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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. Ditto. I'd also like to point out that there is also the Droid Engineer and Assassin from the classic SWBFII. Also not to mention the new Heavy Droid from the newer Battlefront II.
  2. cough* cough* https://jkhub.org/topic/4883-the-definitive-best-of-the-best-character-weapon-and-vehicle-guide/
  3. Looking good. I don't suppose you'll consider returning to the Clones after you finish this project up will you? plz...
  4. A bit of an unrelated JKA modding question, but are .str files typically string files? I am trying to open .str files from another game, but they don't respond to text editors like wordpad.

    1. Ramikad


      In Jedi Academy, they are. But I guess that the name is vague enough to mean anything for other games.

    2. MagSul


      Using Notepad specifically seems to do the job!

  5. I have been wanting a new version of this character for years! So glad that he is getting such a long-needed updated. As far as other parts go, there are a couple of Clone Wars variations you could consider. Those being the Rocket Droid: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/8a/Rocket_battle_droid.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090310052309 and the Fire Fighter Droid: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/theclonewiki/images/b/bb/Firefighting_battle_droids.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140310180512 Regardless if you decided to pick these up or not, this will be a model that will eagerly wait for!
  6. Wow. Been almost two years since I last posted in this thread. Well, I have returned and finally begun work on knocking out clones. I've decided to start off with the 501st as that seems to be one of the most popular. I'm a bit limited with what I can make due to the lack of accessories, but pretty much any standard trooper is fair game. So to start it all off, I wanted to show a character I just finished that being the ever loyal Dogma. Working with other games has taught me the value of taking one character at a time instead of trying to get multiple at once. I've also developed a signature scratching style that yields much better results. Here is a comparison between the original prototype and the new finished one. As you can see the original one looks like a bunch of scratches just stuffed inside the paint and it honestly just looks sloppy. Whereas with this newer version, the blue actually looks it was painted that has edged away. I forgot how both fun and infuriating it was to work on clones. I have honestly had more trouble skinning this model than any other due to how tricky it can be to get some of the armor patterns to line up. With that said, unlike the Stormtrooper this skin looks as good as it does in ModView. So with Dogma out of the way Hardcase is my next target. His rough prototype is almost done, but he is still in need of some work. I hope to update this a bit more regularly, but I have a lot going on so we'll just have to wait and see.
  7. Yeah, I remember this one. I know it could be found in MBII's assets, but I don't know if they still stored there. I'll have a look and see.
  8. Good golly! You're back! I wasn't sure we would ever see you again!
  9. I've got a Hardcase on my hands.

  10. If you had to pick, is there any particular clone legion you would want done first?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Either 41st Elite Corps or the 501st.

    3. Bek


      Then again, I feel obligated to put down galatic marines.

    4. JediBantha


      John Turok, Republic Commando

  11. I have only just now figured out how to move up and down in the classic Battlefront's II Free Cam. -.-

    1. JAWSFreelao



    2. Barricade24


      Home and End keys. You can also use + and - speed up the rate that camera moves.

  12. I have had a sudden change of heart regarding the sequel trilogy. If push had come to shove, I truly wish they were never made. Truly nothing has and nothing ever well recapture the magic of the Original Trilogy. Those movies...there is something truly special about them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Barricade24


      I think the thing with this is that shows like Clone Wars made the prequel era better, and Rogue One while a classic trilogy era movie also added to the greatness of the original films. I think if they had to do sequel films leave the original characters alone. To me Return of the Jedi was the perfect ending for Star Wars and the prequels never did anything to hurt that. So I can totally understand why so many fans have a distaste for these new films. Granted I suppose the old EU had a simila...

    3. Ramikad


      With each passing movie you make yourselves more the Original Trilogy servants!

    4. Seven


      In my opinion, you can do anything you want. As long as its good. Make Luke turn to the dark side and kill Rey. Make Chewbacca learn the force and bring Han back to life. Whatever you do, just make it good. However you may go about that, through any means necessary, just make it good. It doesn't bother me that they want to continue the story, it bothers me the movie is simply not good.

  13. I'm using one of the drop weapon animations from base jka. It isn't so much an animation mod as it is just a cosmetic for screenshots. What I am using here is a lightsaber file that uses the blaster as a hilt and the drop weapon animation for the saber stance.
  14. It had some good ideas, but pretty much went the route that all stories on the villains side do.
  15. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3051-modview-for-windows-and-mac/
  16. Version 2.0


    A reskin of AshuraDX's Clone Trooper based off the Republic Assault Trooper in Star Wars: Battlefront II. Comes with two variants: red and green. Both of which come with a clean and dirty version. Npc names are: *cloneassault *cloneassault_clean *cloneassault2 *cloneassault2_clean
  17. There's something oh so satisfying about disabling an objective right before it detonates.

  18. Looks like Dice and EA have pulled micro transactions all together. I think I should apologize as I play very few of EA games and as such am not totally up on their practices. I didn't totally understand the extent to what pay to win really meant. Now that I do, I totally understand why people have been upset about this, but since that is now fixed, hopefully that will make the game much more enjoyable. I take it stuff like this is what EA is known for? Being pay to win?
  19. I finally understand how toxic some communities can be.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bek


      Add some positivity, it goes a long way.

    3. Corto


      I agree with Bek. One should be able to filter out the toxicity out there and stick with the positive people. Toxic people exists since the beginning of humanity, it is us who give them entity. If you ignore them, they usually get bored and go away. Not only on the internet, but in real life too.

    4. TheWhitePhoenix


      Dragon Ball. As a fan of that series, that community can be quite toxic.

  20. Okay, I'm getting really darn tired of the heat the community is giving Dice. I agree that price of the heroes was way too high, and it is totally fine that the community spoke out on it, but do people not realize Dice has been listening? You wanted Prequel content? You got it. You wanted no more paid DLC? You got it. You wanted cheaper heroes, you got that too, and still people don't seem to be satisfied. No game is going to be perfect at start and we should be grateful that Dice is willing to work with the community as much as they are despite how toxic they can be. What people tend to forget is that the game will improve as time goes on, new stuff will be added, maybe instead of complaining for once, maybe players should be thankful for all the work Dice has done and how much they are listening to their players. You don't like the game fine. At least give Dice some credit here and what people tend to forget is that since there is no paid DLC, they need to make additional money from something and they seem to have been quite careful and keep the balance fair.
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