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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Either that, or make a non-canon story about some other Jedi, or like an alternate universe!
  2. maybe so, but I was thinking of something with more...consistency? not exactly - you're not killing the whole order
  3. Well, you can try the cheaper variant like buying a mannequin and a good Vader costume...
  4. To play as a darksider who attacks a Jedi temple and kills off all the Jedi! Come on, it's a perfect idea! We've seen Anakin do it to the Jedi in RotS, Revan do it to the Sith in KOTOR1, the Exile do it to the Sith in KOTOR2, and Kylo Ren do it to Luke's Jedi in the TFA novel (I think it was in the novel). There's probably a whole bunch of other examples, but anyway. Why a darksider is because Jedi sacking Sith temples is boring, old, and overdone! Sure, one can load a temple-type map, place a whole bunch of Jedi npcs and set team enemy, but that's boring - we need triggers, scrips, dialogs, and stuff! So, who's with me on this???!!!
  5. What I think is that we need to launch some kind of petition to make KOTOR canon, but have them put it not 4000 years in the past, but 400 (because technology-wise, KOTOR wasn't that ancient anyway), and fuck TOR, it was a fucking cash-grab that messed everyhing up
  6. Question is - what's the purpose? Just some house decoration? Wouldn't it be cooler to buy two life-sized Vader statues and put them at the sides of your room door as though they're guarding it? The model does look cool though But whatever makes you happy, I think. Long as you have the money
  7. Someone actually made the 'proper' kotor sabers (Bastila's, Malak's, Revan's, Freedon Nadd's) that didn't use the kotor models. Someone also made Juhani's and Jolee's sabers. The first four can be found at mrwonko's, the last two are in a Kotor Pack on moddb
  8. Ugh, yes, sorry, I was very tired at that time (it was 4 am for me) so I forgot to mention that it didn't fix the RGB sabers issue. The error was fixed though
  9. I don't think it's possible due to engine constrictions, but since JA++, OpenJK, etc. expand (or use up) the engine's features, it might be possible. You sould ask @@Raz0r or @@ensiform
  10. Really? Ah, then I need to download the newest version I wasn't aware it was still updated.
  11. so um, any release yet? UPDATE: Er...sorry, found the link. Never mind.
  12. Eh, what can you do? Apparently, that's why vehicles need an overhaul
  13. There's the Tauntaun (yes, it's a vehicle) on Hoth, the swoop bike on some planet that has Korriban statues (the guys at Raven were lazy I guess), the AT-ST on that imperial level with Rax Joris, and...I think that's it...unless you count the E-Web Turrets available on Vjun and a bunch of other maps... Oh yeah, and there are the Tie-fighters/ bombers at Byss, though you can't control them...
  14. no way, I downloaded the latest JA++ version
  15. Ok, so I created a desktop shortcut for OpenJK, added the +set fs_game "japlus" to the target box, but when I tried launching the game, I got an error reading: And here's what the crashlog reads: So apparently it's something with UI_API_VERSION or the SDL audio device. Based on what you wrote here, I should try deleting .dll's and openjk.pk3. I'll go with deleting openjk.pk3 first, then I'll start deleting .dll's - HEADS WILL ROLL!!! Just a little joke. If none of these work, I guess I'll try reinstalling OpenJK. Will update you's as it goes. Nope, didn't work. My "Documents" folder had no .dll's, so I deleted openjk.pk3 and openjk86.dll in the "Gamedata" folder, but still no juice. Guess I'll have to do a clean reinstall...
  16. @@dark_apprentice already made him, though he doesn't want to release it for some reason
  17. D:\JKA\GameData\jamp.exe +set fs_game "japlus"
  18. these vehicles still work better than the vanilla JKA vehicles it doesn't open for me
  19. ok, so how do I use it then? I made the shortcut, but I guess it only shortcuts to JA++ without the OpenJK
  20. but why? I have openjk installed also, if that's not the reason, what is?
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