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Mixed Gametypes

136 files

  1. Dark Streets

    Szico VII
    This map is my first MP map. It is also part of my sp map, Dark Forces, and I decided to alter it for JKA, so here it is. There are swoops, and a few hidden locations, sniper points, e.t.c. So have fun!


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  2. FFA Desert & Hoth

    Brush count : 3721
    Entity count : 772
    Botsupport : Yes (maybe buggy)
    New textures : Yes
    New music : No (music/hoth2/hoth2_explore.mp3)
    New models : No
    The map FFA Hoth is part of the Illusions Tec Mappack. This map also has a long development but i had fun with it, too. It consists of three main parts:
    The outdoor area
    The indoor area
    The underground chamber

    All three parts are conected with each other and have a quite nice atmosphere. I added a fx_snow to give you a better Hoth feeling. (brrr, cold up here ) I really hope you guys will have as much fun with it as i had when building it. And yes, there is a secret, too. (consoles can be used by pressing use-button) I hope you bring up a good video card because sometimes the fps rate is a bit low. (but still over 25 without glow effect)
    put the .pk3 file into ...JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base !
    Buildtime : about 6 month
    Compiletime : ~1 h
    Brush count : 3473
    Entity count : 915
    Botsupport : Yes (maybe buggy)
    New textures : No
    New music : No (no music is used)
    New models : No
    The map FFA Desert is part of the Illusions Tec Mappack. After a long development this Desert map is now done. (finaly i have to say because this map was getting on my nerves at the end) It consists of three main parts:
    The courtyard
    The cantina
    The hangar

    All three parts are conected with each other and have a quite nice atmosphere. There are also some destroyable parts - some do even change the gameplay... Javas and droids are located here and there to give you a better Tatooine feeling.
    I really hope you guys will have as much fun with it as i had when building it. And yes, there is a secret (consoles can be used by pressing use-button)
    I hope you bring up a good video card because sometimes the fps rate is a bit low. (but still over 25 without glow effect)
    put the .pk3 file into ...JediKnight:JediAcademy/GameData/base !


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  3. Oceans of Crime

    Buildtime : 5 days
    Compiletime : 1h 20min
    Brushes : 3623
    Entities : 299 (225 lights)
    Botsupport : Yes but not very(!) good
    New textures : Yes
    New music : No (hoth2/hoth2_action)
    New models : No
    My third map ever; first for JK3. Detailed reproduction of the DeathBall map Sediment from Unreal Tournament 2003! Original Textures and nearly the same lightning thanks to q3map2. ;D It's a small but long room under water. Ideal for duel/powerduel but ffa and tffa are also possible. Enjoy and good playing on it!
    Put the .pk3-file into ...JediKnight3/GameData/base !


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  4. Grand Jedi Skills: *Flaw Stories

    Board the *flaw station and battle in all enviroments imaginable
    or embark on the quest to figure out why door in the main lobby is locked... ?
    Overcome the challenges to take back the streets
    Night and day in one map. - change over an elapsed time
    Dynamic race track - ?? you say? yeah, once you start it, you are locked into a track and locked out of the upper downtown streets.
    custom music composed by Schwink
    area lit ambience audio sounds - caves, rain, wind etc...
    challenge based reward system - first to complete a challenge receives points, finish one to unlock the next
    Rail slide system - been working on this since my first map, its not as constrictive or as controlling, but I think it can be fun this time around ;-P
    cel shading
    this map wrang the neck of the compiler


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  5. Phantom

    From StarWars Episode 1 we have the hanger in which Obi and Qui face Darth Maul. This rendition is movie-accurate largely but not entirly, due to the movies lack of continuity from scene angles. The map is scaled to be extremely close to movie scale. This map has a little bit more than other episode 1 renditions, as it has the other passage scene in the movie. Performance is kept extremely tight for the amount of content in it. The map features a portal sky to present greater depth as well. If you follow the camera positions from the movie none of the additional addons I have made are noticeable and thus, it doesnt stray from the movies perspective.
    Also included in this PK3 is the map 'Hyper' which is a small FFA/TFFA/CTF arena map with bushes in the the middle so you can stealth atack one-another. In it you can leap from Orb to Orb or try to hit the raised Exploder Orb to trigger an onslaught berrage of meteor storms from above to damage all in its radius..


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  6. Talon Karrde's Lair

    Author: Monsoontide
    Talon Karrde's Lair is modelled after the one depicted in the Heir To The Empire comic book... although much of the interior has been added by me.
    The map features several distinct areas, such as the beach, main building, lookout, storage and landing zone.
    Hidden around the map are several of the force resistant Ysalamiri - picking one up in FFA will net you 10 extra points.
    Elevators are used by pressing the 'use' key - either while standing on one at the bottom of the shaft or while next to the elevator door/switch at the top.
    The map supports FFA and CTF


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  7. Star Forge Observation Deck

    Author: Shadriss
    Set on board the Star Forge, a spacestation/factory built millenia ago by the Rakatan Infinite Empire. This location is the scene for the final duel between Darth Malak and the one-time Darth Revan, which signaled the end of the Sith War.


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  8. Tatooine RPG

    On this occasion he created a map where experimental mechanisms rpg includes the map in si.The map set in this part of tattoine where we can find a small town with bars, houses (closed) and a sort of coliseum where you can NPC kill. find caves, luke's house, the boat jawa and other surprises.
    The part that I like most of the map is lame when a vessel and directs you to reach for the sky has the galaxy where you will find space EXAS 2 seasons with the base of Bespin jk2.
    This part of the map where the Bespin can play CBC.
    I hope they understand the mechanism that I have with the symbols -1 -10 -100 used to transfer points (on this occasion called him credits) for a player to jugador.the player pressing the button that sends the credits to the player who is waiting on the tarmac in front.
    Weapons and vehicles are showing up for sale cost when approaching.
    We recommend the presence of an admin in each game rpg to monitor that nobody spends more points which have ... unless someone can be programmed to record a mod points.
    I hope you enjoy it and above all understand the main idea of the map:).


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  9. Death Star Hangar Duel JKA

    Original Author: JamyzGenius
    It is a small room inspired in the Death Star from Star Wars Episode IV and in the Demo Hangar from Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast.
    Bot Support: Yes
    New Music: Yes
    I hope you like this map. This works neat for training matches, or just small duel rounds.
    MasterJin for show me the master hint of the mirror.
    LivingDeadJedi: Mirror texture and shader of the awesome map VadersChamber
    Music - Author: John Williams - Star Wars Episode 6 - The Emperor Throne Room
    - Very Special Thanks to :
    - George Lucas - For made star wars - Very Thanks XD !
    - Ravensoft
    - LucasArts
    I apologize for my bad English here and in the readme. The readme is really outdated so you will experience the worst English of your life if you read it haha.
    Best Regards! :]


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  10. GoldenEye Bunker

    "Bots are a bit trigger happy when it comes to doors", some will get stuck in some areas but will eventually get out of them too.
    The Bunker map from the Original Goldeneye game for Nintendo 64, in Single player, known as Bunker 2, in Multiplayer just the bunker, its been as faithfully recreated as possible by Kahn, it was passed onto me, and I tweaked and completed the map, as well as restored it to the original N64 version. The map is made with gunplay in mind, its a close quarters map, so saber fighting might get difficult with the confined spaces
    As with all my GoldenEye maps, there is a hidden VHS/DVD of GoldenEye in the map, try to find them all in all the maps!
    INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Unzip the ge_bunker.pk3 file into your base folder.
    Optional: Unzip the ge_assets_v2.pk3 into your base folder
    Khan: For Providing the original unfinished Bunker Map
    BongoBob- For making the temple level which is what got me started on project GoldenEye
    Szico VII- without your source files, I would have never learned as much as I did
    Darth Zion- Helped me with scripting, fixing sounds, and various beta testing
    Last Wish- Helped in my beta testing extensively, and gave me texturing tips.
    RichDiesal - For your mapping tutorials
    Graeme Norgate- without your music, GoldenEye wouldnt have been the same
    BUGS: Multiplayer intro video sometimes loses sound.


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  11. Tatooine Streets

    This is a simple map I made to showcase the custom Search and Destroy gametype I am working on. Figured I would release it as an FFA/Duel/PowerDuel/TFFA map too as it is a pretty decent map all round now that it is finished. Consider it a teaser of the SD version.
    The map is set at night and has all the standard guns, pickups and ammo dotted about.
    The music is "Under The Rotting Pizza" by Nobuo Uematsu, from Final Fantasy VII
    The sole custom texture is an edit of a base one, made by me. Feel free to re-use it.
    Made exclusively for JKHub


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  12. RJA Ultimate Map Pack

    Author: RJA
    File Name and Version: RJA Ultimate Map Pack (1.0)
    Release Date: 2015.
    Filesize: 189mo
    Description: This is my last map pack I forget to release. I hope you'll find it funny.
    There are 8 maps.
    - Lava Sanctuary Final: My final version of the Lava Sanctuary I made, inspired by Rayman 2. It has three parts, the outside,
    night and dark blue, the secret side, made of green rocks and strange pipes, and the inside, red and full of lava an fire !
    - Third Deathstar Reactor: Here is my 3rd version of this map, the final one I think in a Tron style. With some big secrets
    - Home: Home of one of my personnal characters, with a big cold chamber.
    - Carota: A map from the game Tonic Trouble (1999) recreated by me. You really need to visit it.
    - 2046 City: A city I created, from my imagination with a mysterious big green crystal room...
    - Kyle's Home Day: Kyle Katarn's Home at Day.
    - Kyle's Home Night: Kyle Katarn's Home at Night.
    - Horcrux's Cavern: After reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I imagined this map. Taken from my imagination and not
    from the movie !
    TO INSTALL: Place the .pk3 file in your game directory, "LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/gamedata/base/" folder
    BONUS: The Teaser of Epic Challenge Mod II for Single Player... which is coming soon !


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  13. The Great Palace (FFA/TFFA/CTF) Multimap [6 Maps in 1]

    After months of hard work we can finally release this multi map of 6 maps in 1 - THE GREAT PALACE!
    This map suits your every gamestyle, wether it is FFA, TFFA, CTF or DUELS.
    It has a main hall to hang around, it is connected via a temple area to all other duel rooms!
    Quick spawns in main area and teleports get you everywhere pretty quickly. Just walk into those Signplates in the map and you teleport to the next spot!
    This map was made for the JA+ Community but also for basers and we think it is a great map to play on.
    It has high quality textures and is so optimized that you can play easily with 125FPS everywhere, even 333FPS.
    It has boutroutes if you like to play with bots on it. They will mainly walk around the GreatHall and TempleArea.
    We added CTF spawns so if you like to play CTF in the Temple Area you can do so!
    We have an area where we you can play music and feel like you are in a club!
    We hope you enjoy! 🙂
    = The Great Palace =
    All our previous B2B tffa/duel maps ported together as a casual FFA map by Method & Westbam
    * Fast teleports to each areas
    * Auto-jump pads to bridge
    * Medpacks & shields added
    * Some secret in a map maybe:)
    * New Cantina/Nightclub with music changer, switchable strobe lights and other stuff
    * B2B Duel maps added/ported; https://jkhub.org/files/file/4009-b2b-method-westbams-mapbundle-1/
    * Spawnpoints fix (Spawnpoints mostly in Great Hall area and few in Great_Temple @ FFA Mode)
    * FFA, TFFA, CTF, Duel, Power Duel gamemodes support; CTF (Saber-Only) spawnpoints & flags in Temple area and Duel(s) in Tryhard.
    - Botroutes YES
    - No Weapons added
    Known bugs:
    - MW Club area FPS drops at some places (130-350 fps tested on potato GTX970)
    RECOMMENDED: Disable dynamicglow (/r_dynamicglow 0)
    Authors : Method & Westbam
    Gametypes: FFA/TFFA/Duel/Power Duel/CTF
    Release Date: August 2022
    Extract the archive and put .pk3 file into GameData/base folder
    Szico VII - textures/shaders/models from Atlantica map
    MaceCrusherMadunusus - textures/shaders from Kamino map and overall help/tips
    AngelModder - Jedi statues models from Jedis Home 3 map
    Plasma - textures/shaders from Starkiller Base map
    Shadow Stone - textures/shaders from Jedi's Home 1 & 2 map
    Langerd - Darth Vader model from statuary hall duel map and some textures used from a map Cloud City SP mission


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  14. Christmas Plaza

    This is a new version of my Naboo Plaza map but now completely decked out for Christmas! Complete with trees, lights, snow, and a very devious snowman. There is a day and a night (eve) version.
    I had this planned years ago when I made Naboo Plaza, but I didn't even get to finish that map in it's original form so I never got around to doing this, but I figured it would be fun to do for the JKHub contest.
    This is a very small map, best for small groups in FFA, for dueling on the platform, or if you grab the snowball thermal detonator replacement mod, you can have a really fun snowball fight! Links below.
    You can activate the duel platform with the switch on the balcony that faces that main entrance. It toggles, so you can restore the fountain and tree when you're done with the platform.
    There's also a little secret. The snowman is not all as he seems... would be a shame if you destroyed him...
    Night map:
    /map christmas_plaza_eve
    Day map:
    /map christmas_plaza_day
    -!|!- LINKS -!|!-
    Video showing the map and the secret:
    Snowball thermal detonators:
    Other Christmas and holiday mods to check out:
    Original Naboo Plaza map:
    -!|!-  NOTE  -!|!-
    I don't consider this map truly in a finished state. The brushwork is still very barebones but I ran out of time to get this out by Christmas, so I call it good enough. I hope to revisit it and polish it up and maybe even make a longer ladder level out of the snowman secret.

    -!|!-  KNOWN BUGS  -!|!-
    Snow brushes are a bit blocky and you can get caught on them as you run over them, but nothing major.
    The ice in the fountain raises slower than the fountain when returning.
    Snow falls inside the igloo and under roofs
    You may not be able to run this on vanilla JKA (jamp) due to my 2K texture but I honestly didn't check. Use OpenJK, y'all.

    -!|!-  CREDITS  -!|!-
    Rooxon for the Christmas tree model he made for me so long ago
    Artemis for her Snowman model that she made for our clan events but never released officially, sadly, and also credit to her Christmas light shader in her FFA3 Xmas map, I totally copied it 🙂
    Main music track is Christmas Tree by SoulProdMusic
    Secret snowman track is Carol of the Bells by August Burns Red

    -!|!-  INSTALLATION  -!|!-
    Put the pk3 in the base folder of your Jedi Academy GameData directory (Jedi Academy/Gamedata/base)


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  15. Leviathan Bridge Duel & Revans Flagship Duel

    I know this is a very late release concidering the map has been done for a great deal of time. I plan on releasing a promo video sometime in the future. But for now, heres the map for everyone to have a go at.
    This map is the Leviathan Bridge seen in Knights of the Old Republic. Simple and pretty accurate, along with a bunch of my own graphical enhancements both texture wise and detail wise. If you saw screenshots side by side, you could surely tell.
    I have also included a Bonus map called Revans Flagship duel. This is the Movie Battles II version of the map featured in RC1 release (going to be updated with RC2 with a few features you see here) based off a cutscene on Knights of the Old Republic.
    The difference between the 2 is Lighting, and the skybox, mainly.


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  16. Ravager Duel

    A remake of the Ravager bridge from KotOR 2.
    I have included the map file for interested people to look at and see how I put together this map. Parts of the map are not to be taken out, copied or reproduced without my consent.
    The New System shaders images need to be downloaded from Map-Craft.com.


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  17. Ord Mantell Oasis Temple

    This is a map set on the planet of Ord Mantell and is based around the area you see in the SP mission where you destroy the weapon caches and Boba Fett follows you around. I have explanded on that theme to a more mountanous region than in the SP mission and in an area with a water fall in it. The rest of the map itself goes around the same temple theme. There are 2 duel arenas outside the main center duel arena and the other main FFA areas. These two duel rooms can be locked from the inside incase you dont want people bugging you when your in the middle of a duel. There is more areas you could duel in but I do not concider them duel arenas but it is quite possible. The outside area of the map would also be a fun place to duel. Though the temple itself was founded thousands of years ago and still we do not know the purpose of it. The temple has been hidden for some time and has just recently been found by a small group of scouts.


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  18. SJC - Naboo Crystal Sanctuary

    Originally going to be part of JKG, and was inspired by SIMONOC pryamid of the magician for QUAKE 3, a medium sized map set in the naboo jungle, with gungan structures here and there
    lots of vegitation and rocks, caves, clifs and a couple of jump pads here and there. be sure to shoot the bell in the bell tower, and take note of the sky!
    FPS should be good, particularly compared to some of my other work!!
    Hope you enjoy it!


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  19. Facility

    Buildtime : about 1 month
    Compiletime : 55 min
    Brushes : ~4900
    Entities : ~370
    Botsupport : Yes but not good
    New textures : Yes
    New music : No (mp/MP_action4)
    New models : No
    Facts about Facility
    Updated version of Facility
    My fourth map ever,second for JK3
    Map for the contest sponsored by www.seb-crea.de
    duel powerduel ffa tffa for 16 players supported


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  20. ldj_mappack

    There are two maps in this pack: CTF Outpost and FFA The Lost Temple:
    CTF Outpost:
    An imperial water processing plant. nuff said
    FFA: The Lost Temple:
    Set in an old temple discovered by the Empire in the aftermath of the clone wars..
    What struck the Imperial scientists as odd was that most of the temple complex was added after the temple had gone into ruin and was not on record, neither was the planet in question ?
    After much research it was soon discovered why. The temple had been the home to a group of Sith Lords 4000 years before the Clone wars.. There was even a dueling room for Sith students to prove themselves superior.. as well as the sith masters seat of power.
    As for the system of pipes.. it appears as if the sith found a way to litterally suck the force out of the planet and strengthen their own people. This has left the planet itself completely barren leaving the temple area as the only place left with any kind of plant life.


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  21. Smuggler's Hideout

    I started this as my final masterpiece in JK3 mapping... But as I was looking into optimization and playing with entities, the reason I still played JK3 disappeared, and with that so did the will to continue the project. This has been sitting on my harddrive for months, and I may as well release it. Hell, if there's enough interest... By now I'm convinced the Asteroids Mod is dead and buried, but if there's enough interest I -might- finish a baseJKA version, or something.
    Anyways. Description. Asteroid base deep in space. I used to have an in-character backstory but I lost it. Four hangars, two of them stocked with various ships (rebel and imperial make), one with a lambda-class shuttle, and one with an old yt-1300. Hangar doors can be open and shut, imperial ships are hang-docked (hold down turbo boost when undocking in one unless you like smashing into the floor) and the turrets outside will open fire on you if you damage them.
    Due to not being finished it's missing some things like a lockdown mechanism on the falcon to keep people from abusing it, a complete cantina/sleeping quarters, polished lighting, outside features, bunch of extra things I was going to throw in, and VIS optimization. Nevertheless it's (kinda) playable, and an example of where spaceship maps should, imho, have gone.


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  22. The New Academy

    BACKSTORY: Long ago a group of force users where wandering through the jungle on Yavin 4 when they encountered some ancient ruins. They decided to use the large amount of materials there to build their own academy. During the excavations of the ruins they discovered an area of extremely high force energy littered with graves. Not wishing to disturb the site they left it in place and simply built around it and in time all that was left of the old ruins was a small patch of rubble and some ancient graves. This patch of ground became known as the old academy with the new construction simply being referred to as the new academy.
    The name of the bsp file is "kof_new_academy" for changing to it on your server. So to change to it you would do "/changemap <mode> kof_new_academy" or just vote for it if the server supports it.
    This map supports the following gamemodes: FFA, TFFA, DUEL, POWERDUEL, CTF, CTY
    This map also supports bots.
    This is version 2.2 of the new academy. Want to play the previous versions? Well you cant because they where only released clan wide and besides they suck compared to this version.
    This is a clan map and is the first map I have publicly released. The map features the following areas:
    Main entrance - Everyone spawns at the main entrance. From here you can teleport instantly to any of the fighting areas if they have already been accessed meaning you don't have to run a long way every time you die.
    Garden - This is a large garden area where you can relax and chill out after a long days duelling. There is a pool where you can go for a swim and a barbeque area.
    Old academy ruins - The ruins of a previous academy that was built on the site. I made this area as a memorial to my former Jedi academy clan which alas through a cruel twist of fate largely no longer plays Jedi academy.
    Small arena - A small arena for duelling in. Features spectator stands, adjustable lighting and a large screen TV to watch ceremonies on.
    Meditation room - A room where you can go to meditate and reflect on the mysteries of the unknown.
    Ceremony room - A room for doing rank-up ceremonies in. To work this room the lead player should stand on the centre pillar, that's the pillar 4 places from either side. The lead player can then use the "use" button to make the pillars go up and down and once they are up they can use either attack button to fill any empty pillars with a hologram so you always get a full circle during ceremonies. For dramatic effect I have found its best to draw your saber with the secondary attack button as with the barriers you wont actually throw your saber and this has the effect of drawing your saber and activating the holograms at the same time.
    Large arena - A large arena for doing large battles in. This arena features a 360 degree spectator area and adjustable lighting. The walls can also be lowered to make the arena even bigger! The arena can also be transformed to turn the middle area into a multi level duelling area and the outer area into a swoop racetrack.
    Training room - This is a room for training in. Like all the fighting areas it also features adjustable lighting. You can spawn npc's in this room to duel against with level 1 being an easy npc up to level 4 which is a very tough npc. There is also a kill button to kill everyone in the training pit in case someone fills it with npc's and the server starts lagging or nobody can get in without dieing. A siren will go of for ten seconds before everyone gets killed so if your in the training pit and you hear a siren get out fast!
    High level training tower - This is a tower designed to let strong players fight each other in a dangerous environment. The higher you go the more dangerous it gets! This tower doesn't feature adjustable lighting, what you see is what you get!
    Secret areas - there are numerous secret areas in the map, these are: Tower of testing, disco button, The sky top bar, council room and dungeons. See if you can find them all!


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  23. Endor Assault

    This map was created for the Movie Battles 2
    CMP map pack, then converted to basejka.
    If you want to try the original MB2 version,
    its in the CMP:REDUX map pack which can be
    found here:
    Gameypes: CTF, FFA, TFFA
    Botroutes: Yes
    New Sounds: Yes
    New Textures: Yes
    New Shaders: Yes
    Some lighting errors
    Green efx coming thru grid.


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  24. Terminative 3 Home

    Mapped by Malak
    Designed by Hugo
    The map was made for static and dynamic training. The making of a useful map was our goal, not to show any mapping skills. We tried to create a map which runs at a decent amount of frames per second, so that everyone can use the map regardless of their computer hardware. Therefore the map looks a bit simple in some areas. The map was created for the Terminative 3 Community. It includes new textures, sounds, models and scripts. It is meant to be used with the game mode free for all.


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  25. The Silent Command

    A small duel map based off the description found in Chronicles of an Avatar: The Silent Command. A copy of the story is included in the .zip.


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