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Everything posted by CaptainChar

  1. I've contemplated mapping as much as OoT as possible, eg Kokori forest, Hyrule field, and Hyrule castle/market as one large seamless map, I am temped, even though ive been working with other Nintendo 64 maps, lol So if no one objects, I may fire up my GameCube copy of OoT and get started to see how much I can do in original graphics, before running out of brushes on a related note, I did make an unreleased map based of the 1980's Zelda Cartoon
  2. when the mouse decides to die, its rather annoying

    1. katanamaru


      I know that feel. I liked my old mouse so much more than the new one.

    2. CaptainChar


      it started double clicking on everything even when I single clicked

  3. Sadly the Death Egg map is so big space wise, i could fit the enterprise in it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      the Death Egg map taught me that Earth is a flat polygon :P

    3. CaptainChar


      I actually stole that idea from Sonic the hedgehog episode 1, lol all they did was use a flat textured earth with 2 alpha layers of clouds at different speeds

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      #EarthIsFlat, but your shader was very nice :)

  4. I found that issue in 1.5.0 the caulk and glass or forcefields, tend to go weird, but went to nodraw_solid
  5. Insanity and mapping can be a perfect marriage

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  7. Republic credits are worth nothing out here, I need something a little more real
  8. question, does this build support multiple threads
  9. That's 'cause droids don't pull people's arms out of their sockets when they lose. Wookiees are known to do that.
  10. Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1.
  11. No no, no, you it is you who have lost!
  12. To boldly map where no one has before

    1. Onysfx


      Mapping...the final frontier.

    2. CaptainChar


      the limit of mapping is only of the imagination

    3. MagSul


      It's pure logic, Captain.

  13. with fame comes drama, and with drama comes stress

  14. "A stationary windmill isnt much to look at, I want to be that wind that moves it"

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  16. modems, routers, firewalls, ports that need opening, its usally one of those or all of the above, I had to port forward through my router to get JA to work again online, also on a side note, check the fireware on the router for updates, most of them provide bug fixes or stability enhancements
  17. within the last decade, Id have to say the rise of a new generation of modders, myself included, but I don't claim to be as good as some of those whom been doing this for longer, its the modders that made this community a strong one
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