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69 files

  1. Sith Terminator From Duality

    Created by Gregory A. Birmingham (Manquesa)
    Description: This is a flyable vehicle model of the Sith Terminator ship as seen in the move "Duality"
    Load up any map in cheat mode (type "devmap *mapname*" into the console
    Once the map is loaded, type "/npc spawn vehicle duality_st" into the console
    Or, since this doesn't auto respawn, type "bind z npc spawn vehicle duality_st" into the console
    step back and you'll see the vehicle appear where you were standing
    press the USE key to get in, then pres JUMP to take off, enjoy!
    credits: RaSiN_HeCk -- created the shield display design and the reticle design
    Andy867 -- he introduced me to the Duality movie and was the first to ask me to make the model
    Desostros -- inspired me to finish it (for his project)
    Duncan_10158 -- couldn't have completed this without his vehicle tutorial
    anyone else who helped me
    Special thanks to the makers of the Duality movie, check it out at www.crewoftwo.com


       (1 review)



  2. Episode III LEGO Spaceships

    Model by DarthViper107
    This is a small pack of three Vehicles that I did a while back in Lego form for Jedi Academy.
    Jedi Starfighter (ep3_njs)
    Droid Tri-Fighter (ep3_tri)
    Vulture Droid (ep3_vul)
    They all have their own animations and textures, including some new ship damage screens. They are in individual packs but I think the Vulture Droid one needs explosion files from the Droid Trifighter pack.
    All of these were modeled and made by me, neither the models or the texures were taken from the Lego Star Wars game. I actually modeled the ships and scanned the Lego pieces to make the models.
    To use, start a level in Cheat Mode and then go to the console (Shift+~) and type: npc spawn vehicle <vehiclename>
    For <vehiclename> replace it with ep3_njs for the Jedi Starfighter, ep3_tri for the Droid Tri-Fighter, and ep3_vul for the Vulture Droid.
    The models are a bit large in polygon count, so if you have a slow computer then you might have trouble. But I don't think that should be an issue for anyone anymore. It has had problems with how many weapons are in the system, if you spawn all of them then one of them might not have any weapons working so don't try to install all of them at the same time.


       (1 review)



  3. Battlestar Galactica Vehicle Pack

    This pack contains several vehicles from Battlestar Galactica show. The original series Viper model (referred as mark I in reimagined series) was created by Mars Marshall and was already at filefront, but it lacked appropriate weapon effects and had buggy shader.
    Mark II and mark VII Vipers, raptors and cylon raiders from reimagined series were created by Coxxon and converted to JKA format by me.
    For those who hate spawning in console and want a map with new vehicles, i added one. I edited Kotor flight school final map (FSF), added TFFA and CTF game modes support
    and added the new BSG vehicles.
    YOU HAVE TO get original FSF map for this edited version to work. They both will be playable separately:
    FSF.bsp - original map
    FSF_BSG.bsp - edited map
    If you do not want tons of vehicles that come with original FSF map, just install FSF.pk3 from the map archive and install this BSG pack.


       (3 reviews)



  4. Mark I Vehicle

    Mhmhmhmhm =_,= you fools though I never branched out into the sci-fi, DID YOU?! Yes, I had long ago since created this vehicle ever so long ago. It was a simple project that I had hoped to complete, and to this day it is my true pride and joy. While imperfect when I released it under the moniker of Epsalon to PCgamemods, it has long since been perfected, and now you may enjoy the darkness that I have long since enjoyed. Thank your foolish peers for posting that POTD that reminded me of having this file still in here.


       (1 review)



  5. Republic Gunship VM

    This is of course the Republic Gunship from AOTC. I was able to get the rocket launchers to work, however thats the only supported weapons at this time.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle gunshipx.
    Here are the npc vehicle names for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (3 reviews)



  6. Raven's Claw VM

    :These are models that came from Raven's assets within the game. I simply made them to be usable vehicles. Within this pack you will find the Raven's claw.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle ravensclawvm.
    Here is the npc vehicle name for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (4 reviews)



  7. Zam's Speeder VM

    Zam's air speeder from ATOC. I have added blasters to her speeder, since she had intended to add the weapons before her assasin attempt at Corruscant.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle zamspeeder.
    Here are the npc vehicle names for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (1 review)



  8. Vader's Tie VM

    This model came from Raven's assets within the game. I simply made it a usable vehicle.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle tievadervm.
    Here is the npc vehicle name for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


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  9. Millennium Falcon VM

    These are models that came from Raven's assets within the game. I simply made them to be usable vehicles. Within this pack you will find the Millenium Falcon.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle falconvm.
    Here is the npc vehicle name for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (5 reviews)



  10. Luke's Speeder VM

    This is "Luke's speeder" as seen in a "New Hope".
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle lukespeeder.
    Here are the npc vehicle names for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.
    ***Trouble shoot***
    1) vehicle wont spawn- make sure you have enough space to spawn, make sure you have cheats activated, make sure you use the proper npc name.
    2) vehicle wont take off- You may have spawned the vehicle too close to a wall or rock. This will ancor the vehicle so that it wont move.
    3) The vehicle keeps crashing- Read instructions up above, if you practice youll find that controlling the craft is pretty easy with practice. Big note here, you need a map with alot of room. Also keep from flying to high because the maps will have an invisible ceiling height that will cause you to crash. If you fly to fast into a cliff wall, you will be sent into a spinning crash! The crash detection is very sensative to fast collisions.


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  11. Anakin's Speeder VM

    This is reproduction of the Anakin's Airspeeder from AOTC, allthough the speeder has no weapons, you can use your blaster or saber while driving.
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle aspeedervm.
    Here are the npc vehicle names for this pack...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return). Now you can fly!
    **Now read this part carefully**, or you'll end up crashing into everything before you know it. To lift off you push down the space bar, but dont hold it down too long or youll activate the turbo thrust (this will cause a crash almost always), just lift off a little and tap the forward key a few times. The more times you tap the faster you will go. Use turbo only when you know you have enough space to jet.
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the craft. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle falconvm. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (2 reviews)



  12. Bantha VM

    Bantha 2.0!!! What can I say. I couldnt have done this without "Light Ninja". He is a great animator, I must say he improved the model even more, plus the model sits above ground! Included is a death animation. There is a difference in the mounting procedure... Dont be shocked that when the bantha spawns, you will be inside of him... just back up and jump up on the saddle, and have some fun. Mars out
    For some fun: spawn wampa's next to bantha, they will attack him!
    Special Thanks to: "Light Ninja".... you fixed this beast!!!! Thanks alot man.


       (5 reviews)



  13. Hypostreeds VM

    The Streed or "Hypostreed" is a NeoMarz1 personal creation... It does not exist in the StarWars universe. Actually the creature was designed to be used in my "up and coming" 3D comic Eve!
    Someone had suggested that a horse model would be cool to put in the jedi game, and the Streed seemed to be a good model to import. Light Ninja had suggested that I should do an NPC model (since we both worked on the Bantha).
    I liked the idea of using a Horse like character that could be used to gallop through the narrow halls in a map, especially in a Single Player game! Hopefully someone will make a "Free For All" Map that will host these models
    on spawn points, That would be Great! The Streeds are pretty versatile, and are a blast to use when attacking bots on foot!
    Character Background
    The Hypostreed is an alien horse breed that seemed to have been imported from somewhere in the "outer rim". The Breeds seemed to just pop up in the "Hydian Run" trade route. The unique characteristics of the Streed include
    Gills, long neck, and protruding chin. The Gills are only a secondary breathing apparatus to the primary lung system. It is believed that the Streed is from a planet with a very humid atmosphere. The long neck, and protruding chin
    are a evolutionary tool, that enables them to dig stream bottom vegitation up for consumption. The amazing thing about this animal is that they seem to be very adaptable to various harsh climates.


       (1 review)



  14. Battle Streeds VM

    The Streed or "Hypostreed" is a NeoMarz1 personal creation... It does not exist in the StarWars universe. Actually the creature was designed to be used in my "up and coming" 3D comic Eve!
    Someone had suggested that a horse model would be cool to put in the jedi game, and the Streed seemed to be a good model to import. Light Ninja had suggested that I should do an NPC model (since we both worked on the Bantha).
    I liked the idea of using a Horse like character that could be used to gallop through the narrow halls in a map, especially in a Single Player game! Hopefully someone will make a "Free For All" Map that will host these models
    on spawn points, That would be Great! The Streeds are pretty versatile, and are a blast to use when attacking bots on foot!
    Character Background
    The Hypostreed is an alien horse breed that seemed to have been imported from somewhere in the "outer rim". The Breeds seemed to just pop up in the "Hydian Run" trade route. The unique characteristics of the Streed include
    Gills, long neck, and protruding chin. The Gills are only a secondary breathing apparatus to the primary lung system. It is believed that the Streed is from a planet with a very humid atmosphere. The long neck, and protruding chin
    are a evolutionary tool, that enables them to dig stream bottom vegitation up for consumption. The amazing thing about this animal is that they seem to be very adaptable to various harsh climates.


       (2 reviews)



  15. Viper VM

    : Well many of you may or may have not been around to see the Science Fiction culture that boomed shortly after StarWars. I remember as a kid watching the best special effects to ever hit the television. It was a little show called "Battle Star Galactica". During this era I was just starting out as a kid artist.
    There were only two subjects I entertained as a little scribbler. That was both Star Wars, and Battle Star Galactica. Recently I was trying to come up with something for a project, and I remembered what had inspired me... The Viper, and Raider fighter crafts! I remember having pencil wars with friends, whats a pencil war you ask?
    Back during this time we didnt have the home game systems of today, so we actually used our imaginations. We would hand draw little battle scenes and take turns attacking the other's creation. Well now its a few years over the Millenia, and I decided to revisit an old daydream. Hope you like it. Mars out!
    ******************************READ THIS BEFORE PLAYING***************************************
    1) In order to spawn the craft you need to acivate cheats heres how you do it.
    Singleplayer- Load a level, I suggest the "Trip" levels, the once your in the game make sure you move your character to an area big enough to spawn the craft (big and somewhat flat) hit "shift and tild (~)" to activate the console. Next type "devmapall"...hit enter (cheats are now on)...next type "npc spawn vehicle (vehicle's name)" Example: npc spawn vehicle viper.
    Here are the npc vehicle names for this model...
    cont... close the console by hitting the tild (~) again. Now this is the most important part, move back to allow the ship to spawn, it may need alot of space. Once the ship spawns you simply move up and hit your "USE" key (usually return).
    Multiplayer- To activate cheats, you do thing a little different. activate the console by hitting shift+tild(~). Next type /devmapall "mapname". Example: /devmapall kotor_flight_school. The map will load with cheats activated. Now join the game and find a large area to spawn the viper. Open the console again and type /npc spawn vehicle "vehicle name". Example: /npc spawn vehicle viper. Notice that single player you have to put the "/" slash before the command.
    2) You can only have so many .veh files or the game wont even load a map. So you may have to pull vehicles out in order to use other ones. I think the limit is 12, but I'm not sure. If you happen to have the "Kotor_flight_school" map, then there are already 3 vehicles added to your overall amount. You may want to remove the map, or open the pk3, and remove the vehicles in the "Kotor" files. I like the Kotor map to fly around in, so of course I chose the second option.
    One thing you may want to do is create a folder called "vehicle drop" in your base folder. That way you can shuffle vehicles in or out as needed.


       (2 reviews)

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  16. AT-TE Vehicle from Attack Of The Clones

    An intimidating armored assault vehicle, the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) saw its explosive debut on the battlefields of Geonosis, at the start of the Clone Wars. Specialized Republic drop ships carried the lumbering walker craft into the thick of combat, unleashing them to crawl inexorably toward enemy fortifications.


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  17. Speeder Bike MST

    Author: Monsoontide
    This is a vehicle model like the swoop bike. it can be either spawned by players in game or placed by a mapper in his map. the vehicle is designed for multiplyer.
    If you want to use this vehicle in your new map, you are very welcome - BUT give us credit for the vehicle please!
    The Default skin is by Monsoontide.
    If you wish to re-skin the model, I've included a blank template to work from.
    This vehicle will become part of the Open Jedi Project - so if you feel inclines to improve it look for it there.
    The speeder bike is equipped with a small laser cannon.


       (5 reviews)



  18. Sith Speeder MST

    Author: Monsoontide
    This is a vehicle model like the swoop. it can be either spawned by players in game or placed by a mapper in his map. the vehicle works in single and multiplyer.
    If you want to use this vehicle in your new map, you are very welcome - BUT give us credit for the vehicle please!
    If you wish to re-skin the model, I've included a blank template to work from.


       (2 reviews)



  19. STAP MST

    Author: Monsoontide
    this is a vehicle model like the swoop. it can be either spawned by players in game or placed by a mapper in his map. the vehicle wors in single and multiplyer.
    if you want to use this vehicle in your new map, you are very welcome - BUT give us credit for the vehicle please!


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