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Status Updates posted by Omicron

  1. First year uni done :L

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smoo
    3. Omicron


      Know what you mean. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to it, but it's not as exciting as when I was younger

    4. Smoo


      I got one and a half year left

  2. For reasons which I don't understand, my work in progress skin doesn't seem to want to have the hands cloaking, like the rest of the armour. D: WHY U NO WORK?!

  3. For reasons which I don't understand, my work in progress skin doesn't seem to want to have the hands cloaking, like the rest of the armour. D:

    1. MUG
    2. MUG
    3. Omicron


      Thanks Mug, I looked over the .shader, and I found some lines which I realised I didn't need. Removing them seems to have fixed it:)

  4. For some reason, when I do MP against bots, and not connected to any server, after about 10mins of playing, I get a message across my screen saying "Connection Interrupted", and my character stops but if I am walking/running, it is still doing the animation, just that I'm doing it on the spot. All the other bots are moving and killing each other (and me) and when I check the scores, it says I have a ping of about 200. Can someone help me?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Omicron


      Yes, I can connect to servers and play against other players online. But I still get this error even when I disconnect my laptop from the internet.

    3. The One and Only

      The One and Only

      Ok, so I've somehow managed to replicate this, but I don't really understand what's causing it. It seemed to coincide with increasing the rate of force regeneration though.

    4. Omicron


      Ah ok, thanks for that. I also removed a few things from my base folder, and that seems to have stopped the worst of it, and thanks for your help :)

  5. For some reason, when I do MP against bots, and not connected to any server, I get a message across my screen saying "Connection Interrupted", and my character stops but if I am walking/running, it is still doing the animation, just that I'm doing it on the spot. All the other bots are moving and killing each other (and me) and when I check the scores, it says I have a ping of about 200. Can someone help me?

  6. Going camping for a few days, leaving in about 2 hours

    1. Bek


      Once you get there ask the ewoks, how did they defeat the empire.

    2. Barricade24
  7. Going to see the Hobbit part 2 now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. katanamaru


      I'm going to wait till they are all out.

    3. therfiles


      How was it, Omicron?

    4. Omicron


      Well, they did an awesome work for the SGI, quite more than they used in the last film. A lot of great (funny) action, and Peter Jackson made a cameo appearance at the beginning. Also, the way in which they ended it really makes me cannot wait to be in 2014. So i would say it was very worthwhile going to see it.

  8. Going to submit my newest skin sometime this week hopefully...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Circa


      Yep, you can. I wouldn't submit it to JKHub until after the White Elephant is done though. Just so it seems a little more special.

    3. Omicron


      Ok, sure thing. I may also add some extra skins then for the White Elephant, version, which won't be in the final release :P

    4. Circa


      Sounds good!

  9. Got into my first choice of uni!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jango40


      let the stalking begin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. Ping


      I always thought you were from the US. I'm no expert on CS, so I don't know how well the subject is taught there, but still cool. Grats!

    4. Omicron
  10. Hail Caelum, the Skygod

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ping


      ^ always been saying just that

    3. Omicron


      part of my brain has gone dead with utter confusion, I think I'm missing something

    4. Bek


      As you wish, Oh Master Jedi.

  11. Happy 10th Birthday JAWA :>

  12. Hoping the sunny weather can last here...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ramikad


      I don't know. Rain and wind clean the air, and help with farming. It's needed every now and then.

    3. Bek


      Looking at lightning storms from time to time is always awesome!

    4. Bek


      Looking at lightning storms from time to time is always awesome!

  13. I don't think I have met any of the members here ingame. Do you all play on a secret server? :suspicious:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Omicron


      Well, they didn't really move to TOR. They decided to close MF due to inactivity or something. Anyway, they are wanting to move to the ESO when it comes out, but right now, it's a gaming hub community thing. website is terrangaming.com

    3. spior


      someone liked my server :333

    4. CaptainChar


      I rarely play on a server, if not I usually just host my own matches for testing purposes

  14. I fee like such a noob now, I just found out about ShaderEd...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Omicron


      How ideal that would be, but SED sorta does that, as you get live previews

    3. therfiles


      That would be amazing!

    4. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      LOL don't worry man :D It happens

  15. I feel like I'm more happy than I should now that I skinned a pair of tits

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ramikad


      "Do. Or do not. There is no try."

      But in all seriousness, trying is not enough sometimes. But the effort is appreciated.

    3. Omicron


      This was said tits btw:

      Screenshot 2015-06-06 22.36.33.png?dl=0

    4. Ramikad
  16. I have some Dropbox referrals if anyone is thinking about getting it. It'll give you a 500MB space bonus :)

  17. I haz returned from my trip!

    1. spior


      ..You were go-- I MEAN WELCOME BACK!

  18. I just finished kotor for the first time, really epic game and story, loved it!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sentra


      Playing KOTOR II with Restore Project + M4-78 planet add-on installed. Awesomeee.

    3. Omicron


      Well it may be awhile before I get it, as I may be getting a graphics card sometime, and that will use up most of my money.

    4. minilogoguy18


      Yeah I've been playing KotOR 2 TSL restoration project with the added planet as well, it's fun.

  19. I leave tomorrow to go on a small holiday, be back on the 21st

    1. Ping


      Thanks for letting us know.

    2. Merek


      Have a nice TRIP! Get it?

  20. i lobe alcohol

    1. Cerez


      I do not, sir. I do *hic* not!

  21. I miss MUG ;(

    1. spior


      I second this

    2. Horatio Culver

      Horatio Culver

      He left right after I joined. He seems like a great guy. His mapping tutorials really helped me (before I saw them, I didn't know how to use the clipper tool).

    3. eezstreet


      The guy had a real fiery temper, so at least he isn't stressed anymore.

  22. I never want to see ghost vader EVER again.

    1. Lamented
    2. Omicron


      Angel knows why. And what I would do if I had to edit it again...

  23. I saw Caelum playing JKA today. I have it on a demo. This I shall cherish forever

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. +FRivan


      He is on JKA nearly every day. No big deal.


    3. +FRivan


      Lies. You are on "your" servers every day, and as such JKA.


    4. Flynn



  24. I still regret taking the lightside ending on the one time I played through the game.

    1. Circa


      Then spend the 2 hours to play through it again. :P

    2. Bek


      * "Devmap Taspir2"

      - Noclip.

    3. Cerez


      Wait... so you're meant to take the dark side ending?! XD

  25. I think I have become addicted to Nutella...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AshuraDX


      @Eezstreet ...or Crocodile , shouldn't forget that as it's probably the worst shit I know of

    3. Jango40


      Pringles is worse

    4. Onysfx



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