79 files
Zam Wessel VM
By neomarz1
This model is of course based on the Zam Wesell character in episode II. She is a Clawdite bounty hunter, whom is an ally to Jango Fett. Clawdites are shapeshifters capable of morphing into another species (such as human) More details on the character can be found at
Zam Wesell is easily a skinners dream, Thanks to Moooa she has all kinds of bits that can be turned on or off. This allows the skinner to come up with a variety of characters.
Mace Windu VM
By neomarz1
Whats new: I have Re-skinned this model, not because the original was bad (Arco did an incredible job!), but because I wanted to skin this one since Toonces first announced it!
1) New Textures.
2) Sith (Black Robed) varient
3) Robed varient
4) Team Colors
5) Icon Support for all variations (to include robed versions)
6) New Icons
Qui-Gon VM
By neomarz1
Most of you are aware of the new Qui-Gon model coming out (created by Tex and finished by Toonces and Arco)... Well I thought I would put out one more version of my Qui-Gon before they released theirs.
This one features a totally refined face texture (which I may use on Tex's model if I can get the o.k.) and the clothing textures have been tweeked a little more. I also added a sith, and trainer varient. Enjoy Sincerely, Mars
Ki Adi VM
By neomarz1
Ok, a lot of credit goes out to both PsykoSith and Grafox for Ki Adi Mundi. Although the skins that Grafox supplied were awesome, I thought I would fine tune the textures a little (Fox's fine work made it easier for me to skin this model). I watched the post for this skin, and couldn't wait to see the outcome. When it was released I knew I had to skin it! Again all credit goes to those who worked on it, This is only my own interpretation of Ki_Adi. This pk3 will not overwrite the original,
so here is whats new...
1) Refined facial texture. Improved face lines, and the eye lids were brighter than the rest of the face (This was the only real nit pik of the skin). Skin was a little brite so I darkened it.
2) Refined Clothing texture. torso brightness/contrast needed to match the sleeves more. Sleeve color changed to more of a Tope.
3) Team colors were pulled to a greyer tone (personal preferance).
4) Unfortunately I had to change the beard (shader). The hair file was huge, and needed to be downsized to jpg format.
5) The end result was a dramatic change in file size! I changed it from 2.44MB to 1.2MB.
Rebel Pilot VM
By neomarz1
This is Rebel Pilot VM made by Mars Marshall.
Ok, I think Rodian Fans will be pleased with this one. He is a Rebel X-wing Pilot. There is also a blue version in team options. This represents \"Cobalt Squadron\". Enjoy! Sincerely Mars
So whats different?
1) rebel bot used
2) The belt was turned off. Vest turned off too!
3) And he's outfitted in Rebel Pilot uniform. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars
Dehn of Republic VM
By neomarz1
This skin was influence by the work over at Plasma Skins I must say that there are a lot of cute Jans over there. Thanks to the fine skins produced by \"PlasmaCoolant\", I got some great ideas for my next skin titled \"Dehn of Republic\"
Dehn was known to be a user of the force, but only in a limited way. She was not a Jedi, or even a Padawan consideration. She was a lone wolf. Her calling was to be a defender of the Republic, but it was a personal calling. Her people were destroyed in the first testing of the Deathstar. She would have to somehow avenge those whom died. She would later be known as \"Dehn of Republic\".
Sincerely Mars
Jawa Hybrid VM
By neomarz1
Tyrah Gene traders were trying to come up with a new breed of workers. They combined genes from both Jawas and Humans. Both gene types seemed to be adaptable to harsh working conditions. The end result was the Jawa Hybrid. Only a few were released for open trade. This is meant to be somewhat comical, So enjoy and have fun.
Sith Yoda VM
By neomarz1
In order for the force to maintain its balance within the known universe it has to create an alternate entity for all living things. The negative plane of the universe maintains a relative counter force within itself. That is to say that even the great Yoda has a Sith Yoda existing in the negative plane of reality. This concept was created only to support this character, and is not part of the StarWars universe created by Lucas. If you have loaded the "Team Yoda version of the skin, Installing this one will not effect it. Enjoy, Sincerely Mars Marshall... And a Special thanks to "Team Yoda" for this wonderfull model.
Sith Rodian VM
By neomarz1
This is Sith Rodian made by Mars Marshall.
Well I thought it would be great if there was another alien species to represent the Sith, so I decided to make a Sith Rodian. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars
So whats different?
1) The Rodian now has Greenish grey skin to represent his own decay from the Dark side.
2) The belt was turned off (I felt it didnt represent the Sith well). I wanted to turn his vest
off, but the vest was modeled as part of the actual torso.
3) All colors have been darkened.
4) He now is bare chested with vest. Shirt was replaced with bare skin texture.
Enjoy! Sincerely Mars
By neomarz1
This is 4-LOM skin made by Mars Marshall.
This is one of the many bounty hunters found in Episode 2. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars
Emperial Seph VM
By neomarz1
This is Darth Seph skin made by Mars Marshall.
This is a personal creation that I call Seph. If you have downloaded the regular \"Darth Seph\", you do not need to delete it. Both files can exist without effecting one another. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars
Darth Seph VM
By neomarz1
This is Darth Seph skin made by Mars Marshall.
This is a personal creation that I call Seph. Enjoy! Sincerely Mars If you have downloaded the \"Emperial Darth Seph\", You do not need to delete it. Both files can exist without effecting one another.
Dermot VM
By neomarz1
This is Dermot female sith lord made by Mars Marshall.
One of the design artists for "Attack of the Clones" (Dermot Power) inspired me to create a female Sith. His work was truly amazing. Unfortunately some of his female siths where not used in the movie. I thought it would be cool to create a character similar to some of his ideas.
I named this character from my inspiration... Dermot
Dermot is a Sith lord consideration. Her race is unknown; However, she is from the human species. Her fighting style is similar to Tavion's, but she is even more refined in her skills. Later she would become known as "Darth Sephia".
These characters are of my own creation, and are not part of the Star Wars universe. They are merely for entertainment purposes.
Barriss Offee VM
By neomarz1
Barriss has her hair pulled back into braids, and is wearing black vinyl pants. The costume is loosely based on traditional jedi gear.
Darth Grenn VM
By neomarz1
Dahre's beginnings were as a clone from the planet Kamino, because her genetic code was tainted, She was labeled a failed proto-genetic, and weaned from the testing molds.The Kaminoans being a civilized race, sent her away to a distant world. She started to feel Sidius's influence. He came to her in visions, She felt bound to him as a child. She came to know Sidius as a father(almost drawn to him on a biological level).
Her quest to find him, brought her to his side. In the beginning she was just a consideration, but because Maul had gained Sidius's favor, Dahre was never meant to fill the Padawan position. When Maul was killed, Sidius needed another Sith lord to take over the great Maul's position. He took the most skilled of his considerations. Dahre Garten was taken as his own (as a temporary pawn). Sidius bestowed the title of Darth Grenn to her.
Dahre was now a Sith lord. Later she would be abandoned for another.
Darth Grenn (Dahre Garten) is a character that I created on my own. She is not an existing character in the \"Star Wars trilogy\". All Star Wars references are protected and copyrighted by Lucas Arts, and my creation is not designed to be a part of that universe. This story is for entertainment purposed only.
Obi-Wan Kenobi VM
By neomarz1
A skin reproduction of Obi-Wan in Episode I.
I think you'll find that the hair is still well represented (even without the model support). Just shows you that with a little creativity you can make the model work (sometimes). You'll enjoy this till the models come (can't wait).
By neomarz1
The EMP77 was designed to hunt down Jedi. They do not have force powers, but do have the ability to shoot high voltage energy. They have very quick reflexes, and are programmed to use the light saber with the utmost skill. The first models were utilized in the "trade federations" arsenal. They were used to make area control less taxing on the sith lords. These characters are of my own creation, and are not part of the Star Wars universe. They are merely for entertainment purposes.
Luminara VM
By neomarz1
Luminara Unduli- Master of Barriss, and ranking member Jedi Council.
The Luminara skin has been tweeked to stand out from most female model designs; Although she isn't wearing the robe design from episode 2, she is wearing a lighter attire best suited for her fighting style. the skin has been color adjusted to match her skin color in the movie.
Bultar Swan VM
By neomarz1
The Bultar Swan has been tweeked to stand out from most female model designs. She is wearing the traditional Jedi Attire for female Jedis.
Adi Gallia VM
By neomarz1
A skin of Jedi council member Adi Gallia
Yes on Bot Functionality. The bot has been given a rating that best suit the character's own ability.
There are no new Taunts
Character has unique text dialogue for all situations (in bot support).
TJKS Skins
By aidy
These two are newest members to the clan I've started.
They are just a mix of Reborn clothes (bit of boss here and a bit of acrobat there!)
I've added a clan logo and members name on front and back, but front one gets half covered by the hood. (DAMMIT!!)
But its the taunts that are my favourite! See if you can work out where they are actually from!
Have fun.
Born Again & Errm
By aidy
And why......?
It started one night whilst I was making a reskin of reborn, and my 7 year old niece&nephew were watching Alladin in the same room as me, listening to iago (The parrot) I thought how good some of the things he comes out with would work well as taunts!
I was a little drunk at the time too I must admit!
Then it carried on from there, Kusco(?) from Emperors New Groove had to be next!
After remembering how comical I thought he was!
Hope you all enjoy them, when I find something as funny I will taunt it too.
Spike (BTVS)
By aidy
And why......?
I've put this one together as I've always liked the character "Spike" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The Tshirt and jeans are taken from an actual picture of Spike and the sounds are from various fan sites that I have made useable for the game.
Not entirely happy with it at the moment but thought I'd put it up and get some feed back. This is version 2 of the skin V1 never actually got posted will update eventually with bot and team support but not for a while as working on other stuff too.
Credit for sounds go to all those fan sites out there that have the wav files on.
I can't tell you them as I just did a search for spike sounds and used sites at random.
Thanks to all those people, you know who you are i suspect :-)
By aidy
This project started with the idea of making a female member for my clan [WotS]
(see homepage) I wanted different female taunts than the ones available from game.
They aren't "Strong" enough I thought.
So I started recording sounds of catwoman from "Batman Returns" with the intention
of making a skin that'll have clan logo on and a clan name....
I then thought that I should at least give it a go, hence this skin now.
The Model is Jan (Like you didn't already know!) I used existing skins as templates
and cut and pasted from stills of Catwoman from the movie for the outfit.
I then experimented with a shader (new to this I might add) looked at another one and
built on that and got this "shiney" look that makes outfit look like PVC. (Don't read
too far into this, it isn't a fetish or anything LOL!!)
For version 2 I've just taken more time on the team players, gone by AmosMagee's suggestion
about making stitching just the team colours, and have to admit was a good Idea and
I think it works really well, although some of it you cannot see too well, but I think
this is more to do with the shader than anything else.
I've also removed one of the taunts and added the all important (to me!) "Meow" sound.
For once I'm happy with end result, that happy in fact, I finished in one by adding
bot support too.
My ONLY groan about this job is the pony tail, I wish I knew how to get rid of it!
Any feedback on how I could would be greatful.
Two cats won't attack each other, which is making for good co-op/practice I think.
Hope you enjoy her.
Zombie Skinpack
By JKHub
Author: Phonock
It's October now,which means it's Halloween month.So i made 3 zombies skins(Kyle,Jan and Galak) and 1 mummy(Luke).
Credits: Special thanks to Buffy The Sith Slayer for helping me taking the screenshots.