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Everything posted by Barricade24

  1. I honestly respect how far you've come in terms of modding. Looks like you picked up a lot.
  2. Progress on this sure has been quiet for awhile now. Any idea if or when you'll be coming back to this?
  3. Okay, probably replying way late, but the normals consistent fixed the problem right up! Thanks for the help @@Boothand.
  4. I've encountered this problem before. I do not believe it is NPC related, but is in fact map related. I believe this happened to me on the Inferno map. It also has other problems like not being able to use certain force powers. I unfortunately do not know of a cause or solution at this time, but I know it isn't the NPC that is the cause of the problems.
  5. Yep I have one started. Isn't been updated in awhile, but there's a good chunk of stuff in there.
  6. I'm inclined to think that large WIP threads do have a purpose. I myself use one. However, all of my files can be found on the first page, leaving not a whole of searching to be done. With that said, I agree 100% that the large wip threads, unless they have structure like mine, are quite difficult to navigate through as some people have made so many things that it will take forever to find what they're looking for. I also feel that @@Xycaleth has a point, I don't like the idea of having a bunch of different threads for every new reskin and things like that. If we do decide to keep large WIP threads, the first page should include an index of the files, so people can find them easier. I'm open to exploring this topic more. EDIT: Upon reader the first post more, I'm finding it mirrors what I am thinking.
  7. I didn't realize this till now, but evidently enemies in Dark Forces can't see you in pitch black and you can use infrared googles as an advantage in this case.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jango40


      I had no idea..

    3. minilogoguy18


      They shoula had a sneaking mission in JA. The cairn dock mission while frustrating at first was a very nice change of pace that made for a very unique way to play the game.

    4. McGroose


      You can speed run through Cairn docks super quickly if you know the level exploits. I take the real path though. One of my favorite levels.

  8. No it has not. As far as my knowledge goes, the Kit Fisto model contains only a ported head. The main body is the Haps model and this fits the minimum porting standards. It's like with Kaulan's Krennic and Thrawn, same Hapslash body, but different heads. Generally as long as the model is less than 90% ported, it should be fine. A Luke with a full TFU body would not be approved.
  9. Please keep things civil here there is no need for anyone to be attacking anyone. Derailing posts have been hidden. Let's try and keep this clean from now on.
  10. The one thing I do notice is that the top of the head is quite a bit brighter than the rest of the head. Is that a texture problem or a lighting one?
  11. This type of thing is seriously sad. They had a JKO Mara there with no shred of credit to the original author.
  12. I wonder if that cat ever gets tired of dancing.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ramikad


      I can also animate my body, but that doesn't make me a necromancer.

    3. minilogoguy18


      Dancing kitty owns all of your souls.

    4. Cerez


      *runs and hides, cowering* Good kitty-kitty-kitty, nice kitty-kitty-kitty...

  13. Please refrain from using the user tag excessively. Tagging at least five members should be fine, but 23? That's pushing it a bit much.
  14. I think the team made it. Not sure exactly sure how, but I think they used some audio software or something. I remember reading something like that somewhere.
  15. Pretty sure I have that somewhere.
  16. Looks like Movie Battles II has some Rogue One stuff cooking.

    1. DT.


      Wonder if it'll taste any good?

    2. swegmaster


      MB2's Jakku map sucks ass in terms of FPS, in fact, the MB2 community thinks the recent maps added to it suck. I'm wondering if their Rogue One maps will be any good.

  17. Talon's second outfit... And I thought what she wore before was little...
  18. Moved to a more appropriate forum.
  19. Right now modders are focused on the DFII mod as opposed to the original Dark Forces. As for what it would take to get stuff finished, honestly it's probably mappers mostly and a few new models here and there. In my opinion the recent take on the DFMod went way off course. If only there was access to what the second team did with the DFMod. I don't know if anyone ever tried to reach DarkStarMojo for the stuff he and his team did.
  20. I grew up with the special edition of the Classic Trilogy so that will always be Star Wars as I know it. Must of the changes I don't mind, but the absolute worse thing was having Vader yelling "no" in Return of the Jedi. That special moment was ruined by that line.
  21. Always nice to see and old modder return. I've put the original Sadow saber under your account. You can do what you want with it.
  22. I believe that is a Shadow Droid. Although I could be wrong.
  23. Never before have I ever seen I model with so terrible a UV job officially released in a game until now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kualan


      Do enlighten us?

    3. Barricade24


      Transformers: The Game. The character Jazz in the game has two versions in the game one with the visor and one without. For whatever reason the UV was changed and whoever did it really screwed up. It looks like new textures were just pasted of the original ones and someone didn't even bother to move the UV coordinates to the proper textures. An example of this is that one of the headlights has a head texture inside it and the spoiler UVs aren't even set to the spoiler texture. Whoe...

    4. Kualan


      Well it would hardly be in keeping with the movies it is based on if the game was a well put-together product.

  24. I'd love a Shore or Death Trooper.
  25. This pack is so much win! We finally have our first decent Female Imperial Officer, a great looking Thrawn that isn't based off of the Chiss bartender, a great Tarkin at last! This pack is absolute gold! I will download this as soon as it's out!
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