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Everything posted by Zyk

  1. Zyk

    New Zyk Mod

    Version 1.2.8


    Welcome to the New Zyk Mod, a re-imagined version of the original Zyk OpenJK Mod. This is a RPG Mod with skills, quests, mini-games, admin commands, and more. This new mod is intended for a more balanced PvP and PvE experience. Features: Players can upgrade skills and play quests. An inventory system where items have weight. A Stamina system where player loses stamina over the time and can regen it by using bacta items and meditating. Some Single player maps have support to CTF in Multiplayer. There are cvars to set saber damage and blocks/parries in private duels. Entity/Building system that allows add, edit, remove and list entities in a map. It also allows to save them. It is also possible to remap shaders and save the remaps. There are some mini-games for players, like the Duel Tournament, Sniper Battle, Melee Battle, and Racing Mode. You can see more info about the mod in the README.txt file. You can see info about the installation, commands and other features in the documentation files. Feel free to give suggestions to improve the mod! THIS FILE IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION PUBLISHING, INC., RAVEN SOFTWARE, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, LLC. ELEMENTS™ & © LUCASFILM LTD.™ & DISNEY, INC.™ AND/OR ITS LICENSORS. STAR WARS®, JEDI®, & JEDI KNIGHT® ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF LUCASFILM LTD™ AND WALT DISNEY, INC.™ STAR WARS®, JEDI®, & JEDI KNIGHT® ARE REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF LUCASFILM LTD™ & DISNEY, INC.™
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