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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. hmm, I think I once saw a similar hilt in some pack at mrwonko's...or was that just some TOR art...
  2. что-то я не помню города лягушек там... but there was a 'Padme' that you had to save
  3. well yeah, I know about frankensteining, just didn't get the Dr. bit
  4. Is this still alive? If so, I've come across SWG for JA on moddb, and there were some really nice character customization options. If this is dead, can you at least release those?
  5. how's that again? and an offtopic: My sentiment exactly. Can anyone enlighten me about what makes this character so great? He seems quite popular...
  6. Apparently, some kind of Reborn Boss/ Reborn New mashup And some kind of twi'lek reskin someone was doing on back on jk3files... (can't insert picture for some reason) http://s4.photobucket.com/user/Dropkick60606/media/March06/twilek92_wip02.jpg.html
  7. Yeah, so that game was not all it was cracked up to be, but it still had its moments. Someone already made an Emperor Doviculus a long time ago, but I was thinking about the humans' and the Black Tears' models. Anyone game?
  8. Ok, so what I would like to request is - can anyone add a shoulderpad to this Zabrak torso? I was thinking either Kyle's, or the Twi'lek's golden/ black shoulderpad, whichever you consider looks better. Thanks in advance!
  9. well, you can still throw your lightsaber at them and harm or even kill them that way...or have you allies kill them in any way they can. also, this topic reminded me of a PoTD from JK3files where Kyle and a Reborn were Force Gripping each other and neither wanted to let go. such a shame I can't find it anywhere
  10. ugh, what is it with everyone trying to protect kids from trauma? see, that's what's wrong with them these days - kids don't get enough trauma! we grew up with all the drama and traumatic experiences, and we're ok...in the very words of Hentry Rollins "why are all these rock bands so nice now?" (this one refers to you specifically, since you're a rock fan/ musician, though I'm not really pointing a finger) anyway, back to the topic. have you tried removing the blood mods? I saw some mods on here that allowed dismemberment without blood, but they didn't work when I tried testing them. also, when I was trying to install JA++, I removed one of the pre-installed JA+ files and it somehow gave me dismemberment in JAMP; don't know how it happened but it happened. sorry if I can't help with anything else though.
  11. Ahaha, I think I remember that one! It was in Lady Jedi, right? Which reminded me:
  12. how long ago was that? besides, 13 y.o's don't play JKA, they're too into CoD and whatever else that's popular these days
  13. Hey, @@Jeff, is it true you released a 7th Sister?
  14. ahah, and here I was thinking the animation in Rebels was better than in TCW well, ok, FPJ then
  15. wut? oh my let me correct that all done
  16. Holy sith, dude, that's awesome!!! A small detail - Maul has different gloves, and I think his 'boots' were also black Either way - where can I get it??!
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