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Everything posted by the_raven

  1. reminds me of Trek's Vulcans as well as some other characters from other 'universes' (can't remember right now though)
  2. we should actually release a mod that'd do this for all cultists/ reborn/ jedi in the game
  3. the what mod again? it's not surprising, mapping in Radiant is a pain in the back
  4. While you do make a good point, I still tend to disagree. See, the Jedi are taught to block their emotions, but it's still a difficult thing to master, so they're still susceptible (think Obi-Wan in tPM when Maul killed Qui Gon, Obi-Wan got pissed and almost fell down the shaft; same thing for Luke on Deathstar2 when he got provoked, and his anger helped him beat Vader; there were plenty of such examples in the EU in fact). And you yourself mentioned Luminara, who was a Jedi Master! Also, if we talk of the aforementioned 'disturbance in the force', it only makes sense why Jedi prefer not to get involved in wars, and instead opt for peace-keeping - because the disturbance clouds their senses, maaan!... It's true that the Sith have difficulty accepting their mortality, but that's because they're taught to be ambitious and are promised great power. But they're still taught to feed on pain and suffering to become stronger. And if one of their own dies? Serves 'em right, they were weak! It's a kind of egocentrical hypocrisy that turns 'em into cold-blooded survivors. But it is what it is. The example you gave with Maul is understandable - Sidious took away his childhood, his identity, exposed him to so much pain, and then tossed him aside, and just as Maul reconnected with his family, Sidious took it away once more. In a way, Maul 'became soft', not to mention, he never did complete his training, and after that duel on Malachor, he was also an exile. The Kothos twins, on the other hand, weren't Sith to begin with - they were darksiders, but not Sith - so, it's understandable why one'd get distracted by the death of the other (though I didn't notice it).
  5. yes! thanks a bunch! you and me both at least, before watching the deleted scenes well, I though about it, but figured no one was gonna make it anyway (since there've been dozens of cool suggestions that people really liked but didn't bother to do for different reasons) besides, someone already made a robed/ poncho'd clone I think...
  6. so what's the animation exactly? the bowing, the saber spinning?
  7. hmm, was there, by any chance, a deleted scene in RotS? if so, then that's where I probably saw it
  8. Well, it would make sense for the stormies. Kyle, on the other hand, wouldn't turn crazy because he's a Jedi Master AND has experience as a soldier and mercenary
  9. this reminded me of Counter Strike, though I have to agree, it has something of Vice City as well
  10. Either that, or his ancestors from the Mandalorian Wars just agreed to join the Mando's (neither fighting to the death nor becoming slaves) and he was just born a Mando, but oh well, Zabraks and Mando armor are cool either way
  11. When the Jedi fight darksiders (the Reborn, Cultists, others), and one of them dies, they don't get distracted. Now see, the Sith are taught to feed on pain and suffering, either their own, or of others, but for the Jedi, this is different; to them, when someone dies, the Force is 'disturbed', and they get distracted, and then it's easier to kill them. The only exceptions are the exceptional individuals such as the Jedi Exile, who being a wound in the Force, is used to feeding on pain and death, albeit involuntarily; or the Jedi Masters, who learn to block such distractions; or just random padawans/ knights, because the plot demands it. So why don't the Jedi in JK games become weaker when one of their own dies? Sure, it's not coded, but it would make sense, don't you think?
  12. Help me remember where it was that clone troopers stationed at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant masqueraded as Jedi during Order 66? I remember there were some in Lego Star Wars, but there was some other game or cartoon as well, I just can't put my finger on it...Was it in the 2003 Clone Wars? Was it in one of those Ep3 themed games? I don't remember
  13. Very nice. Except the Zabrak hate the Mandos for invading their colonies during the Mandalorian Wars
  14. some pics would be nice, but that's just my opinion
  15. I knew I saw a different one out there as well! This one is more along the lines of what you're looking for, though it's still not it... That's all I could find
  16. er...someone made a 'killable' Boba Fett a long time ago, but they basically replaced his class from Boba Fett to Rocketrooper
  17. I don't like the idiotic smile they gave him, even if it is mischievous... still, the original outfit is reminiscent of the Sith outfits from the pre-Kotor era, and that's always cool
  18. hmm, I'd make 'her' skinnier, since men are generally bulkier than women, and the outfit itself is also bulky
  19. heh, the reason I don't like such shows...they're just full of bush-pianos
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