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Status Updates posted by Bek

  1. What's' your fav map in the JK series?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cerez


      T3_rift is a really fun level. Thematically, it reminds me of some of the Jedi Knight training areas/levels in KOTOR. I wish there were more like it in JKA's story. It is also the level that played slowest on my old computer. For some reason it wasn't well optimised for the computers and graphics cards of its time. Nowadays I have no problem running it, however.

    3. Bek


      I'm sure most have no problems running it now. I really wish the devs added in more imperial-ish levels. T3_byss is a good example of this, but I think it still needed polishing.

    4. Cerez


      Agreed. I hate those super-tanks. It breaks the flow of an otherwise quite amusing level. ^_^

  2. Why are the avatar icons so small on the profile page? :/

  3. Why doesn't Jkhub implement a live chat system?

    1. Wasa


      Because it's a forum killer.

    2. Syko


      Pretty sure Circa made a long post about how this wouldn't be a good idea.

    3. Bek


      Ah ok, and the explanation he gave made sense too.

  4. Why wasn't the DF1 mod completed?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Oobah


      Give more to the community rather then gating it behind a specific thing. Cause less people enjoy that specific thing or even know of it, content is just gonna get overlooked these days. There is still some old sites with old JO sp releases and skins that I wager most don't even know exist anymore.

    3. DT.


      Things I didn't like with the DF Mod are the copied over images (menu stuff for objectives) and some sounds. Afaik, everyone on the team has moved on from JKA.

    4. Oobah


      It's easier to copy content than make it all originally or whatever. I give them credit for how far they got but you see more unfinished projects in JK than finished ones. I say focus on ffa and learn through all the content you produce, then maybe do a larger project when you get the skills for it.

  5. Woke up to explosions today, turns out my city was knocking down some apartment towers by my house.

    1. Ramikad


      Fire in the hole! :P

    2. Fuse294


      I thought with crap like that you're obligated to be told ahead of time so you know what to expect?

    3. Bek


      Nope no warning at all, I honestly I was being bombed. After thinking about it; it wouldn't make sense.

  6. Wookiee Feet.

    1. Barricade24
    2. Bek


      Wookiee Feet.

    3. Xycaleth


      Strange fetish

  7. Working on my Swtor Guild's Logo. What do you guys think? http://imgur.com/t6Vrazw

    1. Sentra


      Looks like a pill :)

    2. Bek


      hmm yeah it does lol.

    3. Bek


      it's suppose to represent the Light/Dark side of the force.

  8. Would anybody so happen to have Jkg animations uploaded anywhere?

    1. Smoo


      I think there was a post about it in the JKG section of this forum

    2. Bek


      Yeah, but it only mentioned it, I never saw a update with a link with the pk3.s that contained the animations.

  9. Would anyone so happen to have all of JkOutcast's base assets?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AshuraDX


      dude just get a paysafecard and buy it on steam - it's a one time prepaid code you can use to purchase stuff https://www.paysafecard.com/en-us/ They sell these at most gas stations here in germany - don't know about other places

    3. AshuraDX


      you can purchase games on steam via paysafecard

    4. Bek


      Thanks Ashura I check it out next time I go to one.

  10. You can find me at your nearest toy aisle, at Walmart: http://imgur.com/Xe8ikIp

    1. Syko


      Very menacing. I will watch my step next time I'm in the toy aisle at Walmart. Never know when a Jedi Master might come out of nowhere and cut me in two.

    2. Bek
  11. You guys are like family to me!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bek
    3. JAWSFreelao


      I'll be the dad who makes dad noises- nothing but grunts and throat clearing,

    4. Bek



      I feel like my Dad has consistent lag in real life.


      Kid: "Dad, can I-"

      Dad:*Gumble Grumble*

      Kid: "Go out with som-"

      Dad: "WHAT!?"

      Kid: "Can I go out with some friends?"

      Dad: ... sure.

      Dad: *Grumble* *Grumble*

  12. You see me everytime, you need me until years later when I'm no longer needed, well at least for you.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bek


      *sigh* it's a barber.. a barber.

    3. Ping


      OOOHH I GET IT. I GET IT NOW! You don't need the barber until years later when you no longer have hair! That's it, yeah.

    4. Merek


      Damn, also at my school BLOCKS sites like JKHub are blocked and attempted access will result in a computer ban so I don't even try it.

  13. You're doing yourself a disservice for not watching It Follows.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bek


      Because it's a seriously good horror movie. If you get the time, go watch it. Like a 9.2/10 for me.

    3. Artemis


      I watched it a few weeks ago. The concept was actually pretty cool.

    4. Bek


      To be completely honest, the movie lost a bit of it's momentum towards the end. But it was good nevertheless.

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