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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. I don't know...I always thought this design was uncomfortable (only useable with Makashi because the hand-guard was like that of a simple saber), and while I do like the saber+blaster bit, I think they could have made it somehow better...but that's just me
  2. I don't know, they usually work for me no problem (in fact, it's some of the other characters in the pack that have this glitch). There is also Starkiller in Jedi Adventurer Robes that *sometimes* had this glitch. And yeah, nobody seems to have made the K2 Sith Lord(s)
  3. The only place I can remember to get these guys is this pack. It also has two additional textures. But of course, it's a port.
  4. So anyway, can someone do it? I must admit, I got hooked by the idea - Padme in a black shirt, with glowing yellow eyes, with maul-like robotic legs, the Dark Side, and a lightsaber (or two) - what's not to love?
  5. well, you can always pull the files out of the MB archives, and assign them to replace one of the vanilla game's weapons...
  6. probably because she can't use the force, and because she's a boring politician from the prequel trilogy (don't get me wrong, I don't hate the prequels (I'm neutral), and I think this was one of Portman's best roles (can't really stand her in other movies for some reason) - but it's all just a hunch)
  7. well, one could take a pre-made Padme and reskin her clothes into black, give her force powers and a lightsaber, but that'll be boring
  8. there was a mod that replaced the vanilla blasters with KOTOR blasters on moddb, but that's all I know
  9. I don't see why this is a stupid request...there have been skins of famous actors or characters (like you already mentioned - Chuck Norris), so nothing stupid about it. Louis de Funes was a great actor!
  10. the rain makes it difficult to make out the outfits also, these guys look like cyber-nazi-ninjas
  11. didn't notice the floating trees but came across the invisible wall as well otherwise, the map is good, if a bit confusing
  12. add bot support, why don't you??!! also, I'm getting missing textures (bedsheet, walls, lightswitches, etc.), and the disk and tabletop-game boxes have reversed textures for some reason...
  13. Ew, that droid... Well, there's the Imperial Protocol Droid in the vanilla game, basically the black 3PO but with a different head (you can find him on Tattooine (Tuskens map), on Corellia (tram map), as well as various 'imperial' maps). Only thing I can think of is probably making the skin a brighter shade of black, maybe coal-gray, or bluish gray?
  14. why is the torso darker? also, can anyone fix the black armpits already? they don't look good at all, I'm surprised Raven or LucasArts never bothered fixing 'em
  15. the_raven

    Duel ATAT Bay

    but, but...there's only one @-@! still, I like the map, but I'm getting missing textures (ceiling, at-at interior (except for the cockpit, that has proper textures))
  16. the only female Imperial Knight that I'm aware of didn't look like this, but @@Jeff might help you also, check out these threads: onetwo
  17. the_raven

    Yavin Dusk

    so, it's just a 'yard' map? judging by the screen, it's ok (if not a bit empty), though that's just by the screen
  18. I don't know much about blender, but back from when I tried making a saber, I remember that the hilt has two markers, one for where the character will hold it, and the second, for the emitter (literally, for where the blade comes out from). Now it's just a hunch, but you could try turning the model (and the second marker) upside down, alternatively, remaking the model from scratch, placing the emitter in the back, and reversing the second marker. Oh yeah, and you'll want to contact the mod author if you want to change it...
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