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Everything posted by CansecoDev

  1. Jan Ors without the googles I may try to to that, should be easy.
  2. Sorry if this sound dumb, I'm no expert on mapping, just a bit imaginative, but this may be an idea to use as workaround. With the misc_portal_camera outside facing the exterior, an skybox of the interior of the ship on the outside, and a misc_portal_surface linked to the misc_portal_camera facing the outside, you may achieve this. Concept: This may works The hard part may be that skybox of the interior...
  3. CansecoDev


    I just downloaded it
  4. I see, it's like the train level illusion for the non playable (outside) area, I wish you the better with the func_moving stuff, on my head that sounds like a nightmare work to do, an entire level with func_moving parts
  5. The falling ship level is something I always wondered when I look at this mod, how can that be done on this engine? I can't just imagine.
  6. It is more likely dead, since no old Cjs players still play the game, but its on our hearts. So it's alive... somehow. Btw, we loved to play expedition back in the day. Nope creo que soy el último Cjs que aún tiene en mente hacer cosas como clan, pero siendo el último, poco se puede hacer...
  7. I have no questions about JK code for you Michael, I'm sure there is people on this community that can ask a lot about that... but I want to thanks you (and everyone involved at Raven) for the best saber combat system ever made on a Star Wars video game. I really thanks you.
  8. From now to forever, I'm seeding that torrent on my personal server and made a backup on my home storage. A also have another backup of jk3files but is 43GB, I suposse something was missing there.
  9. I made this replace to all the shaders: rgbGen lightingDiffuse --> rgbGen identity 590 Edits in total Result: Looks like this works, any possible side effects?
  10. I always saw this models and a few others with black shaders like this: As you can see the X-Wing and that boxes have black shaders. Is there any fix for this?
  11. Did not work on ja++
  12. How can i import an MD3? Nevermind, i found a way, first, export to GLM with this: http://jkhub.org/files/file/3-mr-wonkos-md3view/ Then import with the GLM importer
  13. I see fully working binaries of x64 linux at http://builds.openjk.org/ so I decided to stop this automated daily builds, but if someone for any reason wants to download some previous version of the binaries, there is a link with the archived binaries compiled here. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-kXTiDu0alySTZtbmFnRHhibjA&usp=sharing#list This backup belongs between 12 May 2014 and 10 September 2014 and the date format is; openjk-year-month-day-hour-minute-linux.zip E: Sorry for the bump, I must announce.
  14. Hello mates, I recently done my own "buildbot" for keep updated my server, It makes a build everyday at 5:01 GMT+1, but sometimes I force the build when I see some fix or feature that I want to test from OpenJK. So, just for sharing I only added some lines to my script and this Directory Lister, I hope you find it useful. The compiling process has based on the guide from GitHub by JACoders. -> Daily Builds -> Latest Build Anyways, if you only wants to keep updated your server or something like that, you can use: wget http://c4n.eu/blasster/openjk/builds/l64/daily/openjk-latest-linux.zipI made this from scratch so, if someone wants to make their own, and do not know how, just tell me and I'll create a tutorial when I have some time free.
  15. This map has been copied accidentally or something here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/337-water-metropolis/
  16. Why this map has a zip inside called jeditemple.zip (that contains a map called jeditemple.bsp) with this map: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1281-the-forgotten-temple/
  17. CansecoDev


    File broken =( Edit: fixed.
  18. CansecoDev

    Korriban Arena

    File broken =( Edit: Fixed, thanks Circa
  19. I remember this, the icon shader was really interesting.
  20. int ufix; // Ugle Fix .. .. .. // Fix for the new weapons. If anybody has a better idea, I will accept. if (num == WP_REPEATER) { if(cg.weaponSelect == WP_BURST_REPEATER) { num = WP_REPEATER; ufix = 0; } else { num = WP_BURST_REPEATER; ufix = 1; } } if (num >= WP_BURST_REPEATER) { if (ufix == 1) { // Do nothing } else { num += 1; // Add one per new weapon } } I fixed this using this code, THANKS @@Scooper, really.
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