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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Obi-Wan was a playa! Satine, Siri, that bat-like queen from TCW, Ventress...Anakin... (and I think there were others as well!)
  2. um, who? jk, I already understood who she is from reading the comments
  3. ...then make the appropriate folders, stick your audio files into those folders, make a .pk3 archive and stick it into your base folder
  4. @@AuriusPheonix pretty neat, though the Rosh in the original picture had some kind of combat boots, not shoes with ankle armor, but oh well ooh! and once you're done with Jaden, you should totally make him into a SP race!
  5. But how do you know people are gonna use 'em or not? Maybe they won't use 'em right away, but eventually they might. I, for one, was looking forward to Darth Padme, as silly as it was, but nobody bothered to make it in the end At the same time, if we're requesting models, it's not just for us, it's for the whole community (since they're freely available to download). You could remove all these topics and open one where we'd vote for the ones we like/ want the most and only get the most popular.
  6. why is everyone so obsessed with giant armor parts?
  7. ok, so we need a shader with an appropriate code maybe get him a setting to "playermodel maul\ obi-wan" and "playerteam enemy" + "saber maul\ obi-wan" and something to refill his health and "playerteam player/ neutral" after he is 'killed'? I think it's a fairly simple code to have, all you need is the model. something like (and I do apologize for the lack of programming knowledge): or some such thing...turbo pascal ftw! ugh! I flunk IT class at school!
  8. aye, I knew someone will write something like this the scar should be somewhere on his jaw or cheeks, since in the novels, he only noticed it missing when he was shaving (I thin, don't remember)(though that's not necessarily the location of course) well, he WAS guided by the Force...though I do love that hilt personally, feels canon and natural, albeit a bit too messy...vanilla hilt #1 (whatever it's called) is Kyle's hilt from JK1 I think
  9. forget your interests, imagine how many people you'd make happy by giving them a new map to play on
  10. The shoulder pad could have a color shader for team skins or single-player (though I'd get rid of the cape\ back flap) Any takers?
  11. Hmm, that's odd - the wookiee page states that in Crosscurrent he's got brown hair. Did he dye his hair or something? I mean, I know he ended up in a body of his clone's, but should a clone technically have the same hair color? Despite their differences? BTW, the wookiee page also states two more things of Jaden: 1) He's supposed to have a scar on his face (which he noticed missing therefore understanding he wasn't in his own body) 2) He was born in 1 aby, and in 14 aby, he constructed the saber and got taken in by the Jedi, so in the game he's supposed to be 13, but he's kinda too tall for a 13 y.o., wouldn't you's agree? Eh, if only the authors of all these spin-off novels bothered to play the original games...
  12. Well, not exactly make, but rather convert. Here's my idea - you start vjun3 in a hole, then you jump out of it into some kind of lobby. That's the part I want converted. The doors should be closed;The central elevator platform is optional;The hole where you start the level should...well, leveled.This is the part of the level I'm talking about - the one through the doors obviously (sorry for the bad screen, it's the only one I could find on the 'net because I haven't got the game installed right now)
  13. well, he should have looked older (since the novels take place after JA), but the face looks completely different and the hair is blond for some reason...
  14. except this head doesn't much look like Jaden...
  15. It can be done if you have a good coder (after all, there were mods that altered the menu's in ways you'd think were impossible), but I think it's time-consuming and not really worth it since most people use full-body models to play and not the character-creation ones. You know? The supply wouldn't justify the demand, or something like that...
  16. eh, when I was bored I playermodel'd myself into a protocol droid and noticed that the arms don't even move! so we need a protocol droid animations overhaul, so that they'd animate properly with guns and sabers (by properly I mean like they would in the movies, not like non-droids would)
  17. Ja, you need to edit the npc file's agility, movement, intelligence etc. variables, also change their class variable from stormtrooper/ rebel/ whatever to something else. I recommend looking at the JO npc files for reference because they were way smarter in JO - they ran around, tried to dogde your attacks, etc. It's fairly simple to do, I actually did it once a long time ago with the Stormtroopers by giving them Cultist class, but then I figured it was silly since non-force-users had Force Jump and jumped around, dodging your attacks like Cultists and Reborns, and resisted Force Grip, Mind Trick, and Push. Now, while I can agree that some of the bounty hunters could be quite agile, the Stormtroopers - in their bulky plastic armor would not be able to jump around like that, not to mention resist force powers. But if that would work for you, go ahead! If anything, it's good for teh lulz
  18. there was a 'future' Jaden SP pack somewhere on here (or two), but they're lo-quality
  19. never really understood why Lego games and cartoons are so popular these days, but whatever works for you
  20. damn this is an old map! I remember seeing it back when jk3files was still on! unless I'm mistaking, there were no botroutes, right?
  21. Didn't @@dark_apprentice release a Felucian Shaaki Ti model with one of his packs? That's right, he did! Though you're probably looking for a more 'detailed' version?
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