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  1. Neo Dark Ages v3.18 - (Manual Install)

    | Neo Dark Ages (NDA) Manual - ReadMe
    | Website: http://www.ndamod.com
    | For NDA version: 3.18
    | Last updated: 09/10/2012
    It started out as a one man operation to do a simple graphical overhaul for Jedi Academy.
    The plan was to throw in some models and maps and just release it as that.
    However with the help of Light Ninja and Tobe_One the project started to grow and slowly
    developed into something bigger; hopefully we may call this a total conversion once we are done!
    Neo Dark Ages is a modification for Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy; this means that you will need a
    legal copy of the game Jedi Academy to play this modification.
    Please see the end of this document for credits, which I consider to be the most important part.
    To install and play NDA manually, follow these simple instructions:
    (applies to those that have downloaded a manual instal version of NDA or have accidently installed NDA in the wrong location.)
    Remove any previous versions of NDA by simply deleting the "nda" folder and "play_nda.bat" file in JKA's "GameData" folder.
    (This step only apply's to those with previous versions of the NDA mod.)
    1) Create a folder called "nda" under your JKA Gamedata folder (i.e. c:\games\jedi academy\gamedata\nda)
    2) Copy the file named "play_nda.bat" to your "gamedata" folder.
    3) Copy the file named "nda_a3XX.pk3" to your newly created "gamedata\nda" folder.
    Play (Regular JKA installation):
    1) Double-click the "play_nda.bat" icon in your "gamedata" folder to start NDA.
    (This .bat file contains the following command: jamp.exe +set fs_game nda)
    Play (Steam installation):
    1) Right-click on the Jedi Academy listing in your Steam Library and choose Properties --> Set Launch Options
    2) In the "Launch Options" window, enter the following command: +set fs_game "nda" --> click "OK" --> "Close"
    3) Launch JKA from Steam as you normally would and NDA should start.
    || Third Person Lock
    [ Description ]
    By default the game reverts to first-person view upon each round start. This feature provides a
    toggle that can be used to lock the third-person view.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default. To enable, either toggle the option to "Yes" in the
    "Game Options" menu, or set the cvar named "cg_lockthirdperson" to "1".
    NOTE: If this option is used, first-person view will be disabled completely.
    || FOV Unlock (New)
    [ Description ]
    The Field of View (or FOV) is a setting you can change which determines how much of the map is visible
    to you. To change your FOV in JKA, open the console and type "cg_fov 80" (for example). The value of 80
    is the default setting and the default max value is 97. NDA increases the max value. Some say a low
    FOV will improve your accuracy while others say a high FOV allows more flexibility and improves your
    [ Usage ]
    Use the console command "cg_fov <value>" to adjust the FoV. For example: cg_fov 80
    || Speedometer
    [ Description ]
    This feature displays your current player speed in u/s (units per second).
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by issuing the following CVAR in console:
    "cg_speedometer 1" The default setting is "cg_speedometer 0".
    || AutoDemo
    [ Description ]
    If this feature is enabled it will start a demo recording each round. The demo files will be stored
    either in "GameData/base/demos" or "GameData/nda/demos".
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is disabled by default. To enable, either toggle the option to "Yes" in the "Game Options"
    menu, or set the cvar named "cg_allowAutoDemo" to "1". Once enabled, if the command "ndademosave" is
    issued before the end of the round, the demo file will be time stamped after the round ends. This command
    should be bound to a key for ease of use if you enable this feature. The created demo file will be named
    "demox0001.dm_26" temporarily and will be deleted after the round if "ndademosave" is not used. If
    "ndademosave" is used, the demo file will be renamed to the current timestamp in the following format:
    YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmSS.dm_26. (Y = Year, M = Month, D = Date, H = Hour, m = Minute, S = Second)
    || Scoreboard Time stamp
    [ Description ]
    At the end of each round, a time stamp is displayed. This is primarily useful to time code a scoreboard
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and currently cannot be disabled.
    || Vehicle Bug Fix
    [ Description ]
    This feature fixes the problem with the camera that occurs after spectating a player riding a vehicle.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
    || EOF Custom Map Fix
    [ Description ]
    This will allow you to have more than 3 maps that use custom Siege classes in your base folder at a time.
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. This feature works if the server doesn't have
    more than 3 custom maps (containing custom classes), and/or if the server also fixes the EOF problem.
    || Known Issues
    Many issues are know within the maps and are currently being improved
    please look for updates or newer releases to resolve most issues.
    [spectator issue]
    Spectator mode "jumps" out of the maps playable area thus redering it unable to "spectate."
    [spectator Fix]
    Joining the game or reconnecting will fix this problem.
    [Trapped PC]
    Certain levels require you to stay in specific areas once you have entered them, this is not entirely a glitch but may be perceived as one.
    [Trapped PC Fix]
    Unfortunately the only sure way out of this would be the command "/kill" or wait to die.
    If you would like to inform us of issues not listed here please contact us at
    email: info@ndamod.com
    or the ndamod.com forums
    || Rideable Horses
    [ Description ]
    This will allow you to ride many horses as a vehicle.
    [ Usage ]
    Displayed in certian maps or manually via "npc spawn" command in cheat mode.
    Hores Vehicle spawn codes:
    (You can chose horse_armor,2,3,4,5 for five different armor styles,
    as for the horse skins under the armors, they will be randomly chosen)
    || New Map Game Modes
    [ Description ]
    A few maps have specific game mode elements and are meant to be played specific ways.
    [ Usage ]
    NDA - ARENA: Meant for TFFA mode - Choose your class by entering the gate under any class flag.. each
    class contains class weapons you may not return to the "class room" until you die.
    NDA - TOURNAMENT: Meant for TFFA mode - Map is meant as a different Game Mode within NDA. Players are to
    score points in various "mini games" in order to secure a victory for their team. Both teams start with
    negative points in order to allow servers to run multiple maps while still allowing the tournament map to
    function correctly.
    NDA - INFEST ATTACK: Meant for TFFA mode - Map is meant as a different Game Mode within NDA. Players are to
    score points by slaying dragons as apposed to the opposite team. Each team gets a similar play area and dragons
    to defeat for points.
    Many maps contain NPC's and should be considered when playing.
    The process for using the NDA dedicated server is much the same as using the base JKA dedicated server.
    If you have the NDA client in your gamedata/base folder and create a server using the in-game set up,
    the server that is started will be an NDA server.
    The process for setting up a dedicated server is very similar. For a Windows dedicated server,
    if the NDA pk3 is in the gamedata/base folder, when you start the dedicated server it will be an
    NDA server. For a Linux dedicated server, you will need to download the Linux binary and place it
    in your base folder. You may want to back up the original binary file (jampgamei386.so).
    Please see below for the features and general usage tips.
    || Zombie Mode
    [ Description ]
    NDA Zombie Mode is a special version of Siege which has a unique set of rules. Most rounds begin with
    a single player on the Red team, who is designated the "Zombie". The goal is for the "Zombie" to
    "infect" all of the players from the Blue (Survivors) team by killing them. If this mode is enabled,
    after the round begins any player who dies on the Blue (Survivors) team will become a "Zombie". The
    last player remaining on the Blue (Survivors) team wins that round and begins the next round as the
    [ Usage ]
    --> To enable, set the g_ndazombie server CVAR to 1. (i.e. g_ndazombie 1) This is disabled by default.
    --> Zombie mode only works in the Siege gametype.
    --> A round begins once the "Zombie" /kills or switches class. This allows the Blue team time to set
    their class and possibly find hiding places.
    --> Zombie mode works on any Siege map but is generally the most fun on maps designed for this mode.
    --> The following server cvars should be set on the server in order to properly support a Zombie game:
    - seta g_siegeRespawn 1 (Typically set to 20 for Siege games, allows for instant respawns.)
    - seta g_siegeTeamSwitch 1 (Allows players to switch teams.)
    - seta g_debugmelee 1 (Allows enhanced melee, such as wall grabs.)
    - seta g_teamForceBalance 0 (Zombie games are almost always going to have an unbalanced number
    of players per team.)
    || Public Spec Chat
    [ Description ]
    NDAmakes chat from spectators viewable to all players currently on the server, instead of only
    being able to be seen by other spectators. (NOTE: Spectator _team_ chat is still only viewable
    by other spectators.)
    [ Usage ]
    This feature is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
    || Exploit Fixes
    [ Description ]
    The NDA server aims to fix most commonly used and well known exploits. Several of the most
    common and dangerous exploit fixes are implemented in this version, with more planned for
    future versions. _Some_ of the exploit fixes include:
    >> callvote exploit
    >> forcestring exploit
    >> /say exploit
    >> fakeplayer exploit
    [ Usage ]
    Exploit proection cannot be disabled.
    || Other Settings
    >> g_ndablacknames : Allow players to use the color black in their names
    || Gameplay
    Classic Gameplay elements
    Player vs NPC durring certian MP levels.
    || Credits
    NOTE: This mod literally would not be possible without the following people. We are _very_ grateful
    for their extremely patient help, code snippets and suggestions. If we're missing anyone, holler!!
    [ NDA team and contributors credits ]
    >> Founder:
    >> 2D Designs & Texture Artists:
    >> Environment Artists:
    >>3D Artists:
    Inyri Forge
    >> Music Artists:
    >> Programmers:
    >> Retired/Inactive Artists:
    [Other credits ]
    >> The dudes at #jacoders, especially:
    >> Scooper
    >> Didz
    >> Xycaleth
    >> Raz0r
    >> BobaFett
    >> TrippHop
    >> eezstreet
    >>Music Credits
    >>Certain levels contain music not created by the staff, we do not and will not take credit for
    their creation and these songs will be replaced by that of our own RascHu in future updates.
    >>Any content that may not have been mentioned is owned by it's creator and we take no part in
    it's creation unless it has strickly come from an NDA DEV member.
    >> Gamall @ http://gamall-ida.com
    >> All the contributors in the following thread at Lucasforums: http://lucasforums.c...ad.php?t=140104
    >> All contributors, testers and users of the mod in general
    || Disclaimer
    The authors/contributors of this mod are not (and cannot be held) responsible for any damages done to your
    computer/data or any other unintended results from using this software. It is tested and used by the author(s)
    to hopefully avoid any problems, but, ultimately... !!USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK!! You may not
    use any assets contained in this mod (or related files) separately without explicit consent from the
    author(s) involved; unless clearly specified in this document. You are free to distribute this file
    (and support files) as long as they are done so in their entirety, and include this unmodified readme
    document. We reserve the right to modify and/or remove this mod from circulation.
    Any extra content provided within this mod overlooked or otherwise is owned by it's rightful owner, we take no credit in it's creation.


       (2 reviews)



  2. Siege_Desert_PATCH

    This is a server/client side fix for the map siege_desert.
    Fixed issues:
    - The missing models at the stations are visible now. (this is client side).
    - "Droid part lame" is fixed. (this is server side)
    So if you have this file you can see the missing models on any server now, and if you are running a server, the droid parts objective is cannot be lammed anymore, but who doesn't have this file won't be able to see the missing models.
    (droid part lame: On this map if you bring two parts in in the same time, the game doesn't end and doesn't restart itself.)
    - Xeon


       (3 reviews)



  3. jaMME

    Jedi Academy Movie Maker's Edition (jaMME) is an engine modification of
    Jedi Academy for moviemaking. It's a port of q3mme with most of its
    features and some new ones.
    - demo playback control (pause, rewind)
    - free camera mode
    - chase camera mode
    - time speed animation
    - capturing motion blur
    - capturing output in stereo 3D
    - different output types: jpg, tga, png, avi
    - playing music on background to synchronize it with editing
    - saving depth of field mask
    - overriding players information: name, saber colours, hilts, team, model
    - realistic first person view with visible body (trueview)
    - recording audio to wav
    - replacing world textures with your own
    - replacing skybox with one solid colour (chroma key)
    - capturing in any resolution
    - off-screen capturing
    - capturing a list of demos
    - supporting mods: base (basejka, base_enhanced), ja+ (ja++, UAGalaxy), lugormod, makermod
    - supporting versions: 1.01 and 1.00
    - in-game demo cutter
    Author: ent
    Contributors: ent, Scooper, redsaurus, teh
    Version: 1.9
    Date: 24.08.2015
    Filesize: 9.14 MB
    Installation: extract the archive to "GameData" folder.
    Copyrights: ©2014 ent; jaMME source code is opened under GPLv2 license


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  4. Ultimate npc fix

    AUTHOR: Gamemaster
    A fix for all missing npcs! Finally someone's done it!!!!
    BUGS: Sometimes causes some downloaded npcs to go missing.


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  5. Stalax

    This mod was released back in December 2008. Since then, the author hasn't released any updates.
    Stalax v1.0

    Here's the readme about Stalax, it tells the more important things about the installation
    and the modification's usage.

    1 - Features

    The mod's main feature is Lua Scripting, you can do everything you want on your own server.
    And if you are a mapper, you can improve your maps' interactivity and make new features that
    you have never seen.

    There's a new bot system called AceBot, it has been ported into this mod and it's not stable
    at the moment. It has some good possibilities, the bot can make his waypoints itself by
    finding some possible holes in the map, and when he finds an enemy, he goes forward to it,
    not like the original Jedi Academy bots.

    2 - To Do

    A perfect physics engine could come soon, but not quickly. I will do my possible to make sure
    that he would be perfect, since the Quake III Engine needs a better collision detection and
    we could make more and more crazy stuff like vehicles, ropes,... maybe endless possibilities.

    3 - Running the Demo

    To run the demo, simply launch "Stalax Demo.bat", it will load Jedi Academy under Stalax with
    the sta_tour map.

    In this map you will see some scripts I made and commented for you :

    .. Password Terminal with the console - move near the terminal, make sure that you put your
    crosshair on it, open your console and type "/input" with your password.
    The good password is "goodpwd", I think you'll need it in order to go to the next level.

    .. Chat Password Terminal - more comfortable way, it's the same Password Terminal, but you
    just have to use it with your USE button, look at it, and say the password in the chat.
    Like if you want to say it to everyone but the message will be canceled so the players
    won't see it.

    .. Teleporter Terminal - a nice teleporter terminal with more choices, use it with your use
    button, look at it and type the number of your choice in the chat.

    .. NPC Conversation - now you can talk to NPCs and make them react with the things you tell
    them. Use Luke with your use button, and tell him to open the door by typing the number
    of the choice you want to make.

    .. Item Grabbing - Ha! Something like Portal, not perfect, but as always, the physics engine
    is still missing :-(. Grab the crate with the USE button, move near the blue button located
    right the door and drop it with the USE button again. If you remove it, the door will be

    The mapsource of sta_tour is included into the maps folder.

    That's it for the demo, I will add more and more examples in newer versions.
    I hope you like them.

    4 - Installing a script

    I think the method to install a script is really the easiest.
    Guess how ? Simply put the .lua script into the Stalax/lua/global folder.
    The server will load it automatically.

    If it's a script only for a map and if you want the server loads it only if the specific map is
    loading, then create a folder into "lua", having the map's name. For example, if you want to
    make a script only for t2_trip, create a folder named "t2_trip" into "lua" (Should look like
    lua/t2_trip) and place your map's scripts into that folder.

    If it's for a mp map like mp/ffa3, just do "lua/mp/ffa3" (ffa3 into the mp folder).

    5 - Documentation

    I'm sorry if the documentation is not really complete, there's a lot about the Entity and Client
    commands, and I don't really have the time to finish it properly.

    But I'm always ready to help you and give you more infos about commands right into the forums.

    You can find the documentation there :
    www.stalax.net/doku.php?id=docs [WEBSITE IS NO LONGER ONLINE]

    And the whole Stalax community there :
    www.stalax.net/forums/ [WEBSITE IS NO LONGER ONLINE]

    You will find a lot of scripts, tutorials and solved problems into the forums.
    I hope you'll enjoy it.



       (0 reviews)



  6. Switch MasterServer for OpenJK

    *** Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy ***
    TITLE: Switch_MasterServer
    AUTHOR: FJA Clan (Delta 4-0)
    WEBSITE: http://french-jedi-academy.forumactif.org
    DATE: December 2015
    *** DESCRIPTION ****
    This is a small modification of the "Join Server" menu to allow switching between several MasterServer : RavenSoft, JKHUB, Ouned and MBII.
    The mod change the function of two buttons :
    "Get New List" => Now, it change the masterserver. To know what masterserver is now used, just open the console. Warning, when pressing this button, the list is actualised with the previous masterserver. Press "Update" to see the list with the new masterserver.
    "Update" => Now, it gets a new serverlist from the selected masterserver.
    *** INSTALLATION ****
    - Just put the switch_masterserver.pk3 in your base or mod folder. If it doesnot work, you can try to rename it "zzzzzzz_switch_masterserver.pk3".
    - If you have Japlus, JA++ or OJP, you can put the dedicated "switch_masterserver_japp.pk3" (for Japlus and JA++) or "switch_masterserver_ojp.pk3" (for OJP) in your "japlus/ojpenhanced" folder in place of "switch_masterserver.pk3"
    - For other mods, you can put switch_masterserver.pk3 in the mod folder. It should work. The only change is that you will have the base join menu in place of the mod join menu.
    *** KNOWN BUGS ****
    The mod uses a "autoexec.cfg" to allow switching between masterservers. If you have your own autoexec.cfg (or if your mod uses one, for example ForceMod III), there will be conflicts.
    You must add these lines in your own autoexec.cfg :
    seta masternext "vstr masterraven"
    seta masterraven "seta sv_master1 "masterjk3.ravensoft.com"; echo "^4MasterServer: ^5Ravensoft"; set masternext "vstr masterjkhub" "
    seta masterjkhub "seta sv_master1 "master.jkhub.org"; echo "^4MasterServer: ^3JkHub"; set masternext "vstr masterouned" "
    seta masterouned "seta sv_master1 "master.ouned.de"; echo "^4MasterServer: ^1Ouned"; set masternext "vstr mastermb2" "
    seta mastermb2 "seta sv_master1 "master.moviebattles.org"; echo "^4MasterServer: ^6MBII"; set masternext "vstr masterraven" "
    *** CREDITS ****
    The switch_masterserver_japp.pk3 uses the join server menu from JA++ (Raz0r): http://japp.jkhub.org/
    The switch_masterserver_ojp.pk3 uses the join server menu from OpenJediProject 1.2 (OJP Team): http://jkhub.org/files/file/1972-openjediproject-v12-fixed-by-fja/
    People can use and modify this file as long as they provide credits to the original author.
    You are free to add the same system to any other mod.


       (4 reviews)



  7. Hydroball II

    Hydroball II is the "sequel" to Hydroball (a JK2 mod) for Jedi Academy. Inspired by the Blitzball concept, Hydroball takes place in an underwater arena in which two teams must fight to score goals against each other. Basically, it's underwater soccer with tackling, force powers, and some other crazy stuff.
    Above is the original description from the readme file, the credits and changelog are also from the readme. I posted this with the author's permission and included a screenshot of him giving me permission. I feel like this should be bundled with all the existing maps and re-released, so contact Rich if you're up for that


       (1 review)



  8. Moviebattles II Patch

    Moviebattles II V1.0.1 Patch has been released. This is an incremental patch for V1.0.
    This version includes a couple important bugfixes and changes to a couple of features.
    Changes since V1.0:
    Added a different blaster deflect effect for IDR.
    Added bodyhit and perfectblock indicators around the crosshair.
    Unlocked cg_bobroll, cg_bobpitch and cg_bobup commands. (Head bobbing)

    Fixed an issue that would cause the game to crash on startup on some older graphic cards.
    Fixed requirements for Force Repulse.
    MBlock perfect blocking will no longer drain BP.
    Pressing attack after your saber is thrown no longer drains BP.
    Single pistol 3 now has weapon mode icons.
    T-21 primary fire / clone blobs should no longer knock you down when on small bumps / steps.
    Teamkill menu should now restore F1,F2,F3 binds if using !f,!p instead.

    BP drain cooldown reverted for saber special moves.
    Increased cooldown for saber slap from 2.5s to 3s.
    Removed distance requirement for jumpkicks.
    Reduced droideka base damage from 30 to 25.
    Reduced SBD base damage from 30 to 28.

    Added disable sky option to main menu More Video in Setup menu.
    Fixed an issue with network settings not working properly.
    Ingame library background isn't so transparent now so it's easier to read the library.
    Library text should display now regardless of text language settings (English only).
    Minor UI corrections.
    Updated library content.
    Updated swearword filter defaults.

    Both teams now lose on time.
    CC now contracts the level based on players (10 or less) slightly.
    Fixed brush missalign in carbon chamber
    Fixed some imperial spawns with the wrong angle causing players to fall to their death easily.
    Fixed some missaligned texturing in carbon chamber.
    Fixed visibility issue in side route.
    Minor vis fixes.
    Optimized some brushwork in carbon chamber.

    Added rebel win if the bomb is active when time runs out.
    Disabled pipe entities after animation complete to prevent multiple uses.
    Fixed forcefield staying on for the entire round.
    Fixed elevators in tower being able to be toggled while in motion.
    Fixed a few elevators not having damage while blocked.
    Increased bomb hack time by 1 second to match diffuse, both are now 6 seconds.

    Added some vent grates in the vent shafts to help players reach the upper level.
    Changed hangar floor texture.
    Fixed a rare case where the large hangar door would not let you through when open.
    Fixed some surfaces being caulked & clipped a few things.
    Fixed z-fighting in a few places.
    Lowered vent elevator crushing damage (from 5 to 1).
    Minor brushwork fixes & performance improvements.
    Removed some broken hints.
    Removed some extra visual detail in imp spawn.
    Removed some of the vent supports to give a clearer view.
    Removed water drop efx in lower vents.

    Fixed a few minor visual issues.
    Minor brushwork cleanup.
    Removed pillar behind tradefed ship outside to reduce time wasting.
    Tweaked hints to possibly help FPS.

    Fixed broken areaportal.
    Fixed missing textures.
    FPS improvements.
    Minor visual bugfixes.

    To install, ensure you have V1.0 Full installed, then drag & drop the contents of this .zip into GameData.
    For more info, please visit www.moviebattles.com


       (4 reviews)



  9. Smoothened Weapon Animations

    This PK3 gives you smoothened weapon animations in first person. Nothing to see here. Only works in base or any other mod without a clientside.


       (1 review)



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