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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. I needed this so much! I actually tried doing one myself, but my results were none to satisfying. I'll be using this quite a bit!
  2. I do have some other legions in the works, I think I am planning on doing the 212th next. I would love to do some Phase 1 clones if a new bucket ever gets out, but I don't know when that will be. As far as animations go, I think the main one I use is BOTH_DROPWEAPON or something like that. I kind of use a cosmetic trick, in that I use lightsaber files with different animations and models to create the illusion of characters having a different stance.
  3. I take it you refer to the base trooper/Appo? As far as my reference from the promo renders go, my colors seem pretty on point. I think the Clone Wars colors is tad bit bolder than it is in the movie, which is what I based mine on.
  4. Version 1.0


    A collection of skins made from AshuraDX's Clone Trooper model based off of various characters from the 501st legion, all of which come with a clean and dirty version. Npc names are: *Appo *Appo_Dirty *501stPhase2 *501stPhase2_Dirty *Dogma *Dogma_Dirty *Hardcase *Hardcase_Dirty *Jesse *Jesse_Dirty *Kix *Kix_Dirty *Tup *Tup_Dirty
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