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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I doubt she'd look better in JA than on the picture (since the Quake engine is kinda outdated), but it's a welcome idea nonetheless
  2. so what, you converted these maps to MP?
  3. but wasn't he like...defeated, but the Jedi Exiles (the first non-Sith Sith-Lords)?
  4. sounds simply simple - just take that TOR Sith skin and give him a Sith head it's called 'frankensteining', I belive?
  5. He is Sith? I thought he was like neutral...
  6. which one? there's like three types of Maul in tcw - one with spider legs and bandages, one with fancy biped cybernetics and horns, and one looking 'civilized'
  7. screw TOR, Karpyshin's novel and TOR were a total mess and disappointment! besides, her 'white' appearance was probably a 'ghost' effect
  8. Speaking of which, could you also add this head to the standard K2 jedi robe? It's from a mod, the Exile's canon appearance (basically a retexture of one of the vanilla heads)
  9. but shouldn't those two side-belts (pant holders?) be closer to his legs?
  10. There is an old jedi_hm expansion pack that add a number of outfits, including K1 robes, though those are just retextures, and are of pretty low quality. Sadly, that's all I know.
  11. ...and who'd want a stake after that? © Still, pretty cool
  12. this outfit is actually cooler than the one in the movies
  13. can't see the image, nor could i find it at mr.wonko's
  14. so they're standalone but don't spawn in game?
  15. Well, in the old canon, the Temple's been sacked in the past, and that never stopped anyone. However, since we're talking about the new canon, you might be right, the Temple has been profaned, even if people change their sentiment about the Jedi. Well, they don't have to necessarily die, don't you think? They could just end up stranded on some far away planet, or something. But anyway, we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.
  16. But in the old canon, Luke's Order was way different from the old Order, in fact, the Exile's re-establishment of the Order was way more accurate (though that was probably either unintentional, or retcone). Besides, from TFA we already got the idea that he failed in re-establishing the Order and went all depressed and fled to Ireland Back on the subject though, I really hope it won't be one of those "they all die in a big explosion" endings. That'd be just pathetic, for a number of reasons! But for now... Fun fact #953090602: The guy above is/ was voiced by Mark Hamill
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