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Everything posted by Rayce

  1. This model includes both a TCW-style head and HS' head: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2486-anakin-skywalker-clone-wars/
  2. It's copyright infringement. AFAIK no one has been sued for it yet, but the related companies have every right to do so, so better safe than sorry.
  3. Just out of curiosity, why was the JKHub link for 1.01 removed?
  4. While playing on the JA+ CTF Server, i've noticed that the bots there have different models every match, but have the same names. How did they do that?
  5. Update: It turns out the timer only works in duel mode.
  6. His sleeves are clone armor, not cloth. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/8/8a/Kenobi_Jedi_armor.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081015221001
  7. The JA Enhanced mod has an unfinished Z-6 weapon that uses the stock repeater model, and with some simple coding you can get it to use the Z-6 model from Movie Battles.
  8. It seems the problem is with the timer, as this: \addbot rebel 5 blue 0 "<insert funny nickname here>" works.
  9. How the hell am I getting "Connection Interrupted" messages in a bot match?!?!

    1. Kualan


      "Damn bots, they ruined Botland!"

    2. afi


      timescale? or some bad net settings

  10. He's in this pack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqtmeruhsli7ro8/Jeff%27s%20Junk.zip?dl=0 And here's his Lightsaber: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2297-kanans-lightsaber/
  11. Well, more specifically it's when I use a line like this: \addbot rebel 5 blue 5 "Mr. Bot" When I just type "\addbot rebel" without anything else it works. However I would like to be able to use the timers and nicknames which the menu do not provide, and to be able to spawn specific teams of bots using a .cfg file.
  12. Pretty self-explanatory. Whenever I try to spawn a bot using the \addbot command like so: \addbot <bot name> <level> <team> <timer> <nickname> The bot spawned immediately joins the spectators and never participates in the match. I've tried it on ForceMod III classic and EoC IV. In the former bots still act normally when spawned using the menu.
  13. FTFY Rebels takes place 5-3 BBY. Do the math. However that would make her 18 during the current seasons so I guess it's ok now. It was just a cheap joke.
  14. Search is your friend: https://jkhub.org/files/file/641-luminara-unduli-vm/ As for the Lightsaber, I dunno.
  15. Rosh hands down. I love giving the annoying one a lightsaber beat-down.
  16. Rayce

    Yavin RPG

    Er... are there any screens of the actual map?
  17. He wants a new model of Obi-Wan to play as in SP instead of Kyle.
  18. The skin colors of the head and torso don't match, and I can tell the arms were originally sleeves. Other than that, nice work.
  19. The skin you made of him already looks pretty accurate, though a whole new model would be cool.
  20. Rayce

    Jacen Solo

    I know this was probably made before the Legacy of the Force novels, but I wish the red team version looked more like Darth Caedus.
  21. Was this used in MBII? It looks familiar... and not just because it's an old map...
  22. I'm not 100% certain, but I think it's either a reskin/kitbash of Toshi's, or from Free Radical's Battlefront III.
  23. Especially when it's something they've already requested on another thread.
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