, there are 3 duel rooms, one interrogation room, one Armory and a Library. Also a bar to sit back and relax. Threw the main doors, to the left, is a medical room to be healed. To the right are one set of the bedrooms to rest and watch some good old tv. And straight is the other set of bedrooms and to the end of the hallway is the Main Duel room with stands to watch, also a VIP room for the high power followers of Kahn and Neo.
There is also an elevator going to the basement threw the main doors. In the basement, there is a jail. This jail has four different jail cells in it. All the cells can be locked and unlocked from the guards room. But hopefully they do not see you escaping from your room. The Pillar Room is back and located beside the jail. Finally, on the other side of the hallway is the Sith Council room. This is an area for clans to talk. There are chairs to sit back and relax and talk.
In the main Room, you also see a big door opposite to the door I just talked about. Threw the doors you will find another set of doors. Threw there is the out door area. There is many trees to hind behind and attack people. To the left of the entrance, there is a water fall, nice area to duel. Straight across you see a red light on the wall, go and press the button and the wall will open. There is a Court House to judge the lamers and a rancor pit beneath to teach them a lessen. And finally to the right of the entrance to the out door area and another waterfall, with an area down below to also duel. There is a NEW secret cave somewhere that leads to the tomb of Kahn and Neo. In the tomb, there is a sacrifice room to sacrifice all those needed. Have fun finding the entrance and the way threw the maze.
Also, if you have played the RJ_Sublime map, you know about their control center. I have continued to use this idea in this version. There are three switches. One to close off the bar, one to transform the lava pit, and one to transform the acid pit.
Seeing there are many players who love to use noclip, I have come up with new ways to prevent you from using it to use the hidden secrets. I call it a "True Enter". Unless you enter the room the way you where suppose to, you will either be frozen in the room once you come unclip, or the secrets just wont be shown.
After so many people where asking for the Jedi Council GC Map for jk2 brought to JA, I decided to do something about it. I decided to make my own with a Sith feel to it. IN the .ZIP file, you will find the history behind the map and maybe some inside info to the entrance of the caves. This map was created from scratch and I never edited the Jedi Council GC .map file. This map has took about 4 years off and on to complete. Before you tell me there are problems or bugs, like i just said, if you use nolcip and become frozen in a room once you unclip, this is not a bug, I made it so it would do that. Also, if a button hurts you when you think its suppost to hurt someone else... no one says thats a bug either. Please do not e-mail me asking for hints and how to find the secrets, i will not tell you. I do not make secrets just to tell everyone how to get to them... wheres the fun in that?
Star Destroyer
By JKHub
Author: ZaP
That map is the improved version of Stardestroyer. Design has changed a bit, new rooms were added and there now some other additional features.
Be careful when closing/opening the Hangar protection door! Push the button for opening/closing ONLY if it is 100% closed or opened, or it might not work anymore. In that case you have to restart the map.
Star Destroyer II Botroute
By JKHub
Author: ZaP
This modification adds botroutes to the Star Destroyer II map.
Note: The Star Destroyer II map is required in order to use this file.
Matrix Reloaded
Maps Included:
( The above names are what should be typed in to get to that map in console )
New Textures : Yus, bad ones at that by they do the job
New Shaders : Yus, managed to fig out some of that code stuff w00t!
New Sounds/Music : Yus mixed on vestax PDX D3 (mark 1's) Decks, Numark 1635 Mixer, Sony MDR 700's and compressed in Cool Edit Pro 2
New Models : Yus ( well so to speak Mapping is modeling is it not )
Map Install : Just extract the Matrix_reloaded_mp.PK3 file into yur JKA/base folder
Map Uninstall : Delete the Matrix_reloaded_mp.PK3 from yur base folder ( but why you would want to do that is beyond me )
Special Thx to the followin' : JLG Clan for there Ideas and support ( Dacs, JainaD'kana, AidenD'kana, Vindicator, AngelD'kana,Dreamless, Obi, Tiamat, Dragonslayer, Sovereign and Beck ) BambiD'kana, Blah, Sauce, Katan, BlueChixorz, ArinaD'kana, ShaakTi, Quiet Guardian, Calsa, JokerDood, Biscuit, Q, John, Jimbo,Kauyon, Aud, Nanaki, Austin (lil Killa), Scarlet ( thx for helping with MB and running V2 on a server ), *Vas*Buffy, Szcio ( for textures, ta ) , Living Dead Jedi, Sash Clan ( RIP), and lastly Jedi Adam ( for nuff support with map and general bi***in ). Woah, like one oscar speech, guess I should thank God too, but I dont want to so I wont ( he kept complaining about the FPS ) To any names I have Missed out, Im sorry
Helm's Deep
Rain and Lightning can effect FPS, im sorry for that but well it looks cool . The truth with this map is i was not going to release it, it was more of a learning map this time around and i still feel i can make a better version but after numoriuos people had tested it and said they really enjoyed it, well, you know the rest The wall explodes , Theres swoops and i added sum rancors ( which dont respawn)
SniperZone / F- Zero Maps
3 FFA beta maps , 2 based on the old Team Fortress Classic Sniper maps and one based on the JK racer mod / F-Zero.
for best gaming experience the sniper maps should be played in team free for all mode and the f_zero map works best in FFA, pls note these are BETA maps, the disruption mod for the sniper maps will be out as soon as the JKA SDK is out and i believe the JK : Racer mod is being made by M. Chrono and ShroomDuck.
MFF Shadowdancer
By Shadriss
Author: Shadriss
The Operations area of the Imperial Majestic-Class Fast Frigate Shadowdancer. Built for the inaugural Map Challenge on Ockniel's Forums. Map file is included for interested parties - no portion may be reproduced without checking with me first.
Battle on Theed
By J3rk
This map is (loosely) based on the location of Theed as seen in Episode 1.
This is a FFA/TFFA version, but there are also MB2 and Siege versions being tested at and The Siege version will be included in the upcoming JKASiege map pack but if you want to help test it out, visit
House of p!ng
By J3rk
This project was inspired by the beginning Himalayas level of the Batman Begins console game - though it's by no means "faithful" to it. I designed the areas in the map so that it would be playable as a "Sniper Wars" map, a gun or saber-only FFA, TFFA, and even for "saber only" duelists. At its core, it is a FFA / TFFA map with a ton of "secrets", booby traps, a couple of teleporters and numerous other interactive elements in the map which should (hopefully) make for interesting gameplay. You can do things like turn the lights off in an area and plan sneak attacks, spy on people from behind a 2-way wall, fill a room with poison gas, etc. I highly doubt that anyone will be able to find all of the hidden stuff, but hopefully that will add to the replay value. Have fun!
Battle of Geonosis
By J3rk
This is a map that I'm working on for the Moviebattles II mod. I decided to convert an early version of it to TFFA/FFA and release it. It's based on the Battle of Geonosis from Attack of the Clones. I say "based on" because it's not an SJC-caliber replica, but it should hopefully feel loosely familiar.
Shroom's Deathstar
By ShroomDuck
Ah yes. My first map after a looooong hiatus. My vision was to create a more realistic and fun-filled DeathStar than was available with JK2. Hope ya'll enjoy!
Country Academy
By ShroomDuck
So, I swore I'd never do another Country Roads themed map. I know as well as anyone that it's become a tired theme. But here I am, releasing one. I guess I like the silliness involved with having saber battles on a farm. This is like... for sure the last Country Roads map for JK2/JKA. I hope you enjoy, ya hear?
Twilight on Tatooine
By JKHub
Patrick Haslow
Brush Count : 4375
Entity Count : 519
Base info : original map
Software used : Radiant 1.4, Adobe Photoshop, Bryce 4, Goldwave
Known Bugs : none
A Free-for-All in a backwater garrison on Tatooine, just before sunset.
This map is best played with 6-10 players. There are many booby traps placed around the map, they are useful for surprising your opponents- some if you have chosen to use force push.
Also, many useful power-ups are initially located in hidden locations.
Find them all!
Trade Federation Droid Control Ship
By JKHub
This is Trade Federation Droid Control Ship from Episode I. From the things that are seen in the movie, there are Conference Room, Bridge and Docking Bay, including Republic Cruiser docked (unfortunatly, still with no interior, but i hope to make it for the next version), all conected with corridors, and something of my own imagination - a dock control station.
Due to the winkness of my PC, i was unable to make this map larger and more complex. My PC was having troubles to handle even this sized map. I was forced to make the map in several different parts, that are later merged in the final map (and that is so boring). And, what is more important, I was unable to do the full Light process, and because of that, the map does't look like as it should and some lights and shadows looks pretty ugly. So, don't expect next versions of the map, untill I upgrade my PC (do not expect it for a long time lol)
Eternal Lair of Ragnos Disciples
By JKHub
¡§Eternal lair of Ragnos¡¦ deciples¡¨ is a large scale FFA map for JKA.The concept consists of a place where the spirits of Ragnos¡¦ deciples roam,fight and train eternally,awaiting the resurrection of their master and his army,hoping one day they will rule all again.
This map has a mystical touch to it,and is quiete challenging.I¡¦ve made this map for all the clans for JKA who do not have a clanmap,for this map is IDEAL for clanmap.
With 3 training rooms(Balance,fire and ice duel.),a meeting hall,a council which can give up to 10 people a place to sit,a large scale FFA room and 1 secret area(which will satisfy all guys who see it,the deciples get lonely too after some millennia¡K).
Arena of the Rancor
By JKHub
This map is a mediumsized FFA map which consists of an arena and spectating level.
In the arena 2 rancors are imprisoned behind bars,but on the seal is pushed,the gates open and they will kill on sight. Also,there are 2 rooms with each 3 tauntauns,health and some trip mines.
This map is great fun to play in a team,trying to defeat the rancors has been proven to be quiete challanging.
I hope you all enjoy the map as much as i enjoyed making it.
Taspir: Clan Edition
By skaterjohn16
FFA5 with JA+ and sophisticated clan play in mind. Changes made to the original:
An observation deck is hung above the "main pad". Ideal for council/admin use. Has a lower hatch and a side door openable only from the inside. From the outside, you can see out in all directions, including watching battles on the main pad below. This is good for initiation duels or training so council members or clan leaders can watch with a birds-eye view. Other players cannot see the inside of the observation deck from the outside. There are 5 controls in the deck - The 2 door toggles, a lighting button that strikes the pad, a lightning reset button to fix glitchy lightning strikes, and a strobe light for climactic dueling below.
A second pad identical to the main one is placed high above the original. This pad is still accessable from the buildings, and is basically there to add more fighting space. Also good for private dueling, since the observation deck hangs below it.
The rooftops of all the buildings are now textured, with specific dueling environments on each one. The building above the elevator to the bottom pad near the lava has access to the rooftops and to the higher main pad.
The annoying slow elevator in the largest building has been removed, and is replaced with a sophisticated teleportation system allowing access to ALL FOUR FLOORS! The previously untextured room near the top has been textured and has a hatch for roof access.
A bar/lounge has been added to the level. You can find it where the door blocked by a box once was near the bottom of the map. Calming lava waterfalls relax you from battle as you sit around the dim-lit bar and chat with friends.
The lava glow is now brighter, and more realistic. This adds more light to the extremely dark bottom pad as well. It also lights up the building interiors with a more moody red glow.
Lava now splashes and has a red "underwater" color. Much more realistic, and now guaranteed to kill upon contact.
A more action packed music is implemented - the music for the final duel in singleplayer.
Jedi Hotel
By skaterjohn16
First thing I need to get out of the way - If you venture forth beyond the lobby and the main areas be prepared to face some dark, spooky environments that you may get lost in, but I'm famous for big dark things. I think they make better saber duels. However, the main areas are rather well lit so, everyone will be fine. And yes, the doors are WAY oversized - it's supposed to be luxurious.
This map is a map that I have been trying a few new things in. I have a nice working storm going on, complete with working splash effects and rather moody and pleasing lightning/thunder effects. There are a few hotel rooms that can be "purchased" and can only be opened from the inside by the purchaser. More on that later. There is a sequence that, if trigered, will start the map exploding. If not fixed, the map will end. There is a slot machine in the bar that you can get lucky on (currency is in the form of score). Basically, this map was designed in mind for both hard core ffa'ers and people who would like more things to do in their spare time. I like to call it, an Interactive FFa Experience. I will now break down the components of the Hotel.
Just a nice, rainy dueling area. This area was featured in a preview duel map level not long ago. To access, follow the "MAIN HALL" from the "LOBBY".
Main Hall:
The access for travelers to the main section of the hotel. You'll find that a lot of the hotel is undergoing repairs. There are two sub sections from the main hall - one room leads to the busted "TRAM WAY" and the other leads to the "BAR". If you follow the main hall strait from the "HANGAR", you will
reach the "Lobby."
This is the area where most of the action will take place, given that everyone will spawn either here or in the "BAR". Visually pleasing (save for the invisible flower pot vase in the corner... dont ask...), the lobby offers great observation space as well as dueling grounds. There are also enough obstacles for an adrenaline pumped ffa. From here, you can access the "BOARDING HALLS", the "MAIN HALL" and the "BAR."
Bar: (FIXED)
The bar is almost nesessity for any good ffa map. Here, you will find ample space to sit and talk to clan members or friends, a nice dueling pad, toggle-able cantina music, and the slot machine. The slot machine can be found on the upper deck next to the entrance to the "MAIN HALL." To use, face the far side of the machine and press the use button. THE SLOT MACHINE NOW HAS AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM AND WILL PUT YOU TO WORK.
Boarding Hall A:
This boarding hall can be accessed from the ground floor of the "LOBBY". Here, one can purchase rooms and ring the buzzers of rooms already occupied. At the end of this hallway lies the "CHASM".
---To use the rooms--- If you access Boarding Hall A from the "LOBBY", the check in room is the first door on the left. Enter it, and notice the consoles with blue flares above them. Walk up to a console, and a room description will be given. If you like it, press space bar. Immediately after you activate it, a message will appear telling you to jump (you only have 3 seconds after activation time to jump in the portal). Jump into the blue flare, and you will be in your room. If somebody presses your buzzer, the door will flash red and an annoying sound will play. You can open your door but, if you leave, you cannot regain entry to your room. The room lasts for five minutes, and when time is up, a message will appear telling you to "ACTIVATE THE LAPTOP TO RENEW YOUR ROOM". To do this, walk up to the laptop in your room and activate it AFTER your time expires. Your room will be renewed for another five minutes.
Boarding Hall B:
This boarding hall can be accessed from the balcony of the "LOBBY". Here, you can find the meditation room, a sparring room and the chasm.
BEWARE THE SPARKING PANEL ON THE WALL IN BOARDING HALL B. IF THIS PANEL IS DESTROYED, THE REACTOR WILL OVERLOAD. When this happens, stay calm. You have 6 minutes to repair the reactor core. Travel down that hall to the chasm and access the door on the other side. Use the ventilation system to access the reactor. It is perilous, but not impossible to traverse. Once at the reactor, avoid the reactor fans - for they will kill you instantly. Find the repair console and activate it to save the map from certain doom (if you fail, the map will change, thus ending that round.)
This area is the perfect hide out for someone who likes the dark. This shaft is the only access to the reactor core at first, so get to know it well. This area acts as a bridge between the two boarding halls.
The reactor is a dangerous place. Once there, however, you can access the TRAM WAY! Take the tram back to the "MAIN HALL" and it will be open permanently to travelers.
OK, some of the areas of the map dont look as good as the main areas... especially the tram way. However, I am pressed for time in college and I need to get this map out of my hair... Ive spent a year on it. Expect a version 2 in the near future offering brighter rooms, a better tram, more
things to do and speeders.
Camera Room:
All players now start in a "camera room" that can see almost every room in the hotel. View a room to see the room and whoever may be in there. Jump above a screen to enter that room.
Universal Teleportation System:
(NOW FIXED)The UTP is a useful tool for travel around the hotel. Every player starts with this device. Make sure your saber is NOT OUT. PRESS AND HOLD ACTIVATE AND ATTACK AT THE SAME TIME FOR THREE SECONDS! You will then teleport back to the camera room, where you can access all the other rooms. This was designed to balance the overall size of the hotel so players can stay together and keep the flow of the map.
Swoop/Tram Update:
(FIXED now more swoops spawn)You now have nice little swoops to spawn and ride on on the tram track. Enjoy the "swoop-o-cross" obstacle track for racing and a good time. The swoops destroy themselves if not used for 10 seconds.
Texture Facelift:
Textures are now exiting and less repititious. Yay.
More Health packs:
Have been added. As well as sheilds and more bacta.
Other Fixes:
Fixed the amazing duel glitch where u would be thrown off the map. Also reduced the size of the doors. FPS is improved. Loading time is reduced by 400%.
More Yay.
This area is set across the bar in the lobby. Go here to battle a successively harder slew of Reborn NPC for points and Honor.
By worldspawn
It's a winter landscape set on a mountain, with ski lifts and a frozen lake. There are secrets.
I would have loved to give this map a better atmosphere, but i simply don't have the time i would need ( + my PC is ... slow).I would consider this map as a fun map, because there is an imo quite interesting feature: If you find the secret cave and enter the strange light bubble, you and a random other player from anywhere in the map will be teleported into a secret ice duel arena together. If one of you falls down there, the other one will be teleported to a reward... There also is a CTF mode, which should be quite interesting and fun, too - i suggest you just try it out =)
This map has the following hidden places:
duel-entry cave
cave with rocket launcher
sniper room in the upper house
Furthermore the lower house features a really comfy sauna, where you can heal yourself (use the water pot thingy) and relax from all the cold winter stuff.
I'd be happy about feedback. Keep this community alive, guys!
By worldspawn
I did this Map for a Mapping Contest on during summer holidays. It won the contest which actually had 4 participants... There are a few things which i would have liked to add, such as sounds, maybe lightning strikes, wind, etc. but didnt have enough time. I had a lot of fun playing this map with friends anyway but was too lazy to submit it for a few months. So have fun!
PS You dont have to like the music - IMO it fits to the atmosphere
Teletubbie Land
By worldspawn
This map consists of the Teletubbies house, and a bit of it's environment. The house has many interesting features, i played around with scripted brushes, and enough explosives to have a good game. There also is a switch wihich will cause a random event...
Chalmun's Cantina
By Krattle
This map is a recreation of Chalmun's Cantina as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope. I used 'The Incredible Locations of Episodes IV, V, and VI' for reference and while the map holds fairly true the book's depiction and to what is seen in the film, some elements were inevitably the result of my own interpretation. As for the surrounding buildings, they are not based on anything seen in the movie and are simply products of my imagination. Finally, I made another map that is just the interior of the Cantina so that I could use smoke for an atmospheric effect.
Be sure to look for the T-16 Skyhopper, which I created to extremely accurate dimensions from scans of the drawings in 'The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels'. I decided to have it land on skis with its wings folded up at about the midway point, as this is how it was shown in the 'Incredible Locations' book. Although Essential Guide claims that the Skyhopper is a two-seater, I decided to keep it a smaller single-seater.
Keep your eye out for a few secrets. The Skyhopper is on a raise-able platform and you can spawn a Swoop somewhere in the map. Oh, and keep an eye out for Jabba the Hutt!
By @JCulley3D
Hey everyone, now I know you have been waiting for this in a long time, dont forget its a version 1 so it has some bugs here is a list of them
1 FPS is a little low in the clone room (I cant really do a lot about that but I will try).
2 parts of the map show through the sky box whilst standing on Jango's landing pad.
3 Layout - I will alter the layout of Kamino for version 2 so that things are closer together.
4 The locked doors in this version will lead to other areas in version 2
So If you guys can put those little things aside for a while and enjoy this version until I get version 2 out that would be great!!
Anyway, now for the details; I used terragen to make the sky box images I tried to make them as kamino as possible but I think I may tweak them for version 2 (I hope to have a moving sea too). I would say that 85% of the textures in kamino are custom and I made them using photoshop 7.0 and made use of several of the pluggins there for effects, such as making the black non solid (gothixc I am sure you will be pleased LOL).
I have used two custom models in this map; the excelent Jedi Starfighter and the wicked slave1 both of which I got permission to use and I have included the readmes that came with them in this pk3. One thing I must say though is that as the slave1 modle was textured as bobba's version I retextured it to silver and blue, its not such a great texture job but never mind.
There are a few doors in this map that must be opened using the force, if you remember in Episode II Jango cuts the line and Obiwan falls down and manages to grapple that ledge/walkway, well I included this area so when you are on Jangos landing pad be sure to re-enact this scene!! the door on that walkway is made so that you have to use the force to open, once opened it takes you to a lift that will rise back up to the top of the pad
Anyways I hope you guys enjoy it - I enjoyed making it I hope its what you were expecting, after all its just a map!
Version 2 coming soon!! (version two will mainly be for AOTCTC)
Grand Jedi Skills: Inner City Stories
By Boddo
Are you ready, to advance to the next level of the game?
^ ^ ^ ^ Grand Jedi Skills: Inner City Stories ^ ^ ^ ^
I present you with the insanley awesome Grand Jedi Skills: Inner City Stories.
Perhaps the most complex and large MP FFA map made for JKA
Venture the inner city stories to be had.
Many floors to see in this building, lots of small details.
Work together/against friends to complete challenges and explore.