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Status Updates posted by CaptainChar

  1. I started dozing off, turkey does that

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. therfiles


      The animal or teh place?

    3. MUG
    4. CaptainChar


      turkey, as in that bird ate on thanksgiving, here in canada ours is this weekend/monday

  2. story writer, composer, digital artist, and modder, where does one find the time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nihilus


      In all reality, Caelum is just a little alien who can't sleep due to the frustration of not being able to communicate with his "people" back "home".

    3. CaptainChar
    4. Nihilus


      No... Flemmian.

  3. crap need to make winter map soon >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RebelChum


      Just make like... a flat floor of snow that stretches as far as the editor allows.

    3. CaptainChar


      lol that could work

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      or just make a little box 64 units wide...people will have fun spawnkilling

  4. insomonia, yay...however its spelt >.>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Astral Serpent
    3. eezstreet


      you should take a look at Cael's posts sometimes, he mentions that word a lot

    4. CaptainChar


      maybe if i laid off the video games a bit

  5. Would a dual map be better if there is a 1 hit KO hazard present that could kill both players?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar
    3. Astral Serpent

      Astral Serpent

      dual map? whut?

    4. CaptainChar


      dual, duel, ive been working on to much things to spell right lately

  6. weird, site was down for a bit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      keeps going down for about 10 minutes at a time, not sure whats going on, sometimes it just says there is no connection to this site

    3. CrimsonStrife


      Weird, I haven't been having any issues, report it in the bugs section.

    4. CaptainChar


      it cleared itself up, it may have been issues on my end network wise

  7. Might release some more concept maps from the Vampire blood chornicles mod

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      actually SP but since there is no NPC spawns it could be dumped to MP

    3. katanamaru


      I remembered you wanting it to be a sp mod. But I thought you changed your mind and went mp. That'd be great as a sp mod.

    4. CaptainChar


      Originally was SP, it was based in the castlevania universe, but with Darth Zion now MIA in japan for over a year now, im stumped what to do

  8. we need zombie wave survival gameplay mod :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      That would be epic!

    3. Szico VII

      Szico VII

      Was actually planning to script something like this into moonbase

    4. MagSul


      I think that animations would be the selling point for me. Create a zombie skin on an existing model doesn't sound too hard in theory. But it's all for naught if they're not moving in a way that you'd buy.

  9. After some extensive caulking, the Enterprise's launch is back on schduel

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      apparently there was some minor map leaks in the main view screen >.> letting "space" leak into the ship

    3. KDR_3XILE


      VERY interested and will follow this! I wish you all the best ^.^

    4. CaptainChar


      its using the refit design, ncc-1701 and 1701-A

  10. is it me or did the website revert to the birthday day?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      weird it wasn't that logo yesterday, lol

    3. Fighter


      Ah. You were seeing the regular logo as it was still probably cached for you.

    4. CaptainChar


      stupid browser

  11. I should play less games and finish more maps

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      doesn't help theres been a lot of new releases

    3. CaptainCrazy


      Yeh i've been playing Blacklist a lot xD

    4. katanamaru


      Man I'm still being distracted by JA SP. I think I'll sit down and practice with XSI and then *poof* JA sp is loaded.

  12. Sadly the Death Egg map is so big space wise, i could fit the enterprise in it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      the Death Egg map taught me that Earth is a flat polygon :P

    3. CaptainChar


      I actually stole that idea from Sonic the hedgehog episode 1, lol all they did was use a flat textured earth with 2 alpha layers of clouds at different speeds

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      #EarthIsFlat, but your shader was very nice :)

  13. I wish JA had steam workshop support for mods

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grab


      Yea, and workshop full of shitty reskins. Nope.

    3. Onysfx


      Gmod is full of pointless stuff too, but there are many good things as well. However, making JKA rely on a steam workshop is....well...I dunno. Would you be forced to own JKA via steam?

    4. Grab


      Or spam Lucas/Raven with milion mails to do it :c

  14. "Calibrations or gtfo"

    1. CaptainChar


      get the force out

    2. therfiles


      wat are these calibrations you speak of

    3. CaptainChar


      Sorry, Mass Effect reference

  15. A borg drone VS a Geth, who wins?

    1. CaptainChar


      Or geth would willingly join borg, since they're both after a "perfect state" *shrugs*

    2. neoxrave


      Borg, i like star trek :3

    3. Inyri


      Geth. Because. I said so.

  16. I blame my ADHD on why so many maps i have, have piled up

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      the lack of caffeine in my blood isnt helping much

    3. KDR_3XILE


      Two things are required in JKA. A lightsaber and a shit load of coffee!


  17. TGIF

    1. KDR_3XILE


      Saturday here, you're living in the past :P


    2. CaptainChar


      no your living in the future

    3. Nihilus


      So we future people automatically win. Your argument is highly invalid.

  18. I really need to look for a real job, and stop applying to imaginary jobs

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      yeah, at least there I can land a paycheck still, even if its paid in polygons

    3. therfiles


      Polygons are worth a lot. Check the exchange rate...

  19. im supposed to go to a halloween party this year, and im sadly tempted to get an episode 3 robe and go as a jedi >.>

    1. MUG
    2. Nihilus


      You know you want to go as a Gizka.

    3. Mysterious Stranger

      Mysterious Stranger



      Why sadly tempted? Go for it! Not sure how Jedi fit in with Halloween though...

  20. would a graveyard be fitting for an october release? :P

    1. Fighter
    2. therfiles


      Only with candy corn.

    3. CaptainChar


      what graveyard ahve you been too with candy corn?

  21. 007 Nightfire maps will join my GoldenEye map releases as well

    1. MUG
    2. CaptainChar


      it would make a good online map

    3. CaptainChar


      well sniper and CTF matches would be fun

  22. who resurrected the spibot? it was better off dead

    1. MUG
    2. spior


      Yeah I moved it on #spibot. Figured only me and eezstreet use it for anything, so no need to flood a channel full of people :|

    3. CaptainChar


      no, spior, I hate all bots with equal passion

  23. Site seems to hang for me when replying, get the green (site) loading bar that doesnt go away unless refresh

    1. CrimsonStrife


      I've seen this once today...I'd poke Caelum, but he is already offline for the night.

    2. CaptainChar


      im going to go out ona limb and just assume its traffic on the server he used for this site, the physical server that is

    3. CaptainChar


      yeah it has its ups and downs, I may need to do a complete diagnostic on my internet system, since its in a dual router configuration in order to cover wifi over my entire house

  24. What I hate most, is playing a game for so long on pc, then going into GTK and constantly clcking wrong, and WASD to move around, it doesnt work >.<

    1. RebelChum


      Yeah, what's up with those arrows keys?

    2. eezstreet


      They're a little down on their luck apparently.

    3. RebelChum


      Don't you mean they're a little ↓ on their luck? EH HEH HEH

  25. Current Normandy that ive mapped would fit in the enterprise's cargo hold >.>

    1. CrimsonStrife


      well the Normandy was a fairly small vessel, she had nowhere near the crew of the Enterprise.


    2. CrimsonStrife


      Well the Normandy only holds about 50 to 60 people I think.

    3. CaptainChar


      yeah and a Constitution aka Entperise has a crew of 400

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