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33 files

  1. OpenRP Serverside

    OpenRP is an open-source RP mod. It contains features like accounts, characters, factions, a bounty system, credits, determining which players can have weapons, character bound weapons/an inventory system, character bound modelscale (no more editing a .cfg for modelscales like RP servers had to do in the past with other mods), an extensive admin system that has 10 levels of admin (1 being the highest, with bitvalues to control which level has what abilities), and more.
    See the readme and documentation for more details on specific commands.
    Please ensure you read the installation instructions in the readme.
    The code is licensed under the GNU GPLv2. You can get the code for the mod by cloning: https://github.com/Fighter1/OpenRP.git


       (1 review)

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  2. Opensaber

    Created by Kaldor
    Inspired by Hugo

    Licensed under the GNU GPL version 2
    Note at forehand:
    Find the project on github here: https://github.com/KaldNL/opensaber-JKA
    Place the "opensaber" folder in root directory of the JKA server to run it.
    About the mod:
    This is a specialist mod for some JKA players, specifically Terminative 3. However, by keeping the source public we hope it will help other JKA players just the same. JKA is an old game. Those of us who are dedicated to this game should have the freedom to continue the game's evolution. Opensaber is, and always will be, fully Free and open under the terms of the GNU GPL v2. This means you are free to modify opensaber (and even rebrand it) to fit your server's needs.
    The intention is that the opensaber mod will provide a better experience for the saber system. Hit detection is better, block rates are altered slightly, and some extra (optional) serverside features are available. This mod is not developed by Star Wars fans. The people who are creating this modification are people who have spent years playing basejka in various forms from TFFA (pugging) to CTF (ctfpug). We know how the gameplay works, and we understand its flaws. Think of this mod as JKA's saber-only equivalent to Quake III modifications like CPMA. We also include a setting which can disable dual and staff sabers, meaning you can run a server with standard-saber only.
    The problem in basejka is that people tend to get kills by doing simple tricks. There's nothing wrong with the "exploits", but it detracts from the gameplay when players abuse the same tricks repeatedly. One such example is the extention via running toward the enemy with your back turned. This mod lessens the effect of this by allowing users to parry/block the saber while it is behind you. However, this does NOT mean that this mod will not allow the abuse of the blocking system like other mods do. This way, if you understand how the saber system (read: not OUR saber system, but the game overall) works you'll have an advantage over players who stick to one thing that they happen to be good at. The custom saber settings still maintain the "physics" and "feel" of basejka, but improve them. Skilled players should have absolutely no problem adjusting. If you complain about the blocks being too high on this mod, then it means you're most likely rushing too much and relying on spam. Clean, precise hits will not block at all. Just like on basejka.
    The changes to the sabering makes it so that good habits are rewarded while bad habits are discouraged. Spins or inaccurate wiggles mean that your saber will easily be knocked away. Proper timing (positioning, movement, mouse movement) will be more effective than in basejka. The damage at the very end of the swing is increased, so smooth, well-timed extensions/pokes/wiggles will do more damage. Fanning with yellow is more difficult due to the saber being solid through the entire swing. Yellow requires more accuracy than on base, and spam will be much less effective. Playing effectively on opensaber should help players develop better habits in basejka.
    Before brushing this off as just another JKA mod, please consider a few things. Remember that every player will always have room to improve. Remember that skill means more than winning fights and getting a positive K/D ratio in TFFA. Remember that you may be winning because the other player doesn't know how to counter your tricks; not because you understand the way you play. Finally, remember that nobody is unique in this game. Your "style" is just a slightly different way of doing the typical tactics.
    Thank you for choosing opensaber mod. Hopefully it will make your JKA saber-only experience better.
    --Our configs--
    opensaber.cfg - Main config. Suitable for FFA servers
    duel.cfg - suitable for Duel servers
    duel_singleonly - Single-only Duel server
    tdm.cfg - Standard European TDM PUG config
    1o1.cfg - Standard 1 on 1 config
    --Client Commands--
    manual: List available commands
    uname: Display server's version of opensaber
    about_sabersystem: Explains the reason behind the new saber system
    readlicense: Display brief summary of the mod's license
    contactinfo: Contact info for the developer(s)
    date: Show what time it is in the server's location
    t3settings: Standard player settings used in T3
    credits: Who did what for opensaber
    --Server Commands--
    g_SingleSaberOnly: Kick dual/staff users
    d_SaberSPStyleDamage: Alter the saber system. 1 = Regular basejka, 0 = Touch damage and higher blocking with lower damage
    d_SaberInterpolate: Lowers the damage and makes blocking more accurate. Warning; it causes ghosting
    g_allowBlackNames: Enable/disable the use of ^0black names
    g_allowMultipleDuels: Enable/disable the ability to have more than one duel at a time
    g_duelHealthRestore: Enable/disable HP reset for dueling in FFA
    g_duelShieldRestoreLevel: The amount of armour that is given in a duel
    This modification is not being developed anymore.


       (3 reviews)



  3. SerenityJediEngine2018-Final+SDK

    The final release of the Advanced edition contains everything from the original Serenity Jedi Engine.
    This is the final Official stable release of the Advanced edition of the Serenity Jedi Engine.
    Now full y debugged 99.9999999% of all bugs fixed, including the ones causing crashes when playing in outcast mode.
    Contains all the extra animations like manual dodge ,manual melee block, grapple hook and the extra melee slap, roundhouse, leg sweep etc.
    Fully tested on Debug using visual studio 2015 for over 1 hour in mp and 10 maps completed in sp .
    I did not play full Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast when testing I just selected 5 missions from each game mode.
    good luck, have fun and may the force be with you.
    Jace solaris


       (6 reviews)




    A simple patch for /team follow1 infinite loop.
    The following commands will become unavailable with this patch:
    - team follow1
    - team follow2
    - team scoreboard
    - team score
    * jampgamex86.dll *
    Offset Original Patched
    0005AFB1 68 E9
    0005AFB2 C4 7F
    0005AFB3 C5 00
    0005AFB4 11 00
    0005AFB5 20 00
    * jampgamei386.so *
    Offset Original Patched
    0019F403 68 E9
    0019F404 E0 B0
    0019F405 0D 00
    0019F406 1E 00
    0019F90C F3 A8
    0019F90D FA FB
    Note: This is a patch for JA+ 2.4 Build 7. Mac not supported. If you have JASS installed then you may not have a need for this.
    Installation: Copy jampgamei386.so & jampgamex86.pk3 to your japlus folder


       (1 review)



  5. UNOFFICIAL Patch for JA 1.01 Dedicated Servers

    linuxjampded and jampDed.exe patched by slider using the FIX patch released by Luigi Auriemma
    This patch corrects the large UDP server overflow exploit that can crash Jedi academy servers.
    jampDed.exe is the FIXED raven dedicated server for JEdi academy 1.01
    For LINUX
    linuxjampded is the FIXED raven dedicated server for JEdi academy 1.01
    just replace linuxjampded or jampDed.exe in your jedi academy game by the files provided here


       (0 reviews)



  6. Zyk OpenJK Mod

    The current version of Zyk OpenJK Mod (v3.81).
    This is a RPG Mod with levels, skills, quests, a racing mode, admin commands, and more.
    Levels and quests
    Players can get levels and money by defeating other players or npcs. They can upgrade skills, buy upgrades, and play quests, which can give magic powers.
    Boss battles
    Players will face bosses in quests. They can use magic powers against the players.
    Players can choose between 10 classes. All of them have unique abilities, pros and cons.
    The racing mode is played in t2_trip (with swoops) or t3_stamp (with tauntauns) map, and the winner receives a prize.
    CTF support in SP maps
    Some Single player maps have support to CTF in Multiplayer.
    Saber cvars for private duels
    There are cvars to set saber damage and blocks/parries in private duels.
    Entity/Building system
    Allows to add, edit, remove and list entities in a map. It also allows to save them.
    Remapping shaders
    It is also possible to remap shaders and save the remaps.
    Duel Tournament
    Players can join a championship in FFA gametype, in which they have to win duels against the other players to get score. The player with highest score at the end of tournament wins a prize.
    Sniper Battle
    Players can fight in a last man standing mode with disruptor rifle. The winner gets a prize.
    Custom Quests
    It is possible for admins to create quests for players.
    You can see more info about the mod in the README.txt file.
    You can see info about the installation, commands and other features in the documentation files.
    Feel free to give suggestions to improve the mod!


       (23 reviews)



  7. Zyk OpenJK Mod

    There is a new version of the mod available here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2306-zyk-openjk-mod/
    The new version of Zyk OpenJK Mod, with many changes and some bug fixes.
    This is a RPG mod, with level system, credits, quests, admin commands, and more.
    You can see more info about the mod and installation instructions in the README.txt file.
    You can see info about the console commands and features in the Documentation.txt file.


       (3 reviews)



  8. Zyk OpenJK Mod

    There is a new version of the mod available here: https://jkhub.org/files/file/2306-zyk-openjk-mod/
    This is a RPG mod, with level system, credits, quests, admin commands, and more.
    You can see more info about the mod and installation instructions in the README.txt file.
    You can see info about the console commands and features in the Documentation.txt file.


       (5 reviews)



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