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589 files

  1. Balthier

    Hi jedis! This is Balthier, one of the main characters in Final Fantasy XII . I'm not especially fan of mixing Star Wars universe with others. But this is a special ask of a friend of mine. So here I am!
    When he asked if someone could make a skin of Balthier, I thought of the human jedi model. With his jacquet, I thought it was appropriated, even if it's less about the face. So this is a reskin of the human jedi model.
    I hope you will enjoy wearing it because I had fun to make it; some textures are highly detailled, and there are sounds from the video game.
    Acces the readme file to know more about it, and have fun


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  2. Samurais And Ninjas (SAN pack)

    Hi Jedis! I'm back after a few years without JKA, to offer you this reskin of Jimesu_Evil model, a work I had done in 2009.
    It is a massive pack around samurais, ninjas and ronins, based on the model created by Jimesu_Evil; I tried to fully exploit the many opportunities offered by the original model.
    I think it's not too aged and I changed it very little to offer you today. I think you can have a good overview with the screenshots.
    Thank you to read the readme file where I tried to be thorough on what is in the pack.


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  3. Commander Jet

    CC-1993 "Jet" was a clone trooper commander in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars who served under Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi. In 21 BBY, Jet and Mundi were part of a Republic armada sent to reconquer the Outer Rim planet Geonosis, site of the first battle of the war and home to the Geonosians. The main aim of Jet and the Republic troops—which also consisted of Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, as well as their respective clone forces—was to destroy the planet's droid factories, which included the primary droid foundry maintained by Archduke Poggle the Lesser. After departing from their capital ships in LAAT/i gunships, Jet, Mundi, and their forces met heavy resistance from the Geonosian defensive flak.
    In a short time, the Republic force was decimated, and the gunship carrying Jet and Mundi crashed. After the crash, Mundi decided to make their way to the staging area by going through a cave and to later rendezvous with Kenobi at the Republic staging area. Although Jet, Mundi, and their troops encountered fierce resistance by winged Geonosian warriors in the cave, they were able to get through to the other side, where they met Skywalker's forces. Jet, the Jedi, and the combined clone forces then proceeded toward the staging area and, with bomber support, helped Kenobi and his forces defeat the enemy troops. Afterward, Jet and the Republic forces attacked the enemy shield generator, destroying it and securing the way to Poggle's primary droid foundry.
    NPC names are in the NPC.


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  4. ARCs Remade

    This is a kitbashed model made out of multiple Neomarz models; his clones and his mandalorian. I DID NOT bash these models together; I came across the smashed together model and try as I might, I could not find out who made it. I even sent emails to Neomarz, but I recieved no reply. Nonetheless, credits to whoever bashed Neomarz's models together. And of course, ALL credits to Neomarz for every single model piece on this wonderful project. Without him, compilation would not have been possible. This is a skinpack I originally made as replacements for my Squadmates in Havoc Squad and I to use in MovieBattles II. These skins are roughly 6+ months old, though I've improved on them slightly over time. Their helmet design is slightly inspired by the Imperial Commandos (I think that's the name) fanfilm. This pack kind of goes hand-in-hand with my Mandalorians pack


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  5. Aurra Sing Minipack

    Hey guys. Filling out Dank's request here of Jedi Hunter Aurra Sing, but decided to mess around a little bit and give you guys my own personal taste of Aurra with 3 variations in addition to team/NPC support. I love y'all and it's good to be back.


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  6. Clone Marine

    Reskin of neomarz1's clone marine model.


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  7. Human Mercenary Reskin

    My previous Human Mercenary Reskin was alright, but I decided to go and fix it up some, and add some nice new things. He now has shinier armor, the Flap Shader works (Yay) and I've also added Team Skins. They'll never show up in Singleplayer (Which was the reason I made them, actually) but there they are. I also added some nice Icons for them all. I feel they look quite nice, but they might be a bit too busy. I dunno.


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  8. Phase I 41st Elite Corps

    Hey guys! Once again, dropping a pack of clones. These troopers served under Luminara Unduli throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
    NPC names:


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  9. 91st Recon Corps Skin Pack

    Hey guys. As part of my skinning.. Thingy, I figured it's time to start krunking up some releases.
    This is the 91st Recon Corps, commanded by jedi generals Stass Allie and formerly Adi Gallia.
    This pack features:
    Commanders Neyo & Ponds, as well as grunt 91st troopers in Phase 1 and Phase 2 armor. The "black sheep" of this pack is an ARF trooper from Lighting Squad. Lightning was a subdivision of the 91st, under the command of Ponds.


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  10. Mara Jade in Heir to the Empire Jumpsuit

    Original Author: Shadowknight1
    This mod started when I tried to see if anyone had made this version of Mara. You know. Without the jacket. In short, no one had, and someone pointed out that Hapslash's Gweth model might work for a reskin. So, I did what any self respecting artist/modder/film director would do. Since no one else was doing it, I did it myself. After many many weeks of working with it, basing the skin partly off of screens of Mara in TFU Wii and an action figure I own of Mara, I present it to the public. She is complete with a shader by Kahn D'halaine and a brand spankin new, high-res lightsaber model by Khaliban. Unfortunately, no cape. I can't model.
    Credits to Hapslash for his Gwethenea model and for him allowing me to use it, his readme is included in the zip. Credits for the shader go to Kahn D'halaine, and it looks awesome! And final credit goes to Khaliban for allowing me to release his updated version of his Mara Jade lightsaber model in this pack.
    The skin is based more off the action figure, so some details are a bit off, nothing too big though and still looks good to me.


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  11. Darth Nihilus (Combat)

    Author: Aiing ti
    A skin of Darth Nihilus without a cloak.


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  12. 91st Recon Corps

    This is my first Clone Trooper file based off of Ashura's new model and while this legion is not the most popular, it was very simple to create. The 91st Recon Corps was under the command of Adi Gallia and later Stass Allie. This skin is based off of the high-poly model, so OpenJK is recommended for use. This skin has also gone through some standard changes that you may notice if you look closely. There four skins included in this pack, each with a clean and dirty variant. There is the Clone Wars based trooper, which has the red shoulder pad like Neyo does, and then there is the movie based trooper, which does not have the red pad. A small variant I know, but both are there.
    Npc names are:


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  13. Mandalorians

    Mandalorians V3 is a skinpack made up of mandalorian skins for my RPG server. There are about 5 different skins total, including team skins for the default skin. This pack includes shaders, teamskins and icons.


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  14. Minions of the Abyss

    It's some random armored evil anime-ish ninja dude. Don't ask.
    It is a reskin of the Link model by Antizac
    Please note that, like most of my skins, these were released when I was still fourteen to sixteen. As such, they're not the highest quality, and the readmes are pretty atrocious. Alas, I have since retired from JA modding since 2006.


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  15. The Imperial Skins

    Original Author: Darth_Mak
    This is a mod that will let you select Imperial skins in the Single Player spieces selection menus. Since they all are avaliable in MP,this is for SP.The skin pack consists of different Imperial skins.It contains Galak Fayyar, Human Mercenery, Imperial Officer, Imperial Worker, Rax Joris, Shadowtrooper, Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, Stormpilot and Swamptrooper skins. The skins included are default and also the team skins.I hope you like this mod.


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  16. RandomAstromechs

    Makes the R2D2 and R5D2 droids spawn with random colors. Use for whatever you want! Don't need permission to use but tell me if you use it so I can see and link your work. Anyways just a pk3 file so it doesn't overwrite anything, just delete it to get the original droids back. Also let me know what else hasnt received a RGB color treatment. I noticed a few mods like this for other models but not for droids. Still reading this? Why? Just download or leave you're wasting time. Well if you want use the console to change your playermodel to r2d2 for astromech adventures, minus the ability to do anything but roll.
    Now they have more detail then the last version. It also includes a second skin for imperial droids.


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  17. Cultist Reskin

    I found the original Cultists in Jedi Academy to be a little boring. They're really not threatening at all (Though their voice helps with this along with the design) and their clothes is all one color, basically. Green for grip (I guess because they both start with a G) red for drain, blue for lightning, and then orange for saber apparently. Sure, they have some black, like those weird things on their back that looks quite a lot like suspenders, but I'm weird, so that's not enough black for me. I need MORE.
    So I did that for some reason. While I was at it, I added yellow eyes to help make them look more threatening. It's kind of hard to see them in-game, but they exist, so that's good..I guess...
    This replaces all the default Cultists.
    Edit: Added a purple skin, due to a request, and it also looks pretty nice too.


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  18. Han Solo Skin (SW:TFA Teaser Version)

    This is my Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens Teaser #2 Trailer skin for Star Wars Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy. I think Han will be something like this skin.Hope you Like it!
    Single Player support: YES
    Team support: YES
    Credits: Major Clod for the model and the original textures...
    Extract the Han_ep7.pk3 to GameData/base folder of jor Jedi Knight Jedi Academy directory.


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  19. Kyle Katarn: Kool Klothes + Kool Kicks

    AUTHOR : SAV11
    E-MAIL : seb_man188@yahoo.com
    RELEASED: August 2009
    These are reskins of Kyle with cool t-shirts and cool shoes.
    There's 2 default kyles each with team colors making a total
    of 6 kyles (6 unique shirts, 6 unique pairs of shoes).
    All shirts/shoes are modeled after actual shirts/shoes.
    _________ Kool Kyle 1______ Kool Kyle 2___________
    Defaults: Carlton Banks Tee Run DMC Logo T-Shirt
    Reds : JBWKZ Shirt Ecko Shirt
    Blues : Hollister Co. Tee I Run My Block T-Shirt
    Spawn NPC by opening console (Shift + ~).
    For Carlton Banks Tee type : /npc spawn kyle_kool1
    For Run DMC Logo T-Shirt type: /npc spawn kyle_kool2


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  20. Oni's Kyle

    I remember someone suggesting to me in the comment box of my last skin (Oni's_Jan) To redo Kyle as well. When I saw that comment I decided to give it a try. It took several hours and I stood up until 2:30am working on it (I started around 7). Finished it up the next day. Personally I think it looks good. And to me, it give Kyle more of a Badass feel. Included is a replacement file for Kyle. You may put all the files the zip into your base folder. It will still work. And lastly, I forgot to make this for Oni's_Jan, a replacement file . There is one here. It
    Simply replaces Jan with the Oni's_Jan look. Jan will still have her normal sounds . I think its possible that these will work in JK2....The replacements at any rate...Well enjoy!


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  21. Human Mercenary Reskin

    Now, first off, I will say I don't mind the color brown. There are times when brown is nice. Brown hair and eyes can be good, I can't deny the beauty that is chocolate, and it sure would be strange if the bark of a tree were neon blue rather than brown. But sometimes, I feel there is too much brown in a design for it's own good. For example, the Human Mercenaries of Jedi Academy. Everything they wear is brown. Brown coat, brown shirt, brown pants, brown mask, and even their goggles and bandages have a tint of brown in them. So I decided, "I should change the colors up a bit". So I did, but also discovered that the Human Mercenary and Lannik Racto share the same model. (Well, except Racto has a different head) So I also took the textures of Racto and modified them to my liking, and applied it to the Mercenary.
    So yes, colors on the Human Mercenary are now more varied. They now have silver goggles with red eyepieces, and dark blue pants similar to that of jeans, because I guess people wear jeans in Star Wars now. Wonderful. They also have more of a gray coloring to their...Well, I'm honestly not sure what they are. The sort of armor-looking thing they have on their chest. I don't know if it's armor, actually. What is that?
    Racto design dissection aside, this skin replaces the default Human Mercenary.
    That's all I have to say, and I should really stop rambling about such a small mod, so that's the end of this description.


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  22. Rebel Officer

    This here is a Rebel Officer, as the title says. He wears a red shirt rather than blue, and has the red team Rebel helmet as well. I'm not sure if the red is EU canon, but there it is...He's also got a bullet proof vest, because a vest designed to stop bullets is totally going to be useful against blaster fire.
    The fairly terrible skin comes with an NPC, that wields an Imperial Heavy Repeater. Basically, the point of this mod is to have a commanding rebel for NPC battles. You know, you have the Stormtroopers and you can spawn in a Stormtrooper Officer too. I wanted the Rebels to have one as well.
    To spawn in the Rebel Officer, type "npc spawn rebel_officer"


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  23. Corvo Attano

    This is my reskin of the beautiful Jedi Temple Guard, by Kualan, into the Assassin of Dunwall and former Protector of the Empress, Corvo Attano.
    Previously an Agent and Bodyguard to Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, Corvo is stripped of his status as Lord Protector and imprisoned by the traitorous spymaster, under the false allegations that it was he who murdered the Empress. After escaping confinement on the eve of his execution, Corvo becomes a deadly assassin, working with the Loyalty Conspirators to take back Dunwall and return Jessamine's daughter, Emily, to her rightful place on the throne.


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  24. Random Skin Pack

    Original Author: Phonock
    This is random skin that i've made.There are 4 skin included in this pack.
    Also included new sound,team support and bot support.
    Skin LIst:
    Laming Virus(reborn model)
    Oilman(jedi model)
    The Fog(Weequay model)
    The Universe(Chiss model)


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  25. Cultist DarkMaster

    Based on the Cultist base model, I´ve created the most evil Cultist of all - Cultist DarkMaster. It is master of Cultists, so he has all dark side powers on level 3. Pack contains two NPCs, one single bladed, second has two sabers. Everyone could use this skin in their mods, but it should be credited.
    LucasArts and Raven Software
    NPC commands:
    /npc spawn cultist_dark (single saber)
    /npc spawn cultist_dark_dual (two sabers)


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