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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Submissions are closed and we’ve got a total of 4 submissions to the Mandalorian contest. The winner will be decided by your votes, so get them in. All votes will be visible, so keep that in mind before any attempts to fake votes.
  2. Voting for the Mando contest is open!

  3. Five days left for the Mando contest! Get those mods done by February 1st!

  4. Which resources and guides are you referring to? I think there are more tutorials and guides today than there ever were back in the day. Modding JK2 and JKA was always more of a "learn by tinkering" and any guides were more of a "point you in the right direction" sort of thing, until the last 10 years or so. Tutorials have become much more straightforward and hold you hand a lot more than they ever did, especially with YouTube tutorials. This is a bit misinformed. The problem with Tim's KOTF was that he took all of those mods, put them in his giant menu mod, and didn't give credit to anyone that made any of it, implying he did it himself. In addition to that, the launcher had a trojan virus in it, and he had essentially switched to charging money for the mod right before it went down and he disappeared. Charging money for mods he didn't even make. It was a terrible situation and he was a scummy dude. The issue was never with the overall idea, it was how he went about it. There are a decent amount of tutorials out there for various things, but tutorials take time to make, and most modders would prefer to use that time modding. With that said, I definitely think people shouldn't be afraid to reach out to someone and ask them to make a guide on how they did a certain thing, or point to one that already exists, to help others. If you think of something that needs a guide or tutorial, feel free to request it in the request section. Some people just don't think about it unless they are asked. Also, keep in mind that most mods are art, and artists are entitled to keep their works as their own. I don't think a lot of people in JKA would feel strongly about that necessarily, but I personally don't really want to release a source of one of my maps only to have someone take it and change it up slightly and release it as their own. There's always that worry, albeit a small one.
  5. Because the BAT file is pointing to jamp.exe instead of openjk.x86.exe, which is probably the main issue. Try changing that in the runojrp.bat file.
  6. I think Lucasfilm learned it's lesson with exclusivity deals. I highly doubt Ubisoft is getting one. There will be more to gain by licensing out to developers individually like LucasArts did rather than give it all to one publisher. EA only has so many studios, which all have their own various IP's to make games for as well. I think EA did better than expected, but not nearly as well as if we had other developers outside of their roster making games as well. I think that deal was made by the highest person on the food chain at the time (Iger) and knew EA was the biggest game publisher and had huge IP's, while also already had a relationship with Lucasfilm through SWTOR, so he probably just signed the deal without much consideration or knowledge of EA. Yet now, with Iger gone, Lucasfilm has learned from a lot of mistakes under him and on their own, this whole Lucasfilm Games rebranding and launch pretty much solidifies that they are going to license to whatever studio they want, after the EA deal is up in 2 years. This Ubisoft one is just the first to be announced so far, because it's going to be hard to hide the fact that Massive isn't working on a Division 3 or The Crew 3, but also I'm sure it's planned to take 2 years to develop and release (isn't a lot of time by today's standards, so that's a little worrying). They said they aren't done announcing new games, so I'm curious what else they've got to show us in the coming weeks and months.
  7. Moved topic to Modding Assistance. Making models isn’t really specific to JKA at first. Look up YouTube tutorials on how to make models in Blender and go from there. Once you have a good model you want to put in JKA, then you can ask here how to do so.
  8. Many people have received them already, so I’m sure they will arrive soon. Probably are getting shipped out in waves.
  9. I think the campaign was pretty bland, definitely. If they hadn't made the main character a typical redemption story, it would have been truly epic, imo. Ended up being way too typical. Multiplayer really shines in any place that the heroes and villains aren't present. They essentially ruin the game's entire premise and structure and are incredibly frustrating to play as and against. I love playing in the small modes that have heroes disabled, like Blast and Strike. Unfortunately they never made additional content for those modes after the TLJ DLC, and lacked in maps at launch in the first place. I'm torn because I think the first game played better, focused more on trooper play, and had more enjoyable modes. But it also had a huge lack of content and was limited to the OT, which was its biggest downfall. I think looking back, I liked the first one much better simply because it was more enjoyable to play, but the second one isn't far behind. But you can now get that all for free, which is pretty great. If anyone reading this hasn't tried the game, now's your chance.
  10. Just a reminder that this is deal is now live. Pretty crazy deal for a AAA title.
  11. Article about a lot this, and basically states the exclusivity deal with EA is now over, though they will still be making Star Wars games. https://www.starwars.com/news/lucasfilm-games-interview
  12. They just announced a new non-EA game, an open world Star Wars game, developed by Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment (The Division). Extremely excited! Ubisoft isn’t perfect, but I think Massive is probably one of their best studios in terms of game vision, ability, and dedication.
  13. Well they just announced a new Indiana Jones game being developed by Bethesda’s studio Machine Games. So it’s looking likely we will be getting even more.
  14. Or as many people will call it: the return of LucasArts under a new name. Source: StarWars.com They announced this sort of "rebrand" today as the main IP behind all Star Wars and other Lucasfilm properties going forward. Of course, this doesn't necessary mean that they will be publishing their own games again, but this does mean they could be planning to license out more games beyond just EA's contract. We already see that in the case of the Lego Star Wars games. This could be a very good start in the right direction. Notice how they gave a very short glimpse at Jedi Academy at the end of their sizzle reel. I think that was just to highlight the recent re-release on Nintendo Switch and PS4 and it's one of the biggest fan-favorites, but it's still interesting they bothered at all. They also had a lot of KOTOR characters shown in the Galaxy of Heroes spot, which is also an interesting choice.
  15. All of the ones on the links page should still be active.
  16. Most RP groups have scheduled RP events and stay in touch in Discord servers. There are some posted in the Communities section, and on the links page.
  17. I seem to remember it being in a huge saber hilt pack from way back in the day. I’ll have to search my archive to see.
  18. @bigphil2695 are you loading from a save file? You should be able to reload whatever map you were on from the first autosave it made for that map and load fine. If not, just try reloading the map you were on in the console with the map command.
  19. Welcome! A good place to start is probably the links page: https://jkhub.org/links
  20. Very nice. I had started a project to use an AI upscaler to do this, but looks like you’re much farther along and probably have much better results than I would. Can’t wait to see it released!
  21. I believe it’s something on the server end and out of our control right now. If it continues to happen over the next few days I’ll continue to investigate. It is affecting everyone.
  22. Just a reminder that the deadline is February 1st!
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