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Files posted by JKHub
JKA SDK Repack 1.0
A repack of all the sourcefiles and official modtools for jka, including the most recent patches and fixes to make them work on recent OSs and drivers.
Did I miss any of the official source files? E-Mail me and I'll make sure to add them.
Raven Software - For providing the original soruce file and tool packages used to compile this version
Xycaleth - fixes to Modview and the MacOS Version of Modview
Archangel35757 - fixes to carcass, md3view
DT85 - helped in gathering the various releases by Raven Software for the Package
ForceMod 3 Advanced Version 4
By JKHub in Server-Side
Submitted by: By The Kid!?
Original Creator: OGOO7J1 (formerly known as Pitchest Heart)
FM3Av4 is finally released!
- Music can be accessed on any map using the in game "MUSIC" menu located in the options bar.
- You can access a selection of various crosshairs in the main menu after choosing a saber in profile or in the "AIMING" menu while in a game.
- While in a game you can access the "VIEWS" menu to adjust various aspects of the camera's position in relation to your character.
- A seperate config for each class can be created and saved from the "CONFIGS" menu.
- Some extra features can be bound to keys via the "XBINDS" menu including a 4th person view, zoom in and out, a demo recorder and hotkeys for inventory items.
- New title menu video.
- Each faction has a specific HUD symbol.
- Each model icon has been given a mark in its lower left-hand side to denote that particular model's size. The sizes range from tiny to extra large (T,S,M,L,XL). The sizes have also been divided up in such a way as to help balance certain classes.
- All models have had their standard annoying jumping grunt sounds removed leaving only the sound of the feet tapping the ground as they jump.
- Ancient Ones and Dark Ssges have been given the ability to shape shift having access to all models in the game (except Droideka).
- Blue saber style: This style now has manual blocking on diagnol_back attacks as well as side to side auto-combos and an improved forward attack.
- Green saber style: This style has been altered so it no longer dominates the others. While powerful, it has far less range.
- Orange saber style: Side to side attacks slowed for balance
- White saber style: Standing kata replaced in favor of one that leaves the user less vulnerable as well as fixing an animation bug seen in all versions of FM3.
- Vong: Super high parry removed to better match the updated saber forms. Crouching kata replaced with the "Death Pounce".
- Tusken: New crouching kata.
- Noghri: New standing kata which fixes an animation glitch.
- Cursed weapons and alternate multibladed weapons available for saber users.
- Royal Guards only have blue with glitched styles removed.
- Vong staff: Damage, parry, knockback, and hitbox values have been increased and range decreased to appear more realistic to the actual appearance of the weapon. The can do a standing and crouching katas as well as walk along walls. Vong are the only class to be given mega strength able to kill almost any targets in 1 hit as well as knocking targets back an incredible distance.
- Tusken and Noghri weapons: Damage, parry and hitbox values have been increased as well as added standing and crouching katas.
- Fletchett has better looking explosions.
- Rockets have been better smoke trails.
- DEMPs primary fire is better looking.
- Thermal dets emit a cool looking shockwave after they explode.
- There are a huge variety of bots that randomize when the maps switch using the server file. They are quite a challenge even to experienced players.
- Heallth increased to survive 1 saber throw. Shields set only to 100 because of thier hard coded , fast auto-regen.
-The Kid!? and OGOO7J1
clanmap Harmony Temple
By JKHub in Free For All
Author: Magnus D'Kana
Contact: magnusdkana@hotmail.com OR Magnus D'Kana#9312
Website: http://valleyofthejedi.boards.net/
File Name and Version: harmony_temple.bsp, boss_battle_all.bsp and others such as models/textures/scripts/sounds etc.
(Original) Release Date: 15/11/2019
Build Time: 1 year and 9/10 months (not actual work time)
Filesize: 107,119 KB
***I found out that this map's npc scripts do not properly work on ja+, therefore if you want the full experience, play on base.***
So I started this map, Harmony Temple (previously named Hidden Vale), a looooong time ago. In fact I started my process of learning to
map alongside starting this map after only around a month of starting JKA (January 2018 specifically). I’ve come a long way since then
and I kept my old .map files which I look back on with horror lol. I have also kept a lot of the map true to how it started, most
notably the spawn area which was the first area I started on the map and has been heavily revamped many times as I have progressed
in my ability to map. Along the way of progress, I have had to learn many things about modding in JKA such as lighting theory, scripting,
advanced entity work, architecture, game design, modelling, sound editing, skinning, texture editing, texture creation, shader creation
and a lot more! Although I didn’t work on the map the ENTIRE time between January 2018 and now, I still hope that the amount of time and
effort I put into this map and improving my knowledge shows in this final product and you enjoy it as much as I loved creating and testing it
I will put in a disclaimer here...the boss battle map is fairly challenging-it is meant to test your limits as a player and as such the average
player will likely fail at the challenges... a lot. I just wanted to say that this is entirely what I intended. I based the challenges around
trial maps I have completed and most of those were super challenging and even frustrating but I always felt like I had improved by the end of
them (I even think my map is much easier than the trial maps I've played on xD). So my idea for these challenges was basically so that they
would challenge even the best of players and allow them to adapt to the challenge and grow as a player. Soooo yeah don't be disheartened if you
fail at them (if it makes you feel better I died to the crushers around 49/50 times back when they were almost double the speed they are now :P.
The Harmony Temple map features:
-A spawn area, with combo training pads (from Virtue’s academy maps). It also has two portals-one to the combat area and one to the “pit”.
-A med bay, with health and shield pickups to bring you up to 200hp and bacta tanks. It also features KOTOR kolto tanks and medical beds, allowing
- A mess hall, which offers ability to RP (watch for the chimney coming from the fire pit blowing out smoke on the roof!)
-An outside “hang-out” area, with gardens inspired by Skyrim’s College of Winterhold’s glowlight garden in the arch mage’s quarters. It also
features a crystal cave and several places to RP.
-An entrance which leads to the pit, the combat area and the stairs.
-A combat area, complete with two duelling rooms; a room for training various theories (theories used by The Valley of the Jedi community in
regards to duelling and movement) and also a drone room for practising aerials.
-A “pit”, heavily inspired by Virtue’s pit on the academy maps and also Zach’s pit on The Valley of the Jedi. This pit uses rotating central
platforms, HP stepping stones and a central mini duelling platform.
-A library, which features two side meditation rooms; an orb with a story (I call it the Eye of Magnus after Skyrim’s Eye of Magnus :P);
opportunity to meditate on different paths of the force and gain force boons and also a hidden armoury (try to find a hidden button somewhere...
unless you want to cheat-then just use /noclip!)
-Dorm room hallway, which contains unique master bedrooms on the right and more boring (...except one) student bedrooms on the left.
-An entrance to a trial map I am working on (this will be useless to most seen as though I won’t be releasing to the public).
-A council room, which has a strong theme of nature. It is said that the masters who gathered on the chairs had to use telepathy with the force
so they could hear each other over the loud waterfalls <_<.
-The map also features a treasure hunt (using holocrons) and also a hidden password-locked door. There will be more info on this further down.
The Boss Battle map features:
-A lava challenge room, which features a laser obstacle course, booby traps and hidden doors.
-A “precision jump” challenge room, which features moving small platforms.
-A crusher challenge room, which features fast crushers and another challenge (no spoilers).
- A strafe challenge room, which features strafe jumps which probably range from around 3-8/10 for difficulty (10 being near impossible)
-A boss battle room, which features a scripted boss battle.
Information and Help:
-These maps are quite big together and they contain .NPC files. If you are using the base MP client, it is likely you will have to remove other
.pk3s which contain .NPC files (otherwise you'll get an error when trying to play). I personally never had this issue when I was using either
the openjk or the eternaljk client. I assume because they extend the limit of .NPC files.
-Note that the boss battle map is really designed for a single player however, to make sure everyone has something to do, 4 players is the
recommended maximum. This is because there are 4 challenges and each challenge is quite hard to do with multiple people. To make sure everyone
gets a chance to play all of the challenges, you can simply restart the map with /rcon map boss_battle_all.
-The holocrons around the map all contribute to make up one password-the numbers represent what order the letters are. The letters stand for
their respective colour so O=Orange for example.
-It is possible the holocrons are very hard to find. As such, I will give some help. Comb every inch of the map, check shadowed areas, underwater,
try to break objects/walls with your saber and remember you can use your saber as a torch to search shadowy areas for hidden buttons!
-The same advice as above goes for finding the hidden password-locked door. Once you reach the password door, I should tell you: the sequence resets
every time you get the order wrong. If you get the right colour, you will hear a confirmation sound; if you get the wrong colour....well you’ll
know-trust me >:D.
-Once you have unlocked the door, press use inside the portal to change map to the boss battle map. This may or may not cause your game to crash.
If it does cause a crash, just do /rcon map boss_battle_all (you can also use this command if you want to cheat but I recommend doing the full
experience the correct way).
-When you have spawned in the boss battle map, you will see two force fields. At the end of each challenge room, there will be a lever.
This lever will deactivate a force field when used. Also in the left room from spawn, you have to press all 3 buttons at the end of each trial,
and the centre “apparatus” will reveal the lever you need.
-For some advice, the challenges are meant to test your patience and ability to think; along with testing game mechanical knowledge and skills.
Some rooms might feel a bit like cat mario but if you observe and use your own intuition, you can work out how to avoid the traps. Also...
-The boss battle consists of 3 stages. If you defeat the 1st boss "aspect" and the forcefields do not turn off-do /devmap boss_battle_all and
use /noclip to restart the boss battle.
-After the boss battle has completed, you will receive a message. This glitches a bit for some reason and the messages might repeat
it's not too bad, just wait until the portal is on, and then press use on it to return to Harmony Temple. Like before, this may or may not
crash you/your server (for some reason, the boss battle portal always crashed the server I tested the map on, but not when I was in a solo
game-therefore I would reccomend doing /rcon map harmony_temple regardless, if you are on a server). If it does, restart and do /rcon map
harmony_temple (if it is a base server).
-Recommended settings for boss battle map: /_dynamiclight 1, force jump 3, no force speed (makes it ez :P), /g_forceregentime 200
(it causes more frustration but force management makes the challenges more rewarding to complete), /com_maxfps 125, for ja+ servers-please
allow base wall grabs (I think it's something like g_debugmelee but not sure) and also for ja+ servers-disable grapple. You also NEED force
push/pull level 3.
Thanks to:
- Zachry D'Kana for letting me use prefabs and textures from his map (The Valley of the Jedi) and also for his HUGE help with a lot of things
including: help setting up my radiant for the first time; shaders; scripts; lighting advice; entity advice and help; teaching me how to make
area portals; ideas; building a lot of the library for me and inspiring me to begin mapping with his own awesome maps!
-Rhendo D'Kana for teaching me most of what I know about scripting; insisting I use clipping instead of arbitrary rotation (seriously thanks a
lot for that xD) ; advice; spotting bugs and introducing me to entities for the first time.
-Reep D’Kana for always answering questions I had whilst making my map; advice; spotting z-fighting; amazing ideas and teaching me many things
I always wondered about such as how to make light flares.
-Jaina D’Kana for letting me know how bad it was that she couldn’t splash in the fountain water (it’s been fixed now lol) and also spotting bugs
in my map.
-Helena Revan for helping me fix a rotating script and giving advice for one of my challenge rooms.
-Rich Diesal for his awesome tutorial series which helped me immensely when first learning mapping and I even continued to check back on certain
lessons even later on, down the line.
-AshuraDX for helping me to fix a bad .map file my portal shader.
-Asgarath83 for giving help on some NPC scripting.
-Szico for his tutorial on rotating doors with area portals.
-NAB622 for his tutorial on botrouting.
-These are just a handful of people who have been SO helpful to me whilst I was learning every skill I needed to make my map. Because I have a
bad memory, I can’t possibly list everyone who has helped me-so I just wanted to thank anyone who has supported me through enthusiasm, teaching,
fixing etc. And even all the tutorials and forums posts I found to help me. I couldn’t have made nearly as awesome of a map without you all so a
big thanks to all of you!! ?
-Jaina, Prospero, Reep, Rhendo, Zachry and Zhan-Thanks for all the advice for improvements and extra ideas...the map wouldn't be as awesome without
all of you :).
- botroute support
- roleplaying
- (and 5 more)
Homer Simpson Add-on
By JKHub in Player Models
Uploaded by: DarthDerpo
This is an edited version of the Homer Simpson model released by Marco Fernandez (AKA ArchAngel) for Jedi Outcast.
This version is for Jedi Academy and has some extra features:
Bot support: Yes
NPC support: Yes (Ally NPC)
Simply extract this .zip file into your gamedata/base folder.
Skins Available:
/default (typical Homer)
/red (Evil Homer)
/blue (Farmer Homer)
/bowler (pin pals)
/jumper (jail suit)
/hulk (a must see)
/pink (of the pink shirt episode)
Bring the console and type in (without quotatios): "npc spawn homer".
Quidditch-A Hydroball Map
By JKHub in Other Gamemodes
Author: Magnus D'Kana
Contact: magnusdkana@hotmail.com
Website: http://valleyofthejedi.boards.net/
File Name and Version: quidditch.pk3 and quidditch.map
(original)Release Date: 18/05/2019
Filesize: 77MB
This is my first attempt at making a hydroball map. It's obviously inspired by quidditch from Harry Potter (hence the name) but other than there being 3 hoops acting as goals, everything is the same as regular hydroball.
I decided to make a little duelling area too so that if people get bored for a while, they can just do a couple of duels or whatever.
This is also the first ever map I have made public (so far) so there might be bugs or whatever, feel free to let me know about them if you find any.
I'm also adding the .map file to the .zip folder, feel free to learn from it if you want, or modify it to your liking.
Additionally, if there's something you REALLY want changed for some reason (such as a bug or you think the size of the arena is too small for example) you can tell me and I will probably change it and update the file (I only tested the map once with someone else )
Just put the .pk3 into your base folder
Just remove the .pk3 from your base folder
Thanks to Zachry D'Kana for letting me use textures from his map (The Valley of the Jedi)
Also thanks to Jaina D'Kana for testing the original, first, version of this map
I couldn't have done this map without Richdiesal's tutorial series, GingerbreadNinja's hydroball mapping tutorial and Rich Whitehouse for making hydroball and uploading to JKHub...so thanks a lot to all of you
Credits to Super Mario World for the map music (it's from an underwater level)
Finally, thank you to Kic for the tree models.
- Mod Specific
- Water
- (and 2 more)
Jedi Temple
By JKHub in Free For All
Title : Jedi Temple
File Name : jeditemple_ta
File Size : 23.919 Mb
Author(s) Map: =tom=
Date of Release : 20/06/2007
Email Address : mariocheret@hotmail.com
Homepage : http://mbgs.tk
Description : This is our vision of the Jedi Temple.
This map was originaly made for The MovieBattles II mod(http://www.moviebattles.com/)
Note: This is an FFA version based on the Movie Battles II map from Build 18.
No youngling NPC's available, but plenty of weapon spawns.
Special thanks to:
- =Some0ne= for the statue in the Blue Hall (never released separatly specially made for this map)
- Pahricida for the head model in the Jedi Archives (never released separatly specially made for this map)
- Mars Marshall "NeoMarz1" for the GunshipVM
Additional Credits to: The MovieBattles Team and Community.
================================================== ==============
* Play Information *
JK version required : Jedi Academy version 1.01
Bot-Support : NO
New Textures : YES
New Music : YES
New Shader : YES
* Construction *
Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant 1.4, Fireworks
Known Bugs : none so far
Tech. Details Total Brushes: 18579
Total Entities: 4124
Net Brush Count: 10144
Install-Instructions : Extract Jedi Temple to your GameData/Base/ directory
Deinstall-Instructions : Delete Jedi Temple from your GameData/Base/ directory
Have fun with it!
* I admit that *
(as required by the LEC Licence Agreement about Addon Levels)
1. My Level works only with the retail version of the
Software, and does not work with any demo or OEM versions
of the Software.
2. My Level does not modify any COM, EXE, DLL or other executable files.
3. My Level does not contain any illegal, scandalous,
illicit, defamatory, libelous, or objectionable material
(as may be determined by LEC in its sole discretion), or
any material that infringes any trademarks, copyrights,
protected works, publicity, proprietary, or other rights
of any third party or of LEC.
4. My Level does not include any LEC sound effects or music files or
portions thereof.
5. My Level identifies in every description file, on-
line description, read-me, and in comments in the New
Level code: (a) the name, address, and e-mail address of
the level's creators, and (b) the following disclaimer:
6. My Level may not be sold, bartered, or distributed with
any other product for which any charge is made (other than
incidental charges for time spent on-line), but rather
must be distributed free of charge.
7. By distributing or permitting the distribution of any New
Levels, all creators or owners of any trademark,
copyright, or other right, title or interest therein grant
to LEC an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, sub-
licensable right to distribute the New Level by any means
(whether now known or hereafter invented), and to create
and distribute by any means (whether now known or here-
after invented) derivative works thereof, and to charge
for the distribution of such New Level or such derivative
work, with no obligation to account to any creators or
owners of the New Level in any manner.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Other editors may NOT use this map as base for other maps, using reverse decompile methods.
You MAY distribute this level, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, with NO charge (other than incidental charges for time spent on-line).
Uploaded by
- Botroute Support
- Roleplaying
- (and 1 more)
Kami's Lookout
By JKHub in Free For All
Submitted By: Veilor
Created By: DaDosDude
This map was NOT created by me, but by DaDosDude 13 years ago for a Dragon Ball mod we both were a part of, The Power Within. It failed but I kept most of the files throughout the years and I sent DaDosDude a mail asking for permission to upload it here and he said go ahead. Proof of the mail exchange here.
This map is in a beta state but still playable without any visible bugs, all original map files are gone, so nothing more can be done on it.
Jedi Knight III
Title: Kami's Lookout
File Name: kamislookoutBETA.pk3
File Size: 757KB
Date Released: 14 March 2005
Type: Map
Custom music: Yes
Bot Support: No
Edited By: DaDosDude
Email: dadosdude@gmail.com
This is a map based on the series Dragonball Z. It is the time chamber and kami's lookout fused in 1 map. Made for the mod The power within. that mod is currently under construction.
just extract/copy the kamislookoutBETA.pk3 to you Base folder(usually c:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\Base\) and start your game!
Queen Amidala + Handmaiden 1 and 2
By JKHub in Player Models
Uploaded by Tompa9
Title : Queen Amidala + Handmaiden 1 and 2
Author : Liberty Ashford
E-Mail : food_raider01@hotmail.com
File Name : Queen Amidala.pk3, Handmaiden.pk3, Handmaiden2.pk3
File Size : 2, 499 KB, 1, 409 KB and 1, 428 KB
Date Released : 18/08-06
Team Colours : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
Model & Textures - HapFord Team (Hapslash and Liberty Ashford)
Mesh Optimization, Weighting & Conversion - Infinity Blade
This is a model of Queen Amidala, and her handmaidens. This is Queen Amidala, dressed up in her handmaidens battle outfits, while her decoy, Sabé, pretends to be Queen Amidala.
The handmaidens are basically just a reskin of Queen Amidala, except with either dark brown hair, or light blonde hair, and different faces. These models come with team colours.
The team colours only change the sleeves colours, from default, to blue or red. Anyway, I would also like to announce that myself and hapslash will be making a Queen Amidala model pack
in the very near future. Infact, we've started. Anyways, I made this model before we joined alliances, but anyways, enjoy the model my good friends =D.
Only bugs I could find were the legs clipping through the lower half of the cloak, when doing certain animations. Also, the collor sometimes clips through the neck
when running, or walking, or doing whatever certain animations.
Thanks to Hapslash, who is now my new modelling partner. And a VERY special thanks to Infinity Blade for making my model come true. I really want people to know how much Infinity Blade
has done for me, and what a wonderful and generious friend he is. THANKS IBBY FOR GRACING ME AS THE BEST WEIGHTER EVER!!!
Simply extract Queen Amidala, handmaiden.pk3 and handmaiden2.pk3 into /star wars: jedi knight jedi academy/GameData/base file.
just extract/delete the Queen Amidala, and/or handmaiden.pk3 and/or handmaiden2.pk3 file out of your /star wars: jedi knight jedi academy/GameDate/base file.
- Team Support
- Female
- (and 1 more)
Winter's Gift Day
By JKHub in Free For All
Uploaded by Cagelight
This is not my map, this is the daytime version of Winter's Gift (https://jkhub.org/files/file/2178-winters-gift/) that I got ages ago from pcgamemods. I don't have the original readme but I'm almost positive this was made by the original Winter's Gift author(s). I noticed it wasn't uploaded anywhere else so I'm uploading it here.
This map requires the original Winter's Gift to be installed to work correctly.
Winter's Gift Day
Authors: *VaS*Buffy and Jenova*Rebirth*(*VaS*Jenova)
Contacts: vasbuffy@gmail.com and jenova19848@hotmail.com
Release Date: 12-19-2005
Custom Textures : Yes
Custom Models : Yes
New music : Yes
Bot Support : Yes
Build Time : About 2 months on and off
A special Christmas and New Year's map for the Winter season for you and your friends too enjoy.
- Village
- Snowball Arena
- Hockey Field
- Ski Lifts
- Tauntaun Stable
- Market
- Maze
- Carnival
- Mansion
- Playground
- 2 Songs to pick from
- Caroler Stage
- The North Pole
- And much much more for you too explore...
You can download a Snowball mod to turn your Thermals into Snowballs to make the Snowball fights more Realistic.
Well Secrets wouldn't be secrets if we would tell you where they are now would they? However there is one secret we can help you on your way with
as there are secret presents hidden all around the map in the colours: Red, Green, Yellow and Orange.
We have added a special Check list to the Zip file to help you find them, Please read it as there is some helpful information in there.
Good Luck!
Programs used:
Adobe Photoshop, Winrar, Wordpad, Gtk Radiant, Easygen
* Copyright / Permissions *
This map and it's contents may not be modified without *VaS*Buffy or Jenova*Rebirth*'s written agreement.
This map and it's contents may not be used for porn or nudity purposes.
If this mod is used in any file like maps,movies,skins or others mods, Please inform *VaS*Buffy or Jenova*Rebirth*.
If this mod is used We wish too receive credit for our hard work.
Extract the wintersgift_bf_jr.zip in your star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/Gamedata/Base folder.
- Remove wintersgift_bf_jr.pk3 from your base folder
Special Thanks:
- Onobi Foondu
- Grimreaper
- Hapslash
- Worsonn
- Darth G
- Szico VII
- Lemog
- All *VaS*Members and Friends
- All who we forgot to mention
By JKHub in Player Models
File created by ksk_h2o
Original README:
***************************JEDI KNIGHT II MODEL***************************Title : GRAY FOXAuthorModel by : ksk_h2oSkins By : ksk_h2o, [SM]Maximus, FoJ_JM_MiyamotoE-Mail : ksk_h2o@hotmail.comWebsite : --File Name : grayfox.pk3File Size : 3.2 MB Date Released : Feb 18 2003Description : Multiplayer ModelComments : Well, as the name says it, its Gray Fox, as the Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear Solid.***=======****The caps TGA and caps shader in the pack is from the cheshire vader model by cheshire cat and Matt "arco" Fergusson, and Michael Frost "sithlord-ii'Many thanks to sithlord for also helping me out with the shader for the caps and general tips.***=======****Much Thanks to [SM]Maximus for all the help with skinning, his skins, and his support thgroughout the project. Many Thanks to FoJ_JM_Miyamoto for his great work on skinning the characters Elan, Tycho and Deimos. There are quite a few skins and not all have their own icons. Most models come with an open facemask version as well as the closed facemask version.Here's a list of what you need to type to get all the models:DEFAULT SKIN:model grayfox/default model grayfox/dopen <-open faceplate default modelTEAM SKINS:model grayfox/blue <- BLUE TEAM Modelmodel grayfox/bopen <- BLUE TEAM Model with open faceplatemodel grayfox/red <- RED TEAM Modelmodel grayfox/ropen <- RED TEAM Model with open faceplate(of course the open faceplate models will not work in team games)[SM]MAXIMUS' Personal Skin:model grayfox/max <- Original skin created by [SM]Maximus this was later updated This skin may/can be replaced with the latter version depending on what the creator wantsmodel grayfox/mxopen <- Maximus' original Sin with open faceplateSKINS FROM FoJ_JM_Miyamoto:model grayfox/default_elan <- Elan with the closed faceplatemodel grayfox/elan-o <- Elan with open faceplatemodel grayfox/default_tycho <- Tycho with the closed faceplatemodel grayfox/tycho-o <- Tycho with open faceplatemodel grayfox/default_deimos <- Deimos with the closed faceplatemodel grayfox/deimos-o <- Deimos with open faceplateThere are a number of shaders at work on the model while the shine covers the entire body, the others are mainly on the head/face. THe face shaders might be too discreet to notice at a long distance.A better way of getting in touch with ksk for comments, etc; (due to large quantities of spam) is by logging into the premier forums for JKII and sending "ksk h2o" a pm...Have Fun,kskTHIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
Uploaded by:
- JK2
- Celebrity Skin or Model
- (and 4 more)
By JKHub in Player Models
***************************JEDI KNIGHT III MODEL***************************Title : Gray Fox V1Author: GrayFox814Model by : Darth KittySkins By : Darth Kitty, GrayFox814E-Mail : darth_kitty@hotmail.com(Darth Kitty...obviously) quatre_gsandrock@yahoo.com(GrayFox814)Website : www.shoopshq.com(GrayFox814)File Name : ninjafox.pk3Description : Multiplayer Model, SIngle Player ModelComments : Well this model was made by Darth Kitty and released with his Solid Skake Pack as a hidden character. As such, it had no sounds so i added some . I also fixed up a few of the skins and added a few of my own, such as the bloody one that is missing an arm and the blue team skin. I also made it selectable in single player mode, but it is not fully customisable, each icon represents one full skin. Hopefully i will be able to add full sp support some time soon. I am also working on a pseudo Mr X (Olga in the Ninja suit from MGS2) for all the gals that wanna use this model both in MP and SP. I will also be ading new icons (the icon with the Real gray fox in the background and the model in the foreground is the new one) so that it is easier to figure out which model is which.Also, there are npcs packed in there and you need the Hattori Honzo sword for them or else he will have just a plain saber.Here are the npcs P by their name means they are player friendly and E means enemy:Gray_Fox_Melee (Melee Fox but doesn't do much)PGray_Fox (Regular Gray Fox)PGray_Fox_mgdmg (a damaged Gray Fox that is missing an arm and has a bloody eye)PRaiden(ya gotta have the Dante reskin of Raiden)PGray_Fox_mask (i think this is the one with the mask closed)PGray_FoxE (Regular fox)ERaidenE (Regular Raiden)ETheBride (The Bride from kill bill ((get the model at the lucasfiles.com))PAll credit for the model and most of the skins goes to Darth Kitty.May you all enjoy this awsome model by Darth Kitty and the awsome SP support by me! (well mabey it is not AWSOME but it is still cool.)THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
Uploaded by:
- Celebrity Skin or Model
- Male
- (and 4 more)
By JKHub in Player Models
Author (Of this SoundFix): Xen/MeWmIXNOTE: I did not make this Model..all I did was make it so the sounds would work in JA.Also, I am 80% done with The Twin Snakes version of Gray Fox, I just need my skinning done. Included will be the sounds, Bloody Gray Fox, Spider-Fox (Unlockable Costume Change for him) and hopefully I can finally finish my Beam Rifle model for his arm.Credits: Well of course ksk_h20 for the model, and SM]Maximus, FoJ_JM_Miyamoto for the skins. This is probably the best model for JO and it should be appreciated by being used by people in JA. I use it alot..so that should motivate you enough to use it. ^.^
Original ksk_h2o model readme:
***************************JEDI KNIGHT II MODEL***************************Title : GRAY FOXAuthorModel by : ksk_h2oSkins By : ksk_h2o, [SM]Maximus, FoJ_JM_MiyamotoE-Mail : ksk_h2o@hotmail.comWebsite : --File Name : grayfox.pk3File Size : 3.2 MB Date Released : Feb 18 2003Description : Multiplayer ModelComments : Well, as the name says it, its Gray Fox, as the Cyborg Ninja from Metal Gear Solid.***=======****The caps TGA and caps shader in the pack is from the cheshire vader model by cheshire cat and Matt "arco" Fergusson, and Michael Frost "sithlord-ii'Many thanks to sithlord for also helping me out with the shader for the caps and general tips.***=======****Much Thanks to [SM]Maximus for all the help with skinning, his skins, and his support thgroughout the project. Many Thanks to FoJ_JM_Miyamoto for his great work on skinning the characters Elan, Tycho and Deimos. There are quite a few skins and not all have their own icons. Most models come with an open facemask version as well as the closed facemask version.Here's a list of what you need to type to get all the models:DEFAULT SKIN:model grayfox/default model grayfox/dopen <-open faceplate default modelTEAM SKINS:model grayfox/blue <- BLUE TEAM Modelmodel grayfox/bopen <- BLUE TEAM Model with open faceplatemodel grayfox/red <- RED TEAM Modelmodel grayfox/ropen <- RED TEAM Model with open faceplate(of course the open faceplate models will not work in team games)[SM]MAXIMUS' Personal Skin:model grayfox/max <- Original skin created by [SM]Maximus this was later updated This skin may/can be replaced with the latter version depending on what the creator wantsmodel grayfox/mxopen <- Maximus' original Sin with open faceplateSKINS FROM FoJ_JM_Miyamoto:model grayfox/default_elan <- Elan with the closed faceplatemodel grayfox/elan-o <- Elan with open faceplatemodel grayfox/default_tycho <- Tycho with the closed faceplatemodel grayfox/tycho-o <- Tycho with open faceplatemodel grayfox/default_deimos <- Deimos with the closed faceplatemodel grayfox/deimos-o <- Deimos with open faceplateThere are a number of shaders at work on the model while the shine covers the entire body, the others are mainly on the head/face. THe face shaders might be too discreet to notice at a long distance.A better way of getting in touch with ksk for comments, etc; (due to large quantities of spam) is by logging into the premier forums for JKII and sending "ksk h2o" a pm...Have Fun,kskTHIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
Uploaded by:
- Menu Support
- Custom Sounds
- (and 3 more)
Asteroid 77
By JKHub in Free For All
Author: |GG|Carl
Readme Description:
This is my very first map, and I have no mapping experiences from before, so if you happen to be an evil reviewer from map-review or something, go easy on me!
The map is like an asteroid with lot's of different themes on it (Formula 1, Indiana Jones, real life etc.).
NOTE: Yeah, I read that stuff about "maintaining a consistent style throughout the map" but whatever, I like being a little different
It's kinda huge, and there are a few ships on it (I know, "JA is not a flying game", but don't fly if you don't like it...)
It supports FFA, TFFA (and JKR).
In the beginning it was supposed to be a clan map, but now when I'm done I've realised there are only 3 "clany" areas (which are all pretty well hidden) and one or two clan banners.
And I think I might have hit the world record in "secret area count", but I'm not sure...
Filesize: 13.7 mb
Additional Credits to: George Lucas and Raven
Thanks to: RichDiesal for an excellent mapping tutorial (http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/)
GothicX for helping me with LOTS of different things.
WadeV1589 for ansering some of my stipid questions.
lassev for helping me with the scripting.
QkennyQ for the very cool Van Halen guitar md3 +some other md3 models.
My clan mates in |GG| for lots of great ideas (Especially |GG|Boss, he's the one who made all the wacko stuff up!)
+Some other dudes at lucasforums...
Other: My best time on the racetrack is 1 min 10 secs, try to beat that!
BOT-support: Yes
New sounds: Yes
New textures: Yes
Story: A long long time ago, on an asteroid far far away the evil Darth Ugnaught sat in his throne room and thought.
He wanted to prove the dark side was stronger than the light.
He saw only one solution. He invited his Jedi brother, Master Ugnaught.
Master Ugnaught accepted the invitation, because he wanted to prove the light side was most powerful.
They dueled. And dueled. And dueled. But no one seemed to win! After 6 days and 6 nights the brothers fell asleep.
When they woke up they both where furious! Someone simply had to win! They built a new duel room. But no one won there either.
They built more duel rooms, but no one won. After some months the asteroid was full of duel rooms and stuff.
Darth Ugnaught said to his brother: We must find some way to see who’s the greatest! Master Ugnaught agreed.
Suddenly a great idea popped up in their minds; they should race about it!
If you want the rest of the story you've gotta play the map!
* Construction *
Editor used: GTK radiant, Photoshop 7.0, Nero wave editor, Pakscape, Notepad
Known Bugs: The map is huge and kinda detailed, which might lead to a crazy little thing called lag...
* Installation *
Unzip the pk3 file to your "gamedata\base" directory (for example: C:\Program files\Lucas Arts\Jedi Academy\Gamedata\base)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Uploaded by
Q: What is xNormal?
A: xNormal is an application to generate normal / ambient occlusion / displacement maps. It can also project the texture of the highpoly model into the lowpoly mesh ( complete texture transfer, even with different topologies ). It also includes an interactive 3D viewer ( with advanced shaders and realtime soft shadows / glow effect ), some Photoshop filters and importers/exporters for 3dsmax (Max7-2013) and Maya (8.5-2013). It supports high levels of parallelism using multicore/multithreading, distributed/parallel rendering, ray tracing and advanced GPGPU techniques. (NOTE: The latest version 3.19.2 available for download at www.xnormal.net deprecated all x86 plugins for older versions of 3ds Max and Maya that are still heavily used by this modding community-- these x86 plugins are last available in version 3.17.16 and thus my reason for making this tool available here as it is no longer possible to download it or its SDK on the internet. Additionally, v3.19.2 no longer supports the dotXSI file format. So we must use v3.17.16 if we want to bake normal maps using dotXSI files).
Q: How much xNormal costs?
A: Absolutely nothing. It's free for any use, including commercial one. No price and no fees at all. If you like it, please, help them by sending bugs/feedback, examples of your art or mention xNormal in your project.
Q: I can't use other normal mappers because they calculate their own tangent space and they only allow to use a kind of mesh format. Does xNormal include a SDK to make my own importers, exporters and plugins?
A: Yes, xNormal includes a complete and easy-to-use C++ SDK to write plug-ins. You can make image or mesh importers/exporters,etc... One of the key features of the xNormal SDK is the ability to customize the tangent basis. Please, take a look at this link to know why it's so important: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Shading/Tangent_Space_Normal_Maps (NOTE: I've also included the 3.17.16 SDK since it is no longer available to download).
Tutorials for using XNormal can be found here: http://www.xnormal.net/Tutorials.aspx
Finally, if you get an error on program start about missing an OpenRL dll then simply rename the extension on the MapRenderer_OpenRL.dll to .bak in the x86 and x64 plugins folders. It isn't needed and the program can function without it. Or you could try to reinstall the OpenRL runtime if you're using a graphics card that requires it.
OpenJediProject Source Code (2013)
By JKHub in Server-Side
OpenJediProject Enhanced Source Code (2013)
This is the last source code of OJP Enhanced released by Razorace on lucasforums.com (2013) before the site goes down.
This is not the exatly the source corde of OJP 1.2 (2008) but a later version (2013) which was never officialy released. So if you compile this source, you will get some minor differences with the compiled OJP 1.2.
OJP Team :
Presentation of OJP :
Master your weapon. Master the Force. Master yourself. The Open Jedi Project (OJP) is an open source modification for Raven Software's Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Aiming to develop innovative, fun features to the base game, OJP, led by Razor Ace, brings together dedicated fans to integrate their vision of what a Star Wars game should feel like with those of others. Open Jedi Project consists of two mods: Basic and Enhanced. Whereas Basic serves as an unofficial patch to fix bugs and increase the capacity for other modders to experiment in baseJKA, OJP: Enhanced breaks new ground with major overhauls to the Jedi Knight gameplay. Open Jedi Project Enhanced (OJP: Enhanced) makes major gameplay alterations that not only build upon existing features that make base JKA fun, but also introduces new features that greatly increase immersion into epic Star Wars battles.
You can find the original OJP 1.2 here :
Or the same version with some assets fix here :
and a patch to fix some coop maps :
I thank Razorace who allowed me to put this source code on JKHUB.
Sith Choas Dimention
By JKHub in Mixed Gametypes
This map was totally made by Desostros,who is a part of Digital Core.DC is a mapping team that consists of myself (Deso) and Stormkiller.
"Sith choas dimention." is a medium sized JKA map made for duel AND FFA purposes.Ideal for duels.This map is botrouted.
Other info;
This PK3 file contains some new textures and new shaders.
- Botroute Support
- Water
- (and 2 more)
By JKHub in Multiple Gamemodes
Original Author: McCrusher
Uploaded by eezstreet
Message From Lando:
"Welcome aboard the "Cloud Shark". She's a vintage cruiser I recently won in a game of chance, while I was a "guest" at Reloo's waste facility. Actually it wasn't until after I won her that Reloo threw me in his brig. But with the help of a friend I was able to collect her... My friend never told me how he did it.... or whats become of Reloo.
The "Cloud Shark" still uses the old Fitnell-33 antigrav turbines. Well suited for the lower gravity on Bespin. I use her mostly for pleasure tours and hunting, the cruiser has enough lift to carry a netted Rancor or Wind Dragon.
Lately with the increased activities of the remnant Sithe I've been holding grudge matches or duels between Jedi upstarts and under-trained Sithe. I've been using the Cloud Shark to transport the competitors to and from the arenas.
This is where you come in. I need a ringer for the sabre tournaments that can throw a match, as well as win - when the need arises. I'll give you a fare percentage of the take.
Cloud City needs a new holo theatre, this is the only way I can think of to raise some funds quickly.
There are three arenas in total - well four if you count the supply store under Kyle Katarn's hanger. One arena the "Fishtank" can double as either a free-for-all or 1vs1 arena. There are health and shields in every arena to top-off after you win a duel. You can also fight in the same arena as someone else if you initiate a "challenge duel" with your opponent.
The rules are simple and follow the elf clan Sidhe format:
-Fight only in the arenas, if there is a line then wait your turn.
-Signal to your opponent with either a slash (Sithe) or bow (Jedi) when your ready to duel.
-Fight to the finish, no health, no shields during the match. Unless you're in a Free-For-All then anything goes in that arena.
-Fight with honor, unless you are a Sithe, then...just fight.
-Hunt, Kick, or Ban those being a nuisance.
The rules are list at the helm console of the Cloud Shark incase you for get them.
Good luck, I'm counting on you.
P.S. Place the CloudShark.pk3 in the base folder, example: (C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base) That should upload the coordinates to the Cloud Shark and the sabre tournaments.
Lando C. - out."
Author: MrCrusher
File Name: CloudShark
File Size 1.8 megs
Date Released: May, 19 2002
Description: 1vs1 dueling map with three arenas and a Big hover craft.
Other maps: For Rune - 1on1Arena, Death and Ressurection, Odin's Arena. Cloud Shark is first map with Radiant.
No bot support. This map is for real players who Duel and do not wish to wait in long duel server lines.
By JKHub in Free For All
Author: Fir`en Darkhaven
A simple spoof off of Wal-Mart. It's got many of the same features as a Wal-Mart,
and perhaps a bit more. As of this point, I decided to ditch several ideas that I had had to move on
to a different map project. I know FPS is a little shaky in some parts (possibly more so outside, since it's a lot larger)
but it's the best I could do in a massive area. It's my first map that I've made (so I know it's probably lacking)
but I hope you guys enjoy!
New Music: YES
New Models: YES
New Textures: YES
Bot Support: NO
Kotor Dantoonie Enclave
By JKHub in Free For All
Author: SMoKE_89
Date: 12-10-2007
Version: v2
Knights of the Old Republic Series:
The KotOR Series is a series of maps in production by SMoKE Designs and Kessno Productions. They are all based off of certain
locations in the games 'Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic', and 'Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords'.
Website: http://smokedesigns.thejefffiles.com/kotorseries
Forum: http://www.thejawaclan.com/smokedesigns/viewforum.php?f=6
Dantooine: Jedi Enclave:
This installment in the KotOR Series is called Dantooine: Jedi Enclave. The Jedi Enclave on Dantooine is a hidden refuge for
the Jedi, where they can train new generations of Jedi, and be of help to the locals at the same time. The fleet of Darth Malak
bombed the Enclave into a big pile of rocks in his search for the Jedi Bastila Shan.
Website: http://smokedesigns.thejefffiles.com/kotorseries/dantooineEnclave
Forum: http://www.thejawaclan.com/smokedesigns/viewtopic.php?t=12
To install, you must extract the KotOR_Dantooine_Jedi_Enclave.pk3 file into the GameData\Base-folder where your
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy-game is installed. The default path is:
"C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\Base"
To uninstall, you must remove the KotOR_Dantooine_Jedi_Enclave.pk3 file.
- Kessno
- DL
Thanks to:
- Inyri Forge for her excellent computer console model, and for being a fellow KotOR lover
- lassev for some helping out with ICARUS
- Darth NormaN for reminding me of Brush Cleanup
- lemog for his fantastic free online archive of seamless textures
- Kessno for several reasons, like reminding me that the map was in progress
- ObiWanKenody for making a teaser trailer of the previous version of this map
- The blokes over at SMoKE Designs Official Forums for their great support through hard times
Special thanks to:
- George Lucas
- The people behind Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
- The people behind Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
BETA testers:
- ObiWanKenody
- MaceCrusherMadunusus
- (JAWA)LeaderLink
- Inyri Forge
- SMoKE Designs www.smokedesigns.co.nr
- Kessno Productions www.kessnoproductions.thejefffiles.com
- Knights of the Old Republic Series www.smokedesigns.thejefffiles.com/kotorseries
- Inyri Forge's KotOR Map Objects http://jediknight2.filefront.com/file/KotOR_Map_Objects;77747
- Leveldesign by Darth NormaN www.darthnorman.de.vu
- Lemog3d www.lemog.fr
- Forge Productions http://inyri.atspace.com
- JKA News www.jkanews.com
- Mace's Mapping Center http://macesmapping.map-craft.com
Author's note:
- I know alot of people will ask why I didn't make the Ebon Hawk interior, and the answer is simple, but somewhat hard to explain:
When you are inside the Ebon Hawk in KotOR, it's MUCH bigger than it is when you're outside. And so, making those two pieces fit
would be practically impossible. This be also the reason why I didn't make the loading ramp leading to the Hawk's interior, in
case anyone wanted to know.
- I also know alot of people will ask why I didn't make the Dantooine plains while I was at it, and there are several reasons:
It would be extremely hard to make it look alright, considering the shape of the "hills" that are out there. If I for some
reason should be able to make it, the map would be too big, or, I would have to place "invisible walls" everywhere, to limit the
area. And if there are things I really hate in a map, it's "invisible walls".
- Additionally, if anyone's going to ask why the skybox is so easy to hit, that would be because the structure of the original map
itself did not open up for alot of bunny-jumping. It would just mess up alot, and sometimes allowing the jumping player to see
over the walls and into the rooms beyond it, which I do not want to happen - but it is regretable anyway.
And so, as those three questions above has been answered here in the read-me, I will not be answering them later on, so don't ask.
InuYasha Skin Pack
By JKHub in Player Models
Author: SavageX
InuYasha Skin Pack - featuring InuYasha, Sesshomaru, Kagome, Kikyo, Sango, and Miroku. All have team support and bot support. Some models have more than one default skin. These models have been updated for use in Jedi Academy. New models has also been included including Miroku and Sango's causal clothes. Kikyo and Kagome have a new additional default skins (Kikyo has a long hair version and Kagome has a short sleeve outfit) and InuYasha and Sesshomaru have updated skins.
Uploaded by
RX-78-2 Gundam
By JKHub in Player Models
Author: SavageX
The RX-78-2 Gundam that was piloted by Amuro Ray from the show "MS Gundam". This is the JO version that features much better textures than the JK version
- JK2
- Custom Sounds
- (and 3 more)
By JKHub in Single Player
Author: Jake Keating
This mod had been uploaded and shared with the written authorization of its author.
The story takes place during Roman Era. You are Gluteus Maximus, a thief who is forced to fight as a gladiator. Will you become the best gladiator of the arena, of Roman Empire, and the crowd's favourite man? Or will you finish as lion's fodder, like many people before you? Show the mob what you have got!
This mod contains a lot of new models, new textures and informations about the Roman Games culture.
Uploaded by: lang_french
Star Wars Lady Jedi
By JKHub in Single Player
Uploaded by
"Star Wars Lady Jedi" is a mod for "Jedi Outcast" made be "Nazar Design Group" back in 2004. In this mod you play as a Jedi of Old Republic, Mariel Waterfall, who fights against The Empire(this mod came out before "Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith", because of that here you see that Empire was born then Republic was still existing). Mod includes 12 maps.
This mod is on russian language. So, if you don't know that language and still want to play, I suggest you to read story here on "JKHub wiki" after you complete walkthrough: https://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php/Lady_Jedi#Plot
Put the "LadyJedi" folder in your "GameData" directory of JO and launch it from mod menu in setup(menu will be on english, but gameplay - on russian)
Optional: if you want to switch on blood just change extension of "ladyjedi_blood" file from "off" to "pk3" after dot.
Delete "LadyJedi" folder from "GameData" directory of JO.
Some content of this mod is 16+, please take into consideration before downloading and playing.
While playing "Lady Jedi" you can meet glithces that weren't in original release. This may happen because "Lady Jedi" was released as separate game, although it's still mod. I just took assets that this mod requires to work.
You can ask me: "Why you have uploaded on JKHub not your mod, without permission and released it not standalone, as the original release was?" Well, some people tried to find this mod for years. I can't get permisiion because the "NDG" and their site are dead for years. And I released "Lady Jedi" as normal mod because the standalone release was made only for one thing: to profit money from fans, without permission from "LucasArts.", which isn't legal.
- JK2
- Contains maps
- (and 1 more)
Star Wars Communication Force
By JKHub in Single Player
"Star Wars Communication Force" is a mod for "Jedi Outcast" made by "Nazar Design Group" back in 2003 (before JA came out). This mod provides you to take control on Mark Pride - a Jedi Student in the Jedi Academy, who is sent on important mission: find out what new kind of weapon against New Republic was invented by Remnant forces. This mod includes 13 new maps, which connected by plot.
This mod is on russian language. So, if you don't know that language and still want to play, I suggest you to read story here on "JKHub wiki" after you complete walkthrough: https://jkhub.org/wiki/index.php/Communication_Force#Story
Just put "ComForce" directory in your "GameData" directory of JO and launch it from "Mod" menu in setup(menu will be on english, but gameplay - on russian).
Delete "ComForce" directory from "GameData" directory of JO.
While playing "ComForce" you can meet glitches that weren't in original release. This may happen because mod was released originally as separate game(Yes, "NDG" tried to take some profit from it, which isn't legal) and some original JO assets maybe were modyfied. For example the maps from JO were cut (I've compared unmodified and modified assets of JO, only files that wasn't used in this mod were cut, but there is probability that I forgot to check some of them). So, I just took archives that has new assets for this mod and put them in new directory. Thanks to that you can play this mod only using your copy of JO as it was meant to be sometime.
You can ask me: "Why you have uploaded on JKHub not your mod, without permission and released it not standalone, as the original release was?" Well, some people tried to find this mod for years. I can't get permisiion because the "NDG" and their site are dead for years. And I released "ComForce" as normal mod because the standalone release was made only for one thing: to profit money from fans, without permission from "LucasArts.", which isn't legal as I said above.
Episode 2 Blades
By JKHub in Cosmetic Mods
Author: YashTS
These were some pretty good round sabers I found on filefront/jk3 files. These don't conflict with the hilts I use so they are ideal for me. Here's the realm that came with the file, it is also included in the zip:
[update: new blade shape, sounds, and colors] These recreate the blades seen in ep2.
The screens are pretty bad so check it out yourself in the game. Remove any other saber
mods (INCLUDING MY OLD ONES IF U HAVE EM). Put selected pk3's in gamedata/base folder
(jka or jk2). The colors in the ep2.blades_v3.pk3 are using the originals.
So if you want the new colors, add the other pk3's to the gamedata/base folder.
Comments : have fun
Update in Detail : -Fixed the saber swing (more accurate to the movie).
-The shape of the blade redone
-Fixed up the sound pack with cleaner sounds(episode 2 sounds).
-Fixed up some colors (colors inside the pk3)
- Star Wars Related
- New Sounds
- (and 1 more)