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  • Modding Interests
    Texture Artist
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    Competitive Play
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  1. I'm still here, just getting back into a schedule where I can accommodate modding, and I have additional resources and skills now so I think I can go a bit deeper than simply skinning and editing. I'm glad to see you're still here, hope to get a consensus project going again soon both for JA:SP and EY4. Others are working on JA:SP which also helps me with my work as they have already figured out how to do some of the things I want to.
  2. Good to see you guys right where I left you, still at it! I imagine the entire OT models are finished now.
  3. Absolutely sensational dude! This is what I had in mind for the revamp of the EY4 mod. I am just starting to get around to looking at all the files again. How long did it take you to learn how to do this? This is a map file from scratch I take it, if I read the thread correctly?
  4. This is awesome. I was trying to do this with the SP campaign a few years back just could never figure out how to edit the map entities or make cutscenes. I am guessing you will be working more on this mod? I would love to see it fleshed out to the next level. I also would still like to go back and finish EY4 in the same vein.
  5. An oldie but a goodie!
  6. Bro what are the non-base maps you took the screenies in, they look dope, must know! Great job on the droids!
  7. beautiful water texture, did you make that? I would love to use that in my EY4 revamp mod, or something similar to it, not without your permission though
  8. Hope that Ruby Bliels is in a clean glass!
  9. Very nice! Would like to see what could be done with this if you had more time, or were able to make it larger, adding mountains, hills, cliffs, or other types of flora sprites.
  10. There's an almost fully mapped out YT-2400 in the Dash Rendar Resurgence mod, but yes seeing one like this would be cool too.
  11. Need...moar...bespinnnnnNNNNN!!!!!! Lovin it bro, great job!
  12. Looks good. I like how it looks more burnt and gooey as you go through the versions lol. Was trying to do something like this myself years ago, but wanted to set it up so that when someone gets dismembered via wampa or rancor there is blood, when hit with bullets there is blood, but everything saber-related was burnt caps. Any idea how to do that?
  13. So what did you change in the npc files? Stats? Or did you do some deep-editing in the SP campaign? Interesting mod
  14. This is similar to what I'm trying to do with base JA Single Player. Just re-edit everything but also edit the maps so I can add npc placements. It looks like your mod is exactly what I did to the EY4 mod 4 years back. Good stuff, are you still working on it?
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