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Status Updates posted by Stoiss

  1. Do we know anyone in here who can do animations ?? i need some help with some anim stuff only 2

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Stoiss


      yeah sorry about that with the info. OJP have 2 saber knock away anim there has been remarked to do parry animation instead. i need that animation for my manual block system but the anim has a flip back when it is in the parry it hop back up and the saber is in min air at the last frame i need that frame to be gone. and then have does 2 animation merge over to the anim files i use

    3. Archangel35757


      you still have not provided the animation names from the animation cfg file... so we can see the anims play in ModView.

    4. Stoiss




      in OPJ-E animation.cfg

  2. I think i maked something good here ? its not done in OpenJK at all.

    1. eezstreet


      It looks similar to the saber system I made for JKG, but more twitchy. Not bad.

    2. Stoiss


      well this system is ofc based on from OJPs 1.3 system. ported in to a new source code and then cleaned up with

      no mishaps, no dodge/block points, no fake attack, no force use and thean a lot of tweaking in the codes to make it do what it does here after. it is based on pure open spot when you swings or don't parry, and parry the wrong way.

  3. If any of you guys get the chance to try HTC vive VR out or byy a set of it DO IT! Its fucking awesome just got a my own set my self :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scooper


      htc vive is better than oculus rift right now. Because oculus rift doesn't have the motion-tracked controllers yet.

      Source: I have tried Oculus Dk1, Dk2, Release version. HTC Vive developer version and HTC Vive released version.


      Not a whole lot of quality content for either of them yet.

    3. Stoiss


      naah there is not that much stuff out for it yet :) but those games there are atm is really nice to play around with for sure :)

    4. Smoo


      I got oculus rift DK2 it just as awesome

  4. so this is my first post ever in my profil ever.. so the new star wars mivie is out. I've seeing it now. and with out say to much. go to the cinema and see it.

    1. eezstreet


      How good is it on this scale:


      AoTC, Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back?

      Where AOTC is the worst and Empire Strikes Back is the best?

    2. Stoiss


      To say this much.. its a lot better then eps 1, 2, 3, 4, i will compare it with eps 5 and 6 with better dialog and better fight screens, the story telling is awesome and when you find out who kylo ren is man this was a stunning moment :D

    3. Daedra


      that and the final moment of the movie is amazing

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