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Status Updates posted by CaptainChar

  1. when the mouse decides to die, its rather annoying

    1. katanamaru


      I know that feel. I liked my old mouse so much more than the new one.

    2. CaptainChar


      it started double clicking on everything even when I single clicked

  2. Sadly the Death Egg map is so big space wise, i could fit the enterprise in it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      the Death Egg map taught me that Earth is a flat polygon :P

    3. CaptainChar


      I actually stole that idea from Sonic the hedgehog episode 1, lol all they did was use a flat textured earth with 2 alpha layers of clouds at different speeds

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      #EarthIsFlat, but your shader was very nice :)

  3. Insanity and mapping can be a perfect marriage

  4. To boldly map where no one has before

    1. Onysfx


      Mapping...the final frontier.

    2. CaptainChar


      the limit of mapping is only of the imagination

    3. MagSul


      It's pure logic, Captain.

  5. with fame comes drama, and with drama comes stress

  6. "A stationary windmill isnt much to look at, I want to be that wind that moves it"

  7. the USS Enterprise is my most complex map todate it seems

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. CaptainChar


      Ive also got 2 decks of the planned 4 down, plus bridge

    3. Onysfx


      good....GEWD! Oh, make sure to add a red alert, and a button to make the ship under attack, in which explosions will occur all over the ship...maybe even a self destruct! xD. And if you can...perhaps escape pods to land on another planet. Just a suggestion.

    4. CaptainChar


      with space, there is many options, eg red alert might be only activated from the captain's chair console

  8. I unintentially made it possible to access the warp nacelles on the 1701-A via access tubes

    1. Onysfx


      According to the series "Star Trek: Enterprise", the warp nacelles are enterable and there is a catwalk inside them.

    2. Onysfx


      Unfortunately, when the ship is at warp, the temperature inside them rises to inhabitable conditions.

    3. CaptainChar


      on The Next Generation, there is a small room with a blast shield and then force field, and inside the nacelle is the warp coils which plasma is accelerated through, I may feature a version of these rooms in my enterprise-A

  9. I should play less games and finish more maps

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      doesn't help theres been a lot of new releases

    3. CaptainCrazy


      Yeh i've been playing Blacklist a lot xD

    4. katanamaru


      Man I'm still being distracted by JA SP. I think I'll sit down and practice with XSI and then *poof* JA sp is loaded.

  10. little did they know I was also a composer

  11. "looks like we're due for a good ol storm of Chaos!"

  12. I may revisit the train battle map using newer abilities and bringing it up to par

  13. I seem to have an over abundence of Map ideas

    1. Onysfx



  14. Started putting more attention to the castlevania mod

    1. Botdra


      I approve of this :)


  15. is it me or did the website revert to the birthday day?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CaptainChar


      weird it wasn't that logo yesterday, lol

    3. Fighter


      Ah. You were seeing the regular logo as it was still probably cached for you.

    4. CaptainChar


      stupid browser

  16. True to my word, a map has been submitted

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. therfiles
    3. therfiles
    4. CaptainChar


      I said I wasn't in a hurry, lol if people got stuff in reality they need to do, its understandable :P

  17. I hate annoying popups that force you to close your browser cause it wont let you leave said page

  18. Death Egg is on schduel for a V1 release, duel and FFA version

    1. Onysfx



  19. being awake for over a day makes one delerious

    1. spior



    2. CaptainChar


      or more insanity, both are good

  20. after the Death Egg map, I have quite an "Insane" map planned for next release

  21. max vis exceeded? what...

    1. eezstreet


      Use more detail.

  22. apon watching my little pony, i have to admit, theres worse things on tv

    1. katanamaru


      Use caution. Down that path is only hatred and despair.

    2. Circa


      There's also many that are better.

    3. CaptainChar


      im speaking in modern cartoon wise whats on daytime tv, for kids is just, pathetic in terms of what I grew up with

  23. would anyone be interested for me to release some beta materials from the vampire blood chonicles mod?

  24. I may release some of the unused beta stuff from the castlevania mod

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