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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. Wow, someone actually uploaded it here! Speaking of NDG, did anyone ever upload Communication Force?
  2. Um, to my mind, it doesn't really look that well, but that's just my opinion. I mean,. the mushroom-cloud is a good idea, but the the colors/ lights, they're just something else...
  3. The port pack from moddb has his head available as a character customization, but no body though.
  4. I knew that article on the news site was BS!
  5. I think someone already made this guy. Check the threads in this section.
  6. dat trailer thought! but what did they do to Sabine's hair?!?!?!?! :o also, Ezra looks strange with that 'licked' cut oooh! and there's Dash Rendar's ship!! BTW! Anyone know why Hondo ditched his pirate coat?
  7. he kinda reminds me of the Prince from PoP: Warrior Within
  8. People constantly request the same things like Starkiller's lightsaber, or Ahsoka's lighsaber, or Barris Ofee, or Anakin, or Obi-Wan, which leaves me with the following question: Y U NO request original stuff???!?!
  9. all I can say though, is that I'm annoyed they're finishing filming this year, but will show the movie next year
  10. I don't know if it exists, but it shouldn't be too hard - just apply the rgb shader to the jetpack. At least, that's how I think it is, I could be wrong of course.
  11. Well, I like it! If only the flap shader worked
  12. I especially like the humming(?) background sound - would be great for some psychological thriller/ horror with drug addiction elements
  13. I first thought it was a cross between Lo Wang and some Fallen character
  14. I like how the tip of the green blade looks veridian, and the yellow blade looks like in Kotor
  15. Rebel Scum! © Stormtrooper
  16. I for one, am tired of all these LEGO games. Sure, when we were kids, it was something everyone wanted, but nowadays, there' just way too many. I am curious as to any new titles, not LEGO, BF, or TOR.
  17. It kinda makes me wonder - someone wrote somewhere on here that that they canceled the old canon because it was too messed up, but how is that possible it there was a whole department at lucasarts that made sure canon was kept in order? It's just an offtopic thought obviously.
  18. But then they'd have to make Karpyshin's horrible novel, and the KOTOR games canon as well, as well as a whole bunch of related content (comics, books), and that would mess up some of the already established new canon (namely, the Malachor story as seen in Rebels). Now I'd wanna see KOTOR become canon, but not TOR (or anything related to it). TOR is crap! They didn't cancel TOR because they already wasted tons of mula on it, and now that it's not canon, they can continue expanding upon it with lame ideas such as that 'benevolent' empire with the twin sons and their sith emperor father. I mean, talk about messing up canon history that states that the Republic stood uninterrupted (attacked but uninterrupted) for thousands upon thousands of years!
  19. Never much liked this particular map, so new theme, or old theme, as long as it's Ord Mantell, I don't much like it. Though I do have to admit, it's an improvement.
  20. cool screenshot by the way I think I saw some old mods that featured an actual disk-blade weapon, but I'm not sure. Also, I'm not sure if the authors would reply if there really is a diskblade somewhere and you'd want to use it.
  21. Hory pieces of cow! © A bit late though
  22. He could have backstabbed him literally, but its the wound (i.e. bloodloss) that killed him in the end Um, if you're referring to The Old Republic - it isn't.
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