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Everything posted by CansecoDev

  1. How can a texture from a patch be scaled in GTK Radiant 1.4? The Surface Inspector doesn't seems to work
  2. I'm pretty sure those should work just fine with JK2MV
  3. That lock, just wow. This map has a Dark Forces II MP map vibe on it.
  4. Which keyboard layout do you use? This may be useful/related: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK/issues/866
  5. Holy ship, this looks really great, downloading
  6. Hey @@Blackwyrm^Heart happy to read that, I can't wait to see those changes, but I wonder if you are planning to make a release at JKHub files, Dropbox downloads are really slow (at least for me) ~30kbs
  7. Imperial fans like me are really happy nowadays, good work.
  8. @@DarthNormaN The interior of the Starkiller base would be perfect for any kind of match; ffa, duel, team, ctf and even siege.
  9. Magec's rancor? I have not seen that in years. We (at Cjs) used that in a never released (now I believe lost) early version of Cjs_CoulcilV2, with a huuuuuuge scaled model of the rancor where you actually could get into the rancor's guts. Do you have that map by any chance? Or the (also I believe lost) Cjs_BespinV2? I remember that rancor with a basket on the mouth in that map.
  10. I have been looking for this HUD for so long... At least! We meet again.
  11. Good stuff right there
  12. Danm you! I just lost The Game... Outstanding piece of work MUG! OUTSTANDING!
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