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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Mandalorian contest is live! See news post. :mando:

  2. As we kick off the new Mandalorian contest and as season 2 is airing, I figured we'd have something about it in the poll as well. What is your favorite thing about it? It has a lot going for it, and these options aren't necessarily all I could list. If I missed something you love about it, comment below. If you haven't taken the plunge into this show and you are a Star Wars fan, I highly recommend it. Even if none of the new Star Wars movies did it for you, I think this show is made specifically with you in mind. They're doing it right. If you don't want to pay a month to watch it, find another way! ? It's worth it though. Subscribe to Disney+ for a month, binge it, then cancel. Easy. ? Use this thread to discuss this poll question, but if you want any more deep discussion on the show, head over to the main thread here.
  3. Modding is a complicated profession. I don't like doing contests this close together, but this one was requested a lot too and it's probably best to start it now while the show is airing and hype is strongest. You'll have more time than ever to work on this contest, so I better see a ton of participants! The hit new Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian, has taken the world by storm in popularity and as Star Wars fans here at JKHub, naturally taken us as well. As usual, new official Star Wars content comes out and the modders race to adapt characters, locations, and weapons into our favorite games Jedi Outcast and Academy. Though activity is undoubtedly at an all time low this year around here, that doesn't mean people aren't hard at work on their various projects. There have already been a handful of cool Mando-related mods made after last year's debut of the show. This contest is just like the others. Create your own mods for either JK2 or JKA that have something to do with The Mandalorian, any season. It can be maps, models, skins, animations, mini-mods, etc. If it goes in our Files section, it can be submitted. That also means no ported content allowed, of course. Here are the rules in bullet form, as per tradition. Rules: All submissions must be related the The Mandalorian series. You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is February 1, 2021, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of February 6, 2021. Awards We are still waiting on a few things to have the awards system built into the forum software. I don't expect it to be there even by the time this contest is done, and I really apologize for that. I will do what I can to maybe come up with some temporary alternative in the meantime. I think having a badge on your profile for contest winners would be really cool, and I'm sure y'all would agree. Once it's implemented though, all previous contest winners will get their respective award, so don't worry. How do I submit my mod? Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for everyone involved. The way you submit your file for this contest is to upload them as normal files in our file section, but using the category called Contest Entries. Click the button below, and submit your mod as you normally would. The category should be set to The Mandalorian Contest already. If you don't enter it there, your file won't be entered until you do. If you realize that you didn't do that, PM a staff member and we can change it for you. Good luck and happy hunting! SUBMIT TO THE MANDALORIAN CONTEST VOTE FOR THE BEST MOD | See all entries WINNER: Din Djarin by Doughnuts View full article
  4. Modding is a complicated profession. I don't like doing contests this close together, but this one was requested a lot too and it's probably best to start it now while the show is airing and hype is strongest. You'll have more time than ever to work on this contest, so I better see a ton of participants! The hit new Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian, has taken the world by storm in popularity and as Star Wars fans here at JKHub, naturally taken us as well. As usual, new official Star Wars content comes out and the modders race to adapt characters, locations, and weapons into our favorite games Jedi Outcast and Academy. Though activity is undoubtedly at an all time low this year around here, that doesn't mean people aren't hard at work on their various projects. There have already been a handful of cool Mando-related mods made after last year's debut of the show. This contest is just like the others. Create your own mods for either JK2 or JKA that have something to do with The Mandalorian, any season. It can be maps, models, skins, animations, mini-mods, etc. If it goes in our Files section, it can be submitted. That also means no ported content allowed, of course. Here are the rules in bullet form, as per tradition. Rules: All submissions must be related the The Mandalorian series. You can only enter your own creations. You may team up with another modder. Any external content you did not make must be explicitly referenced in the description and readme file. You may enter more than one file. You may enter files that were created previous to this contest, as long as they abide by the rules. Any content is welcome, including skins, models, maps, weapons, menu mods, etc. Just make sure it abides by the rules. Files can be for Jedi Academy and/or Jedi Outcast. We will assume files are for JKA unless specified otherwise. If a large number of mods are submitted, more than one winner may be chosen. The deadline for submitting content is February 1, 2021, after which a poll will be opened. The poll will be closed by the morning of February 6, 2021. Awards We are still waiting on a few things to have the awards system built into the forum software. I don't expect it to be there even by the time this contest is done, and I really apologize for that. I will do what I can to maybe come up with some temporary alternative in the meantime. I think having a badge on your profile for contest winners would be really cool, and I'm sure y'all would agree. Once it's implemented though, all previous contest winners will get their respective award, so don't worry. How do I submit my mod? Our goal is to make it as simple as possible for everyone involved. The way you submit your file for this contest is to upload them as normal files in our file section, but using the category called Contest Entries. Click the button below, and submit your mod as you normally would. The category should be set to The Mandalorian Contest already. If you don't enter it there, your file won't be entered until you do. If you realize that you didn't do that, PM a staff member and we can change it for you. Good luck and happy hunting! SUBMIT TO THE MANDALORIAN CONTEST VOTE FOR THE BEST MOD | See all entries WINNER: Din Djarin by Doughnuts
  5. I think spoiler tags can be avoided, I have put a warning at the top so people know that this topic will contain spoilers. Will make it easier for us to read going forward. Very true, although Krayt dragons were a thing before KOTOR, seen and heard (sorta) in ANH, but I get what you mean. The whole plot of that episode was clearly KOTOR inspired. We'll see!
  6. Pretty good episode! That would be very interesting. Implementing Dark Troopers would be crazy. I'm excited to see what happens with that. We have to keep our expectations for that low though, especially with Kyle. There's a good chance they won't be using the Kyle Katarn name. I will be shocked if they do, but a lot of this show has shocked me, so who knows.
  7. Sounds like a very simple skin file issue. I recommend reading up on basics of skins before jumping straight into frankensteining models in Blender, assuming that's what you meant.
  8. Elite Dangerous is free on Epic right now: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
  9. SWTOR is definitely weak on the storytelling side, but I think that's partially because of how much they had to cram into it. I don't really use that as an excuse though, I think they could have focused less on rehashing previous plot points and focus more on original ones. They eventually did that well with the KOTFE and KOTET. Playing the launch content and even the 2 expansions after, then comparing to everything released after KOTFE, it's like they actually took their own game and writing skills seriously. There are still some great stuff in the launch content, but not a whole lot. I personally never considered SWTOR canon, even before the Disney takeover. They went a little crazy with a lot of the plots, where it just seems way too much like...well like a "legend" that kids grow up telling. Maybe some stuff happened, but were told with great exaggeration. If those things actually happened the way they did, the galaxy would have grown up learning it and nobody would bat an eye by the time the Death Star was made in the films' era. I view it as just a fun environment to play as your own character, go through some fun and exciting (sometimes boring) stories, play with friends, etc. It's definitely a fun game to play for that experience. I'm not an MMO fan at all either, so I play mostly alone (sometimes have a friend or two to do some missions with, but mostly solo) and they actually did a decent job of making it playable as a singleplayer RPG. Just makes me really want a new open world (or open galaxy, technically) Star Wars RPG though. That's literally what every SW fan wants. Just think of the money they'd make on such a thing.
  10. That’s not much of a reference shot to really make him. The rear shot is the best one we have.
  11. I think it's just you. There are tons of shots still that way, mood feels exactly the same to me. Family friendly isn't even close to being accurate either. We see some pretty brutal scenes so far, the whole dragon bit for starters was pretty terrifying, as was the spider scene in episode 2. Other than scare factor, we see him kill people with no remorse, even in episode 2 at the start, he lies to the scavenger creature and sets off his jetpack, letting him fall to his death. Also, all his killing and lying and other things are done in front of the child, who we already see have a major temptation for the dark side.
  12. What's your favorite thing from Legends? I'd have to say KOTOR 1 & 2 are up there for me, although I think my top overall stories are probably the Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest books. I love the TPM time period, when Jedi were abundant but not at war. They were more like sheriffs of the galaxy, rather than generals of an army. Really hope we get that in canon with the High Republic era. I haven't read it in awhile, but one of my favorite books is in the post-ROTJ era called The New Rebellion. It's kind of a standalone story, but is still connected with the overarching narrative of the books of it's era. Highly recommend it.
  13. I didn't even think of that reference. Ha. That's interesting.
  14. I'm just adding to the existing thread this time, to not add too much clutter with 3 threads per contest, considering the current activity. This doesn't mean I don't think the winner deserves his own post! According to the poll voted on by you guys, the winner is... @Noodle and his Nightsister Zombie. This is most impressive, considering Noodle's hard drive crashed earlier in the month and he had to essentially start from scratch on this with only a small amount of time left. Very nice job and I hope you continue to work on it as you find the time! I love when contest entries use existing Star Wars lore to fit the theme. Anyone that doesn't know about the Nightsister zombies should definitely watch the Clone Wars, or at the very least play Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir is safe to nobody! We used to hand out custom made signature images for winners, but we planned to have something more integrated in the forum software for these things, but that didn't happen in time for this contest. Just know what all past winners will receive theirs as that becomes available. I'm thinking it'll be some kind of badge on your profile that says what contest you won, but we'll see how it works out. For now you can put that image above on your "About me" section if you want! Very nice job to the other contestants, all entries were extremely well done! Hope y'all have a good and safe Halloween ?, and be on the lookout for the next contest!
  15. Okay, so first episode of Season 2 was extremely good. Spoilers: So excited for this season.
  16. I was about to say the same thing. The reference shot above compared to the picture above it shows the scale is way off. Mando looks tiny in the game compared to the shot from the show. This looks really good though, keep it up!
  17. Was thinking that too. Two months would be good. I think the least amount of time we've had for a contest before was like 2 weeks. ? I would have preferred to start that one this month, but Halloween was requested a lot to me. Maybe we'll have better participation with a Mando one here soon.
  18. Would really love to see it completed and released anyway, that sounds really cool. Or save it for next year's contest! We will also have more contests throughout the year you can submit that to. Next one will probably be Star Wars-only themed.
  19. Requirements for audio files can be found here:
  20. Contest poll is open! Not many submissions this time, sadly, but the ones that were are great!

  21. Merged the duplicate topics. No need to make more than one. If you ever need a topic moved, simply report it or PM a staff member. I went ahead and moved it to Modding Assistance, where the duplicate was created.
  22. The time has come! Voting for your favorite spooky mod starts now. I'm a little surprised we only got 4 submissions, considering the amount of requests I got from people to do this contest. If y'all don't participate, contests are a lot less likely to happen. Luckily we got a nice variety of types of mods. I highly recommend downloading them and trying them out before making your decision. I know most won't do that, so if any authors of these mods want to update their mod page with more screenshots/gifs/video, feel free to do so. The contestants are:
  23. Yep, sends him to Wayland, but also at the very beginning when Luke is assigning each student to a master, he assigns someone named "Raltharan" to a "Master Horn". I remember someone made a really good Corran Horn skin and made a mod to replace the Jedi Master NPC in the game to be him, so you actually see him in the room when Luke mentions him. It ends up looking goofy later on when you get to Korriban and see multiple of him spawned to help fight the cultists.
  24. Some people have asked for an extension, so y'all have until the EST morning of Monday the 26th. Particularly after I've had some coffee.
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