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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Topic moved to OpenJK Discussion.
    This is awesome, it looks like it would fit right in with the other hilts in the game.
  2. Tom Clancy's The Division is free on Uplay (Ubisoft Launcher) for the next 7 days. https://register.ubisoft.com/the-division/en-US I highly recommend trying this game out at this price point for sure. I played it at launch and then a couple years later. Launch was rough and the game wasn't as expected but they eventually made it quite good. I'm not a fan of looter-shooter games with gear score. I actually hate them. But this game is really cool. Definitely check it out. I may be a bit biased since I'm a huge Tom Clancy fan, but still. ?
  3. Welcome! Feel free to post in our modding assistance forum to ask for help and take a look at the tutorial section to learn!
  4. Welcome! You'll find a ton of mods here, and if you can't find a specific one, check out the JK3Files archive for the rest!
  5. Moved topic from Tutorial section to Modding Assistance, since this is not a tutorial. Replacing the sounds themselves is just a matter of making sure they are the right format and file name, which you can do with Audacity. You could take a look at Gunslinger's Academy mod for sounds that already exist for JKA, or various other gun mods on the JK3Files archive like this one.
  6. Hitman (2016) is free on Epic right now. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
  7. Did you edit the assets in any way or did you copy things you were editing? Do you have anything in the _humanoid folders?
  8. Circa

    Autoexec help

    What mod? All you have are commands in that autoexec.
  9. Circa

    Autoexec help

    No, don't put it in any PK3 file. Just put it in the folder, just like the other cfg files are. Similar to openjk_sp.cfg that is probably in there as well.
  10. Circa

    Autoexec help

    Either would work. I would just leave it outside a pk3, since all other cfg files are outside of it by default.
  11. Circa

    Autoexec help

    Move it to the OpenJK folder.
  12. Circa

    Autoexec help

    Is your autoexec_sp.cfg in the OpenJK base folder or the GameData base folder?
  13. Circa

    Autoexec help

    What do you have in your autoexec_sp file?
  14. Circa

    Autoexec help

    @RASAS moved your topic to the OpenJK forum and renamed the title to be more clear. If I remember correctly, the autoexec for OpenJK was renamed to autoexec_sp.cfg
  15. This only works for NPCs, or when you use the playermodel command in SP, I believe. You'd need a good Hex editor to do it without any modeling software, although I'm sure Blender makes it much easier than it used to be. The _humanoid skeleton is referenced in the model.glm file itself. I always use Toshi's Yoda as a reference for this, since it uses it's own. I can't really take the time to explain how to do it right now, so maybe someone else can. Essentially, you open the model.glm file with a hex editor, find the line that defines the _humanoid.gla and change it to the one that you want.
  16. I haven't seen that happen, and I've been using my Prequel Music Replacement in my base folder for years, which are all at 320kbps made with Audacity. Interesting.
  17. I haven't seen that happen, and I've been using my Prequel Music Replacement in my base folder for years, which are all at 320kbps made with Audacity. Interesting.
  18. Might be a PK3 that is on the server for a skin someone is using, and has weird sound file names. Do other people on the server see it as well? Assuming you're on JoF's server, I imagine you have a lot of PK3 on the server. If it doesn't do it on a local game, that's all it could be. Might have to do it via process of elimination in that case.
  19. There's always confusion regarding the requirements for audio files for JK2 and JKA. Hopefully this thread can lay it out plainly for those with issues. It's always recommended to use the free program called Audacity, since it can do a lot of simple things easily, and is cross platform. There is also a free web tool that people use nowadays as well here. NOTE: there is a known issue with Audacity where it will export in the right settings but still not work properly. A silly workaround is to open up a similar sound from the JKA assets, delete the waveform, copy and paste the waveform from your sound into the asset sound and export that. For voice audio files (either the cutscene lines or action lines in the misc folder): MP3 Sample rate: 44100Hz (sometimes shown as 44.1kHz) Must be mono (1 channel, as opposed to stereo with 2 channels, left/right) Bitrate can be anything (higher the bitrate, the better quality, but bigger filesize - a good medium is 192kbps) For music audio files (for worldspawn music in the /music/ folder): MP3 Sample rate: 44100Hz Must be stereo (2 channels, left/right) Bitrate can be anything For effects (weapons, force, environment): Looping sounds (example: a fire burning, water running, or saber hum): WAV Bit depth: 16 bit PCM Sample rate can be anything Must be mono Non-looping sounds: Same as voice files ROQ Videos PCM (Uncompressed) 22,050 Hz, 16bit Stereo
  20. There's always confusion regarding the requirements for audio files for JK2 and JKA. Hopefully this thread can lay it out plainly for those with issues. It's always recommended to use the free program called Audacity, since it can do a lot of simple things easily, and is cross platform. There is also a free web tool that people use nowadays as well here. For voice audio files (either the cutscene lines or action lines in the misc folder): MP3 Sample rate: 44100Hz (sometimes shown as 44.1kHz) Must be mono (1 channel, as opposed to stereo with 2 channels, left/right) Bitrate can be anything (higher the bitrate, the better quality, but bigger filesize - a good medium is 192kbps) For music audio files: MP3 Sample rate: 44100Hz Must be stereo (2 channels, left/right) Bitrate can be anything For effects (weapons, force, environment): Looping sounds (example: a fire burning, water running, or saber hum): WAV Bit depth: 16 bit PCM Sample rate can be anything Must be mono Non-looping sounds: Same as voice files
  21. All voice files in JKA have to be mono MP3 files with a sample rate of 44khz. I think WAV would also work, but if it's replacing one in assets, then it should match what it is replacing, to be safe. Edit: I just made a quick post about audio file requirements which might help: @Acerbic
  22. Renamed this thread to be more relevant. @Lolok you should use this thread to post about your clone project as a WIP before you submit it again.
  23. We typically try to do at least one contest a year, but obviously that doesn't always happen due to the busyness of life. Sometimes it's hard to think of a contest that you know people will respond to and enjoy participating in, so let's take it to the polls. These are the ideas I've come up with or have heard people request in the past. If you need clarification on any of those, let me know. And of course if you vote Other, drop your ideas below. Even if we don't end up using your idea this time, we can always try it in the future. Shoutout to @z3filus for the reminder that we haven't had one in awhile.
  24. As much as I would like to keep doing articles like that, there are simple two main reasons why we don't anymore. One, we don't have a lot of time in our lives to dedicate to things like that too often. Two, there just aren't enough big mods being made like that anymore to cover often enough to make things as fair and impartial as possible. It's the same with the clan feature articles. Your last mod was the last time we did an article like that, which some people may assume we only care about your mods and nobody else's. Sorry to disappoint, but there just isn't enough modding activity to do much things right now. We do still feature mods in the file section though, which shows big and at the top, which I realize isn't the same but it does help a bit to gain attention.
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